Industrial Psychology Project

Post on 03-Mar-2016

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a copy of my Industrial psychology Project, i had done while in college. There is a reference to branding/ brand image. you'll have to go through the Ppt and the word document to understand it.. hope it'll be helpful .


Industrial Psychology - Presentation

Industrial Psychology - Presentation





Types of Advertising


Does advertising create unnecessary wants? Does it act against the public interest? Or does advertising inform the public, helping consumers identify commercial products and services that will serve their needs and desires? These varying points of view of advertising's role in society reflect significant differences in opinion about the worth of advertising.

The profession of advertisement depicted in movies give us a very fake idea of what it actually is. A study conducted on the same came to the following conclusions :

1. Advertising is easy work. In the movies, relations with clients are smooth and advertisements spring into being without much effort.

2. Advertising is glamorous work. Advertising people work in sophisticated offices, live in beautifully decorated expensive homes, dress fashionably, and attend lavish parties.

3. Advertising is about lying and manipulation.

Advertising has a completely different face as to what we hear in public. Whenever advertising is portrayed in popular culture, it's portrayed in such stereotypical, negative ways.... there is a lot of negative imagery about advertising on campus, particularly at the liberal arts schools. There's such a focus on obsessive consumption, materialism, and gender portrayals. All these negative things shame students into thinking they shouldn't go into advertising. It's a difficult industry to portray accurately because there is just so much that goes on through the day that isn't exciting to watch.

Advertising offers a practical mechanism for communicating about available products and services and the benefits they offer. Of course, a part of what employees do is to try to sell those products and services. All advertising does is focus people in and try to connect the brand personality with the personality of the consumer.


Advertising involves the meeting of many minds working together for one common goal.

It involves all forms of paid, non-personal communication and promotion of products, services, or ideas by a specified sponsors.

Goals of Advertising :

Their main aim is to influence and there are psychologists studying them. Their goal is very simple, they want us to say : Yes, I want it, I need it, Ill buy it

1. One of the universal principle they used was the principle of reciprocation, which suggest that we are obligated to give back to others, the form of behavior that they have given to us. So if someone asks you for a favor you are significantly more likely to say yes when they ask for a favor in return.

For example; the Hare Krishna Society in the airports, will come up to you and give you something before they can ask you for a donation. It can be a flower, a book.

. hare Krishna group

2. The second principle, we can talk about is the principle of scarcity and commitment.The idea that a product is rare, diminishing in their availability to us. Merchandisers use this strategy and give us deadlines or availability limits on a product they want to sell. This makes the product more attractive and we go out and buy it.

eg:A bottle of vintage wine

The principle of commitment - the idea that once we have taken a stand or position, , then we become more willing to yes to any request that is consistent with that commitment. For example :- If you get people to agree to wear a little pin on their shoulder supporting a cause (UNO), 2 weeks later they are twice likely to give a donation.

Person wearing badges,supporting a causeTYPES OF ADVERTISING APPEALS






1. Appeals

An appeal is a request or a promise, what the ad promises to do for you.

An appeal is to make a serious or earnest request, to be attractive an interesting. There are primary and secondary human needs. Primary needs are Food, Clothes, Shelter and secondary needs are power, status, and esteem. The advertisers must identify these needs and direct their message to the target audience, in order to sell their product.

Advertising appeal can be positive or negative. 1. Positive appeal : Stresses the positive aspect of a product and the positive gain for the person purchasing it. The ad could suggest that something good will happen if you use the product.

a positive appeal to drive safe (pleasant)

a positive appeal to quit smoking

2. Negative appeal : It attempts to increase peoples anxiety about not using a product and stresses the loss they will experience if they do not purchase the product.

This approach is used to make the person feel guilty for not buying the product. It works effectively for mothers of young children.

Negative appeal is effective only for certain types of product and doesnt work when the consequences are overly unpleasant.

For example A gruesome accident to promote safe driving, picture of diseased lungs for anti-smoking campaign. Such fear laden appeals distract people from the message.

negative appeal to promote safe driving(accident)-diseased lungs- to help quit smokingSometimes a strong guilt appeal can generate anger towards the ad. Research has shown that strong appeals are less effective than moderate appeal in inducing feelings of guilt.

Another appeal used is Implied Superiority in which the superiority of one product over its competitor is not stated directly but inferred by the consumer. Ex :- the pepsi-coke war.

2. Celebrity Endorsements

In the world of advertising, celebrity endorsement are also called testimonial technique, uses a celebrity or authority in an ad, to lend his/her stellar quality to the product.

This is useful, because when they are depicted in ads, they bring their own culturally related meaning to it.

It leads to great believability, more favorable evaluation of product and therefore more positive purchase intention.

The psychology behind this is the principle of authority and liking. The idea is that we are much more willing to follow the lead of someone, who is a legitimate expert or an authority. Ex:- Film stars, cricketers. People are more likely to agree to a request to someone they know or like.

indian celebrities

A Classic example for this can be the Tupperware parties, where they are arranged so that we are agreeing not to a stranger across the counter, but to a friend or a relative who has invited us there.

tupperware parties

2.Trademarks : A trademark is a type of intellectual property, a name, word, phase, logo, symbol, design, This facilitates advertising effectiveness since the trademark serves as a shorthand symbol of feelings and images associated with the product.

When a trademark is well established in market place, it alone without any advertising message can simulate consumers to recall the product. Companies spend a great deal of time and money on development of product trademarks and brand names, because it helps manufacturers to know how recognizable their product name is to the consuming public and what it means to the target audience.

A trademark gives the company/product the reputation and recognition (brand name) A trademark is so effective that it stands for all brands of a product. Trademarks work successfully, helping to reflect changes in culture of the market place.

3. Product Image


Its establishing an image for a product or service. In order to distinguishthem w.r.t. their quality, hence advertisers grate differences in terms of images, feelings making them feel younger, attractive.

Product images are an important factor in marketing sales, because a picture is worth a thousand words. Through photographs/images you can show the customers what you have to offer and in turn they might show you the money !

A good product image is one, which helps you buy

for example : We sell pears, typically we would take a picture of the pear and place it in a simple background. Thats it. This is not enough to entice the customers you have to give context to the image. If It has a message of the picture that this is going to be delicious and juicy not like a normal pear you have.

raw pear in simple background

pears well packaged to look juicy and fresh.This is what most people miss, is giving the customers enough context in order to help them buy. The image can be more important than the qualities of the product itself. The problem in developing a product image can be determining the qualities that will attract potential buyers.

Models c an help reinforce your message, the message is you can see it in the photo where models are making eye-contact with the camera, you get engaged for a second and thats a good thing to attract the customers to see your ad.

Model making eye-contact

Manufacturers dont have the sensitivity but the advertisers have to understand as to how the image has to communicate the message.

Ex : Picture of i phone -in a website showing how the product actually is -the image reinforces and summarizes the copy.

i phone ad in a website-3D Iimage

3. Product Packaging :


Its an important aspect of advertising campaign is the products package, the part of the product that consumers see at the critical point of sale. A deciding factor for purchase.

We often evaluate people by their clothing or their car, similarly we make judgments about the product we buy. Consumer attitude are often shaped by the wrapping in which its offered and not by the quality of an item.

Mainly, the package must reinforce the products image as established by its advertising campaign.

Packaging is an expensive affair and a daunting task of getting a product out there. Manufacturing, getting it packaged ,getting it distributed and into the retail stores.

a well packeged product Project




5. Sex in advertisements

Sex sells! Sex appeal has a high-attention-getting value. Sexual imagery is used in advertising to draw interest to a particular product for purpose of sale.

Research has shown that the information in ads featuring provocative pictures of women, is read by women itself, doesnt reach the target audience.

Research also suggest a very low rate of recall for information that accompanies such ads.

Emotional Association -the psychology behind the advertisements

The mind takes certain thoughts and ideas, emotions and puts them together, in psychology, its called Associations. Advertising uses these associations and brain washing

Advertisers want us to feel a certain way about their product, they ant us to create a emotional association with their product ex :- Mc Donalds Im lovin it !

The also want us to create a ass ociation with something you already feel good about.

Conditioning : a process where we create an automatic stimulus response in a person or an animal.

Pavlovs Experiment

The branch of psychology used to change someones behavior -Behaviourism. The technique used is called Behavior Modification technique.


This was started by Russian Psychologist Pavlov and his experiment with dogs. (He would feed the dogs and eventually the dogs associated the bell with feeding. Later even before the dogs were being fed, they would salivate on hearing the bell.

A hole was made in the dogs cheek and a device was patched, to catch the saliva and measure them for experiments. Whats messed about this is , after his famous dog experiment, they took human children into the same thing, for the same purpose .This was because they wanted to know if we can condition a human as they could do to a dog )

pavlovs dog

John Watson-Baby Albert Experiment

John watsonExtending on Pavlovs technique of conditioning humans, American Psychologist, John Watson had an experiment called Baby Albert. (Where, he took a baby and showed him a rat. When the rat appeared, Watson would begin to make lots of noises behind the baby to scare him. Eventually, the baby associated the rat with a scary experience. Not only the baby afraid of the rat but anything that was furry.) In Psychology this is called generalization.

This is something, we might not know J.Watson eventually left his psychology studies and began working in advertising. His studies and theories is what developed advertising into what it is today.

Baby Albert(orphan)

6. Women in Advertisements Without a woman, an ad is incomplete, most of the time. But there is exploitation of women.

1. There is objectification of women, women depicted as literal objects. Treating them as sex objects. The focus is mainly on the womens body parts. This is done in extremly competitive situation.

a perfume bottle-womans body2. Dehumanization of women. These ads portray women as less-than-human-objects, humiliated and subject of violence.

rakhi sawant for PETA

Sometimes, portrayal of women in some ads have no connection to the product ex:- Paris hilton in a burger ad !

3. Projection of serotype roles of women : In some ads women are portrayed as domestic providers, who do not make significant decisions, dependent on men and are essentially sex objects, Portraying women as stupid. Advertisers project womens faces- composed in such a way as to suggest stupidity. As well as linguistic senses (women saying stupid things)

women made to do stupid acts

women as home makers

The division of the world into the male symbolic realm of culture and the female domestic realm leaves women as intellectually inferior.

Violence against women : Turning a human being into an object is always the first step in justifying violence against that person. Clearly, the construction of masculinity involves a dual definition of women as sees objects and maintenance of male sexual superiority.

ConclusionWomen have dignity & should be an object of affection and not a sex object. They are wise and not limited to household chores. There is more to a woman than her physical beauty .They have qualities which deserve appreciation. They deserve RESPECT. We should try to reduce the exploitation of women in advertising, if not stop it completely, by making them more aware of the surroundings & instilling self-esteem in them.

Advertising frequently uses the image of sex or sexual pleasure to sell a product that has nothing to do with sex. With this portrayal of sex in advertisements, women are almost always the ones to provide the sexual pleasure. They are shown to be willing and ready; in almost any circumstance life has to offer. More often than not, the body position of women becomes one of a passive and vulnerable person, rather than one who takes an active participation in her sexual affairs. She is shown with her finger in her mouth, looking coyly to the side or down, with the passivity of a little girl. This is not an image of power.

On the contrary, the way men are portrayed in advertising is quite the opposite. They are most often shown in an active stance: legs apart, firmly on the ground, with arms crossed. If they are not standing, they are portrayed doing something active, like sports, or taking hold of a passive woman.

Advertisement may not directly cause women to be victimized, but it contributes to the overall system in which women are viewed as objects that can be bought and sold, taken and used.

The basic aim of advertising is to sell the product. People in advertisements are air brushed and doctored to appear perfect. With this in mind, women are given an unobtainable ideal. The average woman can never look like this, so how is she able to? By buying the products of course. Advertising needs women to feel insecure about themselves or they will not generate more capital, and that is what the system is about.

In conclusion, advertising using powerful media to control peoples' choices. We also have power, the power to choose, the power to think for ourselves, and the power to influence others. How we use that power is central to the creation of good and healthy society.PAGE 1