Infographics for Fun and Profit - Chris Bennett #df13

Post on 16-Apr-2017

9,668 views 1 download


Chris Bennett 97th Floor, Founder/CEO @chrisbennett

Execution, Promotion & Case StudiesMarketing with Infographics for Fun and Profit

Having a graphic is not a silver bullet

Infographics are not silver bullets, they are an effective piece of your content strategy, they are not your content strategy

If you build it, they won’t come

You have an infogrpahic completed, now what?

Hard Work

It’s going to take hustle.

If leveraged right one campaign can affect a lot of KPI’s.

Notice I said, “One Campaign” not “one infographic”

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

Sites you can use to jump start your promoTEST TEST TEST !

Write at least 5 different titles !

Demographic Targeting !

Start Small w/$ Then Scale what works

Notice I said, “One Campaign” not “one infographic”

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

149k Views in Total just from SU

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

Slice up you assets into smaller graphics for FB and target demos related to that specific content.

•Slice up the graphic into small snapshots or what we call social cards. Target those specific Cards to their related Demo.

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

If your a Big Brand Pin to Top of Timeline. !

Always use Hashtags !

Geographic Targeting !

Make sure the content is good not a pitch

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

Create content specifically for large subreddits

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

If you are going to play on Pinterest make it less about Data and more about DIY and improvement. Instructions not Info or data viz.

Sites you can use to jump start your promo

Leverage graphics for SEO

Write a synopsis or transcript of your graphic so there is sufficient text on your page for the likes of Google.

Content Partnerships & Getting Links

Reach out to those that you source !Never ask for a mention on your first contact !Use FollowerWonk and search for “editor at” “writer at” !Offer Exclusives !Offer Promo in exchange

Repurposing content

By repurposing content




Social Cards





What if I told you, “15 mins or less could get you 30k visitors?”

After this graphic, was designed we sliced it up by taking screen shots and put it on slideshare and...

Did it again with this one,

10k+ views, top of the day, only 6 slides,

Upcycle it by working it into a BuzzFeed article. Buzzfeed article = 319k views!!! Referral traffic from BuzzFeed = 16,073

and this one,

23k+ views, top of the day, top of the week, only 10 slides We did this one as a complementary, it isn’t the same content as the graphic, which drove a lot of traffic back to the graphic.

Embed your Slideshare on your infographic landing page

Get more mileage out of your content.


Very popular theory, out of all our staff I sent it to (30+ people) 3 including me made it through the entire text. So we made it visual, Original Theory at,

32 pages Long, 4,602 words

Very popular theory, out of all our staff I sent it to (30+ people) 3 including me made it through the entire text. So we made it visual, Original Theory at,

Very popular theory, out of all our staff I sent it to (30+ people) 3 including me made it through the entire text. So we made it visual, Original Theory at,

Interactive sticky

Very popular theory, out of all our staff I sent it to (30+ people) 3 including me made it through the entire text. So we made it visual, Original Theory at,

Optimize for mobile

Optimizing for open graph tags.

Optimizing for open graph tags.

More info on setting up,

!<title>The Pixar Theory</title> <meta property='og:locale' content='en_US'/> <meta property='og:type' content='article'/> <meta property='og:title' content='The Pixar Theory an Interactive Story, by @97thfloor #pixartheory'/> <meta property='og:description' content='Every Pixar movie is connected. This interactive graphic tells the story of how and why.'/> <meta property='og:url' content=''/> <meta property='og:site_name' content='The Pixar Theory'/> <meta property='og:image' content=''/> <meta property='og:image' content=''/> <meta property='og:image' content=''/>

Optimizing for Twitter Cards


What to Tweet

Make Your Content Interactive

Case Study in Interactive Content,, awesome product that is widely used. Wanted a cool interactive way to explain benefits and really sell the product high in the Funnel.

We created an interactive explainer and the #’s are compelling.

In Analytics the Graphic was Broken into 4 parts. 40% of all traffic (even social) complete the entire interactive. Remember this information is 100% about Universal Inbox. It is 100% “on brand.”

Avg. Time on Page is 3.2 minutes (that is from all traffic even social).

Interactive can tell a long and complicated story in a more compelling easy to digest way.

Ranks in Google for awesome on brand phrases related to the product and the reaction is phenomenal

Even though it is very much on brand it is still getting a lot of social shares due to cool and unique factor.

You can put and track actual CTA’s on the graphic page. We track hovers over and clicks on CTA’s.

Ranks in Google for awesome on brand phrases related to the product and the reaction is phenomenal

Even though it is very much on brand it is still getting a lot of social shares due to cool and unique factor.

You can put and track actual CTA’s on the graphic page. We track hovers over and clicks on CTA’s.

Infographics for Fun & Profit