Instantly Impressive Research Titles v2

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Instantly Impressive Proposal Titles31 PATTERNS & EXAMPLES

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• Principle• Law• Taxonomy• Technique• Method

ing verb

Verb ending in ing

verb as noun

Verb used as a noun

“Theory” or

Theory and

X Theory and + [ing verb] + [need or problem]

Contingency Theory and Increasing Technology Usage Among UGP Students


The theory and

The X Theory and + [ing verb] + [need or problem]

The Pendulum Principle and Increasing Technology Usage Among UGP Students


Theory to

X Theory to + [verb as noun] of + [need or problem]

Law of Gravity to Increase Technology Usage Among Freshman UGP Students


The Use of X Theory to

The use of X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

The Use of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Thinking to Improve

Homework in Female College Students


The Use of X Theory to: a Proposal

The use of X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]: A Proposal

The Use of Supply-Demand Theory to Reduce Student Plagiarism: A Proposal


The Deployment of X Theory to

The Deployment of X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

The Deployment of Divine Command Ethics to Maintain Room

Cleanliness via Posters


The Application of X Theory to

The Application of X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

The Application of Divine Command Ethics to Maintain Room Hygiene via

Multilingual Posters


The Adaptation of X Theory to

The Adaptation of X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

The Adaptation of Divine Command Ethics to Maintain Room Cleanliness

via Visual Posters


Using X Theory to

Using X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Using Systems Theory to Reduce Paper Usage in Offices, Schools and

Public Toilets


Deploying X Theory to

Deploying X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Deploying Systems Theory to Reduce Paper Usage in Offices, Schools and

Public Toilets


Applying X Theory to

Applying X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Applying Systems Theory to Reduce Paper Usage in Offices, Schools and

Public Toilets


Adapting X Theory to

Adapting X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Adapting Systems Theory to Reduce Paper Usage in Offices, Schools and

Public Toilets


Adapting X Theory to: a Proposal

Adapting X Theory to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]: A Proposal

Adapting Systems Theory to Reduce Paper Usage in Offices, Schools and

Public Toilets: A Proposal


X Theory as an Approach

X Theory as an Approach to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Divine Command Ethics as an Approach to Maintain Cleanliness in

Student Dormitories


X Theory as an Approach: a Proposal

X Theory as an Approach to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]: A Proposal

Divine Command Ethics as an Approach to Maintain Best Practices in

Student Research: A Proposal


Colon X Theory as an Approach

[ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: X Theory as an Approach

Maintaining Cleanliness in Student Dormitories: Divine

Command Ethics as an Approach


X Theory as a Strategy

X Theory as a Strategy to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Divine Command Ethics as a Strategy to Maintain Positive Behavior in

Stressful Situations


X Theory as a Strategy: a Proposal

X Theory as a Strategy to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]: A Proposal

Divine Command Ethics as a Strategy to Maintain Positive Behavior in Stressful

Situations: A Proposal


Colon X Theory as a Strategy

[ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: X Theory as a Strategy

Maintaining Cleanliness in Student Dormitories: Divine Command

Ethics as a Strategy


X Theory as a Solution

X Theory as a Solution to + [ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Divine Command Ethics as a Solution to Maintaining Cleanliness in Student



X Theory as a Solution: a Proposal

X Theory as a Solution to + [ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: A Proposal

Divine Command Ethics as a Solution to Maintaining Cleanliness in Student

Dormitories: A Proposal


Colon X Theory as a Solution

[ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: X Theory as a Solution

Improving Grammar in IEP Student Essays: Divine Command Ethics as a



X Theory as a Method

X Theory as a Method to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]

Divine Command Ethics as a Method to Improve Grammar in IEP Student Essays


X Theory as a Method to: a Proposal

X Theory as a Method to + [verb + urgent need or critical problem]: A Proposal

Divine Command Ethics as a Method to Maintain Cleanliness in Student

Dormitories: A Proposal


Colon X Theory as a Method

[ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: X Theory as a Method

Maintaining Cleanliness in Student Dormitories: Divine Command

Ethics as a Method


Colon Theory as a Strategy

[ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: X Theory as a Strategy

Maintaining Cleanliness in Student Dorms: Divine Command Ethics as a



Colon X Theory as a Strategy

[ing verb + urgent need or critical problem]: X Theory as a Strategy

Maintaining Cleanliness in Student Dormitories: Divine Command

Ethics as a Strategy


Theory and

X Theory and + [verb as noun + of + need or problem]

DaVinci Theory and Improvement of Menu Choices in International Boarding Schools: A



through the X Theory

The [verb as noun] of + [need or problem] through X Theory

Reduction of Insect Bite Frequency through the Law of Gravity


through the X Theory: a Proposal

The [verb as noun] of + [need or problem] through X Theory: A Proposal

The Improvement of Academic Performance through the Law of

Gravity: A Proposal


via the X Theory

[verb as noun] of + [need or problem] through X Theory

Improvement of Menu Choices in International Boarding Schools via

the DaVinci Theory


via the X Theory: a Proposal

[verb as noun] of + [need or problem] through X Theory: A Proposal

Improvement of Menu Choices in International Boarding Schools via the

DaVinci Theory: A Proposal



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