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PR20110025 - Registration

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Integrated Marketplace Registration Member Impacting Project Overview v5.2

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Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. 2 Version Control .................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 4

Registration (PR20110025) ................................................................................................. 4 Model Change Submission Tool ........................................................................................... 5

Business Impact ................................................................................................................... 5 Modeling Schedule ............................................................................................................... 7

Market Modeling Schedule 2012-2014 ............................................................................... 7 Submission Date Requirements ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Reliability Modeling Schedule 2012-2014 ........................................................................... 8 New Market Participant Schedule 2012-2014 and beyond .................................................... 8

Technical Impact ................................................................................................................ 11 Obtaining OATI Certificates ............................................................................................... 11

Cost ............................................................................................................................ 11 Entities Having No Prior Relationship with OATI ................................................................ 11 Entities Having a Prior Relationship with OATI .................................................................. 11 Web Browsers .............................................................................................................. 12 Password Policy ............................................................................................................ 12 Password Changes ........................................................................................................ 13

Accessing MCST .............................................................................................................. 13 Ongoing Access to MCST ............................................................................................... 13

Scheduled Downtime for MCST .......................................................................................... 14 Participant Requirements .................................................................................................... 14

Model Validation / Verification Process ............................................................................... 14 “Net with Aux” Modeling ................................................................................................... 14

EIS Market................................................................................................................... 15 Integrated Marketplace ................................................................................................. 15

Registration Options for Integrated Marketplace .................................................................. 15 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 15 Uses of the TC/AO Relationship ...................................................................................... 17

GLOBALSCAPE ................................................................................................................ 18 Contacts Management ...................................................................................................... 18 Participant Requirements for Registration Packets ............................................................... 18

Testing ............................................................................................................................. 23 Training and Support .......................................................................................................... 23

Training ......................................................................................................................... 23 Implementation/Back-out Plan ............................................................................................. 24 Summary of Timeline .......................................................................................................... 24 Risks ................................................................................................................................ 25 Additional Documentation ................................................................................................... 25

MCST External User Guide ................................................................................................ 25 Training Job Aid .............................................................................................................. 26

Communication Plan ........................................................................................................... 26 Next Steps ........................................................................................................................ 26 FAQs ................................................................................................................................ 26

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Version Control Version Date Author Change Description

1.0 6-13-11 Ginny Watson Initial creation as projects have been activated

2.0 10-01-11 Robyn Vanover Ginny Watson

Requirements information included, version 2.0

2.1 11-01-11 Ginny Watson Included: • Pertinent project dates • Added Modeling Schedule 2012-2014

2.2 11-29-11 Robyn Vanover Ginny Watson

Added FAQs from the 11-29-11 liaisons meeting.

2.3 01-31-12 Robyn Vanover Ginny Watson

Made changes to forms in Member Requirements section, Added additional FAQs, added workshop dates and registration packet links, clarification on packets for New MPs to EIS and Marketplace

2.4 02-07-12 Ginny Watson Changed the links for registering for the workshops in February and March (page 15)

2.5 02-22-12 Ginny Watson Added GlobalScape information and FAQ from 2-21 workshop

3.0 03-30-12 Ginny Watson Added QF attestation form, Appendix E of Schedule X (credit), information about accessing MCST through Citrix, Q&A from March 9 workshop, risk information, and clarify some of the form requirements and submission requirements.

3.1 5-11-12 Robyn Vanover Revisions/clean-up for forms needed to register for Marketplace, Removed Membership Agreement. Current EIS participants do not need to re-execute a Membership Agreement. Testing updates. Q&A updates

3.2 5-11-12 Ginny Watson Refined Q&A #53

3.3 5-21-12 Robyn Vanover Ginny Watson

Additional changes to Testing section. Added information about the change to “Net with Aux” modeling. Training Dates, information on LMS

3.4 7-13-12 Ginny Watson Attachment AO Asset Owner to TC information Training dates posted by Training Dept External MCST user guide

3.5 8-9-12 Ginny Watson Derek Welker

• Project Date Changes (participant training, participant testing, implementation)

• Allowing Registration Packets through Fall, 2012Accessing MCST

• Adding Users to MCST • Financial-Only participants register through

Customer Relations, not through MCST • Revised approach for Net without Aux

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Version Date Author Change Description

5.0 1-9-13 Ginny Watson • Location of the MCST External Users Guide • Training complete, add link for Training Job Aid • Credit forms due dates • No longer using GlobalScape for registration data • Scheduled downtime for MCST • Added risk for non-registered MPs • Reflected close of testing with MPs (12-19-12) • Information on Model Validation Checkpoints and

timeframes • Information on execution of agreements (AH, AM,

etc.) • Location of a new PRE-Registration guide provided

by Customer Relations • Contacts mgmt • New MP Freeze date revision • Modeling Schedule for 2013 • Attachments A, B, F do not need to be re-

executed as a part of Registration.

5.1 4-5-13 Tennille Tims • MP registration date revisions • FERC Freeze ruling • Model Freeze data revisions

5.2 6-25-13 Tennille Tims • Model Validation Date Changes • Globalscape being decomissioned

Executive Summary This Registration Workstream has two main threads: • Re-registration of existing and registration of new Market Participants to the Integrated

Marketplace • Implement an externally facing tool, Model Change Submission Tool (MCST), to capture

model information from the participants to feed to the SPP models.

Registration (PR20110025) Some of the efforts identified with the Registration portion of the project are listed below. Requirements are complete; timelines which affect participants are now included.

• Document the roles and types of entities within the Integrated Marketplace, the data required from the protocols from each entity type, and communications required for each type of entity. Conduct gap analysis with protocol data, data currently required, and the data required for the modeling tools.

• Contact Transmission Customers, generation interconnect customers with studies in flight, and any other potential new participants within Integrated Marketplace to understand the timeline and requirements for registration and participation.

• Re-register current Market Participants (MP), prefill the re-registration packet with existing EIS model information.

• Execute MP Onboarding process for new and existing MPs (where applicable) • Dependencies:

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1. Credit workstream 2. Regulatory on Agreements that need to be revised for marketplace (AH, AM,

AN, etc.), although any registration could take place on time and agreements could be executed later after testing has already begun

3. Centralized Modeling Tool (CMT) 4. Externally-facing portal 5. Revised onboarding process within SPP

Model Change Submission Tool A web-based tool will be developed to allow the SPP Participants to submit Market and Reliability related model changes. This tool will validate appropriate and known submission errors. The tool will log submission changes, change data, and submit a notification to the Customer Relations and Model Coordination teams. The Customer Relations Reps and Model Coordinator may review and update the changes submitted. Customers may use this tool to determine the state of the model changes. This tool will allow the Model Coordinator, Customer Relations, modeling team, and participants to have better communication of any submission errors, and allow quick rectification of those errors. Automatic evaluation of known errors will also allow the model coordinator and the modeling team to spend efforts improving quality assurance, to analyze and fix special circumstances, and provide quick tracking and update response to the SPP participants. This would improve efficiency, accuracy, communications, and customer satisfaction around the modeling process. The tool will be released in production in January 2013. See details below.

Business Impact Market Participants will be required to register and submit commercial model data and execute new agreements to participate in SPP’s Integrated Marketplace. This initial registration process and commercial model data submission will be a manual process. SPP provided blank registration packets on February 1, 2012 via These packets identified all data needed to register in SPP’s Integrated Marketplace. During February and March, SPP held workshops / training for the participants on registration packet completion details. See Training and Support section of this document. On Monday, April 2, 2012, SPP provided each EIS Market Participant a pre-filled registration packet that included all the registration data SPP currently has on file for each Market Participant. The Market Participant was to validate current data for accuracy and complete the remaining data items needed for registration in SPP’s Integrated Marketplace. Completed registration packets were to be returned to SPP by June 1, 2012. Once completed packets were received, SPP entered model data in to a centralized modeling tool being implemented for the Marketplace in January 2013. This centralized modeling tool will interface with a participant-facing modeling tool also being implemented for Marketplace in January 2013 called the Model Change Submission Tool (MCST). After this initial manual registration load for Marketplace, this externally facing tool allows existing Market Participants to submit commercial model changes online and will allow new Market Participants to enter their commercial data online.

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Financial-only Market Participants (without load assets or resources inside the SPP market) will register through Customer Relations (will not use MCST for their registration).

Financial Only Market Participants should contact Customer Relations concerning registration with Integrated Marketplace. See “Participant Requirements for Registration Packets” section in this MIPO. Generally, all required forms should be attached to a Request Management System ticket. ( Please also see section in this MIPO concerning deadlines and timelines for registration.

All other Market Participants will register via MCST, and once registered, will use MCST for requesting any changes to their commercial and/or reliability model data. Reliability Model (aka EMS model data) will also be maintained in CMT for the Integrated Marketplace. The initial conversion of that information from the EMS models will be transparent to Transmission Owners. Starting in January 2013, however, change requests for the Reliability model will require submission through MCST. Each Market Participant/Transmission Owner is required to obtain access to the MCST and submit Commercial and Reliability model information through this new tool. Instructions for gaining access is in the “Technical Impact” section of this MIPO. There is also an External Users Guide that supplies detailed information about the tool. See “Additional Information” section of this MIPO. Please see Technical Requirements section for information on Citrix, certificates, and how users are added / provisioned by your LSA. Market Participant/Transmission Owner WebEx training on MCST was available beginning in October, 2012. Please see the training schedule for class dates located here: Additionally, Market Participant/Transmission Owner testing with the MCST tool was conducted from October 29 – December 19, 2012. SPP has determined the modeling schedule and model freeze dates, as well as new MP entry dates for 2012-2014. See new section added “Modeling Schedule” in this document. MPs are encouraged to complete registration for resources that will be effective in the future by using future effective dates.

After MCST is released (January 7, 2013), if the same change applies to EIS, SPP will extract the info from MCST, push it to a document that MP will need to approve before SPP processes the change in EIS. MCST is for the Integrated Marketplace. It will not be used to submit EIS ONLY model changes.

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Users Impacted Integrated Marketplace Market Participants Business Functions Impacted Participant Registration

Modeling Schedule

Market Modeling Schedule 2012-2014

EIS modeling changes (not including NEW MP modeling) will continue with the current process of registration to SPP until the EIS market is retired in March, 2014, please refer to the current EIS protocols for guidance in timelines for modeling changes.

EIS Market Protocols 34.0 (updated 10/31/2012): Section 12.3 – Timing and Submission (page 125) Section 12.4 – Model Update Timeline (page 133) Integrated Marketplace Protocols 12.1 (updated 11/7/2012): Section 6.4 - Exhibit 6-3: Model Update Timeline (page 506)

SPP modelers will be supporting both the EIS market modeling as well as the Integrated Marketplace models once the Centralized Modeling Tool and the Model Change Submission Tool are deployed (January 2013). However, in preparing for a stable environment for market trials and parallel testing, there will be a freeze period to ensure that the data and the models are stable and not under constant change in order to compare results from Market Trials and Parallel Ops. Any market model changes (for BOTH markets) that need to be effective August 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014 must be submitted no later than June 15, 2013. No changes will be made to either the EIS model or the Integrated Marketplace Model from August 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014 --- All changes will be made in advance, by August 1, 2013, using future effective dates.

The freeze period is August 1, 2013-March 31, 2014. The deadline for the submittal of these changes is June 15, 2013. MPs can submit changes that are effective during the freeze period but the submittal has to be prior to June 15, 2013. SPP realizes that there may be some adjustments that have to be made to the timing of changes but needs the bulk of the information to be submitted. The changing of the effective date of a unit during this time may need to be changed and SPP will have flexibility with the timing. SPP needs the best information available as of the June 15, 2013 date. For example if you expect a unit to be commercial on11/1/2013 and it turns out to be commercial on 12/1/2013, SPP should be able to change the effective date with appropriate notifications.

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The next submittals will need to be in by 2/15/2014 for the 4/1/2014 effective changes. After 4/1/2014, the normal commercial model change schedule will be reinstated. The regular commercial model schedule is that changes are effective the 1st of all even months and the submittal needs to be in by the 15th of the previous even month. A detailed modeling schedule for 2013 and 2014 is available. The schedule outlines new MP modeling schedule as well as existing model changes. **Please note that the detailed modeling schedule is being revised to include the FERC Ruling. Please see these documents located in the Registration folder on here: From 1-7-13 to 3-1-14 1. After MCST is released (January 7, 2013), if the same change applies to EIS, SPP will

extract the info from MCST, push it to a document that MP will need to approve before SPP processes the change in EIS.

• For Market Changes after the effective date of February 1, 2013, MP’s will be expected to

use MCST.

Reliability Modeling Schedule 2012-2014 Reliability changes will continue to take place every month for both EIS and Marketplace. Any topology change to the reliability model would be considered a reliability change, including loads.

New Market Participant Schedule 2012-2014 and beyond The PRRs which essentially ‘batch’ new MP entry points (PRR239 and MPRR7) have been approved by the working groups, SPP Board of Directors, and by FERC, effective January 1, 2012.

EIS Market:

As of January 1, 2012, there are limited windows that a new MP can join EIS market. Market model changes will continue to be implemented every other month in EIS, but New MPs will only be eligible to enter the market in April, August and December.

For details on timing of EIS and Marketplace Packets, see section below “New MPs Detailed Packet Schedule”

• To Summarize:

If a prospective MP wishes to join the current EIS market before it is retired, the last time a completed and approved packet must be received by SPP is no later than April 15, 2013 for production entry to EIS effective August 1, 2013.* This is the last date any new MP can enter the EIS market.

Integrated Marketplace:

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• If a prospective resource- or asset-owning MP (who is not an MP in EIS) wishes to

join Marketplace when it goes live in production effective March 1, 2014, a complete registration must be received no later than April 15, 2013 for production entry to Marketplace effective March 1, 2014.

• Registration received after April 15, 2013 for a resource-or asset-owning MP will not be eligible to enter Marketplace when it goes live effective March 1, 2014.

• If a prospective financial-only entity MP (without load assets or resources inside the SPP market) wishes to join Marketplace when it goes live in production effective March 1, 2014, a complete and approved registration must be received no later than June 1, 2013* for production entry to Marketplace effective March 1, 2014.

• Registration received after June 1, 2013 for a financial-only entity will not be eligible

to enter Markplace when it goes live effective March 1, 2014.

• Complete and approved packets received after these deadlines above will be eligible for Marketplace entry effective April 1, 2014. Once the market goes live effective March 1, 2014, SPP will engage the SPP MP Onboarding Process for New MPs to enter the Marketplace effective August 1, 2014. The work involved from March 1, 2014 to August 1, 2014 includes system configuration and coding at SPP, configuration and coding at the MP site, MP training, and MP testing.

• FERC is requiring SPP to continue to use the batch MP on-boarding windows of April, August, and December. December 2013 is the only pre-established window that SPP will not be required to allow new market participants to join. This means that prospective market participants, whether asset owning or financial only, who submit a complete registration packet by 10/1/13 to join Marketplace will be included in the 4/1/14 batch process.

• If the MP is not effective on April1, 2014, the prospective Market Participants will be scheduled to the next possible window (three times per year) for New MPs entry to Marketplace Production. See MPRR7 for details.

Packet Due For production effective April 15, 2013 March 1, 2014** October 1, 2013 April 1, 2014 February 1, 2014 August 1, 2014 June 1, 2014 December 1, 2014 October 1, 2014 April 1, 2015 February 1, 2015 August 1, 2015 June 1, 2015 December 1, 2015 October 1, 2015 Apri1 1, 2016 Etc future years February August June December October April

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New MPs Detailed Packet Schedule: • Any new MPs becoming an EIS MP effective 04-01-13

• submit EIS packet by 10-01-12 • submit Marketplace registration packet 10-01-12 • Marketplace data will be entered by MP using MCST beginning January 2013 • ready for MP to participate in Marketplace activities no later than 04-01-13

• Any new MPs becoming an EIS MP effective 08-01-13

• submit applicable EIS attachments and forms by 02-01-13 • submit applicable Marketplace attachments and forms by 04-15-13 • MP will enter Marketplace model information in MCST after MP is added to MCST once

SPP receives the Marketplace attachments on 04-15-13 • EIS packet will be created by SPP from submitted Marketplace data from MP. Missing

information relevant only to EIS packet will be completed by MP between 02-01-13 and 03-01-13.

• Ready for MP to participate in Marketplace activities no later than 08-01-13. Any MP who cannot return the Marketplace Initial Registration Packet as scheduled on 6-1-12 could register their Resource and Load assets when the MCST goes live on January 7, 2013. This will, however, delay readiness to participate in Marketplace activities for the first few months in 2013. Please contact your Customer Relations Representative immediately if you are unable to meet the registration packet dates as outlined above.

SPP may review instances of late registration packets and evaluate the possibility of inclusion for go-live implementation, if such inclusion does not pose a risk to the success of the Marketplace implementation. ** March 1, 2014 - This entry would be effective for Market Trials and Parallel Operations testing August 1, 2013.

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A detailed modeling schedule for 2013 and 2014 is now available. The schedule outlines new MP modeling schedule as well as existing model changes, so the original charts in this MIPO have been deleted. Please find the comprehensive modeling schedule in the Registration folder on here: The comprehensive modeling schedule is being revised based on the FERC Ruling.

Technical Impact MCST will be accessed via the SPP Portal. The Portal Workstream has published MIPO and testing information here: Participants will need access to the SPP Integrated Marketplace Portal as well as the MCST to perform/submit modeling changes to SPP. The following requirements must be met in order to access these systems:

• OATI “webCares” Certificate (for access to the SPP Portal) • Web browser

o Internet Explorer (version 6.x or greater) o Mozilla Firefox (version 3.x or greater)

Obtaining OATI Certificates The following steps outline the process of obtaining OATI digital certificates. Participants are responsible for executing this process and the certificates must be in-hand before SPP can provision access to these systems.

Cost Standard webCare pricing for digital certificates is:

• $375 for two years – Administrator Digital Certificate (Security Officer or Audit Officer) • $325 for two years – End User Digital Certificate

Entities Having No Prior Relationship with OATI 1. Participants will need to send an email requesting information on getting set up in OATI

webCares ( 2. The OATI contracts department will then provide purchasing options and a business

application form. 3. The Participant fills out a business application representative form and returns it to OATI. 4. OATI will then perform a verification process. 5. Once the verification process is completed, the user will be set up.

Entities Having a Prior Relationship with OATI 1. Order online

a. Go to: b. Click on “OATI Certificate Authority” to get login page c. Click “Continue” on the news page d. Under “Management Certificate and Invoice Contract Payment Portal” you will be

able to choose a service to add via credit card

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e. Choose “Add Digital Certificates” f. The “End User Digital Certificate” will most likely be what you are looking for to issue

to end users i. You can order 5 at a time this way (if more are needed, you can repeat the

steps, or use option 2) g. Complete the rest of the form on the page and click “Next” to enter your payment


2. Fill out WebCares amendment form to have additional certificates invoiced a. Repeat steps a-c from option 1 b. Click on “Download the newest Security Officer User Manual, order additional

certificates, or change Security Officers, Backup Security Officers or Audit Officers.” Link on the bottom of the page

c. Choose either “OATI webCARES customer – Add Additional Digital Certificates” or “OATI webTag customers – Add Additional Digital Certificates” depending on your current contracted services.

i. Fill out the form as needed and either fax back to OATI, Scan and email to, or mail to our physical address.

Web Browsers Although there are many modern web browsers available, SPP has not tested and cannot support web browsers other than Firefox or Internet Explorer.

o Internet Explorer (version 6.x or greater) o Mozilla Firefox (version 3.x or greater)

Citrix Plug-In for Web Browsers Users of the MCST may wish to pre-install the Citrix plug-in for their web browser of choice. This plug-in is required for viewing the MCST via a web browser. The plug-in can be downloaded here:

Password Policy The following SPP password requirements must be met when setting or changing the password used for MCST access. • Minimum of eight characters in length. • A combination of upper case characters, lower case characters, numeric digits and special

characters will be used, and a minimum of one of each character type is required.

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• Must not be the same as passwords used for access to personal accounts (ISP account, benefits account, stock trading account, etc.)

• Personal information such as address and phone number will not be used. • Linear sequences, such as "123" or "ABC," repeated character sequences such as "aaa," or

adjacent key sequences such as "qwerty" will not be used.

Password Changes • SPP requires the expiration of passwords for “sppmembers” domain accounts every 90 days.

If the MCST password has expired, the user will be notified when attempting to log in. The MP user may then change the password from the MCST login page.

• If the MCST password is forgotten, the user must contact SPP Customer Relations to request a password reset. This one-time use password will then be communicated to the user. Upon first login after a password reset, the account password must be changed by the user.

Accessing MCST Financial-only participants (without load assets or resources inside the SPP market) will not need access (or training) to MCST. Registration for financial-only participants is handled through Customer Relations, see section titled Participant Requirements for Registration Packets” in this MIPO.

THERE IS A LIMIT OF THREE (3) USERS PER COMPANY TO MCST. Security requires each of these users to be user specific – SPP cannot set up shared or generic user IDs. MCST will be accessed via the SPP Portal. The Portal Workstream has published MIPO and testing information here: Internet Explorer and Firefox are supported. See “Technical Impact” section for further information.

Once the MP user account is created in the portal, the user may log in to access any applications to which access has been granted. On the portal, there will be a link to reach the MCST. Clicking this link will route the user to the Citrix entry point where they will be prompted to enter their “sppmembers” domain credentials. If there are issues accessing the portal, Citrix or MCST, call your Customer Relations Representative.

Ongoing Access to MCST • As additional users are needed or as current users need to be terminated, the LSA will log

on to the Integrated Marketplace Portal and submit those user modification/addition requests.

• After completion of the account additions, the users are contacted by SPP Customer Relations with the account information needed to log into MCST for the first time. These credentials are only for use with the MCST.

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• Please allow for two (2) weeks to add new users to MCST.

Scheduled Downtime for MCST In anticipation of the need for software patches, data updates, and other system work, SPP reserves the following times for the system to be unavailable.

Fridays, 12:00 pm Noon until Monday mornings at 8:00 a.m. (CPT)

Participant Requirements

Model Validation / Verification Process Once the Centralized Modeling Tool (CMT) and the Model Change Submission Tool (MCST) are implemented (January 2013), SPP requires the MPs to validate that the data on file in the model are correct for each MP. The steps involved in this process are: • SPP produces reports that include all model data (commercial and reliability) on file for each

MP. • SPP initiates tickets to each MP in the Request Management System (RMS) and attaches the

model reports. (This data cannot be transported over email, and the secure method of choice is now RMS, not GlobalScape (see GlobalScape section in this document).

• Each MP reviews and validates all model information included on the reports. • If the reports are correct, the MP indicates approval of the reports on the RMS ticket.

SPP records the approval and close the RMS ticket. • If the reports are incorrect or there are model changes to be made:

1. The MP notes on the RMS ticket what needs to be changed 2. The MP approves the model reports with those exceptions. 3. The MP initiates project(s) in MCST to submit the model change(s)

(exceptions to the approved reports) to SPP. 4. SPP manages the project through the modeling migration process to

incorporate the requested change(s) from the MP. These reports will be generated by SPP at three points during Marketplace preparations. Each MP will have 30 days to review, validate and approve the reports. February 15, 2013 SPP distributes Model Validation Report v1.0 By March 15, 2013 MP approves Report v1.0 and initiates projects in MCST if necessary to

adjust/correct model information August 15, 2013 SPP distributes Model Validation Report v2.0 By September 15, 2013 MP approves Report v2.0 and initiates projects in MCST if necessary December 15, 2013 SPP distributes Model Validation Report v3.0 By January 15, 2014 MP approves Report v3.0 and initiates projects in MCST if necessary

“Net with Aux” Modeling APPROACH AS REVIEWED WITH MWG on August 3 and subject to change while progressing through the stakeholder process is posted to here: After feedback from the members and further internal analysis, SPP proposes a new generation modeling approach detailed below. The new approach provides flexibility to the Market Participants

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while allowing SPP to model the output of Resources in a methodology that is manageable for needs of the Marketplace systems.

EIS Market SPP will not require Market Participants to make changes to the current modeling of their net/gross and their metering in the EIS Market. If Market Participants choose to change their modeling of net/gross in the EIS Market they need to follow the normal registration process.

Integrated Marketplace SPP will not require Market Participants to make changes to the current modeling of their net/gross and their metering in the Integrated Marketplace. SPP will handle the required changes listed below on its systems through modeling without an impact on Market Participants. Changes to the metering will not be required unless the Market Participant chooses to make changes to their net/gross modeling. If Market Participants choose to change their modeling of net/gross in the Marketplace they need to follow the normal registration process.

For more detail, please see the approach document as it moves through the stakeholder process, posted here:

Registration Options for Integrated Marketplace

Introduction There are three basic options for the registration of relationships between Transmission Service Customers (TC) and Asset Owners (AO) for the Integrated Marketplace. This section outlines an example of each of the three options, however it is not inclusive of variations of the examples noted below. If you have questions about how your company(ies) may be registered please contact the Registration Workstream distribution list and a discussion will be scheduled. (

Option 1 – Vertical Relationship This option will encompass most MPs. The Market Participant (MP), AO and TC will all be the same entity and entity code. A slight variation of this is single company that wants to maintain an AO entity name separate from its Transmission Service Customer name. Examples of each are below:

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Figure 1: Vertical Utility Examples

Option 2 – Market Participant Registering Another Company’s Resources

This option is for a MP registering another company’s or perhaps a subsidiary’s assets as their own, but splitting them under a separate asset owner. This can be done for a variety of reasons, but the primary benefits are that the MP can allow certificates at the AO level to see information (settlement information is a primary driver) specific to that TC and AO only as well as receive settlement breakouts for each. For example:

Figure 2: Single MP with multiple AOs/TCs

The registering MP, entity XYZ, has their own asset owner and transmission customer under their own entity code (exactly as the first registration option shows). However the registering MP also is registering entity LMN’s resources also, and the transmission service with entity LMN corresponds to the entity of LMN. Certificates setup under the AO of LMN cannot see the information setup under the AO of XYZ. Further, the XYZ schedules and reservations will only be associated to the XYZ asset












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owner, while the LMN schedules and reservations will only be associated with the LMN asset owner. This maintains separation of the activities of each AO but removes the requirement of a second MP registration.

Option Three – Transmission Service Customer Associated to a Different Asset Owner

In this scenario the MP, under its own AO, assumes responsibility for the TC and the service associated to that customer. This can be used for situations of a host utility providing full energy supply requirements to a smaller municipal or coop and not separating that smaller entity’s load from the host utilities own native load. In several of these situation in SPP, the municipal or coop has purchased the Transmission Service and is the official Transmission Service Customer, but continues to contract with the host utility to provide all of its energy supply and wants to allow the host utility to have the ARRs associated with its service. For example:

Figure 3: Single MP/AO with multiple TCs

In all three options, we end up ultimately with a Transmission Service Customer to Asset Owner relationship. As illustrated in the diagram from option three, there can be cases of multiple Transmission Service Customers to the same Asset Owner. The reverse however is not an acceptable relationship. We cannot have a single TC related to multiple Asset Owners.

Uses of the TC/AO Relationship RTOSS

From a physical scheduling perspective the AO/TC relationship will be passed to RTOSS from CMT. Additionally, RTOSS will download the PSE/TC relationship from the NAESB EIR. Utilizing that information, when a tag is created that is coming into, out of or through SPP, the PSE for the leg of transmission Service bringing the energy in and/or taking it out of SPP will be associated with a TC. If that TC is not in the TC to AO mapping, the schedule will be rejected. All physical schedules will be sent to Settlements with the appropriate Asset Owner from the TC/AO relationship.




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OASIS Transfer Tool (first stage component of the ARR/TCR process) The same TC/AO relationship is passed to the OASIS Transfer Tool from CMT. This tool is loading reservations from OASIS into the ARR/TCR application. All OASIS reservations are made by TCs. The tool will use the relationship to associate the service to the correct asset owner that will get the ARR candidate.


Security concerns now require us to transport Registration packets via a more secure method than regular email provides. During 2012, Registration workstream used GlobalScape for transporting registration packets. Now that the Model Change Submission Tool (MCST) is implemented,all registration data will be communicated via the MCST process and attachments via MCST. The TCR workstream continues to use GlobalScape. SPP asks that all registration data be attached to a Request Management System (RMS) ticket initiated by the MP. RMS can be accessed by all existing MPs and new MPs here: Documentation on the RMS system located here:

Contacts Management For each MP, SPP requires points of contact be designated for various roles. The points of contact lists which SPP has on file were pre-loaded to MCST for its launch January, 2013. This point-of-contact data will be part of the Model Validation report issued three times to each MP before Marketplace goes live. See section “Model Validation / Verification Process” in this MIPO. The MPs are not able to modify these points of contacts via MCST. If there are ongoing changes to be made to any point of contact, the MP should initiate that change via phone call or email to its Customer Relations Representative. The CRR will ensure the contact is updated in CMT/MCST, and communicated to the appropriate downstream SPP staff and systems.

Participant Requirements for Registration Packets If you are not familiar with the current data needed for market registration you can download the current EIS Market Participant Registration Packet at In addition to the model data the MP must input to MCST, new and Existing Market Participants/Transmission Owners will be required to submit the following forms to register for Integrated Marketplace. The forms that are required are based on the Integrated Marketplace role. Below are the required forms for each Market Participant role. Existing forms will be updated to comply with Integrated Marketplace requirements. Note -- January 10, 2013: The agreements (AH, AM, etc.) are not yet in final form. The agreements still do not need to be executed yet. SPP will contact the Registration Liaisons when

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these forms are ready for the MPs to download, execute, and return to SPP. We anticipate providing 60 days to execute all the agreements. Additional registration information is available in a PRE-registration guide provided by Customer Relations located here: This guide will be the ongoing document that Customer Relations will maintain after this Registration workstream has been closed. Registration information and first steps are all incorporated in this new PRE-registration guide. Transmission Service Customers

• Credit - Additional Not-For-Profit Questions – if applicable** • Credit - SPP Bank Information Request Form** • Credit Appendix A - Credit Application** • Credit Appendix B - Credit and Security Agreement** • Credit Appendix C – Form of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit – if applicable** • Credit Appendix D – Guaranty Form – if applicable** • Credit Appendix E of Attachment X – If not already executed in 2012 for EIS market -

By April 30, 2012, and every subsequent year by this date, each Market Participant must complete an Annual Risk Management Certification Form (Appendix E of Attachment X of the Open Access Transmission Tariff). This form is found on the SPP web site – The information is required by Section of the SPP Credit Policy.

• Grandfathered Agreement ARR Eligibility Confirmation Form (

• LSA Form – MP or TC • Attachments A, B, F do not need to be re-executed as a part of Registration. • Financial Statements** This document is supplied by the registering customer and does not have a

specific template or form supplied by SPP. • Current rating agency report from Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s** This document is

supplied by the registering customer and does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP. • W-9 form, only if company plans to send cash or wire** This document is supplied by the

registering customer and does not have specific template or form supplied by SPP. • Company Annual Report – Optional** This document is supplied by the registering customer and

does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP. ** Current EIS Market Participants will not need to go through credit approval process again. However, it is recommended that Market Participants reassess credit requirements prior to marketplace start up to ensure there is enough credit for the business anticipated (e.g. TCRs). New Credit and Security Agreements for Current EIS Market Participants will only be required if one is not currently in place and if the Market Participant hasn’t posted financial security before. Any credit forms which the MPs wish to submit must be submitted to SPP Credit Department no later than 11-1-13 in order to be reviewed and updated by TCR bidding which begins 12-3-13.

Market Participant with Load Serving Entity (Must also be a Transmission Service Customer)

• All Transmission Service Customer Forms listed above • Appendix E of Attachment X –If not already executed in 2012 for EIS market - By

April 30, 2012, and every subsequent year by this date, each Market Participant must complete an Annual Risk Management Certification Form (Appendix E of Attachment X of the Open Access Transmission Tariff). This form is found on the SPP web site – The information is required by Section of the SPP Credit Policy.

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• Attachment AH – Market Participant Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

• Attachment AM – Meter Agent Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

• Attachment AO - Agreement establishing external generation non-physical electrical interconnection point - DRAFT version – This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This attachment must be executed when a Market Participant is registering external resource(s) utilizing an external resource Pseudo-Tie.

• Grandfathered Agreement ARR Eligibility Confirmation Form (

• Prospective Market Participant Reimbursement Agreement – NEW MPs Only

Market Participant with Generation or Operating Reserve Supplier (May be a Transmission Service Customer also)

• Attachment AH – Market Participant Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

• Attachment AM – Meter Agent Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

• Attachment AO - Agreement establishing external generation non-physical electrical interconnection point - DRAFT version – This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This attachment must be executed when a Market Participant is registering external resource(s) utilizing an external resource Pseudo-Tie.

• Credit - Additional Not-For-Profit Questions** • Credit - SPP Bank Information Request Form** • Credit Appendix A - Credit Application** • Credit Appendix B - Credit and Security Agreement** • Credit Appendix C – Form of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit – if applicable** • Credit Appendix D – Guaranty Form – if applicable** • Credit Appendix E of Attachment X – If not already executed in 2012 for EIS market

- By April 30, 2012, and every subsequent year by this date, each Market Participant must complete an Annual Risk Management Certification Form (Appendix E of Attachment X of the Open Access Transmission Tariff). This form is found on the SPP web site – The information is required by Section of the SPP Credit Policy.

• Grandfathered Agreement ARR Eligibility Confirmation Form (

• LSA Form – MP or TC • Attachments A, B, F do not need to be re-executed as a part of Registration. • Qualifying Facility Attestation Form per Qualified Resource (only if the resource has

Qualifying Facility status under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) and part 292 of the Commission‘s Regulations (18 C.F.R. Part 292), and that has obtained certification of its Qualifying Facility status)

• Financial Statements** This document is supplied by the registering customer and does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP.

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• Current rating agency report from Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s** This document is supplied by the registering customer and does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP.

• W-9 form, only if company plans to send cash or wire** This document is supplied by the registering customer and does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP.

• Company Annual Report – Optional** This document is supplied by the registering customer and does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP.

• Prospective Market Participant Reimbursement Agreement – NEW MPs Only ** Current EIS Market Participants will not need to go through credit approval process again. However, it is recommended that Market Participants reassess credit requirements prior to marketplace start up to ensure there is enough credit for the business anticipated (e.g. TCRs). New Credit and Security Agreements for Current EIS Market Participants will only be required if one is not currently in place and if the Market Participant hasn’t posted financial security before. Any credit forms which the MPs wish to submit must be submitted to SPP Credit Department no later than 11-1-13 in order to be reviewed and updated by TCR bidding which begins 12-3-13.

Market Participant with Generation and Load (Must also be a Transmission Service Customer)

• All Transmission Service Customer Forms listed above • Appendix E of Attachment X – If not already executed in 2012 for EIS market - By

April 30, 2012, and every subsequent year by this date, each Market Participant must complete an Annual Risk Management Certification Form (Appendix E of Attachment X of the Open Access Transmission Tariff). This form is found on the SPP web site – The information is required by Section of the SPP Credit Policy.

• Attachment AH – Market Participant Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

• Attachment AM – Meter Agent Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

• Attachment AO - Agreement establishing external generation non-physical electrical interconnection point - DRAFT version – This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This attachment must be executed when a Market Participant is registering external resource(s) utilizing an external resource Pseudo-Tie.

• Grandfathered Agreement ARR Eligibility Confirmation Form (

• Prospective Market Participant Reimbursement Agreement – NEW MPs Only • Qualifying Facility Attestation Form per Qualified Resource (only if the resource has

Qualifying Facility status under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) and part 292 of the Commission‘s Regulations (18 C.F.R. Part 292), and that has obtained certification of its Qualifying Facility status)

Market Participant only performing Financial/Virtual activity – “Financial Only Participant” - (May also be a Transmission Service Customer)

• Registration Packet – Participant Tab only • Attachment AH – Market Participant Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This

document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

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• Attachment AO - Agreement establishing external generation non-physical electrical interconnection point - DRAFT version – This document is not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This attachment must be executed when a Market Participant is registering external resource(s) utilizing an external resource Pseudo-Tie.

• Credit - Additional Not-For-Profit Questions** • Credit - SPP Bank Information Request Form** • Credit Appendix A - Credit Application** • Credit Appendix B - Credit and Security Agreement** • Credit Appendix C – Form of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit – if applicable** • Credit Appendix D – Guaranty Form – if applicable** • Credit Appendix E of Attachment X – If not already executed in 2012 for EIS market

- By April 30, 2012, and every subsequent year by this date, each Market Participant must complete an Annual Risk Management Certification Form (Appendix E of Attachment X of the Open Access Transmission Tariff). This form is found on the SPP web site – The information is required by Section of the SPP Credit Policy.

• Grandfathered Agreement ARR Eligibility Confirmation Form (

• LSA Form – MP or TC • Attachments A, B, F do not need to be re-executed as a part of Registration. • Financial Statements** This document is supplied by the registering customer and does not have a

specific template or form supplied by SPP. • Current rating agency report from Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s** This document is

supplied by the registering customer and does not have specific template or form supplied by SPP. • W-9 form, only if company plans to send cash or wire** This document is supplied by the

registering customer and does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP. • Company Annual Report – Optional** This document is supplied by the registering customer and

does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP.

** Current EIS Market Participants will not need to go through credit approval process again. However, it is recommended that Market Participants reassess credit requirements prior to marketplace start up to ensure there is enough credit for the business anticipated (e.g. TCRs). New Credit and Security Agreements for Current EIS Market Participants will only be required if one is not currently in place and if the Market Participant hasn’t posted financial security before. Any credit forms which the MPs wish to submit must be submitted to SPP Credit Department no later than 11-1-13 in order to be reviewed and updated by TCR bidding which begins 12-3-13.

Transmission Owners

• Credit - SPP Bank Information Request Form** • Credit Appendix A - Credit Application** • W-9 form, only if company plans to send cash or wire** This document is supplied by the

registering customer and does not have specific template or form supplied by SPP. • LSA Form – MA or TO • Company Annual Report – Optional** This document is supplied by the registering customer and

does not have a specific template or form supplied by SPP. ** Current EIS Market Participants will not need to go through credit approval process again. However, it is recommended that Market Participants reassess credit requirements prior to marketplace start up to ensure there is enough credit for the business anticipated (e.g. TCRs). New Credit and Security Agreements for Current EIS Market Participants will only be required if one is not currently in place and if the Market Participant hasn’t posted financial security before.

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Any credit forms which the MPs wish to submit must be submitted to SPP Credit Department no later than 11-1-13 in order to be reviewed and updated by TCR bidding which begins 12-3-13.

Meter Agents

• LSA Confirmation Form – MA or TO • Attachment AM – Meter Agent Service Agreement - DRAFT version - This document is

not yet approved by FERC. SPP will send out notification when there is an approved version, ready for execution. This should NOT be included in the return packet to SPP by 6-1-12.

** Current EIS Market Participants will not need to go through credit approval process again. However, it is recommended that Market Participants reassess credit requirements prior to marketplace start up to ensure there is enough credit for the business anticipated (e.g. TCRs). New Credit and Security Agreements for Current EIS Market Participants will only be required if one is not currently in place and if the Market Participant hasn’t posted financial security before. *** These documents are supplied by the registering customer but do not have specific templates or forms supplied by SPP.

Testing Market Participant connectivity testing began on October 29, 2012. Functional testing began November 5 and was scheduled to conclude on November 30, 2012. By exception, MPs were allowed to continue testing through December 18, 2012. During this testing period, Participants ran scripted and unscripted tests and became accustomed to this new modeling tool. Access to the Integrated Test Environment for MCST will be addressed in the January/February 2013 timeframe for those who might need it.

Training and Support

Training SPP Training department conducted classes on the MCST during fall 2012. A job aid for the MCST is now available in lieu of classes from Training, see “Additional Information” section of this MIPO. Training is not required of financial-only market participants since they will not have access to MCST. (See previous “Accessing MCST” section in this document). The detailed MCST User Guide is available via the Marketplace Portal for those users who have access to MCST. See “Additional Information” section of this MIPO.

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Implementation/Back-out Plan The Model Change Submission Tool was implemented on January 7.

Summary of Timeline

Date Responsible Party Action Status

02-01-12 SPP provides each Market Participant a blank registration package


02-01-12 -> 03-31-12

Workshop / Training on Registration Packet Tuesday, February 21, 2012 01:00pm – 5:00pm Thursday, March 08, 2012 08:30am – 12:30am


Monday 04-02-12

SPP provides each Market Participant a pre-filled registration package


Each Weds between 04-01-12 and 06-01-12

Public Q&A sessions from 1:30 – 2:00. Individual support sessions are available by calling your Customer Relations representative.


06-01-12 Market Participants return completed registration packets to SPP


October - forward

Market Participant/Transmission Owner WebEx training on MCST (specific dates are available from the Training department and are posted here:


10-29-12 -> 11-02-12

Market Participant / Transmission Owner connectivity testing on MCST


11-05-12 -> 11-30-12

Market Participant / Transmission Owner testing on MCST


01-07-13 Implement MCST to Production Complete

Feb 15, 2013-March 15, 2013

MPs Review and approve model validation report, v1.0

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Aug 15, 2013 – Sept 15, 2013

MPs Review and approve model validation report, v2.0

Jan 15, 2014 – Feb 15, 2014

MPs Review and approve model validation report, v3.0

2013 TBD MPs, MAs Execute FERC-approved Agreements (AH, AM, AO)


• If current EIS MPs and other resource- or asset-owning parties do not register by 4-15-13 (the resource-owning registration deadline), these MPs will need to be supported separately by key SPP staff. Efforts will need to be redirected to ensure these MPs are connected, exercising business validations, updating e scorecards, and generally getting caught up with the Marketplace program activities once they do submit registration information.

• The project needs model freeze periods before the 2014 production date to ensure stable models and predictable testing outcomes. If the model freeze periods are not supported, the models will be out of sync between EIS and Marketplace, and testing/market trial results may not be as effective as desired. System availability might also be affected because of changes that would need to be made to update and/or synchronize data.

• The project needs a registration deadline (aka “freeze”) for new MP’s in both the EIS and Integrated Marketplace. This provides new MPs assurance the data is correct, systems are in place and functioning appropriately, and it gives staff the opportunity for market training, etc. It also provides existing MP’s with knowledge model data is correct and synchronized, the market systems are available for testing / market trials, and that the scenarios being tested are being run against situations they anticipate when Marketplace launches 3-1-14.

Additional Documentation

MCST External User Guide A user guide for external users will be provided to authorized external users of the portal: The MCST External Users Guide is posted on the SPP IM Portal; anyone with access to MCST via the portal also has access to the Guide. ( This guide cannot be posted to

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Training Job Aid The Training Department has issued a job aide for MCST in lieu of additional classes after Fall, 2012. The job aid is posted in the Registration project folder here:

Communication Plan All project communication and information will be posted to the SPP Change Working Group Project Documentation folder ( This MIPO will be updated upon change or with any new information, a redline version posted to the project documentation folder, and the CWG notified.

Next Steps

Action Assignee Status & Due Date Review and approve Model validation reports (see timeline section)

MPs February 2013, August 2013, January, 2013


Question Answer 1 Where is the current

registration packet for EIS on

2 If an MP wants their current EIS registration packet, how do they get it?

Call your Customer Relations Representative

3 Will MCST be web-based, is there an automated process for it?

The MCST will be accessible via the portal, there is not an automated process (API) planned for the tool.

4 The model freeze period seems long, is it realistic to think that we can actually freeze the model for that long?

The reliability model will not be frozen, those changes will continue to be made monthly, as they are now. The commercial model will be frozen for that period so that both SPP and the MPs can focus on stable models for testing in integrated marketplace. Changes received can be future effective dated. So if there is a change to be effective 12-1-13 your company needs to submit, please submit it early (by 6-15-13 for an 8-1-13 model upload) with the future effective date of 12-1-13.

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5 What happens when

something happens during that freeze period on which the MP did not have advance notice?

SPP would need to consider those issues on a case-by-case basis. To the extent possible, we need to know about these changes by 6-15-13 in order to appropriately plan the modeling necessary for both EIS and Marketplace.

6 Have we communicated to companies in the interconnection queue, whether active or suspended?

Yes, Customer Relations is contacting entities in the GI queue to be sure that those potential new resources / participants have been notified about the freeze dates and the registration timelines.

7 Have we contacted the aggregate study entities?

Yes, Customer Relations is contacting entities in the agg study queue as well as the GI queue.

8 Are changes to the transmission model frozen?

No, the transmission model is reliability model information and is not frozen. Where possible, however, we would like as much advance notice as possible for these reliability changes as well.

9 How does the TCR model relate to the commercial model?

The TCR model encompasses the commercial and network reliability components. The SPP TCR group is collecting the transmission service information directly.

10 During the dual modeling period, why would an MP enter changes via MCST for Marketplace as well as complete a packet for EIS? Why not just let SPP pull the packet info for EIS?

The MP might want to submit a packet for EIS while inputting their Marketplace change to MCST so the request for modeling is complete. Otherwise, SPP will have to make a ‘packet’ for the EIS change from the MCST submission, SPP would then submit it to the MP for review and approval, before the change is actually submitted. Also, if the MP submits it, then the MP is sure that the change is communicated fully and exactly as they want.

11 Is a credit holder also an MP?

The credit holder can be the same entity as the MP, and in most cases it is the same. However, there are several situations where the credit holder is actually a different entity than the Market Participant. See paste below for illustration.

12 Will the new MP packet be the same packet as the existing prefilled packets (available on 4-1-12)

It is possible that the new MP packet for Marketplace might look a little different than the existing MP packet. However, it will look very similar.

13 Will there be certificates required for the portal?

Yes, and more information will be communicated as soon it is available.

14 Will SPP require MPs to approve changes submitted via MCST, either submitted by SPP

Yes, the MP will be required to approve all model changes made, regardless of who initiated them, via MCST.

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or the MP?

15 What will be modeled via MCST?

A “project” in MCST could be a low level change to an entity’s asset, or it could add an entire fleet.

16 Will New MPs model their own assets via MCST?

Once given access to MCST, the new MPs will model their assets via MCST. SPP is still working through the details on the process for giving the new MP access to the MCST tool initially. More information will be communicated as soon as it is available.

17 Where is the slide show from November 29 meeting posted?

In the same Registration folder as the MIPO,

18 If participants have Registration related questions, who do they ask?


19 Can an entity have more than one Registration Liaison?

Yes, just email and we will add the second participant.

20 Is the registration packet effective as of June 1, 2012 or Market Go Live 2014? Will participants be able to update that data if they want to add more resources to the Integrated Marketplace?

The registration packet that is returned on 6/1/12 should include all the facilities and resources and registration data that will reflect the entities through 1-1-13. We expect any facilities that are, or are expected to be, added/modified between 3/1/2012 and 1/1/2013 to be added to the packet that is returned by 6/1/2012. Once the Model Change Submission Tool is released to production as of January 7, 2013, Participants will be able to make any changes as they need to make to reflect their entities. From January 7, 2013 throughout Integration Testing and Market Trials, Market Participants will input their changes to the tool directly. If something that goes live before the end of the year wasn’t reflected in the 6/1/2012 packet that the participants turned in, the participants will add it directly in the MCST after the January 7, 2013 go live date of MCST. This is for Marketplace only. See MIPO for details on how to coordinate EIS and Marketplace changes.

21 Where is the Marketplace Registration Packet?

Link: navigation: \ Org Groups \ Change Working Group \ Integrated Marketplace Program Information \ Registration Project Folder \ Integrated Marketplace Registration Packet

22 Does every entity have to register a different code at TSIN for each function?

The same entity code can be registered for each of the functions. Likewise, a separate entity name and entity code is also possible for each separate function. Entity names should be unique as well as the codes however.

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23 Contacts? Does each of

the four contact names require a different person? Can there be more than one person in one contact function?

SPP will change the packet so that participants can add more than one name for each function. The same contact person could fulfill all four functions.

24 I own part of a JOU unit but it is reflected in another owner’s share, do I have to register the resource?

No, the other owner is registering the resource, inclusive of your share.

25 Meter Data Submittal Location?

MDSL is the object name used for meter data submittal. Today, meter data is submitted at the Settlement Location but no Settlement Location can cross a Settlement Area boundary. In Marketplace, Settlement Locations for Load can cross Settlement Area boundaries but we still need individual submissions for the load actuals within each Settlement Area for proper calibration. For simplicity, all Settlement Locations will have a relationship to 1 or more MDSLs and all meter data submittal will be at the MDSL.

26 Will you be prepopulating latitude and longitude?

SPP will populate what we have, but the data will need to be validated by the participants.

27 CCPLT tab – Weight Factor field - Should the max capability of the combined cycle be the standard maximum or the true maximum?

The packet should reflect the highest capability where the unit can operate and remain stable for the EMS_Max_MW. This may include supplemental duct firing if that is applicable. For the weighting factor, the values will just be used for the distribution of the injection MW for the offers. This could be derived from standard max values to be more reflective of the split most of the time.

28 Wind Tab – How will SPP use this wind data such as elevation and hub height?

SPP is asking for this data to accurately reflect wind farm forecasting. This new data is under discussion with ORWG (Feb meeting) and is anticipated to be required data for EIS market by 2013.

29 What about AGE of the farm?

The MPs suggest that we add the age of the wind farm, as some participants are seeing a difference in efficiency as the farms age. This is currently not required or requested by the wind farm forecasting vendor SPP is using.

30 Where is the lat and long to be measured from on a wind farm?

The lat and long should be at the center of the farm.

31 Is the ability to deploy wind (or not) being captured?

Yes, in the NDVER and DVER resource types. Selection of NDVER value requires justification, per the Protocols.

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32 If a wind farm is JOU, does each share need to be registered separately?

Each owner registering a share of a wind farm will need to represent its turbines independently. This will be especially relevant if the MP can control its own turbines independently. This is currently being discussed with the wind criteria with ORWG.

33 Are the internal pseudo-ties going away?

SPP does not expect substantial numbers of internal pseudo ties to continue. It is allowed, the system will handle, but we’re not expecting substantial numbers once we have CBA.

34 Currently MPs are submitting a Grand total of the net actual interchange for each settlement area – Is this still required?

No, this will not be necessary any longer. The individual Tie-Interfaces will be summed up to get the total.

35 What if the number of turbines by capacity for each is greater than the site capacity for the wind farm?

It is okay for these capacities to be different. It is not a validation check in the packet.

36 Are the measurements for the wind farms to be in English measurements or metric system?

During the 2-21 meeting, we indicated that we were to use English measurements. After the meeting, we found that we were mistaken, we are to use metric system. We changed the packet that you will receive on 4-1-12 to use metric system.

37 What’s the interaction between the MP and the MA for the Meter Agent Agreement

MP must contact the meter agent to work through that AM agreement – which is an agreement between the MP and the MA. AH Agreement involves the MP only.

38 Who is responsible for having the Meter Agent Agreement completed

Market Participant

39 What if you don’t know if a resource will be ready to be commercial by fall?

You can add it later, when the tool is in production on 12-1. We are just requesting all that you know in advance about so the model will be more accurate when it comes up on 12-1.

40 As a generation supplier only, will credit change?


41 Credit really only comes in to play if you’re doing TCR?

Yes, and it is secured credit.

42 Will points of contacts be pre-populated in prefilled packet 4-1?

We were not able to pre-populate the contact information. Please provide this information in the Registration workbook.

43 Why does SPP need If the unit is off they will be applying aux load in modeling, if

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Auxiliary loads? Net option 2, where it starts drawing and comes off line at that same point. What happens If it’s gross or net option 1 and the aux load is not registered?

it’s net without auxiliary, there wouldn’t be ICCP information for the auxiliary required. Net option 1 we have a load that gets switched out at the bus, primarily for the state estimator solution. And that load is still represented as part of the market load. SPP changed the description to be more clear.

44 What’s the wind farm contact info used for?

Mostly to find out what telemetry is at the site.

45 What if there are different turbine types for a wind farm?

For your share of the wind farm if they are still different, use the one that you have the majority of. Turbine size – use average

46 For a NEW MP, for SPP fields, what timeframe should we expect feedback on those fields that SPP assigns?

Certainly by January when we go live. Also, throughout 2013, we’ll be showing you the model three times for full signoff.

47 What’s SPP doing about the missing resources not yet registered?

The behind the meter info submitted to MWG in 2010 – SPP was awaiting MWG guidance on these – what is SPP doing with these behind the meter resources that should be registered that currently are not. Is that a question for MWG, or should it be a tariff/legal departments in the enforcement of these resources. Ginny has opened an issue at SPP for Market Design follow up.

48 What’s the bridge number for the support sessions in April and May?

The bridge is # 1-866-864-4190 -- Part Code: 3314271 SPP will post the bridge number on in the Registration folder for the Wednesday afternoon support sessions from 1:30-2:00. If an MP needs individual support, they can sign up through their customer relations rep for a specific 30 minute timeframe on Wednesday afternoons, following the group support session. SPP will have modelers on that call weekly to answer questions. Please let your customer relations rep know what your specific questions are if you’re signing up for an individual session.

49 Where are the example registration packets and the power point that was reviewed today during the session?

All of these documents are located on or by navigating: SPP Documents > Org Group Documents > Change Working Group > Project Documentation > Integrated Marketplace-Registration > Integrated Marketplace Registration Packet

50 Trying to understand when the model is frozen for existing MPs

6/1/2012 - Initial registration submitted.

Starting on January 7, 2013, Model changes can be made through MCST through July 30, 2013 for changes effective August 1, 2013 through Go-Live.

After Go-Live - Changes can be made anytime with an effective date of

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April 1, 2014 or later, following the regular modeling schedule

51 ICCP questions - What are the naming conventions for meteorological data that SPP is asking for.

An ICCP handbook has been drafted and posted to Please contact your Customer Relations Representative for the most current version location and password to open. Please review the handbook and contact your Customer Relations representative or dial in to one of the Wednesday support sessions if your questions are still unanswered

52 What are the registration requirements for registering a unit as Net?

Based on the new Generation Modeling Approach, if MPs choose to change their modeling of net/gross in the EIS Market/Integrated Marketplace they need to follow the normal registration process and adhere to the CMT/MSCT schedule.

53 How are wind farms to be registered if they are jointly owned?

If the wind resource has multiple owners, each portion of the resource could be registered individually by the various MPs. If the units are registered separately, there are ICCP requirements for each separate portion.

Each portion of the Wind Farm will require ICCP information found on the Resource Assets tab along with the ‘ICCP Availability Data’ field on the Wind Farm Data tab. The rest of the ICCP information found on the Wind Farm Data tab should be provided by the primary owner of the Wind Farm.

SPP does not require a separate JOU-type resource to be registered with this option for wind farms.

Alternatively, one of the owners could register the unit as one resource and settle with the other owners/off takers using Bilateral Settlement Schedules, depending on how the contracts are structured.

54 ICCP – which object IDs need to be provided and which can be left blank in the packet?

On the resources asset tab, there are several ICCP object ID fields. These are required: real and reactive power output, unit status, and AVR status.

We also need real and reactive readings on AUX load if the metering is available.

55 Why did a transmission customer get this packet?

The Transmission Customer was still a valid customer in SPP systems and therefore generated a packet.

If that Transmission Customer has long-term service and desires to nominate that as a candidate ARR or utilizes long or short-term service to perform in – out – or through scheduling, the TC needs to be at least an AO under an MP, or it needs to be an MP and AO itself, or that TC needs to be associated with another AO under an MP for Marketplace.

If your company wishes to schedule energy in the Integrated Marketplace, you must be registered as a Market Participant so the energy can be settled.

56 What is min-max for the unit in registration?

Minimum is the lowest achievable stable output.

Maximum is the highest achievable stable output. This does not necessarily mean the Accredited Capacity which could be lower.

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57 Load Asset Details and Resource Asset tabs ask for planning information

SPP asked for this information so that we can produce PSS/E models from our EMS models that match up with the planning models. If these are blank, the systems will automatically assign them and then your TCR models, or any study model run using the EMS model, will be difficult to review and reconcile (ex: bus numbers, line names, bus names and circuit IDs, etc. won’t match). Some of the pre-populated data is outdated or may reflect the number for the wrong voltage level of the station. Please review and work with your Planning departments to provide.

58 The packet requires ICCP information, especially the wind information, what happens if we leave that information blank on the packet on 6-1?

If participants have the objects IDs now please provide it. However, it’s not required today. But once these requirements get approved, participants will need to submit in MCST when it’s up and ready. If the participants know what the ICCP object name will be, please go ahead and provide it in the packet and SPP will do the modeling piece now.

ADDITIONAL FAQs are posted to the Knowledge Base on the Request Management System (RMS).

Additional information for #11 above: