Individual Behavior and Social Interaction in Rue Mouffetard, Paris

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Individual Behavior and Social Interaction in Rue Mouffetard, Paris

by : Nararya Narottama


In geographical scope, space is a vital tourism resource, because essentially the space is the

place where there are the diversity of nature, men and all men-made creation (Maryani, 2010). One

of the space mentioned is Rue Mouffetard, a touristic area in the City of Paris. An old narrow

streets, which have the same functionality of earlier times, as a place to live, shop, eat and meet

each other and interact. Who later became one of the tourist attractions in Paris

Mrs. Maryani (2010) stated that in essence, tourism is a necessity of human instincts,

because people always have the interest to know something (sense of interest), have the urge to

want to know (sense of curiousity), see the reality (a sense of reality), find (sense of discovery) and

investigate (a sense of inquiry). In his book, Pearce (1995:1) defines tourism (tourism) as a

relationship phenomenon caused by the presence of the people who travel and stay for a while at a

destination with the primary purpose for leisure or recreation.

Tourism in Rue Mouffetard

Rue Mouffetard is a street in 5th arrondissement in Paris, France. Connecting the Place de

La Contrescape, up to L'Eglise Saint Medard in the south. By walking for few minutes, you can

reach the Pantheon Sorbonne, Boulevard Saint Michelle and the Boulevard Saint-Germain. This

area can be reached by metro transportation access (line 7), at station Place Monge or Censier-


Map of Rue Mouffetard (Googlemaps, 2011)

The street is old but very colorful, with hundred years old houses. Recently, there are many

restaurants, shops and cafes. Normally, this street was closed for most cars and used as a pedestrian

street. Rue Mouffetard is a touristic market in the street, particularly at night.. Because of it's

charms, this road is able to attract many young people and tourists.

Rue Moufftard is the path of the old stones of Roman relics. Some buildings even from the

12th century, and most of it have a long history and representing the history of Paris. In summer,

Rue Mouffetard visited by many tourists, and on Sundays are often held dance and music events.

Usually the event is held in the south area of L'Eglise Saint Medard

Old Rue Mouffetard (, 2011)

Even if it is dominated by restaurants and fast food, there are supermarkets, pharmacies,

butchers, fishmongers, cheese shops, bakeries, wine shops, grocers and also a cinema. There are

also several apartments, hotels and libraries.

Mouffetard market is also famous as the best traditional markets with French fresh products.

And also one of the trade route since the 19th century. One boutique called La Bonne Source

claimed that they had been there since 1522. To analyze tourism in Rue Mouffetard, we can use

several concepts of geography:

1. Locations, to answer where the phenomena and events happened, and why it's there, not

anywhere else. In addition there is a causal relationship analysis that affect the existence or

continuation of a phenomenon and event.

2. Place, is the physical and people character who live in it, attached to the existence of a

region so that become the brand of place, can not be separated, specific and unique

3. Relations, is the relationship between the physical components (physical system), physical

and man (physical and men system) and between the components of the human (social

system) that interact with each other, built relationships, and inter-dependencies with the

form of terrestrial systems (man- earth system)

4. Mobility, is the expression of the interaction, manifested from the transport and

communication, so as to create a global system

5. Regionalization, a functionally use zoning land. Reflected by the development of tourist

areas and tourist destinations.

`In addition to the concept above, it can also using the approach of spatial analysis, spatial

context, spatial pattern and spatial procsess. It should also be noted about the carrying capacity of

environment for the preservation and tourist satisfaction.

Social Conflict

The Mediation Center of Texas, in McCollum (2009) defines conflict as a behavior where a

person against one another in the mind, feelings, and deeds. Conflict can be a dangerous and

violent. Instead, James Schllenberg (1996) in McCollum (2009) states that conflict is part of the

form of community that we must cherish, which is able to stimulate new thinking, promoting social

change, defining our relationship group, helping us in personal identity, and many more are can take

in life, something we love even someone we despised, shaped by social conflict.

Rue Mouffetard, although it is well known for it's tourist atmosphere, it also has some

problems and conflict. We interviewed few people who do the activity in Rue Mouffetard, such as

merchants, tourists, and residents. We ask the views of conflict exist.

The first interview with the merchants of fruits and vegetables, he said that rental costs are

more expensive compared to other locations. But for him it's normal. Because, Rue Mouffetard is

famous and well known. The majority of the consumer are living in this area. With sales going well.

The second interview with a seller of cheese. He said the problems with the SDF (homeless), who

beg in front of his shop. Sometimes he called the police. But for him, the biggest problem is the cost

of renting is expensive. The same problem today. The third interview, we ask the butcher. For him,

there is no important problem. The fourth interview with a couple looking to the fruit stall. The

woman tells us that the atmosphere of this street does not change since last 10 years. It's just more

restaurants than before. But she still loves it, and no problem for her.

Interview with Jean Didier Urbain, one of the occupants in the Rue Mouffetrad, a sosiologue

francais. He said that this road already exists in the Roman era. Now, the existing population has

changed, more residentialysed. In 1990, Rue Mouffetard is a slum. Authenticity is constantly

changing, yet always there.

There are American citizens who owns property in Rue Mouffetard, because they are

interested to read one novel from American writer, Ernest Hemingway «A Moveable Feast».

Hemingway spent the period of his life on Rue Mouffetard

Individual Behavior and Social Interaction

On Sunday evening, I visited the Rue Mouffetard. Intends to see the atmosphere of Rue

Mouffetard at night. When I arrived there, at around 19h30 (7.30pm), with drizzling rain. Rue

Mouffetard is usually always crowded by various activities touristique with various shops in both

sides of the road, the ambiance in this Sunday night seems more quiet, many stores closed. Most of

the activity was in the restaurant.

When I got there, I saw the lights of Christmas decorations on the Rue Mouffetard. From the

north end of the rue Mouffetard (Rue Descartes) up at the south end. These decoration of lights

makes this street look more vibrant and beautiful

Christmas Lights and Decorations (Narottama, 2010)

Long line of costumers appeared in front of restaurant called Au P'etit Grec, the restaurant

provides various food such as crepes, salads, etc.. Cold weather and drizzling rain seemed to

increase everyone's appetite. Across the street, I saw an old couple walking together while carrying

an umbrella. Looks like they lived around here. Near them, a family, carrying a small child and a

toddler in a stroller. Despite the cold weather and rain, some people chat on the restaurant's terrace,

while drinking and dining. And in the next restaurant, an employee waiting for guests.

In the restaurant Chez Nicos, seems a rather odd thing. When many people are still queuing

for food, one of the employees / chefs were talking via cellular phone. This makes some customers

put a grumpy face, because of delays that occurred. Until finally one of them reprimanding

employees concerned. On the other hand, some people are doing window shopping, which they saw

the goods through a shop's window. Although many of the stores were closed.

At the junction of rue Mouffetard and rue Blainville, is a small park with a decorative

fountain in it. Around the park, several restaurants and bars stay open, and many people seems to

spend their night there to chat with friends, family and their lovers. The trees in the park were

decorated with Christmas lights as well.

Commercial activity appears to be more done on the Rue Mouffetard, compared with a more

quiet Rue Descartes. At a souvenir shop, which sells a variety of merchandise about Paris, few

tourists looking around, seeing things through a shop's window. Both day and night, Rue

meouffetard closed to vehicles. A bar with no entry sign mounted in the middle. But the ban is not

meant for someone who was suddenly brought his motorcycle in the street.

Interactions in restaurant « Au P'tit Grec » (Narottama, 2011)

Inside a Chinese restaurant, I observed how human behavior is in it. After serving the

guests, waiters seemed to talk on the phone, at a table, there is an Asian teen who was watching

cartoons in front of the laptop. And a customer who was sitting in front of me works on documents

on his desk. There was no communication between them, unless associated with ordering and

payment of food.

When I continue my trip, I heard the voice of melodious music. It appears a man was

playing the violin, accompanied by music from a small radio tape. Though a bit lonely, cold and

many shops are closed, the music is melodious with full of appreciation. In front of him, the people

passing by below drizzle rain. At the end of the street, was quiet and deserted. Near the church,

there are two homeless men who were chatting. Near them is a supermarket's troley full of various


Sights during the day seem a little different, in junction, a large truck were unloading the

goods, then taken to a shop that sells a variety of food bio materials. There also an old man with a

wheelchair, I saw him several times sat in the same place, in front of the same store, and do not

hesitate to greet passers-by. When I and my friends discussing, there is a beggar who keeps trying to

ask for money, although in fact he was not old, quite healthy and able to work.

Later, our group headed for librarie at the south end of Rue Mouffetard. There we tried to

find research material about this road. We talked with Antoine, the manager of this librarie. After a

few minutes, he showed a book entitled "Memoire Des Rues, Paris 5e arrondissement 1900-1940»,

written by Anna Radwan. Few pages on this book, described about old Rue Mouffetard.

Protection Motive

Until today, many old buildings still stand firmly on the Rue Mouffetard. And there is

awareness to preserve and maintain these buildings. One of the popular tourist attraction in the city

of Paris. In this case, there are various efforts to maintain these buildings. One Aspect can be seen

related with romantic ideals of the past history, and the city government issued various regulations

related to protection of these buildings. And on the other hand, there are elements of a rational and

logical economic interests. Paris is a very popular tourist destination, where the presence of old

buildings beautify it, and became one of its appeal. If we look closely, there are a modern mindsets

associated with the efficiency, effectiveness and economically.

Interestingly, although the Rue Mouffetard is a popular tourist attraction, I don't see any

«visual trash». Visual trash is a term in the social sciences, studies against the mass media as a

symbol of capitalism. That which includes advertising, promotions, banners, posters and others,

refer to the various items or things that are offered, but has no benefit for most people.


The study of consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decisions to spends

available/owned resources (time, money, effort) on the things that are consumption related

(Sciffman and Kanuk, 1997) As a space, rue Mouffetard is the place of social interactions.

In the book «Sociology 1» (2003:22-23), Maryati and Suryawati states that social interaction

is a contact or reciprocity or inter-stimulation and responses between individuals, between groups or

between individuals and groups. From that sense, social interaction can be divided into three kinds:

1. Interactions between Individuals: Can be positive or negative interactions, mutually

beneficial or detrimental to either party or both.

2. Interactions between individuals and groups: Interactions that appear to be positive or

negative, depending on the circumstances.

3. Interactions between groups: occurs as a unit, usually not on the personal will of.

Interactions that occur may include contacts, reactions, relationships and communication. In

addition, the number of the actor more than one person, has the intent and purposes, in particular

social system frame. With a long history, Rue Mouffetard prove it's existance.

Paris, 24 December 2011

Nararya Narotama


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Dunia Pendidikan » Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Maryati, Kun. dan Juju Suryawati. 2003. "Sosiologi 1".Jakarta: Esis

McCollum, Sean. 2009."Character Education: Managing Conflict Resolution". New York:

Infobase Publishing

Pearce, Douglas, G. 1995. Tourism Today a Geographical Analysis. England : Longman

Schhiffman J.B and Kanuk Lealie Lazar (1997) Consumer Behavior published by Prentice

Hall Sixth edition