Instructions for CHART (Version 4)

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Prepared by the PRIMIS Team

January 2022

© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham. All rights reserved.

Instructions for CHART

PRIMIS: CHART Instructions

Contents Preparing Excel to use CHART ............................................................................... 4

Starting CHART for the first time ............................................................................. 5

Configuring CHART for the first time ................................................................... 6

Compulsory configuration tabs ......................................................................... 6

Folder management ......................................................................................... 7

Optional configuration tabs .............................................................................. 8

Closing the configuration menu ........................................................................ 8

CHART desktop functions ....................................................................................... 9

Accessing system searches (2)........................................................................ 9

CHART toolkit folders ....................................................................................... 9

Display practice results (3) ............................................................................. 10

Guides and instructions (4) ............................................................................ 10

Version Log (5)............................................................................................... 10

Display archived results (6) ............................................................................ 11

CHART configuration (7) ................................................................................ 11

CHART Online (8) .......................................................................................... 11

Close and exit (9) ........................................................................................... 11

Viewing results in CHART ..................................................................................... 12

The summary sheets ......................................................................................... 12

Pre-set graphs ................................................................................................... 12

The datasheet .................................................................................................... 12

The PRIMIS CHART toolbar ................................................................................. 13

PRIMIS CHART core toolbar options ................................................................. 13

Data sheet options ............................................................................................. 15

Archive ........................................................................................................... 15

Print ................................................................................................................ 16

Storing filters .................................................................................................. 17

Loading Filters................................................................................................ 18

Sorting data .................................................................................................... 18

Custom sorting ............................................................................................... 18

Zoom In or Out ............................................................................................... 18

Copy Selected Data ....................................................................................... 19

Close workbook .............................................................................................. 20

PRIMIS: CHART Instructions

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Summary sheet and dashboard options ............................................................ 20

Send data to CHART Online .......................................................................... 20

Email summary sheet ..................................................................................... 21

Other datasheets and summary sheets ......................................................... 21

Adding the CHART shortcut to a computer desktop .............................................. 22

Appendix - CHART toolbar functions..................................................................... 25

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Preparing Excel to use CHART CHART utilises Microsoft Excel functionality and requires certain commonly used features to be enabled. If practice computer administration rights prevent these changes, please check the information on the CHART pages of the website or contact PRIMIS for further support and information. CHART is compatible with Excel from 2010 onwards to current version. Open a blank Excel workbook and click on the File menu and select Options from the bottom of the list. The options window will open outside of Excel.

a) Select Trust Centre

b) Then click on the Trust Centre Settings button

in the right-hand panel.

c) Then select the Macro Settings option and

i. Select Disable Vba macros with notification

ii. Select Trust access to the VBA project object model

iii. Select Excel 4.0 macros when VBA macros are enabled (if option displayed)

iv. Click OK to return to previous menu

d) Click on the Trust Centre Settings button


i. Click on Trusted Locations

ii. Click on the Add New Location Button

iii. Click on the browse button and select the CHART folder

iv. Select the option Subfolders of this location are trusted.

v. Click OK twice to exit the options menu

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Starting CHART for the first time Tip. Excel must be configured correctly as described (page 4) before CHART can be opened. If there are problems with Excel configuration CHART may display error messages. (See error log appendix). CHART can be started in two ways:

• from the desktop icon

• From the CHART.xlsm file inside the CHART folder. (The CHART folder may be on the computer C:/drive or on a network drive)

• Alternatively use the desktop shortcut as described in the download and unzip instructions

When CHART begins to load, Excel will present prompts to confirm that the macros can be used

• On the 1st security prompt, click on Enable Editing

• On the 2nd security prompt select Enable Content

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Configuring CHART for the first time a) On the very first occasion that CHART

is opened a series of configuration prompts will appear

b) These can be returned to and changed at any time

c) The first prompt will warn you that the practice ODS (ID) code is needed

d) Click OK to proceed

CHART will display the basic terms of use describing the nature. You must read these and click the ‘I AGREE’ before you can proceed.

• The configuration menu will appear with six tabs Note: the terms and conditions of CHART will appear thereafter every time it is opened but, you won’t be prompted to configure each time.

Compulsory configuration tabs

a) The configuration menu will


b) There are two tabs that must be completed

a. Set Up

b. File Paths

c) The remaining tabs will also be described but are optional

d) Complete the above two tabs first

e) The Practice ID Code is the national ODS code for the practice

f) The GP System can be selected from the drop-down list

g) The Reference Date will default to today’s date but can be changed for a retrospective audit or prospective e.g., quarter end

h) The Delete redundant columns and data sheet filter check boxes should remain ticked under normal circumstances

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i) The response directory is where the exported clinical system reports are saved and read from

j) The archive folder is where reports can be backed up to

k) By default, these file paths will be mapped to the C:\drive. These must be changed to the same network drive where CHART is installed. However, for enhanced security these folders can be recreated on the network drive and given appropriate names that the practice will recognise in a folder outside of the CHART folder

l) Then click on the browse button to find the new response and archive folders or to map to the existing folders within the CHART folder on the network.

m) Select the folder to modify the file path. The new file path will be displayed

Tip: Do this before you change the file paths: Consider using Windows File Explorer to create two new folders on the network drive within an additional new folder separate to the CHART folder.

Folder management

• The responses folder cannot contain more than one version of the same toolkit that may

have been run on different dates.

• Responses must be archived to be able to retain and compare results. Therefore, the responses folder contents should be archived or deleted before a fresh set of results are exported from the clinical system.

• The contents of the responses and archive folder will be preserved during any subsequent update of CHART but for added security these can be stored in a different location. Please ensure that no patient identifiable responses are left on the C:\ hard drive of the computer.

• Responses for different toolkits can be stored and opened from any network drive folder. This can allow different teams to use CHART while keeping their responses separate from each other.

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Optional configuration tabs

To assist with any colour blindness or preferences, the default colours within CHART can be changed, simply click on a colour series to be presented with a different option.

Remember to click on the 'Apply Colour Selection' to save your preferences

The display first option should remain unchanged under normal circumstances.

The set doctors tab offers some bespoke advanced options to change the way GP details are displayed in the data sheets. In most cases this function can be ignored.

a) Click on ‘New’ and then enter the name, initials and National ID No for the GP. Then click on ‘Accept’ to save these details

b) You should repeat this for each GP

c) You can also undo by selecting an entry and clicking delete

d) You can tick the ‘Swap initials for National ID No.’ to change the GP’s ID number in the datasheet to the initials you set up so that it is easier to identify the GP

Enter practice details tab. These fields are optional. On some summary reports the name of the practice can be displayed as well as the ODS code.

This is for administrative purposes only. This can help PRIMIS diagnose or troubleshoot any problems that you are experiencing with CHART.

Closing the configuration menu After making any changes, click on the OK button (displayed at the bottom of each tab) to return to the CHART home page. You are now ready to start using CHART. The above details can be changed at any time by returning to the configuration menu from the PRIMIS CHART menu or the icon on the CHART desktop.

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CHART desktop functions

Previous users of CHART will notice a change with this new cleaner interface. The following describes the functions accessible from the desktop following the numbered labels Practice ID (1). This displays the practice national ID (ODS) code Accessing system searches (2)

• The new version of CHART is not used to create a search each time a new report is

required. Instead, the toolkits are written as clinical system searches in SNOMED CT.

• Information about accessing the chart toolkit system searches can be found via this link on the desktop.

CHART toolkit folders Most toolkits will be issued as a package within CHART, each will have its own folder. This contains the templates and instructions for displaying the results. The EMIS web toolkit folder will also include the search and report xml file that can be imported into EMIS. The TPP SystmOne toolkit folder will not include the search and report xml file. PRIMIS will publish the system searches to your practice as a Clinical Report via the PRIMIS organisation group.

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Display practice results (3) To display the new practice results, the search response file must first have been exported (and saved) into the CHART responses folder from the clinical system. Click on the Accessing System Searches icon in CHART, or download them from the PRIMIS Resource Area, for further information on how to set up and run the searches and export the reports. Clicking on the display practice results button will display the main reports within the responses folder directory. (Note the associated exported results are intentionally hidden). The list of reports will reflect what has been exported to the default responses folder:

• The Current Directory is what has been selected in the configuration settings

• The date is the reference date for the search (usually the date it was run)

• Some toolkits will include a case finder

• The report and file name will indicate if it is named or pseudonymised format

• To open a report or multiple reports, click to highlight and then press the Select button

• To reopen a previously opened report, press the Open Last button

• To find a report that has been saved to a different location use the ‘<<’ or Browse button

Guides and instructions (4) Many PRIMIS tools are accompanied by a detailed guide to help practices interpret and act upon their results. These toolkit guides and the latest version of the CHART user manual can be accessed via the CHART desktop guides and instructions button. This will open a site containing all the relevant information and links.

Version Log (5)

This will display the current version of both CHART and any installed toolkits. Information about the CHART version can also be accessed via the about button on the PRIMIS CHART menu bar.

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Display archived results (6)

Reports viewed in CHART can be backed up to allow easy retrieval via the Archive button.

The archive function automatically creates a folder hierarchy to allow navigation to named folders with named reports created on labeled with report run dates. These are retrieved via the Display Archived Results button. The process for loading is the same as display new practice results.

CHART configuration (7) Changes to the original set-up configuration of CHART can be made via this button. There are some common reasons CHART may need to be reconfigured:

• To switch the default location of the saved and archived reports, typically where different teams are using CHART

• To change the practice ID number, typically this is done where CHART is being used to load results from different practices from a central location

The configuration options can also be accessed via the PRIMIS CHART menu.

CHART Online (8)

This link will provide access to information about CHART Online with access to any comparative analysis you have uploaded. Note: this service is currently unavailable under the self-service model, please contact us for information on how to access this service.

Close and exit (9) When displaying reports CHART may create numerous temporary, Excel workbooks. These all must be closed without saving any changes to retain functionality. The Close and exit button on the home screen will ensure CHART is closed safely. The home screen can be accessed via the ‘Home’ button on the PRIMIS CHART menu

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Viewing results in CHART The following section provides an overview of each of the data views within CHART. There are three main ways to view results across the toolkits. The default view when opening any toolkit is the summary sheet or summary dashboard. The toolkit instructional guides contain more detailed descriptions.

The summary sheets

These provide an overview of the key indicators within the toolkits and can highlight both achievements and areas to prioritise for action. The summary may be presented as a ‘how am I driving’ dashboard or in a clear tabular format (classic view). The classic view summary tables can also provide access to patient level information by selecting key data cells. The number and style of summary sheets will vary with each toolkit.

Pre-set graphs

These provide set displays of the data in graphical format. You can click on a column segment in the chart to view the patients who directly relate to that area. Simply click so the bar is selected, then double click. A new worksheet will open up. This worksheet will show you the patients who made up the selected part of the bar chart.

The datasheet

The CHART datasheet

• Lists rows of all patients that are included in the searches

• Columns of all data items included in the search

• Calculated columns to summarise key data

Data can be filtered as desired by clicking on the filter arrow across each column. Columns of data can also be expanded by clicking on the ‘+’ symbol above column names to reveal further indicators. Refer to the relevant toolkit guide for specific examples.

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The PRIMIS CHART toolbar The PRIMIS CHART toolbar provides access to the different functions and views of the toolkits. These can be accessed at any time by simply clicking on the desired selection. The toolbar is collapsed by default. To open the toolbar, click on PRIMIS CHART. To keep the toolbar permanently open, double-click on the toolbar or right-click on the toolbar and then de-select collapse ribbon.

PRIMIS CHART core toolbar options

The visible options available at any one time on the toolbar will rotate depending on the current view. However, these are the core features

1) Configure – change the practice ID and mapping to folders

2) About - check to see if chart is up to date

3) Open the main Datasheet

4) Open Graph views. Note the number of graph analysis varies, check toolkit guide for details

5) Summary/Dashboard. This is the default view that will open first for each toolkit

6) Select Response Workbook

Most toolkits will produce both named and pseudonymised workbooks for both the care and case-finder reports. This function allows users to switch between any opened reports to carry out appropriate analysis.

7) Switch Windows

This function provides access to any open CHART workbook and any open non-CHART excel workbook. This is mainly used to access user generated copies of selected CHART data.

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8) Reset CHART

CHART will open within the same sized window as a previously opened Excel workbook. The reset CHART button will return chart to full screen view.

Note: If Excel is operating in a minimised state (or reduced resolution), the toolbar may also minimise by placing some functions within a ‘General’ dropdown list. You will need to click on this in order to access the full range of functions. Alternatively, maximise your viewing screen.

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Data sheet options When viewing a toolkit datasheet, the PRIMIS CHART toolbar will provide these additional functions for working with the results.


The archive function ensures that a permanent record of the current and any previous reports is made. This is important because the reports exported from the clinical system to the responses folder which is used to display practice results are temporary. The responses folder is used to store reports created on the day of use.

At any time, click on the archive button to make a backup archive of the report currently being viewed. CHART will check that you want to proceed, select Yes.

CHART will display the file path to which the archive copy will be saved. This was mapped in the configuration settings. The archive function will also create a logical folder hierarchy in this example a diabetes report is being archived to:

• A folder called diabetes within the archive folder

• Within that, a folder with the report name

• Within that, the actual report prefixed with the date the search was run The display archived results function will then allow any archive report from any date to be easily selected.

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CHART provides useful additional printing functionality to that available within Excel specific to the current view. The summary sheet dashboard and classic view can be legibly printed and clearly displayed using an A4 layout.

The graph view will print the current graph on one sheet of A4. The whole datasheet cannot be legibly printed with an A4 layout. Typically, this is not required so CHART allows the user to select key relevant columns of interest. Select the columns to be printed by holding down shift and selecting a range of adjacent columns or by holding down Control (Ctrl) and clicking with your mouse on non-adjacent columns. The columns will appear a darker blue/grey to show they have been selected. Once these have been selected you can click the print icon on the CHART toolbar.

A message will appear advising about column selection. Then the following dialogue box appears (see right):

Then choose the paper orientation and number of pages wide required and click on the OK button.

If this function does not provide the desired print output, use the mouse to highlight the section to be printed and use the excel File/Print/Print Selection option remembering to choose appropriate page set-up.

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Filters (Buttons 3, 5 & 6)

You can use MS Excel filtering functionality to search the datasheet using your own criteria. For example, if you select the grey box with the arrow on the Patient Age column, you will then be able to filter on patients who meet a specific age criterion, e.g., over 65 years old. You can continue to filter on any further columns to create the patient list you require. Any column with a filter will show a filter symbol (as shown below) instead of the arrowhead. Filters should be cleared once you have finished with a particular grouping and before applying a new grouping. This can be done on each individual column or by using the clear filters (6) function to remove all applied filters.

Storing filters In CHART you can save and reuse your own bespoke filters by using the store filter function (5). This is useful if you use them repeatedly. To store a new filter

• Apply the filters to the relevant columns

• Select Store filter (5)

• Select <create new filter>

• Click Save

• Fill in a description of the filter

• Click OK

• CHART can store an unlimited number of bespoke filters. Custom Filter names should be explicit

• Viewing what filters have been applied to what columns can be difficult. Therefore, it is advised that careful log is kept

• Once created filters cannot be deleted or re-named without reinstalling CHART or the relevant toolkit

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Loading Filters

Most CHART toolkits will include pre-loaded filters on the most common combination of factors. To apply a preloaded or locally stored filter click on the Load Filter button (3)

Sorting data

The whole datasheet can be sorted in either direction against any relevant column by clicking on the first data item in that column and selecting the Sort function button (4).

• alphabetically

• numerical order

Custom sorting The datasheet can also be sorted on a series of related columns to generate a specific customised view

• Select the custom view button

• Choose the first column to sort by

• Click Apply Level for subsequent columns

• Click on OK to apply

• To reset, either delete each level or click on the first column and select sort A-Z

Zoom In or Out

This is available in the data sheet and summary views; it replicates the zoom function found at the bottom right of the screen. It can be used in the datasheet, dashboard and classic view summary to increase the visibility size of the text on screen. Zoom out is less useful because the classic view and dashboard are on the same datasheet.

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Copy Selected Data

The datasheet in CHART cannot be edited or annotated with personal notes.

However, selected columns from the datasheet can be copied and pasted to a new blank Excel workbook. This would be useful for creating a record for patient recall invitations, DNAs and refusals along with dates for example. To do this use the same method as for printing specific columns (see page 16). Select the columns to be copied by holding down shift and selecting a range of adjacent columns or by holding down Control (Ctrl) and clicking with your mouse on non-adjacent columns. The columns will appear a darker blue/grey to show they have been selected.

Then, on the PRIMIS Chart toolbar, click ‘Copy Selected Data’ (8): You will then see a message asking you to confirm that you want to paste the selected columns into a new workbook.

The new workbook should automatically open. The However it can also be selected via the switch windows function. Each custom workbook will be named sequentially from book 1. The new workbook can be renamed and should be saved to a secure folder location.

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Close workbook

CHART can also load more than toolkit for example the GRASP DM toolkit and the Diabetes case-finder can be open alongside those from another topic. These can individually be selected and opened and individually closed from the close workbook function.

Summary sheet and dashboard options When viewing a toolkit dashboard or summary sheet the PRIMIS CHART toolbar will provide these additional functions for working with the views.

Send data to CHART Online

Some quality improvement tools have a corresponding toolkit available within the CHART Online comparative analysis system. This allows you to compare your practice results with others. This not available in the beta version. Additionally, some tools allow you to upload data to a PRIMIS Database so that PRIMIS can forward it to relevant agencies on your behalf. This service in not available in the beta version but please contact PRIMIS if you are interested in accessing this service.

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Email summary sheet To create a sharable copy of the summary sheets that are stand-alone and contain no links to patient level data, use the email summary sheet function. These can be shared with colleagues or for your own records. 1. Whilst viewing the relevant summary sheet, click 'eMail Summary Sheet' on the

CHART toolbar

2. A dialogue box will appear where you can enter the recipient’s email address.

You also have the option to define a password either to protect the file from being edited or to prevent anyone without the password from opening it. Enter a password if you wish to use this functionality (don’t forget to share the password with your intended recipient).

3. Click 'email summary sheet' (ensure Microsoft outlook is open and you have logged in).

4. A warning box will then appear stating that an email is being sent, click on ‘allow’ to continue or ‘deny’ to stop the transmission.

5. If you clicked ‘allow’, your summary sheet will be sent via email with an Excel attachment to your recipient.

Other datasheets and summary sheets

Some toolkits such as GRASP-DM have multiple data sheets and summary sheets. Access to these is provided via the toolbar or links within the dashboard.

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Adding the CHART shortcut to a computer desktop CHART can be opened from a CHART shortcut instead of the Chart.xlsm file within the CHART folder. To start right-click anywhere on the desktop

• Select New

• Then select Shortcut

The Create Shortcut wizard will appear

• Click on Browse…

A file explorer window will open

• Browse the network to find the new CHART.xlsm file

• Click to select

• Click OK

• The file path will be

displayed in the location box

• Click on Next

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• Type a name for the shortcut

• The default CHART.xlsm is fine

• Click on Finish

Now locate the new shortcut on the desktop

• Right-click and select properties

• Then click on the Change Icon button

The Change Icon option will open

• Click on Browse

• Open the CHART folder

• Then open the Config folder

• Then highlight the new chart icon image

• Then select Open

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• Click OK in the Change Icon window

The shortcut properties will display the new details

• Click on the Apply button

• Then click on the OK button

CHART is now installed or updated with a desktop shortcut to the correct location.

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Appendix - CHART toolbar functions The functions present on the CHART toolbar will change depending upon which view of the data is currently being displayed (ie. the graph view will have different functions to the datasheet view). A full list of the range of functions is below:





me Home Takes you to the CHART home page

Configure Opens the CHART configuration box

About Displays the version of CHART being used and access to log file




DataSheet Takes you to the patient level data within the datasheet

Graphs Takes you to the pre-set graphs

Summary/Dashboard Takes you to the summary sheet and dashboard where available

Archive Allows you to store a dated copy of the report/results

Print Allows you to print the current view or selected columns

Select Response Workbook

Allows you to switch between reports that are open within CHART (e.g. switch between case finder and main audit)










Email summary sheet

Send data to CHART Online

Allows you to upload data to CHART Online. (You must be looking at the summary sheet to do this).









Load Filter Allows you to apply a pre-set or saved filter to the datasheet

Store Filter Allows you to save the filter(s) that are currently applied to the datasheet for quick access in future

Clear (filter) Quickly removes all applied filters

Sort A to Z Sorts the data alphabetically from A to Z

Sort Z to A Sorts the data alphabetically from Z to A

Custom Sort Allows you to sort the data in a non-alphabetical way e.g. cell colour










Next Chart Scrolls to the next pre-set graph

Previous Chart Scrolls to the previous pre-set graph

Change Y Axis Display

Allows you to alter the pre-set graph view by utilising an alternative data item as the Y axis (e.g. change from number to percent)

Select Graph Allows you to view all pre-set graphs in a drop-down list for quick navigation




Advice on audit Opens up the full instructional guide for this tool (if available)

Zoom in

Zoom out

Switch windows Allows you to switch to another file or spreadsheet open in MS Excel

Copy selected data Allows you to copy columns from the datasheet to paste into another MS Excel workbook

Close workbook