Instructions for Using WordPress

Post on 21-May-2015

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Profile Settings

How your name will display on the Blog.

Tell the readers who you are

Upload a custom profile picture for your avatar

Getting Started

Select “Posts” tab

Select “Add New” tab

Creating a New Post

Add title to post

Copy and paste the text of your blog post here and format the text with the links above

Adding Photos

Select “Add an Image” button

Upload the images you wish to use, then select the “Gallery”

To insert an individual photo, select the photo & determine size & alignment

To insert all photos in a slideshow, scroll to the bottom of the “Gallery” window and select “Insert Slideshow”

Adding Videos

Select “Add Video” button

Videos can only be added via URL, so select “From URL” tab and paste YouTube, Vimeo or Google Video link, then select “Insert into Post”

Categories & TagsFinish up your post with a few things that help to make your post more visible and available to your readers (found on the right side of the window)

Categories help your post get grouped with posts about similar topics

Tags help your post become searchable in search engines. Think of key words that define your post (i.e. GYAS, youth leaders, social justice, etc.) and add those to the “Post Tags” section