“INDIA 100 years back Rare Collection…….!

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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This is Very rare photos of our indian history . In our history having lot of scares in various sessions. This one of my rare photos gallery. some peopls are looking some details about our india . this gallery will really help to them. While i am looking to hear about indian history this is lot of impressions and events missed out . Any way this is the gallery for Indian Rare photos in 1900 onwards. In that time there is no photo graphs are I good quality. By time being some of the galleries are missed out . This is Realy rare one. recently our Music industry have a lot of developments to make more events in history


A group of Dancing or nautch girls began performing with their elaborate costumes and jewelry..jpg

A rare view of the President's palace and the Parliament building in New Delhi.

An aerial view of Jama Masjid mosque in Delhi, built between 1650 and 1658

Ghandhiji Addressing people

His followers are called Gosvami-maharajahs

Mountbatten arrives at Delhi airport; received by Nehru and Liaquat Ali. March 25, 1947

Mountbatten swears Nehru in as Prime Minister of IndiaAug. 15, 1947.

The daughter of an Indian Maharajah seated on a panther she shot, sometime during 1920s

The Imperial Airways 'Hanno' Hadley Page passenger airplane carries the England to India air mail, stopping in Sharjah to refuel

Women gather at a party in Mumbai ( Bombay ) in 1910.A group from Vaishnava, a sect founded by a Hindu mystic