Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan...

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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

SWPPP Template for Municipal OperationsIntroduction

To help you develop a SWPPP that is consistent with the 2012 Ohio EPA General Permit for Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activities (Permit OHR000005), the Northeast Ohio Storm Water Training Council has taken the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Industrial SWPPP Template (or, “the Template”) and modified it for your use. Use of the Template will help ensure that your SWPPP addresses all the necessary elements required in Part 5 of the 2012 Ohio MSGP.

Before completing the Template, make sure you read and understand the requirements in Permit OHR000005. A copy of the permit is available at under the Final Permit tab.

Using the Industrial SWPPP Template

This Template is designed for use by regulated small MS4s to meet a requirement of Minimum Control Measure #6: Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations, contained in the Ohio EPA General NPDES Permit for small MS4s #OH000003. The Template is NOT tailored to your individual municipal facility and the industrial activities which occur there. Depending on which industrial sector the activities fall under (see Appendix D of Permit OHR000005) and on where your facility is located, you will need to address additional SWPPP requirements outlined in Part 8 of Permit OHR000005 and/or select storm water control measures (SCMs) to address pollutants of concern identified in any US EPA-approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report applicable to the waterbodies to which your facilities discharge. Communities in NE Ohio should utilize the TMDL Community Identifier Table at the Northeast Ohio Storm Water Training Council website at to identify if a US-EPA approved TMDL exists and, if so, the pollutants of concern.

Regulated small MS4s can operate a wide array of facilities where storm water can contact pollutants. Some of these facilities are subject to regulation under the industrial storm water NPDES permit program and some are regulated under the NPDES permit for small MS4s. Facilities are subject to the industrial storm water program if the facility’s primary standard industrial classification (SIC) code or narrative description is contained in the definition of “storm water associated with industrial activity” found in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3745-39-04(B)(14). These facilities must obtain authorization under their own, separate NPDES permit and develop and implement a SWPPP. These facilities may be regulated under NPDES permit OHR000005 or an individual NPDES permit and must comply with all requirements of their particular NPDES permit. In general, if your community operates the following facilities, you must ensure that they have obtained their own NPDES Permit and developed a SWPPP:

Airports, shipping ports and marinas where vehicle maintenance or aircraft deicing operations occur,

Steam electric power plants,

Wastewater treatment plants designed to treat ≥ 1 MGD or with an industrial pretreatment program, and


Storm water runoff from these facilities is regulated, regardless of their location, if there is a discharge of storm water to a water of the state or the MS4. Although this Template provides some guidance for facilities that require their own NPDES permit, the language in the NPDES permit takes precedence SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

over the language in this guidance document. Communities operating such facilities should refer to the facility’s NPDES and additional guidance material available on the Ohio EPA website at under the Guidance & Permit Compliance tab.

Municipal facilities regulated under your community’s small MS4 permit are not required to obtain authorization to discharge under a separate NPDES permit, but are required to develop a SWPPP that complies with the requirements of Permit OHR000005. These facilities are the focus of this Template. For most communities, this includes, but may not be limited to, the following facilities:

Service, street or public works department yards,

Vehicle maintenance facilities at golf courses, parks, cemeteries and police or fire departments,

Impound lots,

Bus terminals,

Composting facilities, and

Waste transfer stations

The runoff from these facilities is only regulated if the facility is located within the urbanized area of your community. Thus, you only need to develop and implement a SWPPP if the facility is located in the urbanized area. Communities in NE Ohio should refer to the Consolidated Urbanized Area Map at the Northeast Ohio Storm Water Training Council website at to determine if their facilities are located in an urbanized area.

In some cases, your community may lease operations to a private-sector operator. In these situations, the private-sector operator is responsible to obtain an NPDES permit and develop and implement a SWPPP. The regulated small MS4 operator should ensure the operator has either obtained an NPDES permit from Ohio EPA or submitted a No Exposure Certification (NOE) to Ohio EPA. It is recommended that the community require compliance with storm water regulations as a condition to operate the facility. This is best included within the contract with the private-sector operator. The community should also periodically check the facility for the implementation of storm water control measures to prevent illicit discharges.

Other tips for using the Template:

Each section includes “instructions” and space for your facility’s specific information. You should read the instructions for each section before you complete that section.

The Template was developed in Microsoft Word so that you can easily add tables and additional text. Some sections may require only a brief description while others may require several pages of explanation.

To make it easier to complete, the Template generally uses blue text where the operator is expected to enter information.

Ohio EPA has reviewed this document to ensure the accuracy of all instructions and guidance contained in the Template, but the actual obligations of regulated MS4s and their facilities are determined by the relevant provisions of their NPDES permits, not by the Template. In the event of a conflict between the Template and any corresponding provision of an NPDES permit, the permit controls. The Northeast Ohio Storm Water Training Council welcomes comments on the Template at any time and will consider those comments in any future revision of this document.

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016ii

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

for:Insert MS4 Facility Name

Insert Facility AddressInsert City, State, Zip Code

Insert Facility Telephone Number (if applicable)

SWPPP Contact(s):Insert Facility Operator

Insert NameInsert Address

Insert City, State, Zip CodeInsert Telephone Number

Insert Fax/Email

SWPPP Preparation Date:__ __/ __ __ / __ __ __ __

[Revision Dates, If Applicable]

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016i

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE


SECTION 1: FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND CONTACT INFORMATION.......................................................11.1 Facility Information..................................................................................................................11.2 Contact Information/Responsible Parties...................................................................................21.3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team.....................................................................................41.4 Activities at the Facility............................................................................................................51.5 General Location Map.............................................................................................................51.6 Site Map................................................................................................................................7SECTION 2: POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES........................................................................................82.1 Industrial Activity and Associated Pollutants..............................................................................92.2 Spills and Leaks.....................................................................................................................92.3 Non-Stormwater Discharges Documentation...........................................................................102.4 Salt Storage.........................................................................................................................112.5 Sampling Data Summary.......................................................................................................11SECTION 3: STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES..................................................................................113.1 Minimize Exposure................................................................................................................123.2 Good Housekeeping.............................................................................................................123.3 Maintenance........................................................................................................................133.4 Spill Prevention and Response..............................................................................................133.5 Erosion and Sediment Controls..............................................................................................143.6 Management of Runoff..........................................................................................................143.7 Salt Storage Piles or Piles Containing Salt..............................................................................143.8 MSGP Sector-Specific Non-Numeric Effluent Limits.................................................................153.9 Employee Training................................................................................................................153.10 Non-Stormwater Discharges..................................................................................................153.11 Waste, Garbage and Floatable Debris....................................................................................163.12 Dust Generation and Vehicle Tracking of Industrial Materials....................................................16SECTION 4: SCHEDULES AND PROCEDURES FOR MONITORING..........................................................17SECTION 5: INSPECTIONS........................................................................................................................... 19SECTION 6: DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT ELIGIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS UNDER OTHER FEDERAL LAWS............................................................................................................................................ 206.1 Documentation Regarding Endangered Species......................................................................206.2 Documentation Regarding Historic Properties.........................................................................206.3 Documentation Regarding NEPA Review (if applicable)...........................................................20SECTION 7: SWPPP CERTIFICATION..........................................................................................................20SECTION 8: SWPPP MODIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................22SWPPP ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................................................23

Attachment A – General Location MapAttachment B – Site MapsAttachment C – 2008 MSGP

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016ii

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE


1.1 Facility Information

Facility InformationName of Facility:Street:City: State: ZIP Code:County:MS4 Permit Number: OHQ000003 Facility Permit Number: 3GQMS4 Permittee Name: :

Latitude/Longitude (Use one of three possible formats, and specify method)Latitude: Longitude:1. _ _ º _ _ ' _ _'' N (degrees, minutes, seconds) 1. _ _ º _ _ ' _ _'' W (degrees, minutes, seconds)

2. _ _ º _ _ . _ _' N (degrees, minutes, decimal) 2. _ _ º _ _ . _ _' W (degrees, minutes, decimal)

3. _ _ . _ _ _ _ º N (decimal) 3. _ _ . _ _ _ _ º W (decimal)

Method for determining latitude/longitude (check one): USGS topographic map (specify scale: ) EPA Web site GPS Other (please specify):

Is this facility considered a Federal Facility? Yes No

Estimated area of industrial activity at site exposed to stormwater: (acres)

Discharge Information

Does this facility discharge stormwater into an MS4? Yes No

If yes, name of MS4 operator:

Name(s) of water(s) that receive stormwater from your facility

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016iii


― Detailed information on determining your site’s latitude and longitude can be found at

― You must include a copy of NPDES Permit OHR000005, or a reference or link to where a copy can be found, in Attachment C of your SWPPP.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

Use the TMDL Community Identifier Table at to answer the following:

Are any of your discharges directly into any segment of an impaired water? Yes No

If Yes, identify name of the impaired water (and segment, if applicable):

Identify the pollutant(s) causing the impairment:

For pollutants identified, which do you have reason to believe will be present in your discharge?

For pollutants identified, which have a completed TMDL?

Use the table below or refer to Appendix D in Permit OHR000005 to answer the following;

Description of Municipal Activities at this Facility:

Subsector(s) (choose all that apply):

Subsector Codes for Typical Municipal Activities

P1 Maintenance Garages, Service Yard, Bus Terminals, Solid Waste Transfer Station*, Impound Lot


C1 Compost Yard, Leaf Collection Yard J2 Concrete Recycling, Crushing

L1 Landfill, Snow Disposal Yard N2 Source-Separated Recycling

O1 Steam Electric Power Plant A4 Yard waste shredding, mulchingQ1 Shipping Port or Marina S1 Airports

*If the transfer station is located at the landfill where the waste will be disposed, use Subsector L1.

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016iv

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

1.2 Contact Information/Responsible Parties

MS4 Facility Operator (s):Name: Insert NameAddress: Insert AddressCity, State, Zip Code: Insert City, State, Zip CodeTelephone Number: Insert Telephone NumberEmail address: Insert email addressFax number: Insert fax number (optional)

MS4 Facility Owner (s):Name: Insert NameAddress: Insert AddressCity, State, Zip Code: Insert City, State, Zip CodeTelephone Number: Insert Telephone NumberEmail address: Insert email addressFax number: Insert fax number (optional)

MS4 SWPPP Contact:Name: Insert SWPPP Contact NameTelephone number: Insert Telephone NumberEmail address: Insert email addressFax number: Insert fax number (optional)

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016v

Instructions:― List the facility operator(s), facility owner, and 24 hour emergency contact. Indicate respective

responsibilities, where appropriate.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

1.3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team

Staff Names Individual ResponsibilitiesInsert name of SWPPP team member

Insert explanation of that staff person’s responsibilities relating to compliance with the permit

[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016vi

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.1.1): Identify the staff members (by name, title and department) that comprise the facility’s stormwater pollution

prevention team as well as their individual responsibilities. The pollution prevention team may consist of the Mayor, Service Director, City Engineer, Road Superintendent and key city personnel familiar with operations at the facility.

Your stormwater pollution prevention team is responsible for assisting the Mayor or other responsible city official in developing and revising the facility’s SWPPP, implementing and maintaining control measures/BMPs, and taking corrective actions where required. Each member of the stormwater pollution prevention team must have ready access to either an electronic or paper copy of applicable portions of the Permit OHR000005 and your SWPPP.

It is beneficial to include contact information (phone and e-mail address) for each member of the pollution prevention team.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

1.4 Activities at the Facility

Insert text here

1.5 General Location Map

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016vii

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.1.2):

Provide a general description of the nature of the industrial activities at your facility. Potential activities at a municipal facility include, but are not limited to the following:

Vehicle maintenance (mechanical repairs, body work, oil changes, etc.) Vehicle washing Equipment cleaning Fueling Salt Storage/Loading/Mixing Snow Disposal Storage Areas for Equipment, or Scrap/Spare Materials Stockpiling (sand, dirt, ditch cleanings, mulch, unwashed aggregates) Catch basin cleanings and street sweepings dewatering and solids management Yard waste/Leaf collection Composting Pesticide, Herbicide & Fertilizer Storage/Usage Household hazardous waste collection Used Oil and other hazardous waste management Waste disposal/recycling Fleet parking/impound lot Maintenance of storm water management infrastructure, e.g., detention basins,

bioretention areas, oil-water separators

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.1.2): Provide a general location map (e.g., U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle map) with enough detail to

identify the location of your facility and all receiving waters for your stormwater discharges (include as Attachment A of this SWPPP Template).

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

Include a copy of the general location map for this facility in Attachment A.


SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016viii

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

1.6 Site Map

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016ix

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.1.2): Include a map showing the following information. The site map should be included as Attachment B

of this SWPPP Template. the size of the property in acres; the location and extent of significant structures and impervious surfaces; directions of stormwater flow (use arrows); locations of all existing structural control measures; locations of all receiving waters in the immediate vicinity of your facility, indicating if any of the

waters are impaired and, if so, whether the waters have TMDLs established for them; locations of all stormwater conveyances including ditches, pipes, and swales; locations of potential pollutant sources identified under NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part; locations where significant spills or leaks identified under NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part have occurred; locations of all stormwater monitoring points; locations of stormwater inlets and outfalls, with a unique identification code for each outfall

(e.g., Outfall 001, 002, etc), indicating if you are treating one or more outfalls as “substantially identical” under NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Parts 4.2.3,, and 6.1.1, and an approximate outline of the areas draining to each outfall. For sheet flow discharges, indicate directional flow with arrows and identify the sampling point as the outfall location ;

location of MS4, if stormwater from this facility discharges into another segment of your MS4; locations and descriptions of all non-stormwater discharges identified under NPDES Permit

#OHR000005, Part (see Section 2.3 below for further guidance); locations of the following activities where such activities are exposed to precipitation:

o fueling stations;o vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning areas;o loading/unloading areas;o locations used for the treatment, storage, or disposal of wastes;o liquid storage tanks; o processing and storage areas;o immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials,

manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility;o transfer areas for substances in bulk;o machinery; and

locations and sources of run-on to your site from adjacent property that contains significant quantities of pollutants.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

Include a copy of the site map for this MS4 facility in Attachment B.



SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016x

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.1.3): In the subsections that follow, you are required to describe areas at your facility where industrial materials or

activities are exposed to storm water or from which allowable non-stormwater discharges are released.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

2.1 Industrial Activity and Associated Pollutants

Industrial Activity Associated PollutantsInsert specific industrial activity Insert names of pollutants or pollutant constituents

that could be associated with this activity and released in stormwater

[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

2.2 Spills and Leaks

Areas of Site Where Potential Spills/Leaks Could Occur

Location OutfallsInsert description of area where spill/leak could occur Specify which outfall(s) would be

affected[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary][Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xi

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Parts and Include a list of MS4 industrial activities from Section 1.4 above that are exposed to storm water (e.g.,

material storage; equipment/vehicle fueling, maintenance, and cleaning) and the pollutants or pollutant constituents (e.g., motor oil, fuel, battery acid, and cleaning solvents) associated with these activities.

In your list of pollutants associated with your industrial activities, include all significant materials that have been handled, treated, stored, or disposed, and that have been exposed to storm water in the 3 years prior to the date you prepare your SWPPP.

Instructions (See Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part Include the following in this section:

o Potential spills and leaks: A description of where potential spills and leaks could occur at your site that could contribute pollutants to your stormwater discharge, and specify which outfall(s) are likely to be affected by such spills and leaks.

o Past spills and leaks: A description of significant spills and leaks in the past 3 years of oil or toxic or hazardous pollutants that actually occurred at exposed areas, or that drained to a stormwater conveyance.

Note: Significant spills and leaks include, but are not limited to, releases of oil or hazardous substances in excess of quantities that are reportable under CWA Section 311 (see 40 CFR 110.6 and 40 CFR 117.21) or Section 102 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 USC §9602.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

Description of Past Spills/Leaks

Date Description OutfallsInsert date of spill/leak

Insert description of spill/leak (where it occurred, what happened, types of pollutants, extent of damage)

Specify which outfall(s) were affected

[Repeat as necessary]

[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

[Repeat as necessary]

[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

[Repeat as necessary]

[Repeat as necessary] [Repeat as necessary]

2.3 Non-Stormwater Discharges Documentation

Date of evaluation: Insert the date(s) of your evaluation. Description of the evaluation criteria used: Describe the method you used to conduct your

evaluation and to determine for each non-stormwater source whether it is prohibited or allowed under the permit.

List of the outfalls or onsite drainage points that were directly observed during the evaluation: Insert outfalls/drainage points observed.

Different types of non-stormwater discharge(s) and source locations: Describe types of non-stormwater discharges observed and the corresponding outfall or drainage point.

Action(s) taken, such as a list of control measures used to eliminate unauthorized discharge(s), if any were identified. For example, a catch basin was re-routed to sanitary for provide an area to dewater catch basin cleanings, the discharge of leachate from composting is being collected and sprayed back onto the piles, or an NPDES permit application was submitted for an unauthorized illicit discharge: Describe actions taken to eliminate unauthorized non-stormwater discharges and the corresponding outfall/drainage point affected.

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xii

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part The questions below require you to provide information about the following. Supporting documentation

should be included as needed:o Identify all non-storm water discharges that exist at your facility, including allowable non-storm water

discharges. See Part 1.1.3 of NPDES Permit #OHR000005 for list of allowable non-storm water discharges

o If you identify an unauthorized non-storm water discharge, indicate how you eliminated it or how you plan to eliminate it and provide a schedule to do so. Elimination may mean re-routing discharges to the sanitary sewer, capping drains, or obtaining an appropriate NPDES permit to authorize the discharge.

o Describe how you performed the evaluation to determine the presence of non-stormwater discharges at your site (plan review, dry weather screening, smoke or dye testing, etc.);

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

2.4 Salt Storage

Insert description of the location of any storage piles containing salt.

2.5 Sampling Data Summary

Insert summary of stormwater sampling data collected for the past permit, and/or attach discharge monitoring reports or laboratory results.

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xiii

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part Document the location of any storage piles containing salt used for deicing or other commercial or industrial

purposes. Note: You will be asked additional questions concerning salt storage in Section 3.7 of this SWPPP template,


Instructions (See Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part Summarize all storm water sampling data collected from your permitted outfalls during the previous permit

term. Because most service yards are not required to do analytical monitoring of storm water discharges, you may

not have data to insert in this section. In future updates to the SWPPP, you can use this section to summarize recurring issues observed during visual assessments.

Municipal facilities with their own NPDES permit may have benchmark, effluent limitation or other monitoring requirements in their permit. If so, summarize here.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE


3.1 Minimize Exposure


3.2 Good Housekeeping


SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xiv

Instructions (See Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Parts and 2.1.2): This section documents which storm water control measures are implemented at your facility and where and

how you implement them at the facility.

Although the Service Director may have the ultimate responsibility, it is useful to document the position(s) that are responsible for implementing each control measure at each location, e.g., the “senior mechanic” or “parks department shift supervisor”.

All facilities are required to implement the following storm water control measures, however not all measures may be appropriate for every activity which occurs on site. Required control measures are:

o Minimize exposureo Good housekeepingo Maintenanceo Spill Prevention & Responseo Erosion and Sediment Controlo Runoff Managemento Controls for salt storage piles or piles containing salto Sector-specific requirements (refer to the subsector code(s) listed in Part 1.1 of the SWPPP

and the corresponding Subpart of Part 8 of Permit OHR000005)o Employee trainingo Elimination of Unauthorized Non-Storm Water Discharges

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part Describe any structural controls or practices used to minimize the exposure of industrial activities to rain,

snow, snowmelt, and runoff. Describe where the controls or practices are being implemented at your site.

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Parts and any practices you are implementing to keep exposed areas of your site clean. Describe where each practice is being implemented at your site. Include here your schedule for: (1) regular pickup and disposal of waste materials, including yard waste, collected solid and hazardous waste, used oil, etc., and (2) routine inspections for leaks and of the condition of drums, tanks, MS4 vehicles, battery storage, pesticide and paint storage, and containers.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

3.3 Maintenance


3.4 Spill Prevention and Response


SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xv

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Parts and Describe procedures (1) to maintain all equipment so that spills/leaks are avoided, and (2) to maintain any of

your site’s control measures in effective operating condition. Include the schedule you will follow for such maintenance activities. Describe where each applicable procedure is being implemented at the site.

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Parts and Describe any structural controls or procedures used to minimize the potential for leaks, spills, and other

releases. You must implement the following at a minimum:

Procedures for plainly labeling containers (e.g., “Used Oil,” “Spent Solvents,” “Fertilizers and Pesticides,” etc.) that could be susceptible to spillage or leakage to encourage proper handling and facilitate rapid response if spills or leaks occur;

Preventative measures such as barriers between material storage and traffic areas, secondary containment provisions, and procedures for material storage and handling;

Procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up leaks, spills, and other releases; and Procedures for notification of appropriate facility personnel, emergency response agencies, and

regulatory agencies. Provide emergency contact names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Describe where each control is to be located or where applicable procedures will be implemented. Note: Some facilities may be required to develop a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)

plan under a separate regulatory program (40 CFR 112). If you are required to develop an SPCC plan, or you already have one, you should include references to the relevant requirements from your plan. SPCC plans are required if your facility has capacity to store: (a) ≥ 1320 gallons of oil, in aggregate, in above-ground storage tanks (do not count containers with a capacity of less than 55 gallons), (b) 42,000 gallons of oil in underground storage, or (c) the facility has a “reasonable expectation” of oil discharge to a waterway. This information is current as of March 8, 2016. Refer to for the latest.

Note that SPCC plans only address oil and other such petroleum-based products. If you are documenting spill prevention and response procedures by reference to your SPCC plan, you must provide supplemental information within this section of the SWPPP to address other materials that may spill at your facility, e.g., beet juice or brine.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

3.5 Erosion and Sediment Controls


3.6 Management of Runoff


3.7 Salt Storage Piles or Piles Containing Salt


SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xvi

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part structural or non-structural controls used at your site to stabilize exposed areas and contain runoff to minimize onsite erosion and potential offsite discharges of sediment. Note: You must at a minimum implement flow velocity dissipation devices at outfalls and discharge channels.

Describe the location at your site where each control will be implemented.

Controls are to be selected and designed per guidance in the latest version of Rainwater and Land Development, Ohio’s Standards for Stormwater Management, Land Development and Urban Stream Protection. This manual is available online at

Instructions (See Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part controls used at your site to divert, infiltrate, reuse, contain, or otherwise reduce or manage stormwater runoff.

Describe the location at your site where each control is implemented. This includes stormwater management ponds, oil-water separators, bioretention areas, cisterns, permeable pavements, green roofs, swales, curbs, berms and other such stormwater control structures.

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part applicable, describe structures at your site that either cover or enclose salt storage piles or piles containing salt, or that prevent the discharge of stormwater from such piles. Also, describe any controls or procedures used to minimize exposure resulting from adding to or removing materials from the pile or mixing salt with additives. Describe the location at your site where each control and/or procedure will be implemented.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

3.8 MSGP Sector-Specific Non-Numeric Effluent Limits


3.9 Employee Training


SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xvii

Instructions (see Part 8 of NPDES Permit #OHR000005): Describe any controls or procedures that will be used at your site to comply with any sector-specific

requirements that apply to you in Part 8 of the NPDES permit, i.e., the sector code(s) you listed in Section 1.1 of the SWPPP. Describe the location at your site where each control and/or procedure will be implemented.

This section is intended to document additional control measures/best management practices (BMPs) required by the Subparts of Part 8 of NPDES Permit #OHR000005 that are applicable to your facility. Benchmark and effluent limitation monitoring requirements are documented in Section 4. Note: Additional control measures apply to Sectors A, E, F, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z, and AA.

Prohibitions on storm water discharges and additionally-authorized non-storm water discharges should be documented in Section 2.3 of the SWPPP. Control measures implemented to eliminate unauthorized discharges should be described in Section 3.10 below.

Various sections of the Template may be affected to comply with additional SWPPP requirements found in Part 8 of NPDES Permit #OHR000005. Additional SWPPP requirements apply to Sectors A, E, F, I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA and AB. Ensure that the appropriate sections address the additional SWPPP requirements.

Benchmark monitoring and effluent limitation monitoring requirements are documented in Section 4.

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Parts and your plan for training the employees who work in areas where industrial materials or activities are exposed to stormwater, or who are responsible for implementing activities necessary to meet the conditions of NPDES Permit #OHR000005, including all members of your Pollution Prevention Team. Included in your description must be the frequency of training (Note: required at least one time per year), and the schedule you will follow.

Storm water pollution prevention training should be included in new employee orientation.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

3.10 Non-Stormwater Discharges


3.11 Waste, Garbage and Floatable Debris


3.12 Dust Generation and Vehicle Tracking of Industrial Materials


SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xviii

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 how you eliminated any unauthorized non-stormwater discharges at your site. The unauthorized non-stormwater discharges include any non-stormwater discharges that are not specifically identified in Part 1.1.3 of NPDES permit #OHR000005 or authorized within Part 8. Note: If this section is already addressed by your documentation for Section 2.3 of the SWPPP template, you can simply include a cross-reference to that section of your SWPPP.

Control measures to eliminate unauthorized non-storm water discharges may include, but are not limited to: re-routing to sanitary sewer, elimination of cross-connections and inflow/infiltration, permanently capping floor drains, prohibiting a previously-allowed practice such as outdoor vehicle washing, and obtaining an appropriate NPDES permit to authorize the non-storm water discharge.

Non-storm water discharges include, but are not limited to: illicit cross-connections, discharging wastewater treatment systems, non-contact cooling water, vehicle and equipment washwater, pavement washdown utilizing detergents or from areas where spills and leaks have occurred, discharges from utility sinks, leachate from waste dumpsters or composting materials, etc.

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part controls and procedures that will be used at your site to minimize discharges of waste, garbage, and floatable debris. Describe the location at your site where each control and/or procedure will be implemented.

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part controls and procedures you will use at your site to minimize the generation of dust and off-site tracking of raw, final, or waste materials. Describe the location at your site where each control and/or procedures will be implemented.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE


For each type of monitoring, your SWPPP must include a description of:

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xix

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part Benchmark and effluent limitation monitoring required by Parts 6 and 8 of the NPDES permit will not apply

to service garages and most other MS4 operations. These primarily apply to facilities that obtain their own, separate coverage under NPDES Permit #OHR000005 or an individual NPDES permit, or at facilities that may be owned by the MS4, but operated by a private-sector contractor. In the latter situation, the private-sector contractor should have coverage under NPDES Permit #OHR000005.

Describe your procedures for conducting the analytical monitoring specified by NPDES Permit #OHR000005, where applicable to your facility, including:

Benchmark monitoring (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 6.2.1 and relevant requirements in Part 8); Benchmark monitoring is not required at facilities that are developing this SWPPP due to requirements of the NPDES permit for small MS4s, but is required for facilities with their own permit coverage under NPDES permit #OHR000005, if applicable to their sector.

Effluent limitations guidelines monitoring (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 6.2.2 and relevant requirements in Part 8);

Other monitoring as required by Ohio EPA (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 6.2.5).

Depending on the type of facility you operate, and the monitoring requirements to which you are subject, you must collect and analyze stormwater samples and document monitoring activities consistent with the procedures described in NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 6 and Appendix B, Subsections 10 – 12, and any additional sector-specific requirements in NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Parts 8, respectively. Refer to NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 7 for reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Note: All monitoring must be conducted in accordance with the relevant sampling and analysis requirements at 40 CFR Part 136. Include in your description procedures for ensuring compliance with these requirements.

If you are invoking the exception for inactive and unstaffed sites for benchmark monitoring, you must include in your SWPPP the information to support this claim as required by NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part

If you plan to use the substantially identical outfall exception for your benchmark monitoring requirements in NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 6.2.1 and/or your quarterly visual assessment requirements in NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 4.2.3, you must include the following documentation:

Location of each of the substantially identical outfalls; Description of the general industrial activities conducted in the drainage area of each outfall; Description of the control measures implemented in the drainage area of each outfall; Description of the exposed materials located in the drainage area of each outfall that are likely to be

significant contributors of pollutants to stormwater discharges; An estimate of the runoff coefficient of the drainage areas (low = under 40%; medium = 40 to 65%; high

= above 65%); and Why the outfalls are expected to discharge substantially identical effluents.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

1. Sample Location(s). Describe where samples will be collected, including any determination that two or more outfalls are substantially identical. Ensure the narrative here is consistent with information on the Site Map. INSERT TEXT HERE

2. Pollutant Parameters to be Sampled. Include a list of the pollutant parameters that will be sampled and the frequency of sampling for each parameter. This is determined by the benchmark and effluent limitation monitoring requirements in Part 8 of NPDES Permit #OHR000005. INSERT TEXT HERE

3. Monitoring Schedules. Include the schedule you will follow for monitoring your stormwater discharge, (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part and INSERT TEXT HERE

4. Numeric Limitations. List here any pollutant parameters subject to numeric limits (effluent limitations guidelines), and which outfalls are subject to such limits. Numeric limits are specified, if they exist, in the section titled “Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitation Guidelines” in Part 8 of NPDES Permit #OHR000005. Note that numeric limits are only included for Sectors A, D, E, J, and O. INSERT TEXT HERE

5. Procedures. Describe procedures you will follow for collecting samples, including responsible staff who will be involved, logistics for taking and handling samples, laboratory to be used, etc. INSERT TEXT HERE

Note: It may be helpful to create a table with columns corresponding to # 1 - 5 above for each type of monitoring you are required to conduct.

Inactive and Unstaffed sites exception (if applicable)If you are invoking the exception for inactive and unstaffed sites for benchmark monitoring, include information to support this claim.INSERT TEXT HERE

Substantially identical outfall exception (if applicable)If you plan to use the substantially identical outfall exception for your benchmark monitoring and/or quarterly visual assessment requirements, include the following information here to substantiate your claim that these outfalls are substantially identical:

Location of each of the substantially identical outfalls: INSERT TEXT HERE For each group of substantially identical outfalls, identify the outfall that will be monitored for purposes of

benchmark monitoring. Only that outfall must be monitored throughout the NPDES permit term. INSERT TEXT HERE

Description of the general industrial activities conducted in the drainage area of each outfall: INSERT TEXT HERE

Description of the control measures implemented in the drainage area of each outfall: INSERT TEXT HERE Description of the exposed materials located in the drainage area of each outfall that are likely to be

significant contributors of pollutants to stormwater discharges: INSERT TEXT HERE An estimate of the runoff coefficient of the drainage areas (low=under 40%; medium=40 to 65%; high

=above 65%): INSERT TEXT HERE Why the outfalls are expected to discharge substantially identical effluents: INSERT TEXT HERE

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xx

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE


For the routine facility inspections and the comprehensive site inspections to be performed at your site, include a description of the following:

The names of the person(s), or the positions of the person(s), responsible for inspection: INSERT TEXT HERE

The schedules to be used for conducting inspections. Routine Facility Inspections are to be conducted quarterly, unless otherwise specified in Part 8 sector-specific requirements, and comprehensive site inspections are to be conducted annually: INSERT TEXT HERE and

Specific areas of the facility to be inspected, including schedules for specific outfalls: INSERT TEXT HERE

For the quarterly visual assessments to be performed at your site, include a description of the following:

The names of the person(s), or the positions of the person(s), responsible for inspection: INSERT TEXT HERE

The schedules to be used for conducting inspections. Visual assessments are required quarterly: INSERT TEXT HERE and

The schedule for specific outfalls to be assessed. If you are claiming substantially-identical outfalls only one of the outfalls amongst the group of substantially-identical outfalls must be assessed each quarter. You are to rotate amongst the group of substantially-identical outfalls throughout the NPDES permit term: INSERT TEXT HERE

Inactive and Unstaffed sites exception (if applicable)If you are invoking the exception for inactive and unstaffed sites for your routine facility inspections and quarterly visual assessments, include information to support this claim.INSERT TEXT HERE

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xxi

Instructions: Describe your procedures for performing the three types of inspections required by NPDES Permit

#OHR000005, including:

Routine facility inspections (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 4.1); Quarterly visual assessment of stormwater discharges (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 4.2); and Comprehensive site inspections (NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Part 4.3).

If you are invoking the exception for inactive and unstaffed sites relating to routine facility inspections and quarterly visual assessments, you must include in your SWPPP the information to support this claim as required by NPDES Permit #OHR000005, Parts 4.1.3 and 4.2.3.

A sample routine facility inspection and quarterly visual assessment form is available on the Ohio EPA webpage for industrial storm water at under the Guidance & Permit Compliance Documents tab.

Appendix I of NPDES Permit #OHR000005 contains the Annual Report Form that should be utilized to document the Comprehensive Site Inspection.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE


I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Name: Title:

Signature: Date:

SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xxii

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.1.7):The following certification statement must be signed and dated by a person who meets the requirements of Appendix B, Subsection 11.A or 11.B, of NPDES Permit #OHR000005. For a municipality, state, federal or other public agency, the SWPPP certification and records required of the SWPPP must be signed by either a principal executive officer, a ranking elected official or by a duly authorized representative of that person.

A person is a duly authorized representative only if: The authorization is made in writing by a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, The authorization specifies the individual or position having responsibility for the overall operation of the

regulated facility or activity such as the service director or superintendent, The signed and dated authorization is included in the SWPPP.

A principal executive officer of a federal agency includes (i) the chief executive officer of the agency, or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency, e.g., Director of Ohio EPA.

Note: This certification must be re-signed in the event of a SWPPP modification in response to a Part 3.1 trigger for corrective action.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE



SWPPP Template for Municipal Operations, March, 2016xxiii

Instructions (see Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Part 5.2): Your SWPPP is a “living” document and is required to be modified and updated, as necessary, in response

to corrective actions. See Part 3.4 of the NPDES Permit #OHR000005. o If you need to modify the SWPPP in response to a corrective action required by Part 3.1 of the

NPDES Permit #OHR000005, then the certification statement in section 6 of this SWPPP Template must be re-signed in accordance with NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Appendix B, Subsection 11.A or 11.B.

o For any other SWPPP modification, you should keep a log with a description of the modification, the name of the person making it, and the date and signature of that person. See NPDES Permit #OHR000005 Appendix B, Subsection 11.C.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)INSERT MS4 NAME and DATE

SWPPP ATTACHMENTSAttach the following documentation to the SWPPP:

Attachment A – General Location Map

Include a copy of your general location map in Attachment A.

Attachment B – Site Map

Include a copy of your site map(s) in Attachment B.

Attachment C – Ohio EPA NPDES Permit #OHR000005

Note: It is helpful to keep a printed-out copy of the NPDES Permit #OHR000005 so that it is accessible to you for easy reference. However, you do not need to formally incorporate the entire NPDES Permit #OHR000005 into your SWPPP. As an alternative, you can include a reference to the permit and where it is kept at the site.

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