Integrate Your Online Marketing Strategy

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description / © Interactive Savvy ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 - Integrate Your Online Marketing Strategy. 2 - "If you're not getting ahead, you're getting behind." 3 - Integration encompasses overall strategy, mobile responsive website, proper email marketing and distribution efforts with social media and local search. 4 - Strategy 5 - USP, Target Audience, Initial Goals, Target Key Phrases, Content Plan, Thirds Rule 6 - Invest time in your planning - related articles: 7 - Website 8 - Is your website mobile friendly? Related stats on mobile usage. 9 - WordPress - mobile responsive sites; Benefits. 10 - Website Workings - URL & Hosting 11 - WordPress Themes - Themeforest, Woothemes, StudioPress 12 - Learn WordPress - WP101 Tutorial Videos 13 - Email Marketing 14 - Do's and Don'ts of Email Marketing. 15 - Popular Email Systems - Mailchimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, Infusionsoft 16 - Email Sales Funnel - Email marketing statistics provide insight. 17 - Integrate 18 - Build a link wheel with your site as the hub. 19 - Local Listings - Online mobile search has replaced yellow pages. 20 - Let the Fun Begin - Create content, embed on site if relevant and post / link on social media. 21 - Remember - "Done is Better Than Perfect." -Sheryl Sandberg 22 - Ready to Get Started? 23 - Get "7 Steps to Integrate Your Marketing" - 24 - Need more info or help? Contact! ©Interactive Savvy ALL RIGHTS RESERVED