Inflammation p.1 SYLLABUS: Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease, Chapter: Acute and...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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- alveoli filled with fibrinous exsudate (fibrin stain) Lobar pneumonia


Inflammation p.1 SYLLABUS: Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease, Chapter: Acute and Chronic Inflammation (all) Inflammation p Lobar pneumonia 106 Appendicitis 155 Nasal polyp 216 Pericarditis (fribrionous) 50Follicular hyperplasia of the lymph node 119 Candidiasis (esophagus) - alveoli filled with fibrinous exsudate (fibrin stain) Lobar pneumonia -neutrophilic inflammatory infiltration of all the layers of appendix - possible mucosal ulcerations, inflammatory exsudate in the lumen of appendix, necrosis of the wall extending to serosa Appendicitis -edematous mucosa with a loose stroma -often hyperplastic or cystic mucous glands - a variety of inflammatory cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, and plasma cells with occasional clusters of lymphocytes Nasal polyp - fibrinous exsudate (eosinophilic meshwork of threads and amorphous masses) covering pericardium Pericarditis (fibrinous inflammation) Follicular hyperplasia of the lymph node (Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, follicular pattern) -increase in number and size of germinal centers, due to expansion of follicular center, occasionally of mantle as well - follicular polarization retained Follicular hyperplasia of the lymph node Candidiasis (esophagus) Organisms: a mixture of budding yeast forms (blastoconidia) and pseudohyphae, tubular structures separated by narrowed areas Tissue reaction: usually purulent but may be minimal or granulomatous Candidiasis (esophagus)