Insurance Policy Rescission: Navigating the Differing...

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Presenting a live 90-minute webinar with interactive Q&A

Insurance Policy Rescission:

Navigating the Differing Legal Standards

Underlying a Misrepresentation Claim or Defense Advocating the Policyholders Duty of Disclosure vs. the Insurer's Duty to Investigate

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William T. Barker, Partner, Dentons, Chicago

Carolyn M. Branthoover, Partner, K&L Gates, Pittsburgh

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Insurance Policy Rescission:

Navigating the Differing Standards

Underlying a Misrepresentation

Claim or Defense Strafford Publications webinar October 13, 2016 Carolyn M. Branthoover, K&L Gates LLP William T. Barker, Dentons US LLP

Functions of Misrepresentation Defense

• Encourage parties to provide accurate information in

application process

• Protect those misled to their detriment

• Penalize those who mislead

• "The efficient functioning of insurance markets requires that insurers receive

accurate information regarding potentially insured risks so that, among other

reasons, insurers can price their policies accurately. The possibility of a claim

denial or policy rescission can create incentives for the applicants to provide

accurate information during the policy application and renewal process …. In

addition, as a matter of fairness, policyholders who make intentional or reckless

misrepresentations on their insurance applications should not be permitted to

shift losses to insurance companies that have relied in good faith on the

policyholders’ answers." Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance ("RLLI")

§ 66 (Tent. Dr. No. 1 April 11, 2016).

October 13, 2016 6

Legal Foundation of Misrepresentation Defense

•Common law foundation

•Statutory support in many states

•Contractual basis when application

incorporated into policy

October 13, 2016 7

Legal Standard

"(2) Subject to the rules governing defense obligations, an insurer

may deny a claim or rescind the applicable liability insurance policy on

the basis of an incorrect representation made by a policyholder in an

application for an insurance policy (hereinafter referred to as a

misrepresentation) only if the following requirements are met:

(a) The misrepresentation was material …; and

(b) the insurer reasonably relied on the

misrepresentation in issuing or renewing the policy


"(3) When the policy is rescinded under subsection (2), the insurer

must return all premiums paid for the policy." RLLI § 7.

October 13, 2016 8

Legal Standard

•RLLI states common law rules

also applicable to nonliability


•Statements not warranties

(except in marine insurance)

9 October 13, 2016

Answers Must Be Complete

• Applicant may not limit answers to facts it considers


• H.J. Heinz Co. v. Starr Surplus Lines Ins. Co., No.

15-CV-00631 (W.D.Pa. 2016)

• Insured failed to disclose "silent recall" that it

believed immaterial because it would not have

been insured

• But application called for disclosure of all

withdrawals, recalls and stock recoveries "whether

or not insured or insurable"

10 October 13, 2016

Marine Insurance Is Different

•Silence as to matters not asked in application

is not a misrepresentation (except in marine


•Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. v. Great American

Ins. Co., Case No. 14-1346-cv(L) (May 20,

2016) (applying “utmost good faith”

standard under maritime law)

October 13, 2016 11

Misleading Statements Can Be Misrepresentations

•Even if none of the responses to application

questions is literally untrue, responses that

are incomplete in a way that is misleading

can be a basis for rescission

•Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. v. Great American

Ins. Co., Case No. 14-1346-cv(L) (May 20,

2016) (applying Mississippi law)

October 13, 2016 12


• Common law typically does not require any intent to deceive

of the party making an inaccurate representation

• E.g., 128 Hester LLC v. New York Marin & Gen. Ins. Co.,5

N.Y.S.3d 69, 70 (N.Y. App. Div. 2015) (“even innocent

misrepresentations are sufficient to allow an insurer to

avoid the contract of insurance”)

• But see Medicus Ins. Co. v. Todd, 400 S.W.3d 670, 679

(Tex. App. 2013) (to void a policy on the basis of

misrepresentation, insurer must “prove[] the insured

intended to deceive the insurer”)

October 13, 2016 13


• Statutes in some states require an intent to deceive

• Arizona – Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 20-1109 – Requires showing of

a misrepresentation or omission that is fraudulent and

material and upon which the insurer relied. Greves v. Ohio

State Life Ins. Co., 821 P.2d 757, 763 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1991)

• Louisiana – La. Rev. Stat. §22:860(A) – Requires showing

that “the misrepresentation or warranty is made with the

intent to deceive.”

• Washington – Wash. Rev. Code § 48.18090(1) – Requires

proof that “misrepresentation or warranty is made with the

intent to deceive.”

October 13, 2016 14


"A misrepresentation by or on behalf of an

insured during the application or renewal of an

insurance policy is material only if, in the

absence of the misrepresentation, a

reasonable insurer in this insurer's position

would not have issued the policy or would

have issued the policy only under substantially

different terms." RLLI § 8.

October 13, 2016 15


• Objective standard regarding significance of misrepresentation

to assessment of risk posed by insured. RLLI § 8, cmt. a.

• Takes into account any special information insurer may have

regarding risk selection and classification. RLLI § 8, cmt. b.

• What insurer knew or should have known about insured affects

whether insurer relied and whether doing so was reasonable,

but not materiality. RLLI § 8, cmt. c.

• Material if insurer had reasonable basis to think that, even if

other insurers would not. RLLI § 8, cmt. d.

• Variation among states regarding effect of practices of other


October 13, 2016 16

Reasonable Reliance

"The reliance requirement of § 7(2)(b) is met

only if:

(1) Absent the misrepresentation, the

insurer would not have issued the policy

or would have issued the policy only

under substantially different terms; and

(2) Such actions would have been

reasonable under the circumstances."

RLLI § 9.

October 13, 2016 17

Reasonable Reliance

• Subjective requirement: insurer must show what it would

have done. RLLI § 9, cmt. a.

• Insurer must not have known true facts. RLLI § 9, cmt. a.

• Knowledge of insurer's agents will be imputed to it. RLLI §

9, cmt. C.

• Policyholder may rely on agent assurance that fact is

immaterial if such reliance is reasonable. RLLI § 9, cmt. c.

October 13, 2016 18

Reasonable Reliance

• Some jurisdictions limit relief to cases in which the facts

misrepresented contributed to the loss.

• Nebraska – Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-358 – To void a policy, a

misrepresentation “shall exist at the time of the loss and contribute to

the loss.”

• Wisconsin – Wis. Stat. § 631.11 – A misrepresentation will not void a

policy unless the misrepresentation “contributes to the loss.”

• Missouri – Mo. Rev. Stat. § 376.580 – In life insurance policies,

misrepresentations must “have actually contributed” to the loss to

warrant voiding the policy.

• Most jurisdictions and the Restatement reject this rule.

RLLI § 9, cmt. b.

October 13, 2016 19

Reasonable Reliance: Inquiry Notice

• To make the insurer's reliance reasonable, it must

"show that an objectively reasonable insurer in this

insurer's position would not have discovered the

misrepresentation in question before the claim

arose." RLLI § 9, cmt. d.

• "Thus, for example, if there is something suspicious

in an application that would cause an objectively

reasonable insurer to undertake further

investigation, the reasonable-reliance requirement

would impose such a duty on the insurer." RLLI § 9,

cmt. d. October 13, 2016 20

Reasonable Reliance: Readily Available Facts

•Acceptance of an applicant's representation

that the applicant has had no traffic tickets

may be unreasonable if the insurer could

have checked a readily available and

inexpensive reference source that would

have provided accurate information. See

Barrera v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 71

Cal. 2d 659, 677-78 (1969).

October 13, 2016 21

Burden of Proof

• Misrepresentation is a defense to coverage

• Insurer bears the burden of proving all elements of its

defense: misrepresentation, materiality and reliance

• See, e.g., Thompson v. Occidental Life Ins. Co., 513 P.2d

353, 362-63 (Cal. 1973)

• Proof of materiality often requires evidence of underwriting

practices pertaining to similar risks

• See, e.g., Curanovic v. N.Y. Cent. Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 307

A.D.2d 435, 437 (N.Y. App. Div. 2003) (insurer must

“establish that it would not have issued the same policy if

the correct information had been disclosed in the

application”) October 13, 2016 22


"A party to an insurance policy waives a right under

the policy if:

(1)that party with actual or constructive

knowledge of the facts giving rise to that right,

expressly relinquishes the right, or engages in

conduct that would be reasonably regarded by

the counterparty as an intentional

relinquishment of that right, and

(2)The relinquishment of conduct is

communicated to the counterparty." RLLI § 5.

October 13, 2016 23


• Agency law determines who can waive on behalf of whom. RLLI § 5, cmt.


• Unlike estoppel, no requirement of detrimental reliance. RLLI § 5, cmt. c.

• "[W]aiving party need not have detailed knowledge of the right being

waived. Rather, it is enough that the waiving party knows or reasonably

should know of the terms of the contract and of any acts or omissions of

the nonwaiving party that might implicate a right under the contract."

RLLI § 5, cmt. g.

• Once communicated, a waiver is binding unless retracted before the

counterparty has detrimentally relied. RLLI § 5, cmt. h.

• Nonwaiving party has burden of proof. RLLI § 5, cmt. k.

October 13, 2016 24


• H.J. Heinz Co. v. Starr Surplus Lines Ins. Co., No.

15-CV-00631 (W.D.Pa. 2016)

• Advisory jury found misrepresentation by insured but that

insurer had waived the right to assert rescission based on

proof that the insurer had sufficient knowledge of the

misrepresentation based on publicly available information.

• Losses disclosed in 10-K

• Newspaper articles reported on the losses

• Trial court entered judgment contrary to advisory jury’s

finding of waiver noting that “perfection” in underwriting is

not the standard.

October 13, 2016 25


"A party to a liability insurance policy who

makes a promise or representation that can

reasonably be expected to induce detrimental

reliance by another party to the policy is

estopped from denying the promise or

representation if the other party does in fact

reasonably and detrimentally rely on the

promise or representation." RLLI § 6.

October 13, 2016 26


•Agency law determines who may

make representations on behalf of

whom. RLLI § 6, cmt. f.

•Detrimental reliance must be

reasonable under the

circumstances. RLLI § 6, cmt. c.

October 13, 2016 27

Prior Knowledge Exclusions

• Related to misrepresentation: The same fact pattern may

support both a misrepresentation defense and application of

a prior knowledge exclusion.

• See Am. Special Risk Mgmt. Corp. v. Cahow, 192 P.3d 614, 621-

28 (Kan. 2008) (“[W]hether enforced through policy language or

through a rescission of the insurance policy, an insured cannot

obtain coverage for the risk of a known loss.”)

• Distinct from misrepresentation: Prior knowledge exclusion

may defeat coverage for individual claim while a successful

misrepresentation defense will void entire policy.

October 13, 2016 28

Prior Knowledge Exclusions

• Prior knowledge exclusion makes explicit the concept of

fortuity of loss.

• Appears frequently in “claims made” policies.

• Language of exclusion varies among insurance products and


• Can be limited by responsible persons language.

• “Coverage does not apply . . . where, prior to the earlier of the

inception date of this Policy . . . the persons responsible for

receiving notice of employment practice Claims in the Insured’s

Law Department, Human Resources Department or Risk

Management Department had actual knowledge of such Claims

or the circumstances giving rise thereto.”

October 13, 2016 29

Prior Knowledge Exclusions - Examples

• The policy does not apply to any claim “arising out of any act, error, or

omission committed prior to the inception date of the policy which the

insured knew or should have known could result in a claim, but failed to

disclose to the Company at inception.” [From an excess professional

liability policy]

• Coverage is excluded for any claim “based on or directly or indirectly

arising from a ‘Legal Service’ rendered prior to the effective date of the

Policy if any insured knew or could have reasonably foreseen that the

‘Legal Service’ could give rise to a claim.” [From professional liability


October 13, 2016 30

Prior Knowledge Exclusions

• Severability Clauses in D&O Policies

• Example: “No knowledge or information possessed by any

Insured will be imputed to any other Insured. If any of the

particulars of statements in the Application is untrue, this

Policy will be void with respect to any Insured who knew of

such untruth.”

• XL Speciality Ins. Co. v. Agoglia, 2009 WL 513747

(S.D.N.Y. Mar. 2, 2009) (uniquely worded severability

clauses among excess policies applied such that imputed

knowledge caused innocent insureds to lose excess

coverage under certain policies but not others)

October 13, 2016 31

Pursuing or Protecting Against Policy Rescission

•Initial and renewal applications (Insurer) • Insurer should inquire about all facts it wishes to treat as


• Insurer should not use subjective questions, as discussed below.

• Insurer should require agents to disclose all facts material to the

risk known to them.

October 13, 2016 32

Pursuing or Protecting Against Policy Rescission

•Initial and renewal applications (Insured) • Insured should consider incorporating by reference publicly

available documents (e.g., 10-K), previous applications, and

other claims-related submissions previously provided to the


• Insured should negotiate for limitations on those agents whose

knowledge is relevant, e.g., in prior knowledge exclusions.

October 13, 2016 33

Pursuing or Protecting Against Policy Rescission


•Insurer should investigate any application

statements that raise questions in light of

other statements on application or other

facts known to insurer.

•Insurer should investigate any application

statements that can be readily and

cheaply verified.

October 13, 2016 34

Reasonable Reliance

•Insurers ought not to deny claims or

seek rescission without investigating to

be sure that reliance on any

misrepresentations was reasonable.

October 13, 2016 35

Does Insurer Have Duty To Investigate


• Some commentators and courts suggest that failure to

investigate renders later attempt to rescind improper "post-

claim underwriting," which they consider a form of tortious

bad faith. E.g., Thomas M. Cady & Georgia Lee Gates, Post-

Claim Underwriting, 102 W. VA. L. REV. 809 (2000).

• Supposedly, the insurer "'issues policies after only superficial

[or no] underwriting to realize large amounts of premium

income, and then attempts to deny coverage on the grounds

of misrepresentation by engaging in aggressive investigation

of the risk after the insured makes a claim.'" Id. at 818

(footnote omitted).

October 13, 2016 36

Leading Cases

•Jury could find that insured made accurate

responses to questions posed by agent, who

completed application, which insured signed

without reading. Lewis v. Equity Nat'l Life Ins.

Co., 637 So. 2d 183, 184 (Miss. 1994).

•Court upholds rescission but attacks failure of

life insurers to investigate health of insured.

Huff v. United Ins. Co., 674 So. 2d 21, 23

(Ala. 1995).

October 13, 2016 37

Insurer Defense of Limited Pre-Issue Investigation

•Without underwriting, prices would need to be

much higher.

• Investigation is often not economic,

especially, for small policies or those with low

premiums; insurer needs to rely on honesty of


•Prices would be higher and insurance less

available were investigation required.

October 13, 2016 38

Leading Authorities

• Wesley v. Union Nat'l Life, 919 F. Supp. 232 (S.D. Miss. 1995) (insured's

false answers bypassed insurer's underwriting);

• Nw. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Babayan, 430 F.3d 121, 138-39 (3rd Cir. 2005)

(PA law) (not bad faith to conduct thorough investigation of questionable

claim; insurer did underwrite policy based on insured's false answers);

• In insurer view, "[t]he insurer's obligation to follow up on that information

is triggered only when there is an indication of need, i.e., the

representations cannot be relied on or the statements raise reasonable

questions that require further inquiry." Gary Schuman, Post-Claim

Underwriting: A Life & Health Insurer's Right To Investigate or Bad

Faith?, 45 TORT & INS. L.J. 697, 757 (2010).

October 13, 2016 39

Special Issue: Subjective Questions

• Some applications ask only if applicant is in "good health" or "free from

any physical or mental disorder."

• These ask only for a layman's opinion, which is false only if the insured

did not believe it. Fid. & Deposit Co. v. Hudson United Bank, 653 F.2d

766 (3d Cir. 1981).

• Insurer bears burden of proving that; denial of a claim without evidence

to support falsity of insured's opinion can be bad faith and, in some

circumstances, support punitive damages. Walston v. Monumental Life

Ins. Co., 129 Idaho 211 (1996).

October 13, 2016 40

Thank You

Carolyn M. Branthoover

K&L Gates LLP

William T. Barker

Dentons US LLP

41 October 13, 2016