Indexing Details

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  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    C19 Century Index

    The Nineteenth Century Index the most comprehensive and dynamic source for discovering

    nineteenth-century books, periodicals, official documents, newspapers and archives.

    C19 Indexdraws on the strength of established indexes such as the Nineteenth Century Short Title

    Catalogue (NS!", The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index, Periodicals Index Onlineand the Cumulative

    Index toNiles# $egister181118!9to create integrated bibliographic coverage of over %.& million

    books and official publications, &',''' archival collections and .& million articles published in over

    ,)'' *ournals, maga+ines and newspapers. C19 Indexnow provides integrated access to %

    bibliographic indexes, including more than three million records from "ritish Periodicals Collections

    Iand II, together with the expanded online edition of the #ictionary o$ Nineteenth%Century


    About The Wellesley to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900

    /0t is a great literary age, we have great literary men - but where are their works1 2 moment#s

    reflection gives us a reply to the 3uestion4 we must seek them not in detached and avowed and

    standard publications, but in periodical miscellanies. 0t is in these *ournals that the most eminent of

    our recent men of letters have chiefly obtained their renown.5

    ngland and the nglish, 6dward 7ulwer-8ytton, %9.

    :eriodical publishing in the %;th century was both voluminous and multifarious. 2ny and all aspects of

    contemporary thought were represented through this burgeoning medium, from which many eminent

    novelists and *ournalists emerged.

    he scholarly importance of this material created an imperative to provide indexes through which it

    could be accessed. :oole#s own sub*ect index was created in response to this need. ictorian periodicals were anonymous or pseudonymous.

    Wellesleythen, is an index to the authorship of articles, and a bibliography of articles written by each

    contributor, and using each pseudonym. !itations of evidence are provided to support attributions of

    authorship, along with brief biographical and vocational details. ?) important monthly and 3uarterly

    titles are included, covering the period from the beginning of the Westminster (evie)in %9? to the
  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    end of the century. he exception to this is the din*urgh (evie), which is indexed from first issue, in

    %9'. Wellesleydoes not index poetry.

    itles indexed@

    2insworth#s Aaga+ineublin BniversityAaga+ine New Cuarterly Aaga+ine

    he 2tlantis Dortnightly $eview New $eview

    7entley#s Aiscellany Draser#s Aaga+ine Nineteenth !entury

    7entley#s Cuarterly $eview ictorian periodical articles, and it has now been

    integrated with the online Wellesley Index. 2dditions and corrections from Curranhave been appended

    to the relevant article, contributor and periodical records from Wellesley, while new records have been
  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    created for Curranentries without a corresponding Wellesleyrecord. he full Curran Indexcan be

    viewed using the 7rowse screen.

    The Wellesley Indexprovides seamless linking between article

    records, contributor and pseudonym records, and periodical introductions, and includes links to

    article full text for selected titles in Periodicals ,rchive Onlineand "ritish Periodicalsfor users with the

    appropriate subscriptions. !lick here for more information on 7ritish :eriodicals

    The Wellesley Indexis also available within :roCuest5s C19- The Nineteenth Century

    Index, where it can be cross-searched alongside %; million records from %' other ma*or indexes of

    %;th century content, including Poole.s Index to Periodical /iterature,Periodicals Index Online,

    the Nineteenth Century Short%Title Catalogue, the 0ouse o$ Commons Parliamentary Paers,

    and Palmer.s Index to The Times

    C19 Indexisthe bibliographic spine of %;th century research, providing integratedaccess to the most important finding aids for books, periodicals, official publications, newspapers and

    archives. Bsers of C19 Indexcan 3uery its % collections simultaneously, or can conduct more detailed

    research using collection specific search screens. C19 Indexis a dynamic and growing resource,

    currently containing over %; million bibliographic records for a full range of %;th century source


    !%;@ 0ndex contents@


    The Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue 2NSTC3

    The Nineteenth Century micro$iche ro4ect $rom the "ritish /i*rary


    Periodicals Index Online(%;th century content"

    "ritish Periodicals(%;th century content"

    ,merican Periodicals Series(%;th century content"

    The Wellesley Index to +ictorian Periodicals 185!%1966

    The Curran Index o$ ,dditions to and Corrections o$ the Wellesley Index o$ +ictorian Periodicals

    Poole.s Index to Periodical /iterature

    Ffficial publications@

    0ouse o$ Commons Parliamentary Paers(%;th century content"

    7S Congressional Serial Set(%;th century content"
  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details



    ,rchive inder(%;th century content"


    Palmers Index to the Times 21:96%196;3

    8inks to full text materials are available to customers of component collections.

    Palmer's Index to The Times, 1790-1905

    Key FactsFormatIndex

    !ediaElectronic/Online, CD-ROM


    Total $ources Co"ered450+

    Only availale to c!rrent "!"crier"#

    Palmers Index to The Times$rovide" co%$re&en"ive electronic acce"" to Palmers Index# It

    contain" %ore t&an 450 acc!%!lated '!arterly i""!e" o( )al%er*" Index (ro% 1790-1905#

    :almer#s 0ndex to he imes8ondon bookseller Samuel :almer published the first volume of his index to The TimesJ in %9=&.

    Hoing back to Fctober %&;', then publishing 3uarterly updates to ecember %;'), :almer and his

    successors indexed articles in every issue, creating a resource that has long been recognised as an

    essential companion to the newspaper itself.Palmer's Indexis the standard reference work for any

    library holding the newspaper in print or on microfilm. he online version cumulates ?)' 3uarterly

    issues containing .& million references on 9,''' pages. :age and column references are providedfor navigation of print or microfilm. !ustomers of Palmer's ull text Online(%9''-%9&'" can link

    directly from C19 Indexto a high-resolution image of the relevant article and column within the


    Khe imesK is a registered trademark of imes Newspapers 8imited, :F 7ox ;?), >irginia Street,

    8ondon 6% ;LM, a subsidiary of News 0nternational plc.

    S62$!< 0N 0N6L6S

    All Indexes


    Nineteenth !entury Short itle !atalogue

    he Nineteenth !entury microfiche pro*ect

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    2merican :eriodicals Series

    7ritish :eriodicals

    Niles# $egister 0ndex

    :eriodicals 0ndex Fnline

    :oole#s 0ndex to :eriodical 8iterature

    Stead#s 0ndex to :eriodicals

    Eellesley 0ndex to >ictorian :eriodicals, %9?-%;''

    Official Publications:

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    . 3tar *etwor7 is a type of &omputer networ7 needs maimum networ7ing


    !. Dirarianship.

    2. Glow 'hart used in Pro$rammin$

    . 3&o-Heni is ultiu!er operatin$ %y!tem!. >ipi" is a &ord Proce!!or. hat Type of Transmission in 'ell phonesC T*P8P!. DI is Dot! per inch

    0. nother name of Gloppy dis& is Di!kette4.

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    0. If two wor7s &ite a &ommon wor7 in its iliography then it is 7nown

    as i/lio$raphic couplin$

    4. Archie&reated y lan #mtage is &alled the grandfather of all sear&h engines.

    9. Al/ert umphreyde,eloped 3irary originates from the >atin word >ier

    Ga&ts on Gile is a wee7ly digest of &orld '+ent!

    2. $I is framed out of merging ;*I3I3T and *TI3

    . #mpty digit means digit with ordinal ,alue and without semanti& ,alueE

    . The &ore idea of su?e&t is represented y Per!onality

    . ethod of re!idueis useful to find out ersonality

    !. 'numerati+e cla!!ificationmeans &lassifi&ation s&heme pro,iding ready made numer

    for all su?e&ts of past 5 present and anti&ipated future

    0. rin&iple of osmosis &on&erned with e3cla!!ification < e3catalo$uin$

    4. nalyti&o syntheti& &lassifi&ation means :reely faceted

    9. all pi&ture rin&iple helps in :acet !e=uence

    *utter! ule! for Dictionary *atalo$ue 1,>-

    It was 'harles mmi 'utter who first ga,e a generalised set of rules for su?e&t

    indeing in hisRules for a Dictionary Catalogue (RDC)pulished in 140!.

    'utter ne,er used the term %indeingJK he used the term %&ataloguingJ.

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    ;ai!er! %y!tematic nde?in$7 1911

    De,eloped y Juliu! Otto ;ai!er

    It is a systematiLed alphaeti&al su?e&t heading pra&ti&e

    =aiser was the first person who applied the idea of 'utter in indeing mi&ro

    do&uments in the lirary of Tariff 'ommission as its lirarian

    /e &ategoriLed the &omponent terms into two fundamental &ategoriesF (1) 'on&rete

    and (2) ro&ess.

    'on&rete refers to l Things5 pla&e and astra&t terms5 not signifying any a&tion or

    pro&essK e.g. gold5 India5 hysi&s5 et&.

    ro&ess refers to

    Mode of treatment of the su?e&t y the author

    Mn a&tion or pro&ess des&ried in the do&ument

    Mn ad?e&ti,e related to the &on&rete as &omponent of the su?e&t. In short5 =aiserJs

    a&hie,ements regarding su?e&t indeing areF

    &ategoriLation of &omposite terms through &lassifi&atory approa&h for the first timeK

    a general rule of order of pre&eden&e5 i.e. the %pro&essJ term should follow the

    %&on&reteJ termK

    definition of those terms5 of whi&h %pro&essJ is identified properly5 that is5 he

    ga,e the &hara&teristi&s of %pro&essJ y whi&h it &an e identified properlyK

    doule entry system for a su?e&t dealing with pla&eNlo&alityK and elaorate system of


    *hain nde?in$

    De,eloped y Dr. 3. @. @anganathan

    It is also &alled N 7nown as &hain pro&edureE

    It is a method of deri,ing alphaeti&al su?e&t entries from the &hain of su&&essi,e

    sudi,isions of su?e&ts needed to e indeed leading from general to spe&ifi& le,el

    &&ording to @anganathan5 &hain indeing is a pro&edure for deri,ing &lass inde

    entry (i.e. su?e&t inde entry) whi&h refers from a &lass to its &lass numer in a more or

    less me&hani&al way.E

    The term %&hainJ refers to a modulated se:uen&e of su&lasses or isolates

    elational nde?in$

    de,ised y J ' . :arradane in 1950

    This indeing systems also 7nown as the System of Relational Analysis

    Two or more isolates lin7ed y relational operators

    @elational operators are spe&ial symols whi&h lin7 the isolates to show how they are

    related and ea&h operator is denoted y a slash and a spe&ial symol ha,ing uni:ue


    GarradaneJs mar7ed impro,ement in the area of su?e&t indeing wasF

    MM analysis of relationship among termsK

    MM use of relational operatorsK and

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    MM one to one relationship among analets.

    *oate!! %u/@ect nde?in$

    De,eloped y #. A. 'oates

    Grom the &ontriutions of 'utter5 =aiser and @anganathan5 the &on&ept of Term

    Significancewas drawn

    'oates has de,eloped the idea of Thing and &tion li7e =aiserJs 'on&rete and


    P'*% (P'!er+ed *onte?t nde? %y!tem)

    De,eloped yDereck Austin in 1974

    an alternati,e pro&edure for deri,ing su?e&t headings and generating inde entries

    for British *ational Biliography (B*B) whi&h sin&e 1925 was following 'hain


    3ynta and 3emanti&s of @#'I3

    @#'I3 &onsist of two inter-related sets of wor7ing pro&eduresF

    1. 3ynta&ti&al

    2. 3emanti&.

    The @#'I3 is ased on two prin&iples

    1. rin&iple of 'ontet Dependen&y

    2. rin&iple of

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    6niterm inde?in$ !y!tem

    artimer Tau/ede,ised the ;niterm indeing system in 19

    to organise a &olle&tion of do&uments at the rmed 3er,i&es Te&hni&al Information

    gen&y (3TI) of tomi& #nergy 'ommission5 ashington

    The system is ased on &on&ept &oordination ;niterm indeing system had a numer of distin&ti,e &hara&teristi&sF

    1. Indeing y single words onlyK

    2. Terms are etra&ted from the tet of the do&ument indeedK

    . *o &ontrol o,er those termsK

    . Indeing5 eing redu&ed to word etra&tion5 &an e &ondu&ted y relati,ely

    . low-le,el personnel.

    Optical *oincidence *ard 8 Peek3a3/oo

    ee7-a-oo is the trade name of the opti&al &oin&iden&e &ard. It is also &alled %Batten 'ardsJ.

    'd$e3otched *ard

    Indeing on #dge-*ot&hed &ard is ased on pun&hed &ard system. Their ,alue is

    limited to ,ery small &olle&tion

    A6TOAT* D'4

    =eyword Indeing

    The 'entral Intelligen&e gen&y ('I) of ;3 is said to e the first organiLation to

    use the ma&hine-produ&ed 7eywords inde from Title sin&e 192

    use of &omputers in generating indees of do&uments started from =I' indeing

    ;&* inde?in$

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    =I' indeing de,eloped y /.. >uhn

    use of &omputers in generating indees of do&uments started from =I' indeing

    meri&an 'hemi&al 3o&iety estalished the ,alue of =I' after its adoption in 19!1

    for its puli&ation %'hemi&al TitlesJF

    This inde was ased on the 7eywords in the title of a paper and was produ&ed with

    the help of &omputers

    #a&h entry in =I' inde &onsists of three partsF

    a) ;ey#ord!F 3ignifi&ant or su?e&t denoting words whi&h ser,e as approa&h


    ) *onte?tF =eywords sele&ted also spe&ify the parti&ular &ontet of the

    do&ument (i.e. usually the rest of the terms of the title).

    &) dentification or .ocation *ode

    Oariations of =I' i.e =/ (=ey-Term lphaeti&al) Inde F =eytalpha inde is eing used in the%

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details



    =>I' (=ey->etter-In-'ontet) Inde

    .i/rary and nformation %cience A/!tract! (19-9)o#ker3%aur

    >irary and Information 3&ien&e stra&ts5 (>I3) is an international astra&ting and indeing

    tool designed for lirary professionals and other information spe&ialists. >I3 &o,ers the

    literature in >irary and information s&ien&e (>I3) sin&e 19!9 and &urrently astra&ts 8Q

    periodi&als from !4Q &ountries and in 28Q languages.

    >irary and Information 3&ien&e stra&ts is &omplemented y the 'urrent @esear&h in >irary

    and Information 3&ien&e ('@>I3) dataase. This dataase pro,ides international &o,erage of

    resear&h in progress or re&ently &ompleted resear&h pro?e&ts in the fields roadly defined y

    lirarianship and information s&ien&e. Bow7er-3aur has pro,ided '@>I3 re&ords through

    De&emer5 1999 only

    In%oPort & $u(ect )ate*ay to Indian +lectronicesources

    119 M o co%%ent"

    nfoPortC A %u/@ect 4ate#ay to ndian 'lectronic e!ource! de+eloped /y the

    :.'T*entrewas laun&hed y rof. ahendra >ama5 Oi&e 'han&ellor5 3i77im

    ;ni,ersity during the inaugural session of 4th >**#@ 2812 on 1st ar&h5 2812. The

    Infoort is designed and de,eloped y the I*G>IB*#T 'entre to ser,e as a &omprehensi,e

    gateway to all Indian s&holarly &ontent. The gateway open-ups the Indian s&holarly &ontent

    s&attered o,er the Internet through an integrated interfa&e that support sear&h5 rowse and

    multiple listing. The resour&es &o,ered in the infoort are organiLed under ten ma?or &ategories

    (888 to 999) a&&ording to the Dewey De&imal 'lassifi&ation. @esour&es in the Infoort are also

    arranged alphaeti&ally y su?e&ts. The Info-ort is now a&&essile

    atF httpFNNinfoport.inflinet.a&.inN


    nal$&aeticallyarranedli"t o( t&e "$ecialiedvoca!laryo( a iven "!2ector(ieldo( "t!dy, 3it& rie( de(inition",

    o(ten a$$earin at t&e end o( a ooor at t&e einnin o( a lonentryin a tec&nical re(erence 3or# on lo""arie"

    %ay e"e$arately $!li"&ed6example The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 198# :lo""arie"

    are al"o availaleonline6(or exa%$le" "ee t&e;riti"& irary

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    Oriinally, adictionaryo( :ree, >ere3, raic, or "o%e ot&er literarylan!ae# In %odern !"ae,

    a"$ecialieddictionary orlo""aryo( t&e 3ord" o( a "$eci(ic "!2ector(ieldo( "t!dy# In lin!i"tic", a li"t o( all t&e

    lexical ite%" 6lexemes in a iven lan!ae# See alsovoca!lary#


    ooo("ynony%" and near-"ynony%" in a 3rittenlan!ae, !"!allyarranedconce$t!ally,

    alt&o!& dictionaryarrane%ent i" not !nco%%on# ?&e (ir"t t&e"a!r!" o( t&e Enli"& lan!ae,$!li"&edin 15,

    3a"co%$iled y )eter Mar Roet# =or anonlinet&e"a!r!" o( t&e Enli"& lan!ae, "ee Merriam-Webster Onine#

    l"o re(er" to an al$&aetically arranedlexicono( ter%" co%$ri"in t&e"$ecialiedvoca!laryo( an

    acade%ic di"ci$lineor(ieldo( "t!dy, "&o3in t&e loical and "e%antic relation" a%on ter%", $artic!larly a li"t

    o( "!2ect &eadin" orde"cri$tor" !"ed a" $re(erred ter%" inindexint&eliterat!reo( t&e (ield# Inin(or%ation

    retrieval, a t&e"a!r!" can e !"ed to locateroader ter%" and related ter%" i( t&e !"er 3i"&e" to ex$and retrieval,

    ornarro3er ter%" to %ae a "earc& "tate%ent%ore "$eci(ic# 3ell-de"ined t&e"a!r!" al"o enale" t&e indexer to

    %aintaincon"i"tencyin t&e a""in%ent o(indexinter%" todoc!%ent"# )l!ral thesauri# See also controlled

    voca!lary,lead-in voca!lary, and%etat&e"a!r!"#


    "inle-vol!%eor %!ltivol!%ere(erence 3orcontainin rie( ex$lanatory entrie"(orter%" andto$ic" related to a

    "$eci(ic"!2ector(ieldo( in'!iry, !"!ally arranedal$&aetically 6example Dictionary of Neuropsychology# ?&e

    entrie" in a dictionary are !"!ally "&orter t&an t&o"e contained in an encyclo$ediaon t&e "a%e "!2ect, !t t&e 3ord

    @dictionary@ i" o(ten !"ed in t&e title" o( 3or" t&at "&o!ld %ore a$$ro$riately e called encyclo$edia"

    6example Dictionary of the Middle Agesin 18 vol!%e"# See also iora$&ical dictionary#

    lan!ae dictionaryli"t" t&e 3ord" o( a lan!aein al$&aetical order, ivinort&ora$&y,"yllaication,

    $ron!nciation,ety%oloy,de(inition, and "tandard !"ae#.o%e dictionarie" al"o incl!de "ynony%",antony%", and

    rie( iora$&icaland aetteerin(or%ation# In an !narided dictionary,an atte%$t i" %ade to eco%$re&en"ivein

    t&e n!%ero( ter%" incl!ded 6example Webster's Third Ne International Dictionary# n arideddictionary

    $rovide" a %ore li%ited "election o( 3ord" and !"!ally le"" in(or%ationin eac& entry 6Webster's Ne !ollege

    Dictionary# In avi"!al dictionary,eac& ter% i"ill!"trated# See alsode" dictionaryand$ocet dictionary#


    1876 The American Library Association (ALA)

    1877 The Library Association, London 1877

    1909 The Special Libraries Association (SLA)

    1915The Association or Library and !normation Science"d#cation (AL!S")

    1919 All !ndia $#blic Library Association

    19%& Association or !normation 'anaement (ASL!)

    19*% The Association o +esearch Libraries (A+L)

    19** All !ndia +#ral Library Association

    19** o-ernment o !ndia Library Association (!LA)

    19** !ndian Library Association (!LA)

    19*6 The Society o American Archi-ists (SAA)
  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    19*7 The American Society or !normation Science (AS!S)

    19&6 The .anadian Library Association (.LA)

    1955!ndian Association o Special Libraries and !normation.enters (!ASL!.)

    1966 All !ndia .ollee Library Association

    1969!ndian Association o Teachers o Library and!normation Science (!ATL!S)

    1969 Society or !normation Science (S!S)

    197% The +a/a +ammoh#n +oy Library o#ndation (+++L)

    1980 'edical Library Association o !ndia ('AL!)

    /hat is an e-oo

    n e-oo i" an electronic ver"ion o( a 3or o( (iction or non(iction t&at yo! can "croll t&ro!& a" yo! 3o!ld a $ae ont&e internet# Ao! can do3nload t&e"e oo" to yo!r co%$!ter and read t&e% on yo!r "creen, or "ave t&e (ile to yo!r)D or e-oo reader# E-oo" can e do3nloaded in a variety o( (or%at" "!c& a" $lain text, >?M or )D=# ?&ey

    %ay e "canned i%ae" o( t&e oriinal oo 6)D= or "i%$le ty$ed $ae" 6>?M and $lain text#

    /hat is an audio oo

    n a!dio oo i" a oo t&at &a" een read onto di"c or ot&er (or%at# On t&e internet, t&ere are %any "ite" 3&ereyo! can do3nload a!dio oo" (or a $rice# i"ted &ere are t&o"e t&at are (ree#


    )ro2ect :!tener

    )ro2ect :!tener i" t&e olde"t $rod!cer o( (ree eoo" on t&e Internet and contain" over 1,000 (ree e-

    oo" y a variety o( a!t&or" in t&ree eneral cateorie"# i&t iterat!re Cla""ic" and Re(erence Bor"#

    ;oo" can e "earc&ed (or y title and a!t&or# Bit& t&e advanced "earc& o$tion" yo! can "earc& y

    "!2ect, and li%it yo!r "earc& y lan!ae or (ile ty$e# In addition, )ro2ect :!tener o((er" a!dio oo","&eet %!"ic and 3or" in ot&er lan!ae"# early all )D" and e;oo reader" can di"$lay t&e )ro2ect

    :!tener $lain text 6#txt (ile"# Mo"t can di"$lay >?M 6#&t% and )D= (ile", a" 3ell# "%all n!%er o(

    )ro2ect :!tener (ile" are availale in #$rc and #lit (or%at#

    iilio t&e $!licill,

    iilio i" a @collection" o( collection"@ - an arc&ive o( (ree in(or%ation, incl!din "o(t3are, %!"ic, literat!re,

    art, &i"tory, "cience, $olitic", and c!lt!ral "t!die"#

    Diital ;ooIndex

    "earc& tool (or %any eoo "ite" 3&ic& allo3" yo! to "earc& y a!t&or, title, "!2ect, ey3ord, a!t&or

    title, ro3"e t&ro!& li"t" and c&oo"e t&e do3nload (or%at o( yo!r c&oice# B&ile t&i" "ite d!$licate" and

    lin" to %any exi"tin (ree e-oo dataa"e", it $rovide" an extre%ely !"er (riendly inter(ace to "earc& (or

    oo title"#
  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    ;artley :reat ;oo" Online

    ;artley" $rovide" a 3ide rane o( (iction incl!din (!ll text $oetry ant&oloie", o!t o( $rint (iction and

    non-(iction title"# =or ea"e o( !"e, t&e "ite $rovide" ta" t&at lin yo! to di((erent cateorie"# ;artley"

    al"o $rovide" acce"" to (ree (!ll-text re(erence re"o!rce" "!c& a" :rey?M ver"ion" o( oo" can e

    read on yo!r $er"onal co%$!ter or la$to$ !"in any 3e ro3"er, or do3nloaded to %any &and&eld

    device"# ;oo" (or%atted in )D= %ay e read 3it& t&e doe Reader# =or title" $re"ented in t&e

    Micro"o(t Reader (or%at !"e t&e Micro"o(t Reader "o(t3are# =or )al% )al% Doc (or%at e-oo" yo!

    can !"e t&e )al% eReader#

    Electronic ?ext Center =ree E;oo irary

    ?&i" 3ell-"elected, "earc&ale e-oo collection i" $rovided y t&e niver"ity o( Girinia

  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    6collectively called 3e-oo"# ?&e EHE (or%at can e vie3ed y Internet Ex$lorer# ?&e I) (or%at i" a

    collection o( >?M (ile" t&at can e vie3ed y any device 6la$to$", )D, "%art$&one, etc# 3it& a 3e


    ;ilio%ania;ilio%ania &a" ,000 e-oo" to c&oo"e (ro%, incl!din re(erence oo", iora$&ie", cla""ic non-

    (iction, (iction and reliio!" text"# ?&i" "ite &a" a "t!dy lin 3&ic& o((er" a "election o( "t!dy !ide" to

    vario!" literary 3or"# ;ilio%ania allo3" yo! to "earc& (or oo" y t&e%e or enre# Ao! can c&oo"e

    (ro% t&e%e" lie action and advent!re, c&ildrene"iod, and )lato and on and on# ;e"ide" t&e"e $ri%ary

    3or", t&ere are al"o co%%entarie" and &i"torie" y %odern cla""ici"t"#

    Internet Cla""ic" rc&ive

    Over 400 cla""ical 3or" y 59 di((erent a!t&or", %ainly :reco-Ro%an 6"o%e C&ine"e and )er"ian all in

    Enli"& tran"lation#

    :reat ;oo" and Cla""ic"

    ?&i" "ite $!ll" toet&er "everal cla""ic" "ite" into one li"t o( "election"#


  • 7/25/2019 Indexing Details


    ?&i" collection o( e"o$