Indexing & Querying XML Data for ../Regular Path Expressions/*

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Indexing & Querying XML Data for ../Regular Path Expressions/* . Quanzhong li Bongki MOON . SUNDAR sUPRIYA . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



<TITLE>Indexing & Querying XML Data for

../Regular Path Expressions/*</TITLE>


Need for this paper

XML – emerged as a popular standard for data representation and data exchange on the Internet

XML Query Languages use Regular Path Expressions to query the data

Conventional approaches (for indexing & searching this data) based on Tree traversals goes for a toss! – under heavy access requests Traversing this hierarchy of XML data becomes a

overhead if the path lengths are long or unknown

What can be done???

Try our System and the Algorithms !!!

New system for indexing & storing XML data – XISS New numbering scheme for elements and attributes

Quick in figuring-out ‘ancestor-descendant’ relationship New index structures

Easier to find all elements and attributes with a particular given name string

Join algorithms for processing Reg-Path-Exp queries EE-Join – to search paths from element to element EA-Join – to find element-attribute pairs KC-Join – to find KC (*) on repeated paths or elements

Go XISS!!!

In general, XML data can be queried for a particular value (or) a structure

By Value: get me “document”; get me “element=‘node1’ ” or “attribute=10”

By Structure: get me parent and child elements/attributes for a given element

Components: Index Structure: element, attribute and structure

(index) Data Loader Query Processor

Numbering Scheme first…..

Deitz vs. Li-Moon…

Deitz says, “If x and y are the nodes of a tree T, x is an ancestor of y iff x comes before y when I climb down the tree (pre-order), and after y when I climb up (post-order)” and shows us his scheme,

Ancestor-Descendant relationship determination in constant timeLi-Moon says, “but this lacks flexibility”This leads to many re-computations when a new node is inserted.Hmm… let us check-out Li-Moon’s….

Li-Moon’s Numbering…

Hey folks, we are going to extend this preorder and cover up a range of descendants

Just associate a pair of numbers <order, size> with each node

Parent node x says to its child node y, “I came before you so my order is less than yours & my size is >= (your order + your size) and so your interval is always contained in my interval”

If there are siblings x & y (same parent), say, x is before y, then order(x) + size(x) < order(y)


Here it goes,

So, for any node x, size(x) >= size of all its direct children [ size(x) is Laarrrge!]

That being said, “Given nodes x and y of a tree T, x is an ancestor of y iff

order(x) < order(y) <= order(x) + size(x)

Good news!

Easy accommodation of future insertions – more flexible

Global reordering not necessary until no more reserved spaces

order in <order, size> pair is an unique identifier for each element and attribute in the document

Attribute nodes are placed before their sibling elements in the order – why?

How this scheme helps? – wait till the algorithms!

Switching back to XISS…

Internals of XISS

Index Structure Overview

More structures…

Element Index

Structure Index

Path Join Algorithms

Conventional approaches (top down, bottom up and hybrid traversals) – not effective

Main Idea of proposed algorithm: For a given query “chapter/-*/figure”, - find all ‘chapter’ elements - find all ‘figure’ elements - join the qualified ‘chapter-figure’ pairs

without traversing XML data trees (if ancestor- descendant relationship is obtained quickly)

Complex -> Simple

Complex path expression decomposed to many simple path expressions

Intermediate results are joined to get the final result.

Different types of sub-expressions

EA-Join Algorithm

To join intermediate results from sub-expressions with a list of elements and a list of attributes

E.g. “figure[@caption=‘flowchart’]”Attributes should be placed before sibling

elements in the order by the numbering scheme

EA-Join Algorithm

Input: List of “figure” elements and List of “caption” attributes grouped by documents

Steps: (2 stages) Element sets and attribute sets merged by doc. Id

(single scan) Elements and attributes are merged by figuring out

the parent-child relationship using <order> value (single scan)

Output: A set of (e, a) pairs where e is the parent of a

EE-Join Algorithm

To join intermediate results each of which is a list of elements from a sub-expression

E.g. “chapter/-*/figure”Input: List of “chapter” elements and List of

“figure” elementsSteps (2 stages) are similar to EA-Algorithm

Both element sets are merged by doc. Id (single scan) Chapter element and Figure element are merged by

finding the ancestor-descendant relationship using <order, size> values

Output: A set of (e, f) pairs where e is the ancestor of f


The second stage cannot be done in a single scanIn this E.g. , a “figure” element can be

descendant of more than one “chapter” element (see book1.xml)

order(figure) will lie in more than one chapter interval ([order(chapter), order(chapter) + size(chapter)])

This multiple-times scan is still highly effective in searching long or unknown length paths when compared to the conventional tree traversals.


Processes a regular path expression with zero, one or more occurrences of a subexpression

E.g. “chapter*”, “chapter+”Input: Set of elements from an XML documentSteps:

In each stage applies EE-Algorithm to previous stage’s result

Repeat until no change in result

Output: Kleene Closure of all elements in the given input set


Prototype of XISS was implementedQuery Interface – C++; Parse XML – Gnome

XML Parser; B+-Tree - GiST C++ LibraryWorkstation:

Sun Ultrasparc-II running on Solaris 2.7 RAM: 256 MB; Hard-disk: 20GB

Data Sets Shakespeare’s Plays SIGMOD Record NITF100 and NITF1

Performance Comparison

EE-Join Query: Outperformed bottom-up method by a wide margin

Real-World data set: an order of magnitude faster Synthetic data set: 6 to 10 times faster

Disk IO was a dominant Cost factor – 60% to 90% of total elapsed time

EA-Join Query: It was comparatively better than top-down and

bottom-up approachesKC-Join Query:

Performance was not measured; dependent on EE’s performance


Hope this presentation was usefulTHANKS!