Infinite square well (particle in a box) - High …jcumalat/phys2170_f13/lectures/Lec24.pdfThe...

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transcript Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 1

Infinite square well (particle in a box)

•  Homework set 8 is posted and is due next Wednesday, Oct. 30.

•  Still have homework to return


Today we will be investigating the infinite square well (particle in a box).


Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 2

eikx= cos kx + i sin kx

e-ikx= cos kx - i sin kx = 1/eikx

cos kx = (eikx + e-ikx)/2

sin kx = (eikx - e-ikx)/2i

Interesting Facts for Friday

Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 3

Chewing gum was invented by a dentist, named William Semple - as a way to exercise your jaws. First person to patent chewing gum in 1869. Adams patented chicle gum that people now spend 2 billion dollars a year on. Was originally made by tapping trees, now done chemically.

A solar panel 100 miles by 100 miles (161x161km) in the Mojave Desert (USA) could replace all the coal now burned to generate electricity in the entire U.S.

Interesting Friday Facts cont.

Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 4

Lake Baikal in Russia contains more water than all the North American Great Lakes combined. One fifth of all fresh water in the world is contained in Lake Baikal. It is 400 miles long!

More facts cont.

Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 5

Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 18 inches (46cm) per year as a result of draining water.

The temperature in Fahrenheit can be determined by counting the number of cricket chirps in 14 seconds and adding 40. Comes from the Farmers Almanac

Hawaii is moving toward Japan at 10 centimeters (4 inches) every year.

The first ten feet of the ocean hold as much heat as the Earth's entire atmosphere.

Cricket Chirps – study performed in Boulder

Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 6

2007 Education Study

Review of Schrodinger Eq.

Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 7

1.  It must be consistent with a. λ = h/p b. v = E/h c. E = p2/2m + V (note non-relativistic)

2. It must be linear in Ψ(x,t). A linear combination of waves can be solutions. Ψ(x,t) = a1Ψ1(x,t) + a2Ψ2(x,t)

3. The potential energy V is, in general, a function of x and t. So far have looked at problems where V is a constant or a function of x. (ie V = V(x) ) Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 8

The general (spatial part) solution for a free particle is:

Using some identities you will be proving in the homework, this can also be written as

To get the full wave function we multiply by the time dependence:

The C wave is moving right and the D wave is moving left.

Free particle

Lets pick the right going wave and check it one more time.

This is the sum of two traveling waves, each with momentum ħk and energy ħω. Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 9

If we plug this into the TDSE, what do we get?

Check free particle solution in TDSE

For a free particle, V(x,t)=0. The solution for a particle moving to the right is


Putting it all together gives:

Kinetic energy

Total energy = It all works! Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 10

A.  Always larger B.  Always smaller C.  Always equal D.  Oscillates between smaller & larger E.  Depends on other quantities like k

Clicker question 1 Set frequency to AD

The probability of finding the particle at x=0 is _________ to the probability of finding the particle at x=L.

Left moving free particle wave function is: Can also write as

x=0 x=L

or Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 11

A.  Always larger B.  Always smaller C.  Always equal D.  Oscillates between smaller & larger E.  Depends on other quantities like k

Clicker question 1 Set frequency to AD

The probability of finding the particle at x=0 is _________ to the probability of finding the particle at x=L.

Get probability from |Ψ(x,t)|2.

Left moving free particle wave function is: Can also write as

x=0 x=L

Probability is constant (same everywhere and everywhen)

or Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 12

Electrons in wire We just solved the free particle in 1D problem.

Remember, free particle means there is no force acting on it.

An electron in a very long (technically infinite) copper wire with no voltage on it would have the same wave function.

Next: Wave function of electron in a short (length a) copper wire.

0 a

We will first figure out V(x), then find the solution, and finally analyze what the solution means physically.

Use TISE: Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 13

Clicker question 2 Set frequency to AD

0 a What can we say about V(x) for an electron inside a copper wire which extends from x=0 to x=a? A. V(x) is smaller in the region 0<x<a B. V(x) is constant over all values of x C. V(x) is constant in the region x<0 and x>a D. More than one of the above E. None of the above

Hint: consider what we learned from the photoelectric effect. Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 14

Clicker question 2 Set frequency to AD

0 a What can we say about V(x) for an electron inside a copper wire which extends from x=0 to x=a? A. V(x) is smaller in the region 0<x<a B. V(x) is constant over all values of x C. V(x) is constant in the region x<0 and x>a D. More than one of the above E. None of the above

Hint: consider what we learned from the photoelectric effect.

Photoelectric effect showed us that it takes energy to remove an electron from a metal

So electron “wants” to be in the metal (smaller PE)

Outside the wire (x<0 or x>a) it’s a free particle: V(x) is constant Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 15

+ + + + + + + + +

1 atom many atoms

electrons move around to points of lowest potential

The electrons fill in and are uniformly distributed.


Potential energy in a metal

The potential energy ends up being constant



l ene

rgy Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 16

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Potential Energy


The regular array of positive charges creates the “potential well”

The electrons fill in the well up to a certain level

The top most electrons in the well are the easiest to remove

What energy is required to remove the top most electron?

The work function of the metal (4.7 eV for copper).

Potential energy in a metal Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 17

a 0 0 eV

0 a

4.7 eV



l Ene



x < 0: V(x) = 4.7 eV x > a: V(x) = 4.7 eV 0 < x < a: V(x) =0 x

Physical picture

Potential energy V(x)

The thermal energy of an electron is approximately kBT which is equal to ~0.025 eV at room temperature. How likely is it that the electron is outside the well? A. impossible B. very unlikely C. somewhat unlikely D. likely E. impossible to tell

Clicker question 3 Set frequency to AD Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 18

a 0 0 eV

0 a

4.7 eV



l Ene



x < 0: V(x) = 4.7 eV x > a: V(x) = 4.7 eV 0 < x < a: V(x) =0 x

Physical picture

Potential energy V(x)

The thermal energy of an electron is approximately kBT which is equal to ~0.025 eV at room temperature. How likely is it that the electron is outside the well? A. impossible B. very unlikely C. somewhat unlikely D. likely E. impossible to tell

Likelihood is about

Clicker question 3 Set frequency to AD

which is a very small probability indeed!

Note, we could have made the bottom of the well -4.7 eV and the top 0 eV. Get the same results but a little more complicated. Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 19

a 0 x

Physical picture

For this scenario, what can we say about ψ(x)?

A. ψ(x) is the same for all x B. ψ(x) is ~0 for 0<x<a and not 0 for x<0 and x>a C. ψ(x) is ~0 for x<0 and x>a and not 0 for 0<x<a D. ψ(x) is not ~0 anywhere

Clicker question 4 Set frequency to AD

0 eV 0 a

4.7 eV



l Ene



x < 0: V(x) = 4.7 eV x > a: V(x) = 4.7 eV 0 < x < a: V(x) =0

Potential energy V(x) Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 20

a 0 x

Physical picture

For this scenario, what can we say about ψ(x)?

A. ψ(x) is the same for all x B. ψ(x) is ~0 for 0<x<a and not 0 for x<0 and x>a C. ψ(x) is ~0 for x<0 and x>a and not 0 for 0<x<a D. ψ(x) is not ~0 anywhere

Clicker question 4 Set frequency to AD

0 eV 0 a

4.7 eV



l Ene



x < 0: V(x) = 4.7 eV x > a: V(x) = 4.7 eV 0 < x < a: V(x) =0

Potential energy V(x)

This is similar to the guitar string boundary condition Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 21

0 Pot


l Ene


x 0 a

So the approximate potential energy function is

This is called the infinite square well (referring to the potential energy graph) or particle in a box (since the particle is trapped inside a 1D box of length a.

x < 0: V(x) ≈ ∞ x > a: V(x) ≈ ∞ 0 < x < a: V(x) = 0

We are interested in the region 0 < x < a where V(x) = 0 so

The infinite square well (particle in a box)

This is the same equation as the free particle. But now we will also need to apply the boundary conditions ψ(0) = 0 and ψ(a) = 0.

becomes Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 22


Putting in x = 0 gives so A = 0

Putting in x = a gives

1 2

From the free particle we know the functional form of the solution to

Now we apply the boundary conditions

To get requires

0 0 a

∞ ∞



Get the condition ; same as the guitar string.

We also know so that

Infinite square well solution Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 23

Clicker question 5 Set frequency to AD For an infinite square well, what are the possible values for E?

0 0 a

∞ ∞







E.  Any value (E is not quantized) Physics 2170 – Fall 2013 24

Clicker question 5 Set frequency to AD For an infinite square well, what are the possible values for E?

0 0 a

∞ ∞







E.  Any value (E is not quantized)

Putting into the TISE

gives so

Putting in the k quantization condition gives

(just kinetic energy)