Insomnia Symptoms, Causes, Cures & Treatments

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Causes, Cures & Treatments

.Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder.

.40% adults suffer from this.

.10-15% adults suffer from chronic insomnia and an additional 25-35% have occasional or transient insomnia.

Symptoms of insomnia .Difficulty falling asleep despite being tired

.Waking up frequently during the night

.Trouble getting back to sleep when awakened Exhausting sleep

Part 1

.Relying on sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep

.Waking up too early in the morning

.Daytime drowsiness, fatigue, or irritability

.Difficulty concentrating during the day

Part 2

Common causes of

insomnia • Psychological problems like

depression, anxiety, chronic stress, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder may be causing insomnia

 • Medications might be affecting

the sleep • Health problems may be

interfering with sleep 

Part 1

Common causes of


• Sleep disorders like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome can be causing insomnia:

 • Sleep environment may not be

quiet and comfortable 

Part 2

1. Stop watching the clock2. Try relaxing your body to fall asleep3. Find an uninteresting activities it

will make you drowsy.4. Keep a regular sleep schedule• Naturally regulate your sleep-wake

cycle.• Increase light exposure during the day

5.Boost melatonin production at night6. Eat right and get regular exercise

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