IndexedDB and Push Notifications in Progressive Web Apps

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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IndexedDB and Push Notifications in Progressive Web AppsAdegoke Obasa

What you’ll learn - IndexedDB

Create an indexed database.

Create object stores.

Store data in the object stores.

Retrieve data from the object stores.

Update and delete data from the object stores.

What you’ll learn - Push Notifications

How to set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) account

Techniques for requesting GCM to send a notification to a web client

Notification display

Notification click handling

What you’ll need

Chrome 42 or above

A basic understanding of git, and Chrome DevTools

Experience of service worker would also be useful, but is not crucial

The sample code

A text editor

Python or a simple local web server.


What is IndexedDB?

Why IndexedDB?

Pros of IndexedDB

It stores the data as Key-Pair values.

It is asynchronous.

It is non relational.

Can access the data from the same domain.

It allows indexed database queries.

IndexedDB Support

“Talk is cheap, show me the code”

- Linus Torvalds

IndexedDB 101

IndexedDB Support

Method 1

Open the Chrome Developer Tools

Switch to the Console

Run `indexedDB`command

Method 2

Go to the Application tab

Method 1

Method 2

Todo App

Clone -

Switch to the indexed-db-starter branch

git reset --hard

git checkout indexed-db-starter

Create Database and object store

Add code to js/idb.js file

var dbEngine =, dbVersion);

dbEngine.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {

log("That's cool, we are upgrading");

// Create ObjectStore

var db =;

if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(TODO_STORE)) {

var objectStore = db.createObjectStore(TODO_STORE,

{keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true});



Add todo

Add code to js/idb.js file

var engine =, dbVersion);

engine.onsuccess = function (event) {

var db =;

var transaction = db.transaction([TODO_STORE], "readwrite");

var store = transaction.objectStore(TODO_STORE);

var request = store.add(todo);

request.onsuccess = function (e) {

log('TODO inserted >> ',;


request.error = function (e) {

error('An error occurred');



engine.onerror = function (error) {

error('An error occured ', error);


Clear all todos

Add code to js/idb.js file

var engine =, dbVersion);

engine.onsuccess = function (event) {

var db =;

var transaction = db.transaction([TODO_STORE], "readwrite");

var store = transaction.objectStore(TODO_STORE);

var request = store.clear();

request.onsuccess = function (e) {

log('All todos deleted');


request.error = function (e) {

error('An error occurred);



engine.onerror = function (error) {

error('An error occured ', error);


Render todos

Add code to js/idb.js file


store.openCursor().onsuccess = function (event) {

var cursor =;

if(cursor) {

// Renders todo




} else {

log('All todos fetched');





Delete todo

Add code to js/idb.js file


var transaction = db.transaction([TODO_STORE], "readwrite");

var store = transaction.objectStore(TODO_STORE);

var request = store.delete(Number(id));

request.onsuccess = function (e) {

log('Todo ' + id + 'deleted');

if (typeof callback != 'undefined') {




request.error = function (e) {

error('An error occurred');



Push Notifications

Implementing Push Notifications in the Todo App

Switch to the push-notifications-starter branch

git reset --hard

git checkout push-notifications-starter

Create a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM ) project.

Navigate to the Google Developers

Console -

Enable FCM

From Use Google APIs, select

Enable and manage APIs

From the Google APIs list, select

Google Cloud Messaging

Click the Enable button

Get credentials

From the API Manager menu,

select Credentials

Click the Create credentials

dropdown button and select

API key:

Click the Go to Credentials button

For Where will you be calling the

API from? Select Web Browser


Click the What Credentials do I

need button

Give the key a name (anything you

like!), leave the HTTP referrers

Update Manifest

Add gcm_sender_id to the

manifest.json file. The gcm_sender_id

value should be the Project Number

you saved earlier.


"short_name" : "GDG Ibadan",

"name" : "GDG Ibadan",

"icons" : [


"src" : "/img/nn.min.png",

"sizes" : "192x192",

"type" : "image/png"



"start_url" : "/",

"display" : "standalone",

"theme_color" : "#666",

"background_color" : "#666",

"gcm_sender_id": "**************"


Set Variables

Add the code to js/app.js file in the

immediately after // TODO Set

subscribe button disabled

attribute to false

reg = serviceWorkerRegistration;

subscribeButton.disabled = false;

Add Subscription Code

Add the code to js/app.js file


userVisibleOnly: true

}).then(function (pushSubscription) {

sub = pushSubscription;

console.log('Subscribed! endpoint:', sub.endpoint);

subscribeButton.textContent = 'Unsubscribe';

isSubscribed = true;


Add Unsubscription Code

Add the code to js/app.js file

sub.unsubscribe().then(function (event) {

subscribeButton.textContent = 'Subscribe';

console.log('Unsubscribed!', event);

isSubscribed = false;

}).catch(function (error) {

console.log('Error unubscribing', error);

subscribeButton.textContent = 'Subscribe';


Get Subscription ID

Open the Chrome Developer Tools

and switch to Console

Click on the Subscribe button

Right click on the link in the

console and copy it

The subscription ID is the part after

the last slash in the url

Usually looks like this:





Send GCM Push message request

Using curl or any HTTP Client

Sample command using curl:

curl --header "Authorization: key=XXXXXXXXXXXX" -

-header "Content-Type: application/json" -d



Show Notification

Add the code to sw.js file

self.addEventListener('push', function (event) {

console.log('Push message received', event);

var title = 'Push Message';

// Show notification


self.registration.showNotification(title, {

body: 'The Message',

icon: 'img/nn.min.png',

tag: 'my-tag'




Handle notification clicks

Add the code to sw.js file

self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {


var url = '';



type: 'window'

}).then(function (windowClients) {

windowClients.forEach(function (client) {

if (client.url == url && 'focus' in client) {

return client.focus();



if (clients.openWindow) {

return clients.openWindow(url);





Pat yourself on the back. You built a web app that enables Push Notifications!


Google Developers - Your First Push Notifications Web App

Further Reading / Recommendations

Udacity Course - Offline Web Applications


Adegoke Obasa

Software Engineer

Cotta & Cush Limited | adKandi
