Inspiring change: The Gender Pay Gap and Why it Matters › Temp ›...

Post on 28-Jun-2020

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Kirsten Tisdale BSc FCILT FRSA MIoD, Aricia Limited

Inspiring change: The Gender

Pay Gap and Why it Matters

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Why it matters | |

“Transportation and logistics

as a sector isn’t viewed as

attractive by most job seekers

– when it’s considered at all”

PwC 2012

“The supply chain sector is facing

a talent shortage that is quickly

escalating from a gap to a

potential crisis”

Report for DHL Supply Chain 2017

Gender balanced executive

teams would contribute about

£150Bn pa to the UK economy

CMI CEO 2018 (All sectors)

The mean hourly gender pay

gap = 19%

ILO 2018 (All sectors, global)

“Nearly three in five (59%) hiring

decision makers report that a lack of

investment in diversity and inclusion

is a barrier or challenge their

organization faces in attracting and

hiring quality candidates”

Glassdoor 2017

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What I’m going to cover today

• Gender gap, gender pay gap, gender leadership gap

• Diversity - not just gender

• How does logistics & transport perform?

• Is diversity better for business?

• Is there anything we can do?

• Why me?

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Wider issues: gender gap - not just pay

• 88% of countries -

restrictions against

women in the

workplace in law

• 59 countries - no laws

against sexual

harassment in the


• 18 countries - women

can be legally

prevented from


Economic participation, Educational attainment,

Health and survival, Political empowerment

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-9% to +14%

Wider issues: pay gaps – not just gender

• And there are other gaps: age, generation, class, married status (chicken v egg?), height…

-19% -15%

Race / ethnicity Disability Sexual orientation

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Gender pay gap: logistics & transport

• Smaller bar is


• Legal requirement

UK companies with

250+ employees

• 2019 median of

‘median hourly pay


• How is this


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• The reason the median gender pay gap is low in, say, storage is because the comparison is

of the pay of male and female medians who both tend to be operatives:

Reasons and causes

• The UK’s Office for National Statistics has also examined the gender pay gap and studied

various factors, including the difference in pay for people doing the same job:

• Occupation and sector, region, business size, full versus part-time, age and tenure…

• These factors only explain 36.1% of the gender pay gap

£ £

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Gender leadership gap: our sector

• Also part of submission

to UK government

• How is this calculated?

• Darker green = greater

% female in top quarter

of company

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Concrete results …at your competitors!

• Focused recruitment programmes - easyJet’s ‘Amy

Johnson’ initiative to increase its number of women

pilots - 15% of easyJet new entrant pilot were female

in 2018

• Promoting both female and male role models - a

recruitment microsite and proactively using social

media to do this for Martin Brower’s new DC led to

+6% female hire rate

• Specific training for senior roles – the MD of Hull

Trains was promoted to her first MD role while on

FirstGroup’s Women’s Career Development


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Diversity: better for business

• Diversity can improve innovation, decision-making, corporate governance, risk aversion,

reputation, attractiveness to investors and to talent pool …but what about the hard cash?

Author Size of study Area of study Benefits


524 companies

(Fortune 500 =

world’s largest)

≥3 women board directors in

4 out of 5 years (versus zero

women directors)

Return on sales +84%

Return on Invested Capital +60%

Return on Equity +46%


>800 business

units in two US


Gender-diverse business units

(versus mainly one gender)

Higher average comparable revenue

Retail +14%

Hospitality +19%



companies in

12 countries

Companies in top quartile for

ethnic/cultural diversity in

executive teams

+33% more likely to have

industry-leading profitability

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Actions WE can ALL take

• Review job titles

• Avoid bias eg language in ads

• Use anonymised CVs

• Have diverse interview panels

• Interview for competence not confidence or agreeability

• Benchmark wages and roles

• Formalise mentoring activities

• Defined promotion and bonus evaluation

• Have some relevant KPIs and metrics

• Challenge everything you do that influences recruitment and retention

• Women – step up, apply, ask for

promotions and pay rises!

• Men – be allies – make sure women’s

voices are being heard

• Job applicants – ask – what action is this

company taking?

• Senior people – challenge your team

• Put your money where your mouth is | |

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Kirsten Tisdale