Installing wordpress

Post on 31-Aug-2014

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Installing Wordpress on a remote web server


Installing Wordpress on your remote web server


• 4 main steps are:

1. Download the Wordpress install package, unzip and upload to your web server using an FTP client

2. Create a new MySql database

3. Edit the wp-config.php file

4. Create an administrator account and start using wordpress!

1. Install the Wordpress package



Upload to web server

2. Create the Database

• When you set up your web hosting, you should have been given a url and login details to a web hosting control panel, such as cPanel. This interface will allow you to create and manage MySql databases (if you’re lucky, they might even have a 1-step automated Wordpress install feature).



• A common web interface for administering databases

• If your hosting doesn’t have a database setup ‘wizard’ you can set up the database with this

• PHPMyAdmin is what you will need to use if you are using the CIF hosting


3. Edit the wp-config.php file

• The wordpress directory you uploaded to your web server will contain a file called wp-config-sample.php.

• You need to edit this file and then re-upload it to your server with the name wp-config.php (lose the -sample part).

4. Create an administrator account for your wordpress site

Wordpress interfaces

• Wordpress interfaces can be divided into the admin interfaces and the public interfaces. We might also refer to these as the backend and frontend interfaces respectively.

Admin/Backend Interface

Admin/Backend Interface

• This is where you do all your Content Management

• editing posts, moderating comments, installing plugins and themes, managing user accounts etc.

• requires a login which you setup during installation.

• accessible at


Public/Frontend Interface

Public/Frontend Interface

• This is what visitors to the site will see when they go to your url.

• You will want to check what the site looks like after making changes to the appearance or the content.