Informal Learning Cultural Folktales

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Informal Learning presentation on cultural folktales that teach morals and oral storytelling.


  • 1. Cultural Folktales

2. Environmental immersion 3. Characters interacting with visitors Hellochildren 4. Tokens and mementos from performance 5. Learning Area 6. Activity and feedback tables 7. Sculptures andanimatronics Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers. by simply getting the The most notable feature ofkappa to spill the the kappa is the water-filledwater from its head.depressions atop theirStubborn children are heads. The kappa deriveencouraged to follow theirthe custom of bowing ncredible strength fromon the grounds that it these liquid-filled holes, and is a defense against anyone confronted with one kappa. may exploit this weakness 8. TheKelpieis asupernatural water horse fromCeltic folklore that is believed to hauntthe rivers and lochs of Scotland andIreland. It is wise to keep away from them. If ahuman climbs on the back of a waterhorse, the horse will often dive into thewater and drown its rider. If a humangains control over the horse it can beput to work in fields. Water Horses have the strength of tenland horses and do not like to beenslaved and will try every trick toescape. The water horse then courts itsmaster for several years before itconsumes only the left leg and righthand pinky finger of the victim.Interactive Video displays with audio from monster database 9. AManananggal is described as being an older, beautiful woman capable of severing its upper torso in order to fly into the night with huge bat-like wings to prey on unsuspecting, pregnant women in their homes; using an elongated proboscis- like tongue, it sucks the hearts of fetuses or blood of an unsuspecting, sleeping victim.The severed lower torso is left standing and it is said to be the more vulnerable of the two halves. Sprinkling salt or smearing crushed garlic or ash on top of the standing torso is fatal to the creature. The upper torso then would not be able to rejoin and will die at daybreak. 10. Tommy Knockers are the spirits of departed miners that help miners find ore. They also knock on the walls of the mines right before a cave-in. When you hear a Tommy Knocker knocking, it's best to depart the area right quick. They have saved the life of many a miner who has been in a danger. Some folks say that the very first man to hear the sound is jinxed, but that is not always the case.It's important to stay on the good side of the Tommy Knockers. Many miners leave a bit of their lunch for the spirits, and to please them, they fashion the little clay figures of their spirits. The Tommy Knockers can be spiteful creatures if they don't like you.