Industrial Revolution A period from the 18 th to the 19 th century where major changes in...

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Industrial Revolution

A period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in





Industrial Revolution

Machines replaced hand tools

New power (steam) replaced

human and animal power

It began in Britain in the mid 1700s

Now it moves to factories

The Textile industry (Clothes Making) was the first to be affected. James Hargreaves developed the

spinning jenny in 1764.spinning jenny:A machine that

could spin several threads at once (before you could only spin one)

Before the industrial revolution most spinning and weaving took place at home.

A person who invests in a business in order to make a profit. They built the factories and then hired workers to run the machines.

Factory SystemA new system that brought

workers and machinery together in one place to produce goods.

Capital is needed to set up and operate a spinning mill.

What is capital?


A Capitalist is…

Slater’s wife figured out how to make thread stronger so it wouldn’t snap on the spindles.

Britain wanted to keep its new technology secret.


To stay ahead in trade.

Samuel Slater broke

the lawAmericans were offering large rewards for plans of British factories. He memorized them so when he got searched he would have no plans that could be physically found on his person.

He built the first textile mill in America that was powered by water.

Whitney sold his idea by going to D.C. and completing a demonstration with guns.

Interchangeable parts…

Identical, machine-made parts for a tool or instrument

Whose idea was it?

Eli Whitney

Benefits of interchangeable parts…

Save time and money

How did the British blockade in the War of 1812 boost the American economy?

It cut us off from foreign goods so we had to produce more goods ourselves.

Francis Cabot Lowell, a Boston merchant found a way to improve on British textile mills His idea…

Instead of spinning at one factory and weaving at a second, why not combine them under one roof. All steps in one place…turn raw cotton into finished cloth

Disadvantages (Cons):TediousHardlong hours dangerous

After Lowell died…His partners built an entire factory town that was named after him. (model factory community)

Advantages (Pros):Economic Freedom

Disadvantages (Cons):TediousHardlong hours dangerous

Lowell girls…girls who worked for a few

years in the mills before returning home to marry.

Working in a mill

Advantages (Pros):Economic Freedom

The company had to reassure parents that it was okay to send their daughters to work.

built boarding houses and made rules to protect the young women

So they…

Rules:•Doors will be locked at 10


required•Sidewalks will be kept


room for sick

Advantages (Pros):Economic Freedom

Disadvantages (Cons):TediousHardlong hours dangerous

Working in a mill

Advantages (Pros):Economic Freedom

Most factory owners hired women and children because…

They could pay them half as much

Boys and girls as young as 7 worked in factories.

Small children were especially useful in textile mills because…

They could squeeze around the large machines to change spindles.

Views on Child Labor

Then…Many children worked just as hard on farms and at least this way they are being paid.

Wealthier families: wives stayed at home=success

Working Hours in a mill

12 -14 hours a day, 6 days a week

A Farmers Work DayFarmers also put in long hours

but during the winter they didn’t have to work as long.The mill workers

worked hard all year long.

Industrial Revolution and the roles of womenPoor families: women had to

go to work

UrbanizationMovement of populations from farms to cities (rural to urban)

In 1800, 6%, of the nation’s population lived in urban areas.

By 1850 15% of the nation’s population lived in urban areas.

By 1910 50%, of the nation’s population lived in urban areas.

Hazards of growing cities

Attractions of growing cities


Hazards of growing cities

Dirt and gravel streets turned into mudholes

when it rained, no sewers, no garbage disposal

plan=disease (influenza and cholera)

Theatres, museums, and circuses, stores with the latest fashions or “ready to wear fashions”

Attractions of growing cities

Even when carrying heavy loads these barges rose high in the water

Routes to the West

Great Wagon RoadWilderness Road

Flatboat Boat with a flat bottom

used for transporting heavy loads on inland waterways

They were suited to shallow waters because…

Alabama, 1819

Requirement to become a state (Northwest Ordinance of 1787)

Pop=60,000 free settlers, then it could ask congress to be admitted as a new state

Kentucky, 1792

Tennessee, 1796

Ohio, 1803

Louisiana, 1812

Indiana, 1816

Mississippi, 1817

Illinois, 1818

Because water drained off it quickly and it was very smooth

Problems with American Roads…Too narrow, went

through muddy swamps, tree stumps sticking out would break wagon axels

Private Companies built gravel and stone


These roads were paid for by…

Collecting tolls

TurnpikeRoad built by a private company that charges a toll to use it

The Lancaster Turnpike was probably the best road in the U.S.

It connected Lancaster and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Why the best?

Why did it take so long: The War of 1812

Corduroy road

Primitive road made with logs, kept wagons from sinking into the road but they were noisy and bumpy

For the first time, in 1806, Congress approved funds for a national road building project.

The National RoadWhere: Cumberland, Maryland to Wheeling in western VirginiaWhen: 1811-1818

Now people and goods could be moved more easily and cheaply.

Travel on a boat or a wagon?Travel on a boat or a wagon?

Boat!!! It is faster, more comfortable, and costs less

BUT…Moving upstream is difficult

In 1807 Robert Fulton launched his steamboat, named Clermont. Where:

Hudson River…NY-Albany

How long would a 300-mile trip take? 62 hours…record time!

The Erie Canal links Lake Erie with the Hudson River.

So western farmers can get their goods directly to

markets in the east

Canal An artificial channel filled

with water that allows boats to cross a stretch of land

*The cost of shipping goods dropped to about1/10th of what it was before*Made NYC the center of commerce*The success led to other states building canals too

Thomas Jefferson thought that the plan to build a canal was farfetched.

Governor DeWitt Clinton ignored the criticisms

Clinton’s Ditch

1817-1825…8 yearsImpact

Americans are proud of their country!


The War of 1812 was over

Nation was growing rapidly

Transportation was improving=opening of new land to settlers

New industries

New generation of political leaders

James Monroe

Political Party: Democratic Republican

Home State: Virginia

Rufus King

Political Party: Federalist

Home State: New York


This election showed how weak the Federalist

Party was.

By the time Monroe ran for a 2nd term in 1820 he ran unopposed.


The Federalist party had disappeared.

James Monroe…



War officer to



Once chased his Secretary of the Treasury out of the White House with a pair of fireplace tongs

He believed that free slaves should be sent to live in the African colony of Liberia. Because of his support, Liberia’s capital was named Monrovia in his honor.

Monroe was the first president to ride in a steamboat

Even as President he preferred to be

called Colonel

He died on July 4,

1831. The third

president to die

on July 4th .

James Monroe’s Presidency

Monroe hoped to create national unity during his presidency

one newspaper called it “An Era of Good Feelings”

While conflicts between political parties declined, disputes between different sections of the nation increased.




Description of Spokesperson

Position on the War of 1812

Position on Slavery

Ideal Government Size

Agriculture with few factories

John C. Calhoun “Young Hercules,”

immense energy, striking features, slim,

handsome, intense manner of speaking, from South Carolina


Firm Defender of Slavery

Weak federal / strong state



Name of spokesperson

Description of spokesperson

Position on the War of 1812

Position on Slavery

Government Size

Textile mills and new factories

Daniel Webste

r“Great Cannon

loaded to the lips,” from NH, most skillful public speaker of his


Slavery is evil

Strong federal

 Government Size  Strong federal




Description of spokesperson

Position on the War of 1812

Position on Slavery

Small farms

Henry Clay

“Gallant Harry of the West,” born in VA, moved to KY,

lawyer, charming

Supported strongly!!! War Hawk!!!

America is facing economic problems!


1. We did not have a national bank-the charter ran out in


The economy suffered:

• no one to lend money

•No one to regulate the nation’s money supply

States made this problem worse by…

Putting too much $$ in circulation making prices increase (the money did not have the same value…INFLATION!)

British goods are


They had a head start in industrializing.• Factories are paid for• U.S. still paying off


The economic plan of some British merchants…

• lower prices – LOW!!

• Drive Americans out of business

• raise prices

2. Foreign competition esp. from Britain

America is facing economic problems!

Americans want Congress to pass a protective tariff to protect American industries from foreign competition.

Tariff of 1816

Against the tariff…

Southerners• few factories

• buy goods from Great Britain


The disputes over tariffs reflected the growth of sectionalism.

The American System

Henry Clay’s program that would promote economic growth for all sections.

•charter a new national bank

•high tariffs on imports

•construction of roads, bridges and canals

Clay’s reason for having high tariffs…

help northern factories

The wealth made from northern industry would allow them to buy farm products from the West and South.

Clay’s reason for building a better transportation system

Make it easier and cheaper for farmers in the West and South to ship goods to city markets

Clay’s system never fully went into effect.Congress spent little on internal improvements.

Southerners disliked Clay’s plan because…

They had many fine rivers to transport goods so they did not want to pay for roads and canals that would not benefit them.

Supreme Court Cases

Who is the Chief Justice?

John Marshall

McCulloch v. Maryland-1819

What happened?After Congress chartered the second Bank of the United States Maryland tried to tax the Bank in order to drive it out of the state.

Who? James McCulloch, the Bank cashier, refused to pay the tax

Ruling:States have no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders

This ruling strengthened federal power.

The power to tax is the power to


Gibbons v. Ogden-1824

What happened?


New York had a law that tried to control steamboat travel between New York and New Jersey.A state can only regulate trade within its borders. The federal government regulates trade between states - (interstate commerce)

This ruling strengthened federal power.

Latin America

The Western Hemisphere region in which Latin based languages such as Spanish, French, and Portuguese are spoken. It includes Mexico, Central America, South America and the West Indies.


Person born in Spain’s American colonies to Spanish

parentsWhy did people in Spain’s American colonies want their independence?

•Because they had little or no say in government (even wealthy creoles)•Indians were constantly kept in debt

Like Father Hidalgo, Morelos was also captured and killed by the Spanish.

Miguel Hidalgo sounded the call

for Mexican independence in


Under his leadership rebels

took control of several provinces,

but he was captured and

executed in 1811.Jose Morelos, another priest called for… A program to give

land to peasants

Who opposed this?

Wealthy creoles

Mexico Independence=1821

Present Day: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama

Best known revolutionary leader in South America

Simon Bolivar…”The Liberator”


Born into a wealthy Creole family in Venezuela and at a young age he took up the cause of independence

He defeats the Spanish in 1819 when he led an army over the Andes mountains into Colombia and took the Spanish forces by surprise.

Soon after he became president of the Republic of Great Colombia (Gran Columbia).

Federation of the present day nations of Guatemala, EL Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, est. in 1823

Jose de San Martin led Argentina to freedom in 1816.

Other countries he helped gain independence…

Chile, Peru, and Ecuador

In 1821, the people from Central America declared independence from Spain.

Two years later they formed the United Provinces of Central America.

What is this?

By 1825, Spain had lost all of its colonies in Latin America except Cuba and Puerto Rico.

One colony won its independence peacefully…



Prince Pedro, son of Portuguese king sided with the revolutionaries, he in turn became emperor of the new independent nation of Brazil

Spain’s former colonies model their constitutions after…

The U.S.

Different from American


1. The people of Latin America did not unite into a single country.


The colonies were much farther spread out and there were geographic barriers, such as the Andes Mountains, that hindered communication.

Hey I’m over here!

2. Colonists had little or no experience in self-government so powerful leaders took advantage of the turmoil to seize control

Monroe’s Foreign Policy

•The Indians there would sometimes raid settlements in Georgia. •Florida was a refuge for many slaves and many white southerners wanted them back.

The Negro Fort contained about 1,000 African Americans.

Andrew Jackson threatens Spain – destroy the fort or the I will do it

1820: The U.S. invaded Florida and destroyed the fort.

Spain agrees to peace talks because…They were busy fighting rebels

in Latin America.

Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, worked out the treaty with Spain.

Adams-Onis Treaty-1821

Terms: Spain gives Florida to the U.S.

The U.S. gives Spain $5 million


Spanish influence


Latin America Wins Independence

Britain agreed with the U.S. on this issue because they wanted to protect the profitable trade they were conducting with the newly freed countries.

President Monroe wanted to protect Latin America

Americans were against colonialism

Americans would rather trade with the new independent countries

Monroe Doctrine

President Monroe’s foreign policy statement


It states that… *The U.S. will not interfere in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of the European nations.

*It warns European nations not to interfere in Latin America.

*The U.S. would oppose any attempt to build new colonies.

The U.S. did not have the military power to enforce the Monroe Doctrine.

Who had the military power?

Britain…strong navy could stop Europeans from building new colonies in the Americas.

As the U.S. grew stronger the Monroe Doctrine grew in


Presidents still used the Monroe Doctrine to justify foreign policy in the early 1900s.

Chief Justice… You should know


John Marshall

McCulloch v. Maryland-1819

What happened?After Congress chartered the second Bank of the United States Maryland tried to tax the Bank in order to drive it out of the state.

Who? James McCulloch, the Bank cashier, refused to pay the tax

Ruling:States have no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders

This ruling strengthened federal power.

Gibbons v. Ogden-1824

What happened?


New York had a law that tried to control steamboat travel between New York and New Jersey.A state can only regulate trade within its borders. (the court upheld that the federal government regulates trade between states i.e. interstate commerce)

Interstate Commerce…

Trade between different states

This ruling strengthened federal power.


Person born in Spain’s American colonies to Spanish

parents is called a…In what year did Mexico gain its independence? 1821

Who was the best known revolutionary leader in South America (also known as the liberator!)

Simon Bolivar…

Which colony won its independence


Why did the people of Latin America not unite into a single country?

Geographic factors

Quick Review

What were the terms of the Adams-Onis Treaty?

US gets Florida, Spain gets 5 million dollars

Why did Britain agree with the U.S. about European re-colonization?

They wanted to protect their profitable trade

What is one facet of the Monroe Doctrine?

*The U.S. will not interfere in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of the European nations.*It warns European nations not to interfere in Latin America.

*The U.S. would oppose any attempt to build new colonies.

Quick Review