Institution of Civil Engineers NW Annual General Meeting 2014 3 ICE NW Annual General Meeting.

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Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014



ICE NW Annual

General Meeting

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Representing 6,000 civil engineers who live in the NW and Isle of Man.

Influencing public infrastructure policy and promoting the civil engineering profession.

Delivering benefits and adding value for all of our members

Civil Engineers – shaping the world

ICE North West

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Presidential Visit and Awards Dinner in Chester

Award entries up on 2013

Highly successful Presidential Debate on “Infrastructure as a driver of Economic Growth”

Regional Activity - Highlights

ICE NW Reviews – dedicated TMICE Review successfully trialled

Law and Contract Course fully booked for 2nd year

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

• 74 Grads sat the Professional Review (+25%) • 17 TMICE review applications (+70%)• Overall membership numbers static, TMICE (+6%)• Held two Fellows’ Forums • 24 training sessions and workshops, 700 attendees

(+ 65%) • Delivered 4 lunchtime Membership Webinars• 100 company visits and surgeries seeing ~ 585

graduates (+17%), plus over 3,600 consultations by e-mail, phone or web conferencing (+50%)


Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

• Media coverage up by 10% on 2013 Print 77, Web 14, Radio 8, Broadcast 0

• Presidential Debate - Infrastructure & economic growth

• SON Scorecard NW briefing sheet • NW Infrastructure Client Group

2 x meetings, ICE NW partner in first NW

Construction Summit• E-news read rates consistently over 30%,• Website use up by 30%

Informing Opinion

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

• Collectively delivered over 72 Branch and specialist group meetings (over 175 CPD hours) attendance up 23% on 2013

• 6 regional graduate training seminars• Ran 26 week Law and Contract Course,

2nd year, again oversubscribed (good results ‘13)

• Exploring delivery of L&C advanced module

• Work on-going to increase visibility of ICE meetings through social media

• Delivered video summary of Annual Review


Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Pre-19 activities – 51 (48) activities with over 2,000 interactions

Big Bang – ICE Presence at Liverpool July 2013, Aintree July 2014

Bridge to Schools – Catalyst Museum Runcorn, will host bridge and local company will fund

This is Civil Engineering – Launched at Manchester Victoria Station, further sites...

Education and Inspiration

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

CheshireCumbriaLancashire and IoMManchesterMerseysideandGraduates and Students


Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Deliver high quality CPDShow off the art and science that is civil

engineeringGet the schools excited about our art and

scienceGet politicians involved

Cheshire Branch 2013-14

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Cheshire Branch 2013-14

Our goal:

Nurture Inspire Empower

Our programme will be mostly Northwich-centric

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

2013-14 Annual Supper – Ambleside

Cumbria Big Bang science fair

Strengthening links between the ICE and other local engineering groups

Kendal and District Engineering Society KDES Professional Engineers of South Cumbria

PESC Joint west Cumbrian engineering institute

committee IMech

Cumbria Branch highlights2013-14 Chairman: Gareth Scott

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Increase the use of publicity around events (twitter etc.)

Increase the use of shared meetings to provide better value

Increase our discussion with members at events

Continued support of STEM activities in Cumbria

Continue to plan events around Cumbria to suit our members

Cumbria Branch: upcoming plans2014-15 Chairman: Gareth Scott

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

More Active Committee Members

Closer ties with Special Interest Groups and other Institutions

Improved communications

Lancashire Branch2013-14 Chairman: Christopher Wilding

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Review the Branch Constitution

Continue to develop closer ties with Special Interest Groups and other Institutions

Look to widen the work we do

Lancashire Branch2013-14 Chairman: Christopher Wilding

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Manchester Branch Delivered 12 technical meetings during 2013/14; ICE North West Manchester Branch 6th Annual Carol

Concert , attracted >300 people and raised £800 for Railway Children, kindly sponsored by GHA Livigunn;

Engaged with prospective young engineers during a two day educational event hosted by St Ambrose Barlow RC High School;

Hosted two “Meet the Committee…”

sessions to promote the committee

and our values;

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Manchester BranchWhat to look forward to… 15 planned technical meetings including:

BIM and the Law: Points to remember;

Manchester Victoria Station Upgrade (including a site visit!);

Choosing the HS2 Route to Manchester;

Manchester City Regeneration;

Diversity: Does it Matter? 7th Annual ICE Manchester Branch Carol Concert; Change of venue for some technical meetings;

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

10 Technical Meetings held over the past 12 months

Providing Continuous Professional Development events for over 500 professionals and students

Supporting the development of Students by organising talks, mentoring sessions and arranging work placements

Merseyside Branch2014-15 Chairman: Bill Atherton

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Upcoming plansWe have an exciting year ahead and we look to provide the same high standard presentation as listed below:

Merseyside Branch2014-15 Chairman: Terry McCormick

Sep 14 Environmental Law Oct 14 Liverpool Walking Tour

Oct 14 Travels from Pontist Nov 14 CDM 2014 & HSE Priorities for Construction

Dec 14 Liverpool 2 Dock Management

Jan 15 Design and Operation of ALR

Feb 15 Lime Street Station Roof Mar 15 Thermal response testing - Chalk aquifer in London

Apr 15 Mersey Tunnel Tour May 15 Liverpool Old Dock Tour

Jun 15 TBC Other Liverpool Old Dock 300 years anniversary celebration

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Gained an additional £1100 of sponsorship Planned and hosted the first diversity event in

the region leading to the concept and launch of the Equality and Diversity SIG

20 CPD events 10 Written Exercise Group sessions Hosted the northern final of the Communications

Competition Expanded construction challenge to 3 venues

Graduates and Students2013-2014 Chair: Sarah Beck

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Focus on gaining more sponsorship Gaining an active rep at each university Hosting the GSNet annual conference Trialling new venues and earlier start

times for CPD events

Graduates and Students2014-2015 Chair: Ben Smith

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Environment & Sustainability and Health & Safety GroupGeotechnicalHistorical EngineeringManagementTransportation

Special Interest Groups

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

ESHSG established for 2013/2014 session, with Co-Chairs Dave Haddon & Prof Rob Jackson.

Informative lectures, including joint events with Branches in 2013/2014.

Table at ICE NW Annual Dinner 2014. Regular input to ICE NW e-news. AGM held on 16 June 2014 at ICE NW

office in Manchester.

Environment & Sustainability and Health & Safety Group

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Expanded committee for 2014/2015 session.

More extensive joint events with ICE NW Branches in 2014/2015.

New initiative to engage with Liverpool Law Society.

Continuing with ICE NW e-news input. Aiming for enhanced presence on ICE NW

web pages.

Environment & Sustainability and Health & Safety Group

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Geotechnical Group Highlights2014-15 Chairman: Martin de Kretser

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Geotechnical Group2014-15 Chairman: Gareth Belton

Upcoming plans

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

• Technical meetings • Liaison with PHEW• Liaison with other conservation groups

Historical Engineering Group

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Historical Engineering Group

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Lara Smith & Keith MacDonald Our focus; improving engagement of

future Civil Engineers by creating self sustaining network of peers

How? Through mentoring What we did;

– Interactive mentoring session with students at Liverpool University

NW Chair’s Apprentices

Institution of Civil EngineersNW Annual General Meeting 2014

Key resultsFindings Students understood benefits of

ICE and mentoring Focus on jobs, industry and ICE

qualifications Preference for face to face with

other technologies (cloud, LinkedIn etc)

Lack of awareness of the G&S Understand networking

opportunities but find it intimidating at events

Don’t always find out about the meetings, too far away, topics don’t seem relevant

Recommendations Graduate/member led job

surgeries before meetings Ways to facilitate networking Opportunities for career

overviews from graduates at Grab a Grad events

Improve profile of G&S in Liverpool

Run similar mentoring research sessions at other Universities