Infrastructure coders logstash

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A short talk at Infrastructure Coders Melbourne April 2013 meetup. Covers my first impressions of logstash.



Infrastructure Coders MelbourneApril 2013David Lutz


What does logstash do?

It does "stuff" with log files.

Typical day (or night) in the life of a sysadmin...

Something's wrong.

Check the log files.




and pipes

lots of pipes

Fine if you have one server. But what if you have 10 or 100 or 1000for i in `seq 1 10` ; do ssh server$i blah blah; done

cluster ssh

Splunk perhaps?

Problems with Splunk...

1.eats log files

2. digests data

3. spits it out into other apps

inputs● amqp● drupal_dblog● eventlog● exec● file● ganglia● gelf● gemfire● generator● heroku● irc● log4j

● lumberjack● pipe● redis● relp● sqs● stdin● stomp● syslog● tcp● twitter● udp● xmpp● zenoss● zeromq

filters● alter● anonymize● checksum● csv● date● dns● environment● gelfify● geoip● grep● grok● grokdiscovery

● grokdiscovery● json● kv● metrics● multiline● mutate● noop● split● syslog_pri● urldecode● xml● zeromq

outputs● amqp● boundary● circonus● cloudwatch● datadog● elasticsearch● elasticsearch_http● elasticsearch_river● email● exec● file● ganglia● gelf● gemfire● graphite● graphtastic● http● internal● irc● juggernaut● librato

● loggly● lumberjack● metriccatcher● mongodb● nagios● nagios_nsca● null● opentsdb● pagerduty● pipe● redis● riak● riemann● sns● sqs● statsd● stdout● stomp● syslog● tcp● websocket● xmpp● zabbix● zeromq

How to: install logstash



How to: run logstash

java -jar logstash-1.1.9-monolithic.jar agent -f logstash.conf -- web


How to: get some apache logs in

input { tcp { type => "apache" port => 3333 } }

How to: get some apache logs in

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | nc localhost 3333

How to: digest the logs

filter { grok { type => "apache" pattern => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}" }

date { type => "apache" timestamp => "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" }}

How to: output to elasticsearch

output { elasticsearch { embedded => false }}

How to: output to elasticsearch and graphite via statsd

output { elasticsearch { embedded => false } statsd { increment => "apache.response.%{response}" }}