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News and Events.• BronxEdTechShowcase2014

• CelebrationofInnovation

• CUNYITConference

• BronxEdTech2015atHostos

• InterimETLCChair

Articles.• Blackboard‘sContentManagement


• iPadInitiative

• AcademicDishonestyOnline

• Tegrity/BlackboardPilotProject

Workshops.• New!-BBContentManagementSystem

• GradeCenterIntroandAdvanced

• ePortfolio

• BlogsandWikis

• SmartClassrooms

• andmore!

Office of Educational Technology

Fall 2014, Issue 7



Office of Academic Affairs

- at the Bronx EdTech Showcase

To find out exact times of the workshops, and to register, go to:

Blackboard Content Management System Aug 26 - 11:00am (Tue) Aug 27 - 3:00pm (Wed) Aug 28 - 11:00am (Thu) Sep 2 - 11:00am (Tue)

WorkSHopS Fall

EdTech invites you to participate in a series of work-

shops aimed to help you take full advantage of tech-

nology tools and strategies to enhance teaching and

learning. These workshops are centered on experi-

ences acquired through the use of different technol-

ogies in the classroom, and will demonstrate the pros

and the cons when used in the educational setting.

All sessions will be held in the Faculty Commons

(C-559) except some Smart Board Essentials work-

shops, which are posted on the online registration


Course Copy and File Management

Nov 13 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Academic Dishonesty in online Courses

Sep 19 - 11:00am (Fri)

CUNYFirst Faculty Center Aug 26 - 3:00pm (Tue)

Aug 27 - 11:00am (Wed) Sep 2 - 3:30pm (Tue)

Blackboard Grade Center Sep 11 - 3:30pm (Thu) Sep 18 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Assessment Tools oct 2 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Testing Tools oct 9 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Blogs, Wikis and Journals Nov 6 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Blackboard Collaborate oct 30 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Improve Your Course Look oct 23 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Socrative oct 17 - 11:00am (Fri)

eportfolio oct 10 - 3:30pm (Fri)

Blackboard Essentials Sep 4 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Sep 17 - 3:30pm (Wed)

Smart room Aug 28 - 3:30pm (Thu)

Sep 10 - 11:00am (Wed)

oct 16 - 11:00am (Thu)

page 2

by Lisa Tappeiner

The Bronx CUNY EdTech Showcase,

held annually in May, promotes and

highlights innovative uses of tech-

nology to bring students to new

levels of engagement and academic

performance. This year’s Showcase

was held on May 9th, 2014 at Bronx

Community College’s Hall of Fame playhouse and the beautiful

new North Hall and Library. The keynote Address by University

Director of Academic Technology, George otte and the after-

noon panel session entitled Game-Based Learning in Education

was streamed live on the Showcase website:

xedtech. prof. rees Shad, Chair of the Humanities Department,

and prof. Linda ridley of the Business Department participated in

the lively panel discussion on gaming in higher education.

page 3

StartingFall 2014CUNYBlackboard in-cludes a ContentManagement System(CMS)availableforfacultyandstaff.Thissystem lets faculty manage and sharefiles,documentsandotherdigitalassetsin a secure, user-friendly environment.  The Blackboard content managementsystemisfullyintegratedintotheCUNYportalandallBlackboardcourseandor-ganizationsites. 

How does the Blackboard Content Management System work?The Blackboard content managementsystem (CMS) offers many features forfaculty thatwillmake it easier toman-age content used in courses.  Withoutcontent management, you had to up-load documents to each course or or-ganization inwhichyouwantedtousethem. With the Blackboard CMS for facultynowyoucanhavearepositoryfordocu-ments and other electronic assets thatthey used in courses and can link tothemfromthosecourses.Withoutcon-tentmanagement, faculty need to up-loadfilestoeachcourseororganizationin which they wanted to use them, orcopythemfromothercourses througha Course Copy. With Blackboard CMSthe need to perform the Course Copyprocedure thatmany facultydobeforethebeginningof the semester to copycontent into courses fromprevious se-mestercoursesiseliminated.

How does the CMS work with your Blackboard courses?With contentmanagement, an instruc-torcanstorefilesinthecontentsystemonce,and link to them fromanyBlack-boardcourseororganization–or fromanyWebsiteoremail. Ascontentman-agement users, instructors have accessto their own  MyContent folders.  De-pending on how they set permissions,they can grant access to files to otherBlackboardusers–ortoothersoutsidetheHostosandCUNYcommunity,even

to members of the general public. Fac-ulty also have access to folders for theircourses, and the systemhas institutionalfolders which can be used for campus-wide committee, interdepartmental andadministrative uses aswell as use acrossCUNYcampuses.ThisallpointstoanotheradvantageoftheCMS-thesharingoffilesand documents among faculty, withinand among departments and organiza-tions,evenwithindividualsandgroupsinotherCUNYcampusesandoutsideCUNY.Previously, sharingfilesbetween coursestaught by different instructors was dif-ficultbecauseanormalCourseCopywasnot possible. Nowwith the CMS coursefilescanbesharedamongprofessors.Thisopensupmanypossibilitiessuchasmul-tiplesectionsofacoursetaughtbydiffer-entinstructorssharingthesamesyllabus,course calendar, reading handouts andassignments.Thisalsomakes itunneces-sary to create Blackboard organizationsor shell courses tomanagemultisectioncourse content. And when the files areupdated in the content system the up-datesappear inall thecoursesautomati-cally, eliminating theneed todeleteanduploadnewversions.

HerearesomeotherpossibilitiesusingtheBlackboardCMS:• Store all your course and personal

documentssecurely.• Avoid emailing and receiving large

files.• Make all your documents and files

searchable.• Easilyarchiveallyourworkanddocu-

ments.• Storefilesonlyonce,andusethemin



by George rosa

How is the CMS structured?Currently the Blackboard CMS at CUNYconsistsofasystemofseparatefoldersforpersonal content, courses, organizations,and campuses (institutions). An ePortfo-liotool,partofCMS,isplannedforSpring2015semester.Thiswillallowstudentstocreate an ePortfolio with Blackboard andcopytheirworkonBlackboarddirectlyintoit.TheePortfoliocanbeexportedandusedtoshowcaseworkoutsideBlackboard,butcannotbeimportedintotheDigicationeP-ortfoliosystemcurrentlyusedatHostos.Another feature that will be added lateris Blackboard Drive. This is an applica-tion thatwill allowusers tomanage theirBlackboard CMS files and folders fromtheirdesktop,withouttheneedtologintoBlackboard.Filescanbeaccessedanded-itedthroughfamiliardesktopapplicationslikeWindowsExplorer,MacOSFinderandMicrosoft Office and saved and updateddirectly.

TolearnmoreaboutBlackboardCMSstopbytheEdTechofficeinroomC556andletus demonstrate it for you. You can alsoviewprintandvideotutorialsattheCUNYBlackboardUserGuidesite:

Content M anagement


page 4

To Get to the Content Management System (CMS)Youcangetto theCMSbyclickingonthe Content Col-lection tab atthetopofyourBlackboardpage.

Navigating CMSTheContentManagementSystemisstructuredsimi-


All courses have folders for content WhencoursesarecreatedinBlackboard,afolderisalsocreatedforstoringthecoursecontent.

CMS and content access in a course TheCMSanditsfoldersandcontentcanbeac-


page 5

In theSpringof2014aPilotProjectwaslaunched to make available to a groupof willing faculty a Blackboard BuildingBlock (a building block is an extensionin Blackboard either provided by Black-board or a third party) that makes theTegrity recording software available foruseasatoolwithinBlackboard.TheProj-ect continues this semesterwithmostlythesamefacultyparticipating.

Tegrity is a fully automated lecture cap-

ture solutionused in traditionalandon-linecoursestorecordlessonandlectures. Thebasics of Tegrity is very simple. Whatyouneedareamicrophone,acomputerwith the Tegrity - Blackboard Recorderinstalled, and, with the ability to press“play”, “pause” and “stop”, you can startmakingrecordings.

Hostos EdTech has offered Tegrity ser-vices to faculty for some ten years now.Whatmakes thisprogramunique is thatthe Tegrity application tested is a tool

within Blackboard, as opposed to theseparate application that required itsownserverinHostosIT,withEdTechandIT responsible for maintenance and up-dates.AsabuildingblockinBlackboard,accessibilitytotheTegrityControllerandrecordings is improvedbecause they re-side in the familiar Blackboard environ-ment,foundthroughalinkinthecoursemenu. The application and recordingsreside in Tegrity’s own servers. So notonly is EdTech andHostos IT relievedof

button.Afterarecordingiscompleted,thecapturedlectureisuploadedtotheTegrityserver, processed, and made available tostudents throughTegrity/Blackboard. Thetimeittakestoprocessarecordingvariesbasedonthe lengthoftherecordingandifinstructorvideoisincluded,butanhourlongrecordingofthecomputerscreenandinstructor audio takes about an hour toprocess.


The participating pilot faculty exceededtheoriginalgoalsandexpectationfortheprogram inmany levels through their ex-periencesinthisprogram.Theymadegreatleapsforward,notonlyintheimplementa-tionofTegrity in the course,but thepro-gressionthroughtheprogramcamehandinhandwithanevolution innewwaysofthinkingabouteducationwithvideos.

ThepotentialoftheTegrityPilotatHostosisthatTegrity,onceapprovedasaBuildingBlock,willbean integralpartof teachingandlearningthroughoutCUNY.


“I think all of theotherprofessors shoulduseTegrity”“ItwillbeniceiflecturesonTegritywillbeavailableineverysubject.”


“I havebeenusingTegritywith the assis-tanceofthestaffintheDepartmentofEd-ucationalTechnology.Itisavaluabletool”TherearemanyBlackboardBuildingBlocksavailable that can enhance teaching andlearning in your classroom and/or onlinecourse. EdTechwelcomesfacultytosuggestBuildingBlocks,whichwecanthenproposetotheCUNYBlackboardLeadershipCouncilandCUNYCIS for testingandadoption. ToseetheBuildingBlocksthatareavailablegoto:

the expensive and time-consuming du-tiesofmaintenanceandstorage,butthestepsofreceivingthevideolinksfromtheTegrityadministratorsandpostingthemmanuallyintheBlackboardcontentareas


The reason it is a pilot program at thistimeandnotgenerallyavailabletofacul-

tyisthatBlackboardbuildingblocksmustgothroughanapprovalprocessinvolvingtesting by users and by CUNY CIS, andthenvotedonbyadministratorsfromthedifferentCUNYcampusesonwhethertoincludeit intheBlackboard“production”environment – the standard Blackboardenvironmentmostlyusedbyfacultyandstudents.TheTegritybuildingblockcur-rentlyresidesintheBlackboard“Staging”environment, a clone of the Blackboardproductionenvironmentusedfortesting.


inclassorrecordingsomeadditionalcon-tentforstudentsonaspecifictopic.Thispilotisunique,thefirsttimethatagroupof faculty inCUNYhasembarked jointlyonanimpactstudy.Althoughthepartici-pantfacultyshareacommonmethodol-ogy of teaching, the differences in size,availabilityofdataandstudentusemadecomparisons between faculty classesverydifficult.WhileusingTegrity facultyhave theop-tiontorecordvideosjustwiththeclickofa

by Francisco ordóñez

The Tegrity/Blackboard Pilot Project

page 6

by Iber poma

Do you have broadband internet and Wi-Fi at home?

Yes 55 85%

No 7 11%


butnotWi-Fi. 0 0%

Which of the following devices do you own (select all that apply)?

iPad28 4 3%

Another tablet (Galaxy, Kindle Fire,

etc). 18 28%

Laptop. 49 75%

Smartphone. 47 72%

A regular cell phone (not a smart-

phone). 2 3%


6 9%

How helpful was the EdTech staff with any technical issues you may have had?

VeryHelpful. 33 51%

Somewhathelpful. 27 42%

Notreallyhelpful. 1 2%

Nothelpfulatall. 1 2%

To learnmoreabout the iPadPilot Init-tiave,pleasevisitthesite:

On a Spring 2014 semester Tuesdaymorningat11am,thefirstiPadCartar-rivedtoaclassroomatHostosCC.Itwasamomentousoccasion,andtoseestu-dentsdelightedandreadytoembracethe familiar iPad into their class timewasworthwhile.UsingTechFeefundsHostos Community College bought 2multimedia carts with 30 iPads each.

Facultyusedthereservationsystemtoreservethecartsandhavethemdeliv-eredtoclass.ForthisPilot, instructorswhoparticipatedintheFacultyiPadPilotweregivenpreferencetopartici-pate.

iPadscamepre-loadedwithappspre-viouslyrequestedbyfaculty,andallareavailableforfree.Oneappinstalledinall the iPads isNearpod.Nearpod letsfaculty create interactive multimediapresentationsthattheysharewithstu-dents in real time. The students caninteractandsubmitresponsesthroughany mobile device while faculty canmonitor and measure student resultsonanindividualandaggregatebasis.

Assessment of EffectivenessTheseare someof the students’ com-ments:

“Ithinkthe iPadsexperiencewasvery


“Itwas very useful inmy Class. Us-ing the iPad made the lecture runsmoothly as everyone was on thesame trackandnoonegot leftbe-hind. I coulduse this feature inmyEnglishclasses:)”

” I likeverymuchworkwith iPad inclassand Iwant toworkwiththeminthecollege.”

Theseare thepreliminary resultsofthesurveyconducted intheSpring2014 semester. Sixty five studentshavetakenthesurvey.Thisisasam-pleofsomeofthequestionsandre-sults:

How strongly do you agree with this statement: “The iPad helped me vi-sualize the material used for this class better.”

Stronglydisagree 8 12%

Disagree 6 9%


nordisagree 9 14%

Agree 26 40%

Stronglyagree. 13 20%

How often do you think you would use an iPad to do school work?

Everyday 34 52%


ontheclass 16 25%

Aboutonceaweek 4 6%

Lessthanonceaweek 8 12%

Hostos’s iPAD Pi lot I nit iative

page 7

their online courses. For instance, testsand graded assignments should bemade available when necessary, theyshouldhaveduedatesandcorrect/incor-rectanswersshouldbegivenonlywheneverystudenthastakenthetest. Whengivingmultiple choice exams, the poolofquestionsshouldbeasbigaspossible,questionsshouldberandomized,givingonequestionatatimeandbacktrackingshould be prohibited. Using the com-puterwebcam is suggestedas ameanto verify who is taking the tests. Onetechniqueistogiveabiggerpercentageof the course to discussion boards andother components than exams for finalexams.

In short, the process of teaching andlearninghas changed from face-to-facetoonline.But,academicdishonestyper-sistsinbothteachingmodalities.Cheat-ing can take many forms in high techclassrooms,andmostofthetimeitisnotdetected. Nevertheless, instructors canusestrategiesand featuresof theirLMSto reduce its presence in the academiccontext.

References:Krsak, AnitaM.“Curbing Academic Dis-honesty in Online Courses.” LakelandCommunityCollege,2007.<http://etec.hawai i .edu/proceed -ings/2007/krsak.pdf>

Silverman, Evan; Presby, Leonard.“Howto Reduce Cheating in Online Courses.”Yeshiva University., 13June 2011. 23 July 2014. <>

“Academic Misconduct”,<>

Young, Jeffrey R. “Online Classes SeeCheating Go High-Tech.” The ChronicleOfHigher Education., 12June2012.23July2014.<>

Academic dishonesty has been pres-ent ineducationalmost as longased-ucation itself. Aseducationhas trans-formedand improvedover time,sohascheatingaswell. Itmayseemasiftheyareinseparable.Inthecontextofonlinelearning, where students and teachersmay never see each other face to face,manybelieve thatacademicdishonestyiseasierthanever.However,isacademicdishonestymoreprevalent today in thehightechclassroomsthanitusedtobeintraditionalclassrooms?Howcanitbeprevented?Cheatinghasbeenpresentineducationas longaseducation itself. Thereasonsfor cheating are different for differentstudents, but the methods are always

evolving. In face-to-face classes, stu-dentscancirculateanswersduringatestorshareold testswith friendsand fam-ilymembers. In this context, academicdishonesty happens because some in-structorsarenotcarefulenoughorsomestudentsaretooclevertobecaught.Animportant point is that if studentswhoarelikelytocheatfindthemselvesintheclassrooms of instructors who are notcareful enough, academic misconductmayoccurwhetherthecourseinonlineorfacetoface.

When it comes to assignments and re-searchpapers,whicharedoneoutsideofclass time, it isnot thatdifficult for stu-dentstouseothers’work.However,writ-ten assignments are different becausefacultycandetect if cheatinghas takenplace by looking at the language used.Theycanquicklycomparewhatstudentswriteinclassassignmentstoassignmentstheybringfromoutside.Thefactisthatacademicdishonestyhappensevenwiththeinstructorbeingphysicallypresentin

theclassroomwiththestudents.On the other hand, education hasmoved from traditional classroom set-tingwhere facultymembersarealwaysinfrontofthestudentsineveryclassses-sionstowhereinstructorsarepartiallyornotpresentatall.Sincethedynamichaschanged and students and instructorsareoftennotinthesamephysicalspaceanylonger,manystudentsandteachersbelieve that academic dishonesty hasgrown enormously in the online envi-ronment(CurbingAcademicDishonestyinOnlineLearning).Infact,thereisnotsufficient research done on thismatteryettobackupthisclaim.Somestudiessuggestthatcheatingisaboutthesamefor bothwhile others indicate that it ismorecommon inonline learning. Onestudysuggeststhatthegreatmajorityofcheating goes undetected (How to Re-duceCheatinginOnlineCourses).

There are many factors that promoteonlinecheatingandmakeiteasyforstu-dents to succeed in certain courses. Itis extremely difficult for all students totakeatestatthesametime.Thismightopen a window for some students to

know some of the questions ahead oftimeifthereisnotenoughquestionsinthepool.Identityverificationisanotherfactor since it is challenging to verifywho the person taking a test is on theotherside. Havingacorrectusernameandpassword to log in to the learningmanagement system (LMS) does notguaranteeitisthecorrectstudentsincesomeone else could be taking the testorhelpingthestudent. Somestudentsare tech savvyandwhile takinganon-line exam theymaymemorize orwritedown test questions, disconnect fromthe internet, contact the instructorandreport they are having technical prob-lems,requesttotakethetestagain. Ofcourse, they already knowmost of thequestionsand thiswillguarantee themagoodscore. Online learningpresentslotsofpossiblewaystocheat.

Learning Management Systems are farfrom fully cheat proof. However, thereare important precautions that instruc-torscantaketoimprovethesecurityof

by Wilfredo rodríguez

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY in online learning

page 8


718 319-7915

Monday - Friday

9:00am to 5:00pm

Wilfredo rodríguez Coordinator of EdTech liason for: BSS, Education, Mathematics

Carlos Guevara Director of EdTech

George rosa Instructional Design Specialist liaison for: Business, English, Natural Sciences, Writing Center

Iber poma Coordinator of Student Services liaison for: Counseling, Library

We support the use of technology in teaching and learning. We strive to enhance faculty develop-ment, provide students with a high level of com-puter literacy, and foster online education. Through collaboration with Academic Computing, we em-power faculty, serve students, and create a sup-portive environment for all types of learners. And we work to make technology an integral part of the academic websites and develop a variety of spe-cialty applications.

Francisco ordóñez Instructional Design Specialist liaison: Allied Health, Humanities, Language and Cognition, CLIp

Leonardo LaVega

Instructional Design Assistant

Lemar Francis

Instructional Design Assistant

Faculty Learning Commons (FLC) Staff


Allied HealthProf. Petal Leu Wais See Prof. Mary Manning Prof. Grace OnovoProf. Darrell ConyersProf. Rayola Chelladurai

Education Prof. Sherese Mitchell

Language and CognitionProf. Karin Lundberg Prof. Norma Llorenz de Peña Prof. Mildred Rabry

Business Prof. George Cheng

Mathematics Prof. Tanvir Prince

Counseling Mr. Fabian WanderMrs. Ursula SandersMr. Ramon Cartagena

BSSProf. Felipe Pimentel Prof. Amy Ramson

Humanities Prof. Catherine Lewis Cannon Prof. Phillip Wander

Natural Sciences Prof. Flor Henderson edtech/about-edtech/

Educational Technology Leadership Council


Chairperson, EdTech Leadership Councilclyons@hostos.cuny.edu

Kate Lyons

EnglishProf. Anne RoundsProf. Jason Buchanan

LibraryProf. Kate LyonsProf. Lisa Tappeiner

Friday, May 8, 2015 - Bronx Educational Technology Showcase at Hostos!

Hostos Community College will have the


Educational Technology Showcase on May

8th 2015. SponsoredbyHostos EdTech and

the educational technology departments of


never to early to plan your presentation for




Last semester Lisa Tappeiner from Library served as Interim Chairperson of the ETLC, stepping in tem-

porarily for kate Lyons, who was on maternity leave. In that position, Lisa helped plan the Bronx

EdTech Showcase, the Spring ‘14 Celebration of Technology, and provided leadership with all the ini-

tiatives sponsored by EdTech, as well as proofread and edited this newsletter. We thank Lisa for the

valuable support she provides and look forward to her continued help with EdTech and ETLC.


Save the Dates:

George Rosa - Editor-in-Chief, Contributor, Layout ArtCarlos Guevara - Senior Editor, Contributor Editors, Contributors - Lisa Tappeiner, Francisco Ordóñez, Iber Poma, Wilfredo Rodríguez


Wednesday, November 18, 2014: Celebration of Technology

Thursday and Friday, December 4 and 5, 2014:

Lisa Tappeiner, Interim ETLC Chairperson, Spring ‘14

