
Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Maria Ruuto

•Official name: Rebublic of India

•Capital: New Delhi

•Population: 1,49 mld

•Area: 3 287 590 m2

•Official languages: Hindi and English

•Independence: 15 august 1947

•Religion: Hinduism, Islam

•Anthem: Jana-Gana-Mana


•Hot and moist

•They have eather floods or droughts

•Plants (rice, tobbaco, peanut, tea plant)

•Cattle (goats, cows, sheep, buffalos, pigs, camels, birds, silkworms)

•Don´t kill cows, they milk them

•Catch fish


•Well known

•Warm climate

•Many sights

Mahabalipurami castle


•Left-side traffic

•They don´t use indicator lights

•Usually brakes don´t work

•They don´t have mirrors

•Avarage speed is 35 km/h

•Animals on roads

•Bad roads

•You can travel by car, train, ship, boat, plane

Interesting facts

•58% are literate

•Cows are their holy animals

•They use hydro, wind, solar and nuclear power

•Chess was invented in India

•Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus are studies, whitch originated in India

•India is the biggist democratic country in the world

•India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world

•India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th century

•Yoga has its origins in India

•India has never invaded any country in last 10 000 years of history

Thank you for listening!

Any questions?