Insidious conventionsuyryfy

Post on 24-May-2015

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Insidious trailer: conventions of a horror movie.

Chloe Mason


• The first shot that we see is just plain text on a black background. This makes the title of the film known to the audience. Also the black background connotes evil and fear and so instantly suggests that the film will be scary. The text has sinister connotation so again signifies to the audience that the film will be a horror.

• The text then switches and moves around giving a supernatural feel to the railer. This suggests to the audience that the events of the film will be of a supernatural nature and out of the ordinary. he words “insidious is insidious” keep appearing and reappearing on the screen. The repetition guarantees that the film title is remember by the audience but also suggests that whatever ‘insidious’ is, it keeps coming back and back again, this creates fear in the audience as the protagonists cant get it to go away so are always in danger.

• The next piece of text says “from the makers of paranormal acivity and saw” this shows to the audience that the makers have made successful horror movies before and suggests that this will be as scary if not more so. This is a typical convention of horror movies as the previous movies have been scary before and encourages the audience to watch the next movie.

• The image of a metranome is shown as it ticks and the sound is emphasised to sound like a heart beat. The sound of a heartbeat is often associated with fear as the heartbeats faster when people are scared. This is a convention of a horror movie as it focuses on the fear of the protagonists.

• We are then shown snapshots of a family, all seemingly happy and laughing. This is a main convention of a horror movie because it always appears to be normal people that the bad things happen too. The end of these snapshots we see a young boy falling off a ladder. This image is emphasised by zoom and the sound of the ladder breaking is loud suggesting this is key element in the main movie as there is a lot of focus on this point and from this point all the negative things begin to happen.

• The image quickly changes to the parents in a hospital room over looking a bed. The lighting is low key creating a gloomy atmosphere and the expression on their faces looks very concerned. This helps the audience the sympathise for them as their son is in hospital in what lokos like a critical position so creates a relationship between the characters and the audience. This is a key convention because the relationship between the characters and the audience is what helps to engage the audience as they want the protagonists to be okay in the end.

• Shortly after the mother of the child is in the house alone and creaking noise is heard; this gives the illusion that someone is there and getting nearer. She goes into the childs bedroom to see a rocking horse moving but nothing there. This helps to create fear in the audience as they know something is there but they cannot see it giving a feeling of helplessness. The lighting is continuously low key and the costumes are very bland and dull. This suggests there is no happiness in the family any more after the son has been put in hospital.

• This image shows us that a child in the family is hiding from something. He is looking out of bedroom door and slowly closing it yet doesn’t take his eyes away from what he is looking at. This creates mystery as we do not know what it is. The next shows only shows a shadow stood outside of the family home. This continues with the mystery of the film because we cannot see a clear image of who or what it is. The room is dark, suggesting it is night time, a main convention of horror movies as the night suggests vulnerability because every where is so quiet and empty.

Conventions of mise-en-scene in a horror movie.

• In horror movies the opening scene is more than often very idyllic and in equilibrium. This makes the setting seem very safe and harmless and to emphasise this the costumes used are very bright and the lighting high key to show the happiness and create a ‘perfect’ image.

• Later on in the horror movie, the lighting becomes very low key, reflecting on the negative atmosphere and also making the characters seem more vulnerable as they low key lighting makes them appear more isolated.

• The costumes change more dull and bland clothing, and the villain is often is very dark colours with connotations of evil. The dull clothing reflects on the unhappiness of the situation and despair in the protagonists.

• Setting in horror movies are often very isolated and out of the way. This makes the characters seem very vulnerable as there isnt anyone around to help them.

Conventions of camera work in horror films.

A main convention of the camera work is an establishing shot of the setting. This is a main component of horror films as it sets the scene and show where the film will be set. It often shows the isolation of the setting also.Hand held camera is another typical shot that is used in the camera work of a horror movie. The fast paced nature of the shot builds tensions and suspense but also shows the shot from the characters point of view making them feel more involved in the scene and as well make them sympathise for the character.Point of view shot are commonly used to suggest that the character are being watched which makes the audience feel concerned for them as they know someone is there but the protagonist does not.

Conventions of sound in horror films

• To create tension in a horror movie, fast paced, high pitched music is often used. This builds suspense in the audience. When something bad has happened or is about the background music slows down to create a sadder tone to the film rather than creating fear. With the fast paced music, it starts off slow and gradually increases in speed. This again builds suspense but also gives the illusion that something is coming and getting closer and closer.

• Loud sounds are used and sound effects such a creaking doors and floor boards are also used to build suspense and make it appear as though something is there. Sound bridges help to add ellipsis of time so the film doesn’t drag on too long and get boring and sound motif’s are often used with the villian in the horror films to create fear of the villian as the audience know as soon as they hear that sound the bad guy is coming.

Conventions of editing in horror films• Fast paced editing in horror films is one of

the main conventions. The fast action of the film helps to build tension and create suspense in the audience. This also helps to make the scene look a lot more action packed and keep the audience watching as it is hard to see everything happening at once.

• The text on the screen in the insidious trailer comes up and sort of flashes across the screen. The lettering then switches around to look rather supernatural as the text is unable to be read. This reflects on the turn of events that will occur are of a supernatural nature making the audience feel on edge as they don’t know what is actually going to happen.