Indexing documents

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Alberto Lerner, software engineer at 10gen, presents at MongoUK (London) and MongoFR (Paris) in June 2010


Indexing Documents in MongoDB

Alberto LernerSoftware Engineer – 10Gen

Indexing Basics

• MongoDB can use separate tree structures to index a collection

• When processing a search criteria, MongoDB will try to avoid going through a collection, taking advantage of existing indices

Team Work

• MongoDB’s job: use an index, if possible


using index

scanning the collection

Your Job

• To provide indices for important queries• Important queries?– Very frequently used– Especially low response time required

Creating an Index

• You have an automatic one over _id• Others can be created with ‘ensureIndex’# index over attribute ‘name’db.<collection>.ensureIndex({name:1})# compound keys, ascending/descendingdb.<collection>.ensureIndex({name:1, date:-1 })# unique keysdb.<collection>.ensureIndex({sku:1}, {unique:true})# building in backgrounddb.<collection>.ensureIndex( …, {background:true})

Simple Search Criteria

• Search criteria is the index key or a prefix thereof

db.<collection>.find({sku:1234}) # index over skudb.<collection>.find({sku:1234}) # index over sku,


More Exact Matching# index over sku….find({sku: {$in:[1234,5678])

# index over ‘product.sku’….find({“product.sku”:1234})

# a tricky query, would need index on ‘product’ instead

….find({product: {sku:1234}})

{ _id:1, product: {sku:1234} } # matches

Range Criteria

• Search criteria may return several results

db.<collection>.findOne({sku: {$gt:1234}}) db.<collection>.find({sku: {$gt:5678,$lt:5699}})

Range Criteria (cont)# index over sku….find({sku:/^12/}

Other Operations# index over sku….update({sku:1234},{$inc:{sold:1}}})….remove({sku:1234})

Index Covering

• Sometimes, all the needed information is in the index itself

….count({color:blue}) # index over color….find({sku:1234},{color:1}) # index over sku, color

Missing fields

• All documents have an entry on an index• A missing field is indexed as a NULL

# matches all documents without sku# if index over sku is unique, there could be only


# will be using a sku index, but not there yet….find({{sku:{$exits:true}})

Array Matching

• A field that contains an array will have one entry in the index per element in the array

• { _id: “abcd”, x:[2,10]} will appear in all the following queries using an index over x

….find({x:2})….find({x:10})….find({x:[2,10]})….find({x:{$gt:5}}) # because of 10

Indexes and Ordering

• Sort elimination is also accomplished though using indexes

….find({sku:{$gt:56678}).sort({sku:1})….find().sort({sku:-1}) # can traverse backwards

Is It Using the Index?

• explain() tool allows you to see whether an index is being chosen

db.<collection>.find({sku:{$gt:5}}).explain(){“cursor” : “BtreeCursor sku_1”,…}


• Sometimes we may force or avoid the use of an index

• Usually, it should not be necessary to intervene

# forces use of index over sku ….find{{sku:1, …}).hint({sku:1})# prevents any index to be used….find({sku:1,…}).hint({$natural:1})

When Indexes Don’t Help# negation….find({sku:{$ne:9876}})

# index helps to filter string sku’s, though….find({sku:/88/}) # generic regex

# $where may contain very expressive searches# we don’t even try….find({$where:”this.sku==1234”})

Many indices?

• Evaluating search criteria currently uses just one index, even if more than one would be possible

• The choice is based on previous executions; if an index “worked well” for a query before, it’ll likely be again

• Exception: $or can use more than one index

So When to Index?

• There’s a trade off between search criteria efficiency and insertion/update/deletion of keys

• Also, there is (a quite high) limit on number of indexes per collection (that we keep bumping up)

Indexes Resources

• Indexes are memory mapped as well; • Be mindful of number of indexes and choice of


# In ‘indexSizes’, individual indexes in collectiondb.<collection>.stats()

# All indexes in collectiondb.<collection>.TotalIndexSize()

Take away

• The picture to keep in mind

