INDIA HABITAT CENTRE · India Habitat Center 1 Prepared By: Lightning Arrester System Sterling...

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India Habitat Center 1 Prepared By:

Lightning Arrester System Sterling India Consulting Engineers







JULY 2016

OWNERS: India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, NEW DELHI CONSULTANTS: STERLING INDIA E - 104, Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019 Tel.: @ 91-11-2648 3623, 2645 3623

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1. Notice Inviting Tender 3-4 2. Tender Form 5-6 3. Contract Agreement 7-8 4. Special Conditions 9-14 5. Schedule of General conditions of Contract 15 6. Performa of Bank Guarantee for Performance security 16 7. Technical Specifications 17-19 8. List of Approved makes 20-21 9. Bill of Quantities 22-24

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Consultants: M/s Sterling India Owners: India Habitat Centre Project: Lightning Arrester system

1. Tenders are invited on behalf of the India Habitat Centre for Lightning Arrester system. 2. Works are required to be completed within 12 (Twelve) Weeks from the 7 th day of the issue of

Work Order. 3. The bidder should submit all the credentials including job references & satisfactory completion

certificates for minimum three jobs of similar rating / capacity and Bank Solvency Certificate. 4. Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 2nd August at IHC office. 5. The bidders should return all the tender documents duly signed and stamped, otherwise the

tender will be liable for rejection. The bidders can obtain clarifications at the office of the Consultant, M/s Sterling India, E-104, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019, Tel. 26483623 during working hours on any working days.

6. A bidder shall produce a valid income tax clearance certificate before Tender Documents can be issued /sold to him.

7. Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitted their Tenders as to the nature of work. The form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site , accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks , contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or effect their Tender. A bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site, whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.

8. Submission of a Tender by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other Contract Documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and conditions and other factors having bearing on the execution of the works .

9. A bidder should quote in figures as well as in words rates tendered. The amount for each item should be worked out and requisite totals given. Special care shall be taken to write rates in figures as well as in words and the amounts in figures only in such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total; amount shall be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures the word “Rs” should be written before the figure of rupees and the word paisa after the decimal figures, e. g Rs. 2.15 p. And in case of words Rupees should proceed and the word paisa should be written at the end. Unless the rate is in whole rupees followed by the word only it should invariably be up to two places of decimal.

10. All rates shall be quoted on the tender form. 11. In the case of item rate tenders, only rate quoted shall be considered. Any tender containing

percentage below / above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected. 12. Tenders shall be received by Owners on 5th August, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. and opened at 12:15

p.m. hours on the same day in the presence of bidders who may be present. 13. The tender shall be accompanied by earnest money of Rs. 60,000.00 ( Rupees Sixty Thousand

Only ) in crossed Bank Draft issued in favour of India Habitat Centre by State Bank of India or a Nationalized Bank or any Schedule Bank or in the form of bank guarantee on the approved format of India Habitat Center.

14. On acceptance of tender, the earnest money will be treated as part of the security. 15. The bidder, whose tender is accepted, shall permit the Owners at the time of making any

payment to him for work done under the Contract to deduct towards Retention money / security deposit such sum as will along with the amount of earnest money already deposited amount to 10% of the gross amount of the bill.

16. The Owners will return the earnest money, where applicable to every unsuccessful bidder.

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17. Bidders shall submit the tender which satisfies each and every condition laid down in this notice, failing which, the tender will be liable to be rejected.

18. The Owners do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender or to give any reasons for their decision.

19. The Owners reserve to themselves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and bidder shall be bound to perform the same at his quoted rates.

20. For the due performance of the contract, the bidder shall furnish within 10 days from the notice of award, a “Performance Bank Guarantee” from a Nationalized Bank on the prescribed format.

21. Works Contract Tax, Sales Tax or any other tax on materials in respect of this contract shall be payable by the Contractor and the Owners will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect.

22. This notice of tender shall form part of the Contract Documents. 23. The validity of the tender(s) shall be up to 90 (Ninety) days from the date of opening of

tender(s). 24. The working time shall be from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 25. The tender should be submitted in two parts in two separate envelopes sealed. The envelopes

containing Techno-Commercial bid and Price Bid should be marked with 26. Daily progress report needs to be submitted to IHC by the vendor. 27. The amount of the “performance bank guarantee” shall be 10% (Ten Percent) of the Contract

Price. The performance bank guarantee shall be valid until the contractor has executed and completed the works and remedied any defects therein during the defect liability period of Three Years from the date of issue of completion certificate by the Engineer.


S/I/T/C of Lightning Arrester system for India Habitat Centre at Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003

& “ PRICE – BID”

FOR S/I/T/C of Lightning Arrester system for India Habitat Centre at Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003

Tenders shall be returned in Original. Failure to do so shall mean disqualification of bidder.

Issued By General Manager,

India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road

New Delhi-110 003

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Lightning Arrester System Sterling India Consulting Engineers

FORM – 1

TENDER FORM India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi Ref: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Lightning Arrester System, India Habitat Centre,

Lodi Road, New Delhi I/We have fully and carefully examined all of the tender documents listed below, and including as may be required, visited the project site and verified the existing conditions as they relate to the tender submitted herein. I am /We are familiar with all such conditions, affecting the site and local conditions including the availability of materials and labour. I/We have, following the above review and examination, notified the Consultant of conflicts (if any) with prevailing or other pertaining regulations and of conflicts (if any) between the tender documents themselves or tender documents and observed project site conditions. I/We have submitted my / our tender solely upon the tender documents without modification or qualification and bind myself / ourselves if the successful tenderer upon the award to execute a Contract Agreement for this tender only.

Tender Documents: a) Notice Inviting tender b) Tender Form c) Draft Agreement d) Special Conditions e) Technical Specification f) Bill of Quantities g) Bank Draft of Earnest Money Deposit I/we hereby tender for the execution of the works referred to in the aforesaid documents upon the terms and conditions, contained or referred to therein and in accordance in all respects with the specification, designs, drawings and other relevant details at the rates contained in the Schedule of quantities and within the period of completion as stipulated. I /we agree to keep the tender open & valid for a period of ...........days after the closing date for submission of the tender documents .Should the tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil fully the terms, conditions and provisions of the aforesaid documents.

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Signature……...................................... In the capacity of ................................. duly authorized to sign the tender on behalf

of ........................................................ (in block letters)


Witness ...............................


Postal Address.....................................



Telephone No.......................................

Fax No ................................................


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FORM - 2



This Agreement made the of............... 2016......between the India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi (hereinafter called “the Employer “) of the one part and ..........................................................................of .....................................................(hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part. Whereas the Employer is desirous that certain Works should be executed by the Contractor, viz........................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as “the Works”) AND WHEREAS pursuant to the tender submitted by the Contractor vide................................................(hereinafter referred to as “the Offer”) the Employer has by his Letter of Acceptance dated...................accepted the offer submitted by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and to remedy any defects therein ,on terms and conditions in accordance in the Conditions of Contract in addition to the Conditions included hereinafter AND WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed to undertake such work and has furnished a performance security pursuant to clause 13 of special conditions. Now this Agreement witnesseth as follows : 1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to : 2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement viz : a) The Contract Agreement b) The Letter of Acceptance; c) The Accepted Tender;

d) The Conditions of Contract, Model Forms, Appendix and Schedules (Particular Condition of Contract )

e) Technical Specification f) The Priced Bill of Quantities h) Schedules and any Addendums thereto I) Documents furnished by the Tenderer. 3. The foregoing document shall be construed as complementary and mutually explanatory one with another. Should any ambiguity or discrepancy be noted then the order of precedence of these documents shall, subject to the Conditions of Contract, be as listed above. 4. In consideration of the payment to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. 5. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum

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as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written. The Common Seal of ...........................................................................................was hereunto affixed in the presence of: or Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said................................................................... the presence of: Binding

Signature of Employer

for and on behalf of the India Habitat Centre

Signature of Contractor ....................................................

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1. GENERAL These conditions of contract relate to the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of

Lightning Arrester system and shall be read in details and conditions mentioned in technical specifications and schedule of quantities issued along with conditions of contract .

. 2. OWNER /CONSULTANT The name and addresses of the Owner and of the Consultant responsible for the preparation

of the Contract Agreement/Documents are as follows: Owner India Habitat Centre, New Delhi-110 003

The Services Consultants Sterling India, Consulting Engineers E-104, Kalkaji, New Delhi- 110 019 Tel.: 2646 4732, 2645 3623 3. SITE The site is situated at Lodhi Road New Delhi 4. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work to be carried out under this contract comprises of the Necessary Lightning

Arrester system for the as called for in the Tender Documents. The scope of work to be carried out as described above and briefly listed below shall include

supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Lightning Arrester System of:

a. Assessment of earth pit location and routing of cable. b. Earth pit work for all the terminals. c. Cable laying from top to the earth pit location. d. Installation of Mast, Guy Kit and air terminal. e. Installation of Lightning Event Counter for all terminals. f. Connection of cable to earth pit and Connection of cable air terminal.

The contractor shall carry out and complete the work under this contract in every respect in confirming with the current rules and regulations of the local Electricity Authority, stipula-tions of the Indian Standard Institution, and with the directions of and to the satisfaction of the owner. The contractor shall furnish all labour, material, appliances, equipment,

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transportation and incidentals necessary for providing, installing, testing and commissioning of the Lightning Arrester System as specified herein and shown on drawings.

This also includes any materials, appliances, equipment and incidental work not specifically

mentioned herein or noted on the drawings/documents as being furnished or installed but which are customary to make the installation in working order. The work shall include all incidentals and jobs connected with Electrical installation such as Lightning Arrester work and cutting chases/holes and making good the same and grouting etc.

5. CONTRACT DRAWINGS Drawings’ forming is the part of contract. Other drawings and details issued during the

currency of the contract shall also form part of the contract. 6. SHOP DRAWINGS

a. Within one weeks after the award of the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish for the approval of the Consultant, two sets of detailed shop drawings of all equipment and materials including Equipment installation drawings giving complete details of the entire equipment, Lightning Arrester System drawings for the entire Lightning Arrester system showing cable sizes, equipment capacities, control components, control wiring etc. required to complete the project as per Specifications and as required by the Consultant.

If the Consultant makes any amendments in the above drawings, the Contractor shall supply

two fresh sets of drawings with the amendments duly incorporated, along with the drawings on which corrections were made. After final approval has been obtained from the Consultant, the Contractor shall submit a further six sets of shop drawings for the exclusive use of and retention by the Consultant. No material or equipment may be delivered or installed at the job site until the contractor has in his possession, the approved shop drawings for the particular material or equipment.

b. The shop drawings shall be submitted for approval sufficiently in advance of planned

delivery and installation of any material, to allow Consultants ample time for scrutiny. No claims for extension of time shall be entertained because of any delay in the work due to his failure to produce shop drawings at the right time, in accordance with the approved CPM charts.

c. Samples, drawings, specifications, catalogues, pamphlets, and other documents submitted

for approval shall be in quadruplicate, each item in each set shall be properly labelled, indicating the specific service for which material or equipment is to be used, giving reference to the governing section and clause number of Specifications; clearly identifying in ink the items and the operating characteristics data of a general nature shall not be accepted.

d. Approval rendered on shop drawings shall not be considered as a guarantee of

measurements or of building conditions. Where drawings are approved, said approval does not mean that drawings have been checked in detail nor does it in any way relieve the contractor from his responsibility or necessity of furnishing material or performing work as required thereof, shall be prepared by the Contractor at his own cost and approved by the Consultant.

e. Where the work of the Contractor has to be installed in close proximity to, or will interfere

with work of other trades, he shall assist in working out space conditions to make

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satisfactory adjustments. If so directed by the Consultant, the contractor shall prepare composite working drawings and sections at a suitable scale not less than 1:50, clearly showing how his work is to be installed in relation to the work of other trades. If the contractor installs his work before coordinating with other trades, or so as to cause any interference with work of other trades, he shall make all the necessary changes without extra cost to the Owner.

f. Within twelve weeks of approval of all the relevant shop drawings, the contractor shall

submit to the Consultant four copies of a comprehensive itemised price list of recommended imported and local spare parts and tools covering all equipment and materials in this contract. The Owner shall make arrangements to procure these spare parts and tools.

7. MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ROADS The contractor shall make good at his own cost all and any damage to private and public

roads, kerbs, and foot-paths occasioned by heavy traffic, delivery of materials and building operations generally to the complete satisfaction of the Consultant and the local authority.

8. CLEAN UP OF WORK SITE The contractor shall ensure cleanliness and keep the site free from all debris, hazardous

material loose wires, open fires or any other materials and avoid damage due to negligence. 9. TIME OF COMPLETION The work under the contract shall be completed in all respects within stipulated period as

specified elsewhere in the tender documents. 10. BYE-LAWS AND REGULATIONS The installation shall be in conformity with the Bye-laws and Regulations of the local

authority concerned in so far as these become applicable to the installation but if these specifications and drawing call for a higher standard of materials and or workmanship than those required by any of the above regulations and standards, then these specifications and standards. However if the drawings or specifications require something which violates the bye laws and regulations, then said bye-laws and regulations shall govern the requirements of this installation.

11. MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTION Where manufacturers have furnished specific instruction relating to the materials used in

this job covering points not specifically mentioned in these documents such instructions shall be followed in all cases subject to approval of the Consultant.

12. COMPLETION CERTIFICATE The contractor shall be responsible for getting the entire installation duly approved by the

Authorities concerned and shall bear all expenses in connection with the same.

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13. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee the performance of equipment, materials and system as

described in specifications for Installation of Lightning Arrester System. It is clearly understood that the specifications, drawings, schedule of quantities for Lightning

Arrester system are for tenderers guidance only. Complete sets of drawings are available in the engineer office and reference may be made to these drawings as required for calculations or for other details. The Contractor shall also guarantee that performance of various equipments, individually, shall not be less than, the quoted ratings.

The entire Lightning Arrester System for IHC shall be guaranteed for satisfactory

performance including Air Terminal to earth pit for a period of Three Years from the date of completion & handing over certificate.

Earth pit shall be guaranteed of maximum 10 ohm resistance for Ten years. 14. TECHNICAL DATA The tenderer shall submit a comprehensive schedule of technical data for all pieces of

equipment and materials. 15. ACCESIBILITY The Contractor shall verify the sufficiency of the size of shafts and openings of clearance in

cavity walls and suspended ceilings for the proper installation of his equipment and piping. His failure to communicate insufficiency of any of the above shall constitute his acceptance of sufficiency of the same. The contractor shall locate all equipment which must be serviced, operated or maintained in fully accessible positions. The exact location and size of all access panels required for each concealed control, junction boxes or other devices requiring service shall be finalized and communicated in sufficient time, to be installed in the normal course of work; failing which, the Contractor shall make all the necessary repair and changes at his own expense.

Approval of authority in case required will have to be taken by contractor. 16. TESTING AND COMMISSIONING Testing of all systems and all tests as called for in the Specifications shall be carried out by

the Contractor in accordance with the Specifications, the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and recommendations of the Indian Electricity Rules. Test results shall be tabulated in approved manner and four copies shall be submitted to the Consultant for his scrutiny. Four copies of the certified manufacturers performance tests for each piece of equipment shall be submitted along with the test results.

The contractor shall also provide to the Consultant four copies of record of all safety and

automatic control settings for the entire Lightning Arrester System installation. The contractor shall pay for and arrange, without any extra cost to the Owner, all necessary testing equipment, instruments, materials, accessories, power, water, fuel and the requisite

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labour. Any defect in materials and/or in workmanship detected in the course of testing shall be rectified by the contractor entirely at his own cost, to the satisfaction of the Consultant.

The installation shall be tested again after removal of defects and shall be commissioned

only after approval by the Consultant. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Consultant. 17. COMPLETION CERTIFICATE On completion of the installation, a certificate shall be furnished by the Contractor,

countersigned by the licensed supervisor, under whose direct supervision the installation was carried out. This certificate shall be in the prescribed form as required by the local authority.

The contractor shall be responsible for getting the entire installation duly approved by the

Authorities concerned and shall bear all expenses in connection with the same. 18. COMPLETION DRAWINGS On completion of the work in all respects, the contractor shall supply to the Consultant four

(4) complete sets of drawings, on approved scale, indicating the work as installed. These drawings shall clearly indicate the complete layouts, cable routes, trench layouts, location of wiring, exact location of all concealed road crossings, controls, wiring and other services.


a. Upon completion of all work and all tests the Contractor shall furnish the necessary skilled labour and helpers for operating this entire installation for a period of fifteen(15) working days of eight (8) hours each. During this period the contractor shall instruct and train the Owner's representative in the operation adjustments and maintenance of all equipment installed.

b. The contractor shall submit to the Consultant a draft copy of comprehensive operating

instructions and maintenance schedule for all systems and equipment included in this contract. This shall be supplemented but not substituted by manufacturers operating and maintenance manuals. Upon approval of the draft, the Contractor shall submit to the Consultant four (4) complete bound sets of typewritten operating and maintenance schedule along with manufacturers printed literature.

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Schedule General Condition of Contract

1. (a) Retention money / Security Deposit (10% of the

gross value of the Works ). Rs. ------------------------ 2. Time allowed for execution of work (to be reckoned from the Seventh day after the date of work order). Twelve Weeks

3. Compensation for delay : 1% (one percent) of the contract amount subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000 PER WEEK or a

part thereof. The total compensation for delay shall further be subject to an overall maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the contract amount as awarded.

4. Defect Liability Period

Three year from the date of handing over of work in satisfactory condition certified by owner’s/consultant engineer.

5. Payment Terms (a) 10% mobilization advance. (b) 10% will be paid on approval of shop drawing/ bar chart by consultant. (b) 60% on execution / erection on submission of certified bills by consultant/IHC. (c) 10% on testing & commissioning, to be certified by consultant/IHC. (d) 10% on handing over, to be certified by consultant/IHC. (10% Retention Money shall be retained from every interim bill of contractor amounting to maximum 5% of the contract value. This amount shall become payable to the contractor after a period of 12 months from the date of handing over of work in satisfactory condition).

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To, India Habitat Centre Lodi Road, New Delhi WHEREAS............................................................…….*[Name and address of Contractor ] ( hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract execute the work of...........................................................................……...................................... AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the contract. AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee. NOW THEREOF we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor up to a total of .................................[amount of Guarantee].............................................................[in words], such sum being payable, in the type and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum of sums within the limits of……………. ...........……............................................ [amount of Guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification. This guarantee shall be valid until “Three Years” after the date of issue of the Satisfactory Handing Over Certificate.

SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE GUARANTOR..........................................

NAME OF BANK.......................................... ADDRESS..........................................


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1. Air Teminal

Air Terminal Early Streamer emission (ESE) Advance Lightning Protection shall have 5 m mast height having 79 m protection radius in Level 1 protection. The same shall comply to and be tested as per requirements of the Standard NFC 17-102 : 2011. The device shall be mounted at least 2 m clear to the highest point on roof top. 2. Down Conductor

Down conductor shall be of size 70, single core insulated flexible Copper cable with necessary accessories, of suitable length as per building height with suitable mounting accessories. Single conductor shall be used with no joints. 3. Lightning Event Counter

The Lightning Event Counter should be Non resolvable mechanical counter and should work on induction with triggering impulse of >= 1500 Amp for 8/20 µ sec. This should be displayed to the technical committee at the time of technical evaluation. The Counter should be minimum 6 digit, waterproof & weatherproof for external application or fitment and should be mountable easily on top of the Down Conductor In addition to terminal placement requirements, the standard requires a minimum of two paths to ground per terminal for non-isolated conductor systems. A down conductor cross-sectional area of ≥50 mm2 is specified. The down conductors are to be secured at three points per meter with equipotential bonding made to nearby metallic items. 4. Lightning Protection Maintenance Free Earthing:

a. Lightning Protection Maintenance Free Earthing should provide a low impedance path to the lightning energy captured by the Air Terminal and conducted through Down Conductor to the Earth.

b. The earthing should be done with minimum 4 nos UL listed of Copper Bonded Ground Rods of

minimum 250 Microns with 5 ft length and 5/8" diameter in Crow-feet / Radial configuration.

c. The earth rods (Tested as per IEC-62561-2) be grounded and joined with minimum 25 meters of 99.9% pure 25 mm x 3 mm Copper Strip.

d. All the joints must be properly clamped using high performance rod clamps.

e. Ground Enhancement Material (GEM - 11 Kg Bag) - minimum 8 bags per lightning protection earth

should be used in treating the earth to reduce the overall impedance offered by the earth.

f. Ground Enhancement Material should have resistivity value of not more than 0.02 ohm-m.

g. Ground Enhancement Material shall be tested as per IEC 62561-7, Testing shall be done from

international lab having some level of expertise in environmental protection (EPA), specially for soil pollution test.

h. Ground Enhancement Material shall be tested as per IEC 62561-7, Testing shall be done from

international lab having some level of expertise in environmental protection (EPA), specially for soil pollution test.

i. Resistance shall be 10 ohm and the report shall be submitted of values measured after installation.

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j. 5. Single core insulated flexible copper cable

a. Copper cable with stranded annealed plain copper as per IS 8130-84 with XLPE insulation as per IS 7098 P1 having min thickness in permissible limit as per IS. Sheathing should be done with PVC ST2 as per IS 5831. The cable should be fully complied with IS 7098(p1) & manufacturer should be certified with (ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO18001). Testing laboratory should be NABL accredited.

b. Laying of copper flexible cable on wall shall be shall be done with stainless steel saddles at spacing of

c/c 800mm.

c. Cable shall be laid in plumbs line.

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1 Lightning Arrester system

a. Erico

b. ABB

c. OBO

2 Copper Cable

a. Havells

b. RR Cable

c. KEI wires

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JULY 2016

OWNERS: India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, NEW DELHI CONSULTANTS: STERLING INDIA E - 104, Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019 Tel.: @ 91-11-2648 3623, 2645 3623

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Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Air Terminal Early Streamer emission (ESE) Advance Lightning Protection with 5 m mast height having 79 m protection radius in Level 1 protection complies and tested as per requirements of the French Standard NFC 17-102: 2011. The device shall be mounted at least 2 m clear to the highest point on roof top.

Nos 4

2 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 5 mtr GI Mast

Nos 4


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of down conductor of 70 single core insulated flexible Copper cable with necessary accessories, of suitable length as per building height with suitable mounting accessories .

Mtr 720


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Lightning Protection Maintenance Free Earthing providing a low impedance path to the lightning energy captured by the Air Terminal and conducted through Down Conductor to the Earth. The earthing should be done with minimum 4 nos of Copper Bonded Ground Rods of 250 Microns with 5 ft length and 5/8" diameter in single line or square depending on site conditions. The earth rods shall be grounded and joined with minimum 25 meters of 99.9% pure 25 mm x 3 mm Copper Strip and clamps. Ground Enhancement Material (GEM - 11 Kg Bag) - minimum 8 bags per lightning protection earth pit should be used in treating the earth to reduce the overall impedance offered by the earth. Ground Enhancement Material should have resistivity of not more than0.02ohm-m.

Nos 16


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Lightning Event Counter which shall be Non resolvable mechanical counter and should work on induction with triggering impulse of >= 1500 Amp for 8/20 µ sec. The Counter should be minimum 6 digit, waterproof & weatherproof for external application or fitment and should be mountable easily on top of the Down Conductor

Nos 4

Total Carried to Summary