Instapoetry: Pariring photography with poetry on Instagram

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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04/15/2023 @marketingbard

instapoetryvisual haiku

presented byBill Strawderman

Poet who sometimes writes and seldom takes pictures. Thinks the combination could be terrific. Well maybe.

instapoetry 1

04/15/2023 @marketingbard

glimpses of history

instapoetry 2

Through this Berlin gateFreedom strode through mightily As the ice melted.

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

Past city limits, Frozen in a darker time

The statue beckons.

East Berlinhttp://

04/15/2023 @marketingbard

windows to the soul

instapoetry 3

A patient virtue Awaits the congregation's Deep, sweet harmony.

Warren, New Jersey

This window reveals More light than we can

perceive, Love beyond belief.

Westerly, Rhode Islandhttp://

04/15/2023 @marketingbard

modern classics

instapoetry 4

A future vintage Awaits a spark, dreams to roam, Yearns to be unleashed.

BMW Museum, Munich

Hustling in and out, Passengers are passersby.

I freeze this moment.

Union Station, Washington DChttp://

04/15/2023 @marketingbard

winter skyline

instapoetry 5

Majestic city Presiding in the firmness Of winter's cold grasp.

NYC from Hoboken