Inherit the Wind Jeopardy CharactersPlotQuotesPlot 25 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Inherit the Wind Jeopardy

Characters Plot Quotes Plot 2 5






$100 $100$100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Characters

This person is a straight-laced minister.

$100 Characters

Who is Jeremiah Brown?

$200 Characters

This person is a judgmental reporter.

$200 Characters

Who is E.K. Hornbeck?

$300 Characters

This character is a conservative orator and politician.

$300 Characters

Who is Matthew Harrison Brady?

$400 Characters

This character serves as the baliff at the Hillsboro jail.

$400 Characters

Who is Meeker?

$500 Characters

This person serves as the circuit district attorney and assists the prosecution during the trial.

$500 Characters

Who is Tom Davenport?

$100 Plot

When Howard enters the stage at the beginning of Act I, he is preparing to do this.

$100 Plot

What is go fishing?

$200 Plot

Melinda and Howard disagree about this subject.

$200 Plot

What is the theory of evolution?

$300 Plot

Mr. Meeker, the bailiff, believes that having a schoolteacher in jail will improve this.

$300 Plot

The writing on the walls

$400 Plot

Elijah, a “holy man” from the hills, comes to Hillsboro to sell these.

$400 Plot

What are Bibles?

$500 Plot

When Brady, Reverend Brown, and the mayor have their picture taken, Brady cautions them to look this way.

$500 Plot

What is hopeful?


“A schoolteacher is a public servant: I think he should do what the law and the school-board want him to.”


Who is Rachel?


“Excuse me, gentlemen. I must get me to a typewriter and hammer out a story of an atheist who believes in God.”


Who is E.K. Hornbeck?


“All I want is to prevent the clock-stoppers from dumping a load of medieval nonsense into the US Constitution.”


Who is Henry Drummond?


“God created Man in His own image – and Man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment.”


Who is Bertram Cates?


“Well, I’m pretty busy down at the feed store. My wife tends to the religion for both of us.”


Who is Sillers?

$100 Plot

E.K. Hornbeck works for this newspaper.

$100 Quotes 2

What is the Baltimore Herald?

$200 Plot

When Melinda first sees Drummond, she thought he was this.

$200 Plot

What is the Devil?

$300 Plot

As Brady and the townspeople leave the courtroom after the first day’s recess, the authors compare them to this.

$300 Plot

What is a shepherd and his flock?

$400 Plot

Howard, a witness for the prosecution, testifies that Mr. Cates told him and the rest of the students this.

$400 Plot

What is in the beginning the Earth was too hot to support life?

$500 Plot

Drummond uses several Old Testament stories during his questioning of Brady, including this specific Biblical story.

$500 Plot

What is Jonah and the whale?

$100 Miscellaneous

This disease caused Atticus to shoot the dog.

$100 Miscellaneous

What is rabies?

$200 Miscellaneous

Mr. Dolphus Raymond drinks this in a brown paper bag.

$200 Miscellaneous

What is Coca-Cola?

$300 Miscellaneous

This is where Aunt Alexandra lives (before moving in with Atticus).

$300 Miscellaneous

What is Finch’s Landing?

$400 Miscellaneous

According to Atticus’ final statement in the trial, this is the only crime that was committed. (hint: not legal, but social)

$400 Miscellaneous

What is a white girl “tempted a Negro”?

$500 Miscellaneous

This is the sum of the number of children in the Ewell family, plus the number of times Tom Robinson is shot, plus the number of trials defending black folk Atticus lost before Tom Robinson’s trial.

$500 Miscellaneous

What is 26?

Final Jeopardy Topic


Final Jeopardy

What are the two major climaxes of the novel?

Final Jeopardy Answer

The trial verdict and the trip home from the Halloween pageant when Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout.