Industrial Revolution By J. Collins. Industrial Revolution The IR is when people stopped making...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Industrial Revolution

By J. Collins

Industrial Revolution

The IR is when people stopped making stuff at home and started making stuff in factories.

Cottage Industry

Factory system

Cotton gin

• His cotton gin removed the seeds out of raw cotton.

Steam E


• The steam engine was not just a transportation device. It ran entire factories the way rivers used to.

Steam engine


Transcontinental R


• The transcontinental railroad made travel across the country faster, cheaper and more efficient.

• The transcontinental RR met in Utah


• Canals are manmade waterways dug between 2 large bodies of water.

• The Erie Canal was a short cut from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.

Erie C

anal 1825


a Canal

• The Panama Canal was a shortcut from the Atlantic to the Pacific (or backwards).


a Canal


• Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. It communicated using a series of beeps (Morse code).


• Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

Robber B


• Andrew Carnegie owned US Steel.

• Steel Mill at night.

Robber B


• John D. Rockefeller owned the railroads and the oil industries


• Carnegie and Rockefeller ran their competition out of business.

• A monopoly is when one company controls the entire industry.


as Edison

• The light bulb allowed factories to work at night.

• Phonograph

Edison’s inventions

• Motion picture camera


Pull factors

• Immigrants come to the USA for jobs and opportunities.

• Pull factors are good stuff to bring immigrants here like jobs.

• Jobs pulled immigrants here.

• Free land was a pull factor

Push factors

• Push factors are bad stuff to push immigrants away from their home countries, like war or disease. The Irish Potato Famine was a push factor.

• Many immigrants lived in tenements.


Child labor

• Many immigrants put their children to work ASAP.

Child labor

• Shoeshine boys

Child labor

• Bowling pin boys

Child labor

• Coal miner boys

Child labor

• Young miner

• For factory work, girls were often preferred over boys. They were paid less and had smaller hands – for reaching into machinery.

Any questions before quiz?



• Progressivism is a series of reform movements during the late 1800 and early 1900s.

Progressive goals

Progressives sought the following:


Reform of the government

Suffrage for women

Better working conditions

More government regulation

Efficient industry


perance Movem


• Women fought to ban alcohol in America.

• They did this without the vote!


perance movem


• Women would go to saloons and start singing church hymns.


perance movem


• Later in 1920, they would be successful with the 18th Amendment which banned the sale or production of alcohol.

Social welfare

• YMCA provided charity work for slum neighborhoods like classes and entertainment.

Political R


• Progressives wanted big business out of politics.

• Progressives wanted more popular sovereignty.

Political R


• Secret ballot – Progressives wanted people to vote without intimidation.

Political R


• Recall – special election to get rid of a politician.

• Auhnold is governor of CA because of a recall election.

Political reform

• Progressives reformed local governments by allowing people to introduce bills (initiative). A referendum is a vote on that initiative.

Political reform

• The Seventeenth Amendment put more power into the peoples’ hands. It allowed for the direct election of US Senators. Before, state legislators would choose.

• Here are the Texas


Political reform

• Progressives wanted big business out of politics.

• Political machines controlled the political parties.

Political R


• One famous political machine was the Tammany Ring of NYC.

• Political machines weren’t all bad. They provided jobs to immigrants and other services


ic Reform

• The Sixteenth Amendment allows for a graduated income tax. That means the rich pay a higher percentage than poor people.

Women’s suffrage


• We hold these truths to be self evident that all men and women are created



• Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the grandmother of the movement

• Women all over the USA and Britain paraded and protested for suffrage.


en’s suffrage

• Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s rights.

• WWI helped women get the vote because they worked so hard during WWI.

• The Nineteenth Amendment gave women’s suffrage.

Labor R


• Labor unions struggled in the 1800s to fight for better working conditions (shorter work day, workers’ comp).

Labor reform

• Unions went on strike, and they turned violent most of the time.

Labor unions

• Skilled labor unions were more successful because they were harder to replace.

• Progressives got laws passed that prohibited child labor.

• Progressives passed laws limiting hours women worked.

• Progressives passed laws requiring workplace safety.

• Workplace safety.

Progressive P


• Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt

• Teddy was the youngest president in history at the time.

Trust buster

• Roosevelt read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, a muckraker

• As a result, he passed the Meat Inspection Act and the Food and Drug Act


Efficient industry

• While some progressives fought industry with labor unions and government regulation, others helped industry by using science in the workplace.

• Taylorism – increasing efficiency through studies of human motion.

Industrial efficiency

• Henry Ford learned that the less people had to move, the faster they would work.

Ford’s assem

bly line

• The first cars were very expensive.

Model T

• The Model T was the first car that middle class people could afford.

Model T

• The assembly line lowered the cost of the Model T from $825 to $300.