Informatica para niños

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Informática Aplicada: Elisa Millán Palomares MLE



Hello! My name is Skooter and I’m

explaining you some important things

about Road Education.



• 1. Skooter says ...• 2.Vehicles• 3.In Car Safety• 4.Is my bicycle safe?• 5.Why should I wear a helmet?• 6.Will others be able to see me?• 7.Be Bright On Your Bicycle!• 8.Holding Hands• 9.Green Cross Code• 10.People Who Help Us


1.Skooter says ...

Do you want to keep safe in the street, in the car or when playing?Pay attentionand try to guess the riddles!



Many vehicles go fast while others are slow.Some vehicles are big and some are small.


3.In Car Safety

Hi Kids - I want to tell you how to stay safe in the car:

When travelling in the car, make sure you always wear your seat belt.  A seat belt helps keep you safe when the car stops suddenly.


3.In Car Safety

Never stand between the two front seats when the car is moving because if there is a crash you will be thrown forwards and this could cause injury to yourself and other passengers.


3.In Car Safety

• When the car is moving, do not shout at, • or fight with your brothers and sisters, • or do anything else that may distract the driver. • This could cause the driver to crash.


4.Is my bicycle safe?

• Before you go out on your bicycle, make sure everything is in good working order.

Always take the time to check that the brakes and lights are working properly and

that the reflectors are clean.


4. Is my bicycle safe?

• Check your tyres for air and tread. Pinch the tyres from the side to check for air.


4. Is my bicycle safe?

• Too big or too small may cause you to lose control.


5.Why should I wear a helmet?

• If you fall off your bicycle and hit your head you could be very seriously hurt. You should wear a helmet every time you ride your bicycle because it helps protect the brain!  

• Never Ever Ride Your Bicycle Without Wearing A Helmet!


6.Will others be able to see me?

• It is very important that other road users, especially drivers, can see you when you are riding your bicycle.

• REMEMBER! It can be difficult for drivers to see cyclists. By wearing bright or reflective materials it will be easier for them to see you!!!


7.Be Bright On Your Bicycle!

• Make sure your bicycle is fitted with reflectors - usually a red rear reflector, a front white reflector, front and rear spoke reflectors and amber pedal reflectors.


8.Holding Hands

Why do I need to hold hands with a grown up?Boys and girls need to hold hands with a grown up to keep safe


9.Green Cross Code

Find a safe place to cross, then stop.What is a safe place?zebra crossingsThere are also people who help us to cross the road: Police officers, traffic wardens, and school crossing patrols.


9.Green Cross Code

• 1. Find a safe place to cross, then stop.• 2.Stand on the pavement near the

kerb.• 3. Look all around for traffic and listen.• 4. If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look

all around again.• 5. When there is no traffic near, walk

straight across the road.• 6. Keep looking and listening for traffic

while you cross.


10.People Who Help Us

• If we are trying to cross a road that is very busy there are certain people who can help you to get across safely.



Now It’s your turn.Try to answer the



I wear it day and night, and if there is a crash I won´t die.


The Seat-bell

A very snooty man is besides him in the street,when he doesn’t want you to pass he goes red

Anwer: The

traffic light.


Everyone step at me,but I don’t step anyone

Everyone asks about me, but I don’t ask anyone.Answer:

The Steet

Make a test

• When we are walking in the streets we are...: A) pedestriansB) drivers

• C) passengers

• When we are with our family in the car and we reach a crossroad and our mother says: ``We´ve got preference´´That means…: A) We can pass before other vehicles come. B) We must let other vehicles pass and then pass quickly.C) We must let other vehicles pass.

• Vehicles like bombers, ambulances, police…Have the preference…: A) Only in urban ways. B) If they have an emeregence.

C) Always.

Do you have any questions?


I hope you enjoyed, thanks for your atention

• Power Point Presentation elaborated by: Elisa Millán Palomares.