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IN Focus Newsletter | Page 1 - 6

Inside This Issue Calling his shots with an iPhone

From the President

Food Fight

Bob Benson to give Judging Presentation

February Image of the Month

CACCA Spring Salon

Upcoming Schedule February 2012 Saturday, Feb 11– 1:30 pm CACCA meeting, Arlington Heights. Monday, Feb 13– 7 PM Club Meeting. POSTCARD COMPETITION, Jerry Hug to give presentation on HDR Photography. Monday, Feb 13– 7 PM Club Meeting. Pizza Night, Bob Benson to give presentation on Judging CACCA and club competition images. March 2012 Saturday March 10– 12:30 PM CACCA Meeting. Monday, March 12– 7 PM Club Meeting. Rich Fisher to give presentation on African Safari Photography Saturday March 17– 9:30 AM CACCA Spring Salon Monday, March 26– 7 PM CLUB COMPETITION.

Vintage Colors – image by Jerry Hug

Calling his shots with an iPhone Jerry Hug was intrigued by cell phone cameras for three years before

purchasing his iPhone. He chose an iPhone because of the photographic

applications available. "Not only can you take the picture, you can also

do a lot of the editing similar to Photoshop and then some" says Jerry.

"The cell phone is like having a one button point-and-shoot camera. This

lets me have the freedom to shoot quickly and concentrate on

composition and subjects". Workflow using a cell phone generated image

and an image produced with a DSLR or point-and-shoot camera are the

same, according to Jerry. Although he feels his iPhone camera will never

replace his Canon 5D Mark II; Jerry does believe the simplicity of cell

phone cameras including the iPhone "encourages interpretive

exploration and fun photography. You can use the iPhone for those

"document life' moments and newsworthy events and then share them

with the world." Jerry continues, "I do get many photographs that others

do not get because they do not always have a camera with them”

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Des P laines Camera Club Des P laines, IL February 2012


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President…..Tom Mulick Vice President….Dave Waycie

Treasurer….Irene Szilagyi Publicity… Theresa Hart

Recording Secretary…Kay Michaely Program Director…Tom Mulick

IN Focus Editor…Sue Lindell Contributors….Bill Bishoff,

Bob Erickson

Tom Mulick, DPCC President

From the President: I guess I can’t say anything at this time of the year without making a comment about this unusual winter. I really miss ice and snow that we usually get with our winters. Last year at this time we were out taking pictures of the big snow storm after digging out. Then there was going out snowshoeing and cross-country skiing, all photo ops. Because there isn’t any ice on the Mississippi, I haven’t taken one picture of an eagle. Landscape photography is nothing but dull drab color. That doesn’t mean that we can’t advance in our quest to improve our photography.

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Jellie and Reflection – image by Jerry Hug

Jerry feels that the small and discrete size of a cell phone camera allows much more opportunities for photographing because people aren’t as likely to pay much attention to someone holding a cell phone as opposed to a “regular” camera.

Jerry also uses many different apps in processing his iPhone images,

including HDR effects. He tells us, “I have been post processing photos

since my days in the B&W darkroom. Why change now? I like improving

my images in the easiest and simplest way possible. I believe that every

time the shutter snaps, the photo can be improved. This has not changed

since the beginning of photography. This is the difference between a

snapshot and a photograph”. His image, Vintage Colors used an iPhone

application to give the image a fall painterly look. The image was taken

and edited entirely through the iPhone, and was competed successfully

as among the final 3 images for CACCA Image of the month. Jellie with

Reflection is another example of an iPhone generated picture, using an

application to form the reflection aspect.

If you would like further information, Jerry will be giving a presentation

for the Northwest of Us (Mac Users Group) Photography meeting on

Monday, February 20 at the Holiday Inn Express on Arlington Heights

Road in A/H. at 7:00 PM. The event is free, guests are welcome. There is

a registration link on their website:

IN Focus Newsletter | Page 3 - 6

From the President continued:

There are many other ways to pursue photography. For example learn and practice doing macro photography. Work at improving family and baby photography. With the cloudy skies we can practice window light portrait photography. Take a photography course or go to seminars. Of course, since we don’t have a lot of great photo opportunities, it doesn’t mean that we are in limbo. Our club at this time of the year participates in the Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce Food Fight. During the month of February we are collecting non-perishable food to be donated to a local food pantry. We also are doing some community photo opportunities with the Des Plaines Park District. Another new community organization we are going to be working with is the Des Plaines Youth Commission.

Continue club involvement and taking pictures during the winter doldrums. Learning from doing doesn't stop because of the weather or time of year.

Above all have fun with your


Tom Mulick, President

Des Plaines Camera Club

DPCC Meeting – image by Bill Bishoff

DPCC Participates in Food Fight

Our Des Plaines Camera Club will live up to our club motto, “Dedicated to

Photography, Creativity and Community” by participating in the Des

Plaines Chamber of Commerce Food Fight. Local civic and community

organizations are asked to help replenish the supplies at the Des Plaines

Self Help and Pantry. During the winter months the need for food and

other household items increases. Camera Club members are asked to

bring canned and boxed food items to our February meetings, Monday

the 13th and Monday the 27th. Please be sure the items are not expired.

Officers of the club will bring our donations to the pantry. We ask that

you bring food items only. Food especially needed include canned

vegetables, canned fruit canned milk and canned meats like tuna and

chicken. Last year our club had one of the highest donations among

larger group contenders. Our members showed wonderful generosity.

On behalf of the Food Pantry as well as the DPCC your donation is very

much appreciated.

Judging Program

Have you ever wondered how an image is scored during a club

competition? Have you found yourself silently questioning why a

particular image deserved an award or honorable mention? Do you

wonder what it is like to be a CACCA competition judge? Bob Benson will

be on hand to answer these and other questions in a presentation

designed to help encourage more members to develop the ability to

judge in club and CACCA competitions. The presentation is interactive,

with audience participation and discussion.


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February Competition

Owl – image by John Kowalyk

DPI of the month for February is Owl by John Kowalyk. The image was created in Michigan, during the late

afternoon. It was taken using a Nikon D200 on a tripod with a 200 mm macro Nikon lens; ISO 400; F11 at 1/60

seconds; focal length 300 mm and a fill flash.

17 Peaks - image by Jerry Hug

Print of the month for February is 17 Peaks by Jerry Hug, who tells us, "I was walking from the parking lot to the

Air Force Academy Chapel at noontime with the mid-day sun. I took out my infrared converted Canon G10 point

and Shoot camera and shot the side view of the exterior view. Infrared loves bright sun exposures. I always

shoot in infrared color and then in Photoshop reverse the red and blue channels in Channel Mixer. When

converting to black & white the sky becomes a deep black because it was blue and little or no clouds. The green

foliage on the trees and bushes turns white." The image was taken at f/4.5, 1/250 sec, ISO 100, focal length 21

mm, no flash.

IN Focus Newsletter | Page 5 - 6


CACCA Spring Salon The CACCA Spring Salon offers an opportunity for photographers to enter their work individually and is open to everyone – members and non-members alike. In most divisions there is more than one category for entrants, so it’s a great opportunity to have your work judged alongside your peers'. The Salon will be held this year on Saturday, March 17 at 9:30 a.m. at the CACCA meeting place: Christian Church of Arlington Heights, 333 W. Thomas St., Arlington Heights, IL 60005. This year, the divisions are as follows: Small Monochrome Prints A or B Large Monochrome Prints A or B Small Color Prints A or B Large Color Prints A or B Nature Small Mono/Color Prints - total of four prints A or B Portrait Mono/Color Prints Photojournalism Prints Panorama Prints Pictorial DPI Nature DPI Photojournalism DPI Pictorial Slides Nature Slides Photojournalism Slides Portrait Slides The DPI divisions require that you upload your photos on the CACCA website. More information on this is given in the article which follows this one. Up to four entries per person may be submitted in each of the divisions, but no single image may appear in more than one division. There is an entry fee of $3.00 per division. Entry blanks are available at the meeting, please see Norb Wrobel if you have any questions about the salon. This year, CACCA has a new way for you to submit digital images for the Salon. The first thing that you need to do, if you haven't already, is to get a user name and password established on the CACCA website. To do this, go to the CACCA website (

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To obtain a CACCA website login, simply login to the CACCA website with a username of "new" and a password of "user." (The login area is just underneath the CACCA logo). You will then be directed to a webpage to apply for a personal login. Once you have been verified as a CACCA affiliated club member, you will receive an email notifying you that your login has been activated. Next, login to the CACCA website using your newly authorized username and password. Go to the "Salon" tab. All of the information that you need to submit your images is listed in a .pdf file. Currently, the website is not yet set up to receive Salon images, but you can read the .pdf file to get an idea of what you will need to do. At a future date, more specific information will be given on submitting your images, since by then the website will be set up to receive them. It's a good idea to at least get your login established now so that you will be ready to send your images by March.

Article submitted by Marie Rakoczy

Club Meeting - image by Bill Bishoff

Des Plaines Camera Club is a proud member of the Chicago Area Camera Club Association and Photgraphic Society of America