Indias Most Wanted Terrorists

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Hafiz Mohammed Saeed

    Currently in the news for the $10 million bounty offered by the US on his head, the head of the

    Lashkar-e-Tayiba, Hafiz Mohammed Saeed is the mastermind behind the 26/11 attacks in

    Mumbai, that left scores of people dead and many injured.

    Considered by many as the blue eyed boy of the ISI, Saeed is a known for his oratory skills and it is

    said that a large chunk of the recruitment process in Pakistan is mainly dependant on his

    provocative speeches. His name figures on top of almost every chargesheet that has been filed in

    India for terror attacks carried out by the Lashkar.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    llyas Kashmiri

    The chief of the Al Qaeda's 313 brigade, Illyas Kashmiri has primarily dedicated to the cause at

    Afghanistan. Kashmiri had a falling out with the ISI when they wanted him to stay away from India and

    concentrate on the war against the US.

    Kashmiri shot to the limelight when he made sensational claims of the 26/11 plot being initially

    hatched by him but hijacked by the ISI to help the Lashkar. Later on, his name again made news due

    to his association with Headley and the latter had said that the two had planned on staging more

    attacks in India.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Syed Salahuddin

    Syed Salahuddin is the supreme commander of the Hizbul Mujahideen and runs the all

    powerful United Jihad Council.His war has been primarily in Kashmir and latest reports

    suggest that he is becoming a menace to the US also. Under the Hizbul Mujahideen, he

    organised forces to fight in Kashmir and later onwards formed the United Jihadi Council

    which is said to be closely associated with the Al Qaeda.

    Known for maintaining a low profile, Salahuddin is extremely close to the Pakistani

    establishment and more or less does what they want.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Dawood Ibrahim

    Perhaps, among the known and most wanted terrorist not only in India but the world is Dawood

    Ibrahim. India's fugitive don is number 2 on the world list.Termed as a terrorist by the United

    States of America, Dawood is currently in Pakistan under the protection of the ISI.His primary role is seen to raise funds through fake currency and the drug trade. He played an

    active role in the 1993 serial bombings at Bombay, and continues to evade the Indian government

    to this day

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Maulana Masood Azhar

    A key figure in the Kashmir Valley, this Jaish-e-Mohammad leader's focus had always been on

    Kashmir and is accused of carrying out mass killings in the Valley. However, his name came to thelimelight during the Kandahar hijack case where the hijackers traded passengers of Indian

    Airlines Flight 814 for his release.

    ndia has listed Maulana Masood Azhar as one of its most wanted terrorists due to a history of

    militant activities

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Abu Hamza

    Hamza first came to prominence during the Indian Institute of Science attack at Bengaluru,

    following which he was packed off to Pakistan and was put in charge of organizing attacks fromthere.He came into the limelight once again post 26/11. He was one of the handlers who was on

    the phone with the terrorists who carried out the attack.

    Today, he continues to be in Pakistan and is one of the primary handlers of the Lashkar since the

    outfit found him to be a better motivator and a planner when compared to a foot soldier.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Syed Hashim Abdur Rehman Pasha

    Considered the main coordinator in the David Headley case, Pasha retired from the

    Pakistan army in the year 2007, and joined the rolls of the Lashkar. Named by the

    United States Justice Department during the Headley case, Pakistan continues to denyhis role or his association with Headley.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists



    The number two on the Lashkar

    hierarchy, he goes by the name of Lakvhi

    chacha for all his cadres.While his boss

    Saeed is the ideological face of the

    Lashkar, Lakvhi is more in charge ofoperations and recruitments.He was the

    one who personally oversaw all aspects

    pertaining to recruitments and training

    for the 26/11 attack.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Chhota Shakeel

    Chhota Shakeel whose real name is

    Shakeel Babumiya Shaikh, is an Indian

    and a close associate of Dawood

    Ibrahim. He is known to have shot into

    prominence during his encounter with a

    customs officer. It is said that a senior

    customs officer raided when he wassmuggling some goods. Subsequently, he

    managed to escape but returned with

    more men to claim his booty.

    In September 2000, Chhota Shakeel

    admitted to having planned an attack on

    Chhota Rajan. In 2001, he accepted his

    involvement in financing Hindi films in an

    interview to India Today magazine

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists


    Major Iqbal

    Charged now by the United States for taking part in the 26/11 attack, this man is said to bean officer in the ISI. During the Headley operation, he was said to be the main handler and

    guided Headley through the operation.

  • 8/2/2019 Indias Most Wanted Terrorists
