Initial ideas Media

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Initial Ideas.

Initial Ideas.


Genre? Performance or Narrative?

Target Audience?





Length?Camera Shots?


Hair & Make-up?

how do I appeal to them?



(Things to consider)

My Music Video will be…• Narrative lead

• Belong to the Indie Genre• Targeted at Young People/Teenagers (aged about 13-25)

My Number- Foals

This is the song that I have chosen to create a Music Video for…

Justifying my song choice!

• When I asked members from my Target Audience, most people liked Music Videos which combined elements of Narrative and

performance. Yet on the whole Narrative Videos were preferred to performance videos, indicating that my Video

should either be a combination of narrative and performance or just a purely Narrative lead Video.

• The existing music video for this song is mostly performance based and in my opinion quite boring, thus this is part of the

reason I want to make a (hopefully) better Music Video for this song, that is not performance lead.

The song that I have chosen belongs to the Indie genre. This means I have more creative freedom when making it (compared to the freedom I would get making a Pop or Rock Video)- as one

of the main aims of an Indie music video is to be individual.

I have also chosen this genre because it was quite highly favoured by my Target Audience. (as you can see below in my

questionnaire results)

Indie Music Videos are notoriously low budget, and given the fact I have little/no funding to help me make this video- this

genre seems particularly appealing

The Lyrics of this song mean that they would fit relatively well with the narrative I have in mind.

As my second piece of Audience research shows, the relating the lyrics of a song to its Music Video

is particularly important to members of my Target Audience. And so it would make sense to ensure my storyline relates in some way to my

Music Video.


Characters;Boy & Girl

Protagonists keep almost

meeting/crossing paths i.e.One gets

off of a bus, the other gets on.

Lots of parallel editing, to

establish a link between the 2

main characters.

Narrative Music video

At the end of the video the two characters will finally meet.

The video will end in one of 3 ways…

Endings1.The Girl receives the Boy’s number gladly-

Happy Ending

2. The Girl does not receive the Boy’s number, it is somehow discarded by accident- Sad Ending

3. The Girl receives the Boy’s number and calls it, his ringtone is the song-

Ambiguous Ending

I’d like my music video to end with the two

protagonists’ meeting. However, I am unsure

how this should happen and so I have devised 3 alternate endings for my video, one of which I will

use in the final video.

Endings1.The Girl receives the

Boy’s number gladly, they make eye contact and seem content- Happy


2. The Girl does not receive the Boy’s number, it is somehow discarded by accident- Sad Ending

3. The Girl receives the Boy’s number and calls it, his ringtone is the song-

Ambiguous Ending

I also have an idea that I might allow

the 2 main characters to meet

at a Restaurant/Café at

the end of the video. In this scenario their

interaction would be ensured as one

would be a waiter/waitress and

they would write their number on the back of a bill, which

they would be handing the other


Endings1.The Girl receives the

Boy’s number gladly, they make eye contact and seem content- Happy


2. The Girl does not receive the Boy’s number, it is somehow discarded by accident- Sad Ending

3. The Girl receives the Boy’s number and calls it, his ringtone is the song-

Ambiguous Ending

I also have an idea that I might allow

the 2 main characters to meet

at a Restaurant/Café at

the end of the video. In this scenario their

interaction would be ensured as one

would be a waiter/waitress and

they would write their number on the back of a bill, which

they would be handing the other

person.This ending would help to finalise the link between the characters

and make it explicit to the audience. My fear is it may be a

little cliché.

Endings1.The Girl receives the

Boy’s number gladly, they make eye contact and seem content- Happy


2. The Girl does not receive the Boy’s number, it is somehow discarded by accident- Sad Ending

3. The Girl receives the Boy’s number and calls it, his ringtone is the song-

Ambiguous Ending

I also have an idea that I might allow

the 2 main characters to meet

at a Restaurant/Café at

the end of the video. In this scenario their

interaction would be ensured as one

would be a waiter/waitress and

they would write their number on the back of a bill, which

they would be handing the other

person.The Camera would see the number which has been written on the back of the bill, however

the character would not, and thus they would screw it up and

discard the number.

Endings1.The Girl receives the

Boy’s number gladly, they make eye contact and seem content- Happy


2. The Girl does not receive the Boy’s number, it is somehow discarded by accident- Sad Ending

3. The Girl receives the Boy’s number and calls it, his ringtone is the song-

Ambiguous Ending

I also have an idea that I might allow

the 2 main characters to meet

at a Restaurant/Café at

the end of the video. In this scenario their

interaction would be ensured as one

would be a waiter/waitress and

they would write their number on the back of a bill, which

they would be handing the other

person.Here the video might end as it begins- with the same shot of one

of the protagonists picking up their phone. This would be a nice round ending, giving the video a

cyclical narrative.

Endings1.The Girl receives the Boy’s number gladly-

Happy Ending

2. The Girl does not receive the Boy’s number, it is somehow discarded by accident- Sad Ending

3. The Girl receives the Boy’s number and calls it, his ringtone is the song-

Ambiguous Ending

In order to decide between these three endings, I think I will survey some members

of my Target Group and make them choose which ending they think is best.

*the café scenario is hypothetical. But I still would like to know

whether the ending should be happy, sad or ambiguous.

Ideas of shots/activities

shots of them both reading the same book

but in different locations

Mid Shot of them Standing next to one another on the tube

Scene in which both characters are at the same party but do not interact

Parallel editing of them both making cups of tea in their

separate homes

Shot of Boy walking down a street at

Night. Shot of Girl walking down the same street in the


Shots in which the two characters wear the same or

similar types of clothing- maybe the same colour