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Expand your thinking. Make an impact.

Executive Education

Advanced Management Programme

General Management Programmes 2011/2012


1. Introduction 02

2. Programme Content 04

3. Learning Process 08

4. Learning Journey 09

5. Campus Information 10

6. Faculty 11

7. The Participants 14

8. Facts and Figures 17

9. Any Questions? 18

10. Comparison Grid 20

01Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

INSEAD Executive Education will challenge your assumptions, expand your thinking, build your capabilities and inspire you to make an impact.

World in a classroomAt INSEAD you will be in a classroom with peers, drawn from all over the world, who are facing similar issues and challenges to yours. Orchestrated by expert faculty, you will learn from each other and explore new and complex ideas. You will acquire new business-management models and gain the confidence you need to make an impact in your job.

INSEAD has more than 40 Open-enrolment Programmes in the key business disciplines of: General Management; Governance & Top Management; Leadership; Strategy; People & Performance Management; Marketing; Finance & Banking; Operations Management; and Entrepreneurship & Family Business. No matter what stage you are at in your career journey, participating in an INSEAD Executive Education programme will enable you to maximise your impact when you return to your organisation.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Business is becoming more global and increasingly competitive. Achieving a competitive advantage will depend on executives being able not only to think globally but also to act and react globally. They will need to be able to manage disparate teams, turn cultural differences into a competitive edge and unlock the power of diversity to generate creativity and innovation.

World-class facultyINSEAD has assembled a team of 145 world-class faculty from more than 36 countries. They are an inspiring mix of entrepreneurs, change agents and innovators, many of whom have been globally recognised for their ground breaking research and their contribution to business. All are experts in their fields with real-world, practical, hands-on experience of working with, and consulting for, global organisations in a wide variety of industries.

Pioneering thought leadershipINSEAD thought leadership in areas such as Blue Ocean Strategy, Leadership and Coaching, Value Creation, Innovation and Strategic Agility among others, is world-renowned, and is helping to redefine the future of business. This cutting-edge knowledge and expertise is integrated into every one of our Executive Education programmes.

02Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

IntroductionIn today’s uncertain global business environment senior managers assuming general management responsibilities face unique challenges. They need exceptional leadership skills to manage cross-functional teams; they need an international mindset; they need the ability to successfully manage continuous change; they need the skills, knowledge and confidence to make strategic decisions and implement them, and to complicate matters further, they need to do all this whilst also creating value.

INSEAD’s world-class, comprehensive General Management Programmes are designed to accelerate your effectiveness as a manager, increase your performance and to help you drive effective change. Designed and delivered by some of the world’s best faculty, you will gain the confidence to make the decisions needed to succeed, expand your thinking and learn what it takes to become an exceptional business leader.

Our Advanced Management Programme is a reflective process that offers participants insight into the way in which they exercise judgement. Transition to General Management is designed to smoothe and accelerate the transition from functional/technical management into general management. The Management Acceleration Programme is designed for early career high-potential executives equipping them with a general management perspective. The Asian International Executive Programme prepares executives for senior management challenges in Asia.

Transforming senior executives into thoughtful business leadersThe environment confronting business leaders today continues to be volatile – offering opportunities amidst great dangers. The theories and models that guided decision making in the past no longer provide leaders with all the answers they need. Successful leaders rely increasingly on their own judgement to make decisions.

The Advanced Management Programme acts on the belief that exercising judgement is neither art nor science, but a craft that can be honed with practice, reflection, feedback and coaching. The Advanced Management Programme represents an unparalleled opportunity for senior leaders to reflect in structured ways about how they exercise judgement at important decision points in their lives and careers.

The Advanced Management Programme is a complete general management programme – it helps senior executives to address all aspects of leadership. The programme complements functional understanding with a holistic approach that helps leaders build judgement in their specific contexts. Our innovative methods offer two unique opportunities: first, leaders reflect actively on the quality of their own judgement; second, they use proprietary frameworks to define and implement an agenda to enhance performance – both their own and their organisation’s.

The programme recognises that learning is not an event but a journey. Consequently, the Advanced Management Programme is designed to be a life-long journey with close, structured contact over the first year and a looser networked contact thereafter.

Key benefits

— Insights that challenge your assumptions. For example, people who lead what they consider to be commodity businesses think that there are set ways to compete in these businesses. That is, until they meet people in other commodity businesses and find they are competing very differently

— Actionable knowledge. This is not merely facts and theories. Rather, it is developing deeper insight into information you often already possess and that has immediate implications for what you should do

— Increased confidence. We believe that, as a senior leader, you already know what you need to do. We help you to develop even greater confidence in your knowledge by testing your assumptions and making them more robust. You are also able to benchmark yourself against your peers

03Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

04Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

Programme Content Building judgement – a core developmental objective Senior leaders often face issues that cut across traditional categories such as ‘marketing’, ‘finance’ or ‘HR’. Imagine you need to determine how aggressively to support an expansion plan in a new geography. You will probably think systematically about customer segments, supply chains and routes to market. You will ponder how to staff the expansion while maintaining your culture and, of course, you will evaluate the potential return on your investment. You will then think of how you can ‘sell’ the expansion internally to garner the support you will need.

The curriculum of the Advanced Management Programme is organised as a four-phase process (Mega-trends, Stakeholders, Organisation and Processes, and People) that enables senior corporate leaders to engage systematically with complex issues. Whereas each specific issue may be unique, our process enables you to structure even the most intractable problems. Going well beyond theory, our process allows you to complement the evidence-based tools offered in the classroom with the wisdom of your colleagues, your peers and your own considerable experience.

We believe that the best management theories are important supports for managerial judgement – not substitutes for it. The Advanced Management Programme seeks to cast a spotlight on how senior leaders exercise judgement. On the one hand, we will demonstrate that grounding your decisions in the prevalent evidence base is an essential condition for effective decision making. On the other, we will show that leaders often deviate systematically from what they would consider sensible courses of action. To correct this, we will introduce simple and often counter-intuitive ways of exercising judgement that will form an important foundation for this programme.

I. Mega-trendsMost strategic decisions ought to be contingent on sweeping, long-term changes in political economy, technology and society. Remarkably, several of these trends seem to be fairly stable over the long term, while displaying short-term perturbations. What are these long-term trends? How volatile might the short-term perturbations be and how might these affect what you would like to accomplish?

To address these questions, we will feature speakers who have evidence-based points of view and supplement their opinions with the collective wisdom of the participants to form robust, practical solutions for the future.

Macro economy There are broad trends in economic development that have proven remarkably robust over the last few centuries. What drives this steady development? Why have some economies proven to be more astute at leveraging this long-term growth? In which economies should we invest and what attributes seem to correlate with success?

The geo-political contextWhat broad shifts in the political terrain do we see over the medium term? What coalitions appear to be weakening, and what will emerge to take their place? What is the collective view of the major geo-political impacts on our businesses? Once again, we will link these discussions back to specific choices that confront you.

Broad technological and social trendsFor some time now, we have been hearing about sweeping changes in the way we connect – facilitated by technology – and have been thinking about how to leverage these changes in our organisations’ interests. How do we see these changes impacting us over the medium term?

At the end of this phase, you will structure your own thoughts about how mega-trends could affect your work contexts and set priorities for action.

05Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

II. StakeholdersSuccessful organisational leadership derives at least partly from the ability to manage the expectations of diverse and often competing stakeholder groups. In this phase, we examine the evolving demands of key stakeholders and ask how senior leaders such as you will trade off competing demands. The key theme of value creation will recur often over the course of this phase and will act as the organising principle along which stakeholders will be engaged.

CustomersCustomer value creation is often the root source of value creation for other stakeholders. Evolution in the framing, delivering and capturing of value from customers is a crucial concern for business leaders. Changes in customer perceptions, avenues of access to them and the framing of value propositions all have implications for how easy or difficult it will be to get one’s message heard in the cacophony of the modern marketplace.

CompetitorsSuccessful business leaders often claim they do best by rendering competitors irrelevant. Doing so successfully represents superior avenues for value creation. In highly contested markets, however, firms succeed by identifying, articulating and leveraging competitive advantage over other players. Current and future actions by competitors influence which courses of action will be successful for you.

ShareholdersDriving value creation for shareholders is an important – and some would argue the only – function of management. However, that may not be as straightforward as it sounds. In this conversation, we will propose that value is the only real ‘indicator’ to which leaders must pay attention.

Other societal stakeholdersShould an organisation focus time, attention and possibly money on broader social issues? Why are many of the companies represented in each room of Advanced Management Programme participants spending real resources on such issues? This conversation will provide insights into how, when and why paying attention to non-traditional business stakeholders could generate value for your organisation.

III. Organisation and processesHaving looked at broad external trends and the stakeholders who influence organisations, this phase of the programme turns to the process levers that help steer your organisation in the directions you desire.

Networks and changeThe networks you possess are your principal supports as you drive change in your organisation. What makes for more or less powerful networks? How are different networks more or less supportive of your change efforts? As change becomes the only constant that your organisation deals with, we help you plan the networks you will need to influence others who will, in turn, realise your vision.

Business models What is your organisation’s blueprint for success? When and how does your organisation make money – in reality, not only in your mind? Is this aligned with what you perceive to be your strategy? The devil in most grand plans lies in the detail and we offer opportunities for you to deconstruct the activities behind your plans and determine how the business model underlying your activities supports – or militates against – your aspirations.

Fair processOrganisations are hierarchical in nature, but people in them still respond to perceptions of fairness or otherwise in decision processes. We discuss the role of fairness in leadership and its relation to sustainability and performance.

GovernanceWhat constitutes good governance? Is there an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ governance model and, if so, how does this translate to non Anglo-Saxon parts of the world? In today’s world, it is crucial that you engage with the principles of governance that will oversee strategy implementation.

StructureWe will also devote time and attention to broad issues of structural and systems design in modern organisations. We will pay careful attention to the fragmentation of global supply chains and recognise that structural solutions need to be much more flexible than was typically the case in the past.

IV. PeopleBy this phase, your thinking has not just crystallised; you can actually see its implementation. You are clearly not a content expert in every area of implementation – you cannot be. But you believe you have the people in place to make it happen. Now begins the enthralling task of taking stock of yourself, your behaviours and your attitudes towards your organisation and team, the ways in which you lead them, and what you project that helps or hinders your cause.

The leadership metaphorThe principal crucible for forging leadership is experience. Our approach to leadership development is to support you to simulate the experience crucible using multiple metaphors. We use simulated environments in theatre, music and history to enable you to reflect on and develop your natural leadership skills. You will leave the programme with a structured plan to develop and monitor the skills you desire.

The values conversationValues are not set in stone. They change according to the lenses through which they are viewed. Increasingly, corporate observers are asking for a moral standard to which leaders hold themselves accountable. However, values are also useful to communicate to colleagues and external stakeholders the principles that you and your organisation deem inviolable. You will be invited to explore your position on values from multiple perspectives.

CommunicationA carefully crafted vision built on an authentic foundation of values could yet prove futile if you fail to communicate that vision effectively. Communication is a crucial leadership skill and we work on offering you simple, relevant ideas that will help you get your particular messages across successfully.

06Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

BalanceMany of the conversations we conduct during this programme are based on your professional life. However, we do not make the mistake of assuming that your professional life, dominant though it may be, can be disengaged from the rest your life. As a senior leader, you face genuine choices about how to invest your time and effort. We ensure that these choices become real to you and that you make them knowingly rather than involuntarily.

Process elementsWe cannot emphasise enough that the Advanced Management Programme comprises a process, not an episodic intervention. This process is initiated with a key communication six weeks before you gather on the INSEAD campus. In addition, some cohorts of participants from the Advanced Management Programme have continued to meet, re-engage and examine issues of importance to them, every year for over two decades.

The following are key process elements that define participants’ experience of the Advanced Management Programme.

Structure for implementing strategyAt the outset, you will get access to a broad framework in which to think about your challenges as a senior leader. Even prior to coming on to campus, you will be encouraged to use the framework to analyse some key issues that confront you today. We will then use inputs from the programme, reflective conversations with your peers and more structured coaching sessions to help flesh out the framework of issues you have identified.

360-degree feedback and coachingAs a senior leader, you will have received feedback through multiple channels, throughout your career. Through the Advanced Management Programme, you will have the opportunity to complement this with feedback received using a unique, INSEAD-developed instrument – one that has been validated rigorously with benchmarks from thousands of senior participants. The results will be discussed in an innovative group-coaching process that will yield actionable objectives for personal development.

The discipline of reflectionSometimes the most useful inputs that senior managers feed into their decision-making processes are their own. However, modern life does not offer sufficient opportunities for leaders to reflect on their actions and internalise lessons from the reflection. In this programme, we structure time for you to do exactly that – individually, in small groups and in large ones.

Collective wisdomSenior leaders exercise judgement when making calls about the future. Some of the toughest occur in one-off situations, yet the call affects the organisation’s medium-term future. Evidence suggests that experts are not very helpful in such contexts. Evidence also suggests that cumulating the perceptions of diverse people results in more robust forecasts than those generated by any one expert. We introduce you to techniques that will help you bolster your judgement using peer groups, such as that of the Advanced Management Programme, and suggest that you can continue to use these techniques indefinitely.

07Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

How you learn is as important as what you learnAfter half a century of educating senior managers, we at INSEAD know that simply passing on knowledge is not enough. The Advanced Management Programme succeeds by challenging your assumptions and opening your mind.

A powerful learning experienceThe Advanced Management Programme orchestrates a rich variety of learning methods.

— Reflection groups that offer participants insights into how they exercise their judgement

— Interactive case studies based on real-life decisions

— Forum sessions where participants bring individual or small-group learning to the entire participant body

— Group work for sharing experience and expertise very different from your own

— 360-degree leadership survey developed at INSEAD for Advanced Management Programme participants

— Group coaching, a unique peer coaching experience where participants develop skills to coach and to be coached

— Highly realistic simulations that benchmark your skills in a risk-free environment

— Sessions designed to leverage the inherent knowledge of groups

— Role-play and video sessions to bring learning to life and build the ability to communicate effectively as a leader

— A range of electives which tailor the programme even more closely to your needs

— Traditional lectures to convey the very latest management theories

— Other social and cultural activities designed to facilitate contact and exchange

Learning Process 08Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

09Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

The Advanced Management Programme is so much more than a four-week educational experience. It is designed to be a learning journey that lasts a lifetime.

The journey begins approximately six weeks before your arrival on campus. You are asked to identify a specific strategic challenge that you face in your work and are taken through a structured process to help you begin reflecting on it. This strategic challenge will become the unifying thread that runs throughout your learning on campus – and enables you to measure the programme’s impact, once you return to work.

During the four-week residential programme, you will reflect and receive feedback on your strategic challenge, facilitated by expert INSEAD faculty and coaches. You will work both individually and, in order to leverage the wealth of experience of your peers, in carefully selected groups comprised of senior executives facing similar strategic issues.

With the support of coaches, faculty and fellow participants, you will continue to make progress on your chosen challenge in the six months

Learning Journey

— Interview with Programme Director

— 360º survey— Start strategic

challenge process— Access to learning


— Programme content

• Mega Trends• Stakeholders• Organisation and

Processes • People • Process

— Strategic challenge process continues

— Introduction to alumni network and online platforms

— Conference call with coach and strategic challenge group (+1 month)

— Strategic challenge feedback (+3 months)

— Strategic challenge feedback (+6 months)

— Continued learning and networking through online platforms

— Optional five-day residential segment in Singapore

— INSEAD Alumni Association activities

— Online networking and continued learning


Ongoing learning

Optional residential segment

One to six months after residential programme

Four-week residential programmePre-programme

following your stay on campus. This will enable you to evolve both your strategic vision and your plan of action – and to make an even greater impact on your organisation.

The journey continues through an optional five-day residential segment in Singapore about one year after the four-week residential programme. This optional segment is designed to push the boundaries of your leadership potential through group work facilitated by our coaching staff, to continue the conversation on the dramatic shifts taking place in the world economy and geopolitics and to understand some of the strategic conversations we had during the four-week programme in the context of Asia.

The final integral element of the Advanced Management Programme is the online learning platform that enables you to keep in touch with your peers before, during and after your time on campus. It also brings you up-to-date with the latest INSEAD research and connects you with the school’s wider alumni community. In short, it is the gateway to an exclusive network that will enable you to rise to a whole lifetime of strategic challenges.

As one of the largest of the world’s leading business schools – and certainly the most international – INSEAD is well placed to make an impact on your business. INSEAD is unique in having a three-campus structure, with a European campus in Fontainebleau, France, an Asian campus in Singapore and a Middle Eastern campus in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The campuses are equally diverse and all have world-class faculty in residence. Executive programmes run at one, two or even across all three of our main locations. Our Customised Programmes can also be held anywhere in the world.

Europe Campus Fontainebleau, the home of INSEAD’s Europe Campus, is spread across 8 hectares. Nestled in the vast forest of Fontainebleau, the modern architecture of the campus blends harmoniously with the green and leafy surroundings. Facilities are of the highest standard and include 28 lecture theatres, 2 restaurants, a bar, a bookshop, extensive library resources and a fully equipped gym.

Asia Campus The Asia Campus is situated in the greenery of the Buona Vista area, the country’s ‘knowledge hub’, and is just 25 minutes from the airport and 10 minutes from the financial district. It occupies a 2.8-hectare site and has 7 amphitheatres with a total capacity of 500 and an 85-room residence.

Abu Dhabi Campus Abu Dhabi is the home of INSEAD’s third campus, which is just 25 minutes from the airport and 10 minutes from the ‘Corniche’. This new, 12-storey, 6,000 square-metre building, purposely designed for Executive Education, presents a whole new world of possibilities for management education in the Middle East.

Campus Information10Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

Faculty 11Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

All the breadth and depth of the programme is personified in its faculty. INSEAD’s professors represent many cultures, many disciplines, many perspectives. At the same time, they are acknowledged world experts in their own particular fields – and outstanding teachers.

With strong track records in research and teaching, our faculty also remain intimately close to business. Most are engaged in cross-disciplinary research, either through dual-subject appointments to INSEAD or through the school’s multi-faceted research centres.

Unlike many schools, we make sure that INSEAD’s own highly rated professors represent the vast majority of teachers on our General Management Programmes. And only the most experienced or those with new and relevant research are invited to teach on the Advanced Management Programme. In short, they are selected for their outstanding teaching and original thought. Participants take away their latest books, as well as long-lasting memories of their classes.

12Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

Narayan Pant (India)

Programme Director Affiliate Professor of Strategy PhD, New York University

“By the time they take the Advanced Management Programme, participants have years of successful general management experience in some of the world’s best companies.

The Advanced Management Programme offers them a valuable opportunity to reflect on their lives, careers and aspirations in a group of their peers, who come from all over the world.

The value for them is to go beyond familiar models of strategy, finance and marketing that most of them know, and engage in a holistic conversation about where they would like to be and how to get there. Of course, we don’t neglect important models and principles but we keep these real.

I personally find the Advanced Management Programme exciting because it is real. We do not hide behind models that have doubtful validity for our participants. Our explicit goal is to keep the conversation real for them.”

Other contributing faculty include:

Jose-Luis Alvarez (Spain)Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Antonio Fatas (Spain)Professor of Economics

Anil Gaba (India)Professor of Decision Sciences

Kevin Kaiser (Canada)Affiliate Professor of Finance

José Santos (Portugal)Affiliate Professor of Practice in Global Management

Miklos Sarvary (Hungary)Professor of Marketing

Ludo Van der Heyden (Belgium)Professor of Technology and Operations Management

Ian Woodward (Australia)Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Dipak C. Jain (The United States)Dean of INSEAD

To learn more about the Advanced Management Programme and download the application form, visit:

13Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

The ParticipantsSenior executives without current managerial responsibilities and business consultants with senior-level client experience are invited to discuss their candidacy with the programme advisor.

From participants to alumni

Participants leave the Advanced Management Programme as full members of the INSEAD alumni community. Only graduates of our world-famous MBA, Executive MBA and PhD programmes, together with selected Executive Education participants, are eligible for this status. The elite worldwide network consists of over 41,100 alumni in around 160 countries, many with very active National Alumni Associations.

To learn more about the Advanced Management Programme and download the application form, visit:

14Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

The Advanced Management Programme represents an extraordinary wealth of industries, companies, leadership positions and experiences for you to learn from. Participants are typically from a diverse range of countries, which not only provides a unique learning environment, but also offers rich networking and benchmarking opportunities. These participants have attained the very highest standards of business performance and are considered leaders in their organisations.

The Programme Director will personally evaluate each application based on leadership achievements, current level of responsibility and commitment to learning and self-development.

Participant profile

— Senior executives such as CEOs, COOs, CFOs and heads of product divisions, geographical regions or other major business units within the private or public sectors

— An average of twelve years’ management experience, with at least five years in a general management position with clear cross-functional and P&L responsibility

Some of our past participants have included

General Manager AstraZeneca Greece

Executive Director Cetelem Brazil

Vice President Coca-Cola Belgium

Managing Director Credit Suisse Switzerland

Managing Director McDonald’s Australia

General Manager Mitsubishi Corporation Japan

General Manager Nedbank South Africa

Head of Corporate Banking Nordea Bank Finland

Vice President Oracle Systems United Arab Emirates

General Manager Petrobras Brazil

General Manager Provimi Russia

Head of Electrical Power & Control Systems Rolls-Royce The United Kingdom

General Manager Sage France

General Manager Sanofi-Aventis Republic of Korea

Chief Financial Officer Siemens Building Technologies Switzerland

General Manager Skye Bank Nigeria

Member of the Board of Directors Solvay Belgium

Chief Executive Officer Statoil Denmark

Chief Executive Officer Tesco The United Kingdom

General Manager Westpac Australia

15Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

“The Advanced Management Programme gave me fresh insights and new ways of thinking and taking decisions. In professional terms it was transformational for me.”

CEO & Comptroller General Intellectual Property Office (IPO) The United Kingdom

“It’s so good to go back to school after 30 years and be reminded that there are still things you can do better. I’ve come back with new tools that are not only effective but efficient. What struck me most was that so many of the participants shared the same challenges on a different continent, in a different culture and in a different industry.”

CIO, Nexen, Canada

“I likened my experience to an intellectual roller coaster: it shakes your mind, twists it, stretches it, taking you to a new frontier.”

CEO, Formerly Executive Director, Business Development, Emaar Properties PJSC

Region Northern Europe 18%

Asia 16%

Benelux 14%

Oceania Pacific 13%

Western Europe 13%

Africa 12%

Southern America 5%

Southern Europe 3%

Eastern Europe 2%

Middle East 2%

Northern America 2%

Industry Services 31%

Finance & Banking 18%

Natural resources 16%

Heavy industry 7%

Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals 7%

Electrical & Engineering 5%

Transport 5%

Consumer goods 4%

Telecommunications 1%

Other 6%

Function General Managers* 43%

C-suite Executives 14%

Managing Directors 12%

Heads of Product Divisions, Heads of Geographical Regions 10%

Vice-Presidents 9%

Executive Directors, Executive VPs, Executive Heads 7%

Board Members 2%

Other 3%

16Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

*Senior cross-functional managers with over 12 years’ management experience.

Practical information

Programme Date Location Length Fee* Level

Advanced Management Programme

4–29 July 2011

3–28 October 2011

12 March–6 April 2012

2–27 July 2012

5–30 November 2012

7–11 May 2012 (optional residential segment for alumni)







4 weeks

+1 week




C-suite executives

Experienced general managers with clear

cross-functional and P&L responsibility

Application processAcceptance on the Advanced Management Programme is subject to the review of the Admissions Committee, which carefully evaluates all applications, systematically calling participants to ensure that the programme will meet their objectives.

It is imperative to apply early to this programme, as applications will be closed six weeks before the programme commences (when the pre-programme work begins). Please contact our programme advisor Mark Leruste if you have any questions.

Places are confirmed on a first-come-first-served basis, taking into consideration the applicant’s level and objectives, and the diversity of the class. The Admissions Committee will review your application and advise you on the outcome as soon as possible.

Tuition fees*A tuition fee of €32,000* is billed after acceptance, two to three months before the programme, and must be settled before the programme begins. Instruction, teaching materials, books, refreshments during breaks, lunches on working days and opening and closing dinners are covered by this fee. The tuition fee for the one-week residential programme is €5,000.

Accommodation The tuition fee does not cover accommodation. This is reserved by INSEAD on your behalf. The approximate cost of on-campus accommodation in Fontainebleau is €790 per week and in Singapore S$1400 per week. Accommodation charges should be settled at the end of the programme.

Cancellation policyCancellation charges are as follows:

— 45 to 30 days’ notice: 25% of the tuition fee

— 29 to 8 days’ notice: 50% of the tuition fee

— within 7 days of start date: 100% of the tuition fee.

* Fee subject to change. For programmes delivered in France, VAT (19.6%) to be added for companies based in France, individual purchasers from the EU and for European companies where no VAT number is supplied. For programmes delivered in Singapore, GST (7%) to be added for Singapore-registered companies.

17Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

Any Questions?INSEAD has expert programme advisors, who are there to support Advanced Management Programme candidates and participants. Here are some of the questions that we are most frequently asked. But if you have any further queries about the programme, how it fits with your needs or how the selection process works, we are here to help. Do get in touch using the contact details below.

INSEAD Europe Campus Mark Leruste Programme Advisor, Open-enrolment Programmes

Executive Education Boulevard de Constance 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 40 30 Fax: +33 (0)1 60 74 55 13 Email:

Alternatively you can use the following contacts for more general enquiries.

INSEAD Asia Campus Ong Meow Kim Tel: +65 6799 5405 Fax: +65 6799 5299 Email:

INSEAD Abu Dhabi Campus Adey Zaghab Tel: +971 2 651 53 41 Fax: +971 2 446 03 03 Email:

Why should I choose INSEAD above other business schools?We think our diversity is what makes us different – and better, especially for participants who wish to prepare for a very turbulent and challenging international arena. INSEAD is certainly the only school where no single culture dominates. The second major reason is that INSEAD has 40 years’ experience of educating top executives. The Advanced Management Programme reflects ‘our best practice’ in providing participants with an intense yet full general management experience.

What exactly does the selection process entail?It is important for all participants that the programme brings together people with an adequate level of general management experience, professional expertise and business responsibility. The Programme Director personally reviews every application for the programme in conjunction with the set guidelines, the intrinsic quality of the applicant – and his or her potential contribution to the learning environment.

What can I expect to change after the Advanced Management Programme?The Advanced Management Programme takes you through a reflective process that enables you to understand fully the way in which you develop and exercise your judgement. The new perspectives gained by faculty and your peers will change your approach to the challenges you face. At the end of the programme, you will have a selection of new ideas and solutions, and will return to the office with a clear strategic plan. Facilitated by INSEAD’s alumni and online platforms, you will also have a much broader network of international colleagues that you can call upon for future business challenges.

18Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

Why should I do a General Management Programme?INSEAD’s General Management Programmes will equip you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to become a successful business leader. Created and delivered by some of the world’s best faculty, each one of these programmes will challenge assumptions and enhance leadership skills, delivering a broader vision to both you and your organisation. Depending on your level and experience, we offer the Advanced Management Programme, Transition to General Management, Management Acceleration Programme and the Asian International Executive Programme.

How do I know that this General Management Programme is right for me?Advanced Management Programme participants have at least twelve years’ management experience, with at least five years in a general management position with clear cross-functional and P&L responsibility.

What instructions should I leave my colleagues at work about contacting me?Please ask them not to disturb you, unless there is an emergency. Calls and emails are distractions from the Advanced Management Programme’s intensive learning process. Those who disconnect themselves most effectively are generally those who learn most – and return with most to give their organisations. Your colleagues and direct reports have much to gain from coping without you too.

To learn more about the Advanced Management Programme and download the application form, visit:

19Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012

— Senior executives such as CEOs, CFOs, COOs and heads of product divisions, geographical regions and other major business units

— An average of twelve years’ management experience, with at least five years in a general management position with significant P&L and cross-functional responsibilities

— Senior functional or technical managers about to make the transition to general management or recently appointed general managers

— At least eight years’ management experience with an outstanding track record in one or more functional areas of business

— Emerging leaders early in their careers as managers, or high-value individual contributors close to gaining management responsibilities

— Those with potential for future senior general management roles, typically graduates with at least five years’ work experience in a position with some operating, corporate or management responsibility

— Executives with at least eight years’ management experience, or newly appointed general managers

— Typically participants already work in Asia (or are preparing to) or have responsibilities that are specific to the region

— Structured reflection by participants into how they exercise judgement

— Coaching and feedback to go beyond the science of management to the craft of being a senior leader

— Focus on the objective functions of senior leaders as defined by diverse stakeholders, and the constraints and opportunities offered by the external environment

— Organisational levers that leaders use to achieve goals and how they become more effective in achieving these goals through a deeper understanding of themselves

— In-depth examination of the foundations of business, to reinforce expertise in leading the value-generation process for successful transition to general management

— Self-awareness and leadership style is developed within a unique group of peers from other cultures, industries and backgrounds

— Using rigorous frameworks and tools, participants learn how to make effective decisions that create significant value

— Optional fifth-week business simulation that integrates past experience, new-found skills and knowledge into a global perspective

— Fundamental business principles and skills necessary for a thorough foundation in general management, to develop a deeper and broader level of competence in key functional disciplines

— Conceptual frameworks and reflective learning processes, to develop the knowledge, awareness and abilities to exercise leadership in and across teams

— A broader perspective of the business and the connection of everything learned on the programme to achieving a value creating perspective

— Understanding of the principles and context for general management and value creation through thorough investigation of: strategy; finance and management accounting; crisis and consumption

— The fundamentals of efficient management in a changing world, including judgement and decision making, and marketing, set within an Asian context

— Practical advice on how to turn global strategy into Asian solutions

— Gain insights that challenge your assumptions

— Develop greater confidence – by testing your assumptions and making them more robust

— Actionable knowledge – harnessing the knowledge you already have into workable action plans

— More effective decision making at a general management level and enhanced leadership skills, giving you increased confidence and managerial impact

— Develop a keen understanding of how to ‘manage for value’ (using the INSEAD-developed ‘Blue Line Management’ concept)

— Integrate your knowledge and skills in a programme format that matches your busy schedule

— Become a more confident manager ready for new responsibilities, with new knowledge, skills and self-awareness

— Focus on creating value and providing leadership to become a more effective manager

— Return to the office ready to make an immediate impact with a fresh perspective encompassing the bigger business picture and a longer-term view

— Greater insight into business fundamentals and confidence to lead across functions and geographical borders, to meet the new challenges of senior management

— Acquire a new approach to strategy, processes and up-to-date business models in an Asian context

— Framework and theories plus panel discussions focusing on current issues faced by Asian countries

— 4 weeks + 1 week optional residential segment for alumni

— 2x2 weeks modular (optional 5th week integrated business simulation module)

— 3 weeks or 2 weeks + 1week — 2 weeks

— Fontainebleau + Singapore — Fontainebleau + Fontainebleau — Fontainebleau + Singapore — Fontainebleau + Abu Dhabi

— Fontainebleau— Singapore + Fontainebleau

— Singapore

Advanced Management Programme

Transition to General Management

Management Acceleration Programme

Asian International Executive Programme

20Advanced Management Programme 2011/2012P




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Comparison grid

INSEAD Europe Campus Boulevard de Constance 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 42 90 Fax: +33 (0)1 60 74 55 13 Email:

INSEAD Asia Campus 1 Ayer Rajah Avenue Singapore 138676 Tel: +65 6799 5288 Fax: +65 6799 5299 Email:

INSEAD Abu Dhabi Campus Muroor Road Street N°4, P.O Box 48049 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 651 52 00 Fax: +971 2 443 94 61 Email: