Indications & c.i in bariatric surgery

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Bariatric Surgery is rapidly gaining popularity. Knowing the right Indications and Contra Indications is paramount for Surgeons starting their career in Bariatric Surgery.




DR. SUMEET SHAH MS, DNB, MNAMS, FIAGESFellowship (Minimal Access Surgery)


Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

What is obesity?


Morbid obesity is a chronic, lifelong,

multifactorial, genetically related disease

of excessive fat storage with highly

significant medical, psychological,

social, physical and economic co-

morbiditiesIFSO Sept, 1996

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Quantification of obesity

BMI = Body Mass Index

= Body weight (Kg)

Height (in m2)



BMI (kg per m2)

Normal < 25.0 < 23.0

Overweight > 25.0 > 23.0

Obese > 30.0 > 27.5

Severe Obesity > 35.0 > 32.5

Morbid Obesity > 40.0 > 37.5

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

~77 % Excess weight loss ~ 85 % resolution of OSA ~ 52 to 92 % resolution of HTN ~ 73 – 83% resolution of type 2 diabetes > 80 % resolution of Metabolic Syndrome

Sjostrom et al New Engl J Med 2004Sjostrom et al, N Engl J Med 2007

Bariatric Surgery: Multiple Health Benefits

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Assess indications / contraindications Multi-disciplinary evaluation Optimize & manage comorbidities Educate,set realistic expectations

Optimal Patient Selection

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

NIH Consensus Conference Criteria(1991)

BMI > 40 or > 35 kg/m2 with co-morbidity

Failure of non-operative Rx

Absence of contraindications

Well informed, compliant, motivated patient

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Surgery for Adolescents & Elderly

( Age < 18 / > 65 yrs )

Surgery for BMI < 35

Surgery for Metabolic indications only


Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Adolescent bariatric surgery (<18 yrs) has proven

effective but should be performed only in a

specialty centre

Selection criteria similar

to adults

SAGES Guidelines for Clinical Application of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, 2008; Level II, Grade B,C evidence.

? Surgery for Adolescents

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Panel of experts on Adolescent Obesity BMI > 40 with comorbidities Skeletal / physiologic maturity Failure of > 6 mths of structured wt loss attempts Commitment, ability to follow post-op instructions Decision making capacity Commitment to avoid pregnancy x 1 year

Curr Opin Paediatr 2005.

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Patients > 65 yrs at risk of death (early & late) after WLS

Should have life expectancy > 5 yrs

Should be evaluated & treated in

an established Center of ExcellenceJAMA 2005Annals of Surgery 2004SAGES Guidelines for Clinical Application of LaparoscopicBariatric Surgery, 2008; Level II, Grade B evidence.

? Surgery for Age > 65

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

“Individuals with BMI 30-35 kg/m2 may benefit from Lap. bariatric surgery given

the poor results of non-surgical Rx”

SAGES Guidelines for Clinical Application of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, 2008; Level I, Grade B evidence.

? Surgery for BMI < 35

Surgery for Diabetes / Metabolic Syndrome

Risks vs Benefits?

Choice of procedure?

Economic Considerations?

When to intervene?

? BMI < 35


Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications


Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Severe co-morbidities / unacceptable risk

Uncontrolled coagulopathy

Incurable disease (cancer,AIDS, cirrhosis)

? Certain GI diseases (Crohns, dysmotilities)

V.Poor QOL not expected to improve with WLS


Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Uncontrolled severe OSA + Pulmonary HTN

(Pulm. Syst. Pressure > 50mm Hg)

Severe COPD (Gold Spirometric Criteria)

- FEV1 / FVC < 0.7

- FEV1 < 30% predicted, or

- FEV1 < 50% predicted + chr. resp. failure

CHF, unstable angina ? Complete prolonged immobility

Unacceptable risk of Anaesthesia

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Multiple previous surgeries

Abdominal irradiation / Liver transplant

Very large incisional hernia

Previous int. resection for GBP / BPD-DS

Severe GERD / Barrets for LAGB

Need for surveillance endoscopy for GBP

Surgical (Relative)

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Significant psychatric dis./ major depression Severe mental retardation Self destructive tendency Active bullimia, drug or alcohol abuse Inability to comprehend behavioral changes Inability to integrate basic lifestyle adjustments

Behavioral / Psychosocial

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Extreme hepatomegaly / cirrhosis with large varices

Profuse visceral fat Poor exposure Extensive adhesions Cardiopulmonary instability

Indications for Retreat / Change of surgical plan

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Indications for Retreat / Change of surgical plan

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Early Gastric perforation Stomach slippage

Late Stomach slippage Malpositioned band Erosion Psychological intolerance AIDS Gastric necrosis

Revision Surgery: After Lap. Gastric Banding

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Mechanical problems

Marginal ulcer

Refractory GJ stricture

Entero-enterostomy stenosis

Revision Surgery: After Lap. Gastric Bypass

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Insufficient Weight loss Normal anatomy Abnormal anatomy

- Disrupted staple line

- Gastro-gastric fistula in divided GBP

- Enlarged pouch

Metabolic / Functional Nut. deficiency / food intolerance Severe dumping / unexplained chronic pain

Revision Surgery: After Lap. Gastric Bypass

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications

Bariatric SurgeryIndications & Contraindications