Inside out power point project 4

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Welcome to the Inside. A world where scrubs clean pipes for ongoing hours, or work at another job that allows the Inside to run smoothly. Everything circulates, and everything is reused; it's a giant cycle inside a secret world. Thousands, and thousands of scrubs fill the lower levels, to the point where it's hard to move, and the stench of everyone's sweat, odor, and clothing leaves you feeling trapped.

Trella is an interesting main character, she's a bit of a loner and kind of hard to relate to at first. She only really has one friend and she even keeps him at a distance so she can come across as quite selfish at times but really it's her defense mechanism. She thinks that by keeping to herself she is rebelling against the system but gradually she realizes that she has fallen hook, line and sinker for the lies they have been feeding her and that she has been reacting in exactly the way the people in charge want her to. Once she starts to understand how things really work she realizes that she is going to have to start putting her trust in others if she wants to find a way to change the status quo. I really grew to respect Trella, she is smart, resourceful and incredibly brave, she may not be the easiest person to get to know but once someone has earned her trust she is fiercely loyal and she will do anything to protect those she cares about. She also cares about her people as a whole, she wants to create a better life for the scrubs who live on the lower levels. She wants equality and the chance to choose her own destiny and you've got to love her for that.

Trella lives in an enclosed world, a giant cube built on four levels that each have a very regimented layout. First, there's the lower levels, where the scrubs live. There you'll find barracks, a canteen serving spinach-flavored slop, hydroponics, and care facilities where all scrub children are raised - ten kids to one Care Mother. The higher levels are inhabited by the uppers, who actually get their own quarters and a shot at family life. There is no known exit and nobody knows what happened to the Outside or why they are unable to leave.

The Uppers live on the top two levels, they have complete control over the society and make all the important decisions. They live in luxury while the scrubs from the bottom two levels do all the work to keep the society functioning. The scrubs live in overcrowded barracks, they aren't allowed to remain in family units and they work long hours doing the jobs that the Uppers think are beneath them. Scrubs resent the Uppers who have it all but perhaps everything isn't quite what it seems and when Trella finds herself caught up in a rebellion she starts to realize that it isn't only the scrubs who are being lied to.

Pop CopsThe Travas- The family of pop cops ran by LC


Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs

UppersRiley and formerly Broken


Whose really in charge?

The warning

There was no longer an equal balance of power. The system didn’t work as a team and they cut contact off from the uppers and the scrubs to create conflict between them and it caused both groups to create judgements about each and never allowing anyone to confirm or deny these judgements. It never said in the book but I am sure something had to have happened to force the society into space. I am sure it talks about earth in the second book but in the first one it doesn’t really mention why they are in space.

The connection to modern society

The first reason is all the hate we have as a society against people who are different because we are afraid of what we don’t understand and we are afraid of the differences we all have. The second reason is how we treat our planet we don’t take car of it. We cut down trees and all the waste we send out to sea to be burned or buried in a land fields but we are not respecting our planet and if we continue down this path we could end up having to leave this planet and live in space like the people in this book. Now that is very drastic and I’m sure it wouldn’t even be possible to leave for a very long time but I could happen if things don’t change.

In conclusion this story has a rather hard ending Trella figures out they are floating in space and her best friend opened the door and is now gone forever. But Trella does improve the system she gets the uppers and the scrubs to work together and make a better life where not only society can function but they can live in peace and make memories.