Informative speech

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Counterfeit currency


Counterfeit {koun-ter-fit]: to imitate or copy, especially with the intent to


By: Lidia Rusnac

Counterfeit currency

Mt. Hood Community College – [Speech 111]


Mt. Hood Community College – [Speech 111]


• No specific date that tells us when counterfeit currency started being produced

• Traced back all the way to ancient times

• “as long as there was currency being produced there were counterfeits”

• For Coin that was more common in the 1600’s but less common now, they used a technique called “clipping”

• Clipping: the process of clipping off edges of legitimate coins and melting them together to make counterfeits. Stamping them with the denomination of your choice.

• Variety of ways paper counterfeits are made

• Most common is scanning and printing on paper

• Using pieces of other bills to construct a full bill

How it’s made

Mt. Hood Community College – [Speech 111]


Current problems

Mt. Hood Community College – [Speech 111]


• In 2010 alone there were 64.4 million dollars worth of counterfeits in circulation.

• Highest number in 5 years

• Why? Since the downturn in the economy people have become desperate for money

• Counterfeiters mind set: “since I don’t have any money, I’ll just make some”

• Problems likely to persist of get worse until the economy turns around

• Similar effect as to if there are to many legitimate bills printed

• The more money being printed and being circulated in the economy the less value it holds

• The more counterfeits being circulated into our economy the more the value of the dollar dilutes, and our dollar becomes less trusted.

• The problem also arises when you find yourself a victim. You have just lost the value that was supposed to be that bill. In this time, every penny counts.

How it affects us

Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]


• In the 1600’s the punishment for the production of counterfeits was death.

• It was considered an act of high treason and was treated as a very large crime.

• There were warnings printed on the bills themselves that read “to counterfeit is death”

• Today it is considered a federal felony and if found guilty you could serve up to 15 years in prison

• On top of prison they seize all materials used in the production of the counterfeits.


Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]


• Federal notes are made with characteristics virtually impossible to re create.

• Things to look for:

• 1. Ridges on the Jacket

• 2. Rub against paper. Ink never dries so it will smear green when rubbed

• 3. Outline of the presidents face on right side when held to light

• 4. Security strip on left side. Can be seen when held to light

• 5. Color. Darker/Lighter

• 6. Texture/Thickness is always skewed.

• If it looks funny, it’s most likely a counterfeit.


Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]


What to look for

Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]


• Bring it to a bank• Banks send it to Secret Service and has it examined to

try and find the source.

What to do with a counterfeit

Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]



Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]


Thank you for Listening!

The end

Mt. Hood Community College – [Course Title]