Integrated Product Suite User Group · 5 Microsite Launch...

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Integrated Product Suite User Group 2013

Hampden Park, Scotland’s National Stadium.

10th October, 2013




Agenda Item Lead Session Starts

1 Welcome/Introduction to Patech Solutions Neil Cobley 10:30

2 Corporate Vision Ian Baird 10:40

3 IPS Product Roadmap Update Ian Baird 10:50

4 New Features and Functionality Angela Morgan 11:05

5 Microsite Launch Simon Palmer 11:20

Comfort Break 11:30

6 What is Cloud Computing? Neil Cobley 11:45

Lunch / Stadium Tour / Photo Opportunity 12:30 – 14:00

7 Scottish Water ICC Programme and Patech Ian / Tony Rees 14:00

8 Next Generations IPS Products with Q&A Ian Baird 14:20

9 Open floor discussion with peers. A chance to input

further ideas into the products and talk about the

contents of the morning! Coffee will be served during

this session.

All 14:40

10 Any other business Neil Cobley 16:20


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Corporate Vision

Ian Baird. 10th October, 2013.

Thank you …!

• Year 1 goal – retain existing customers and stabilise


• FY2012-13 revenue higher than expected, thanks to

customer funded project work and enhancements

• Investment by IPS customers has allowed us to

demonstrate to the Patech board:

• These products have a future and are investible

• The compliance software sector is a market Patech

should be involved in more extensively

• That IPS is profitable enough to exist as a separate

entity within Patech

Relevance to IPS

• Defined a 5-year business plan from 1st November 2013 to

1st November 2018

• Approved by Managing Director

• Patech committed to the IPS products

• Investing in product development and modernising the suite

• New “microsite” to underline our identity




• One new Gemini customer

within 12 months

• Have one active Gemini

prospect at the moment

• One new Connect customer

every 12 months

• Sizeable market for ICMS

• To win compliance based

business in other sectors by


Ethical Business

• We’d like the opportunity to work more closely with our


• We always want our business to be seen as fair and ethical

• Our people should be approachable and friendly at all times

• We’re already delivering regular service reviews but would

like to extend further offerings to customers

• Will be delivering expert ‘health checks’. 1-day of Angela or

Tony per annum, per product

• Buy a block of discounted consulting days. Can be

exchanged for any consultancy either IPS or non-IPS

Customer Opinion Counts

“I've worked with a number of external suppliers over the years

and the service I have received from you guys is far superior to

anything I have experienced before.”

Kenny McDade

Test Lead

A New Identity

• A new division of Patech

focussed on compliance software

• Launched internal competition to

find a brand name

Introducing …………….???

Introducing …………….???

Ian : “I like it because it conveys the

roots of the business, where it came from.”

Ang : “Well how about ….”

Introducing …

Regulatory compliance software, custom designed and delivered by

a team with strong customer values and a proven methodology.

Along the way …

Spelling it out …

“Dad, you should put some sauce on that!”

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Corporate Vision

Ian Baird. 10th October, 2013.

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Integrated Product Suite Roadmap 2013-18

Ian Baird. 10th October, 2013


• Did we achieve 2012-13 goals?

• Updated roadmap for IPS

• IPS 11g Upgrades

Mobile Device Support (subject to demand)

CGR Sustaining Support

IPS 11g Enhancements

IPS 11g Upgrades

IPS Support

2013 to 2015

2013 Apr Jul Oct Jan 2014

Apr Jul Oct Jan 2015

Apr 2015

WebLogic 12c Certified 1/1/2015

12c Database Certified 1/1/2014

IPS 11g Release 1/4/2013

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

IPS QlikView Reporting (subject to demand) 1/4/2013 1/9/2013

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

1/9/2013 1/4/2015

IPS Training / Refreshers 1/4/2013 1/4/2015


CGR Sustaining Support

IPS 11g Enhancements

IPS 11g Upgrades

IPS Support

2013 Onwards

2013 Apr Jul Oct Jan 2014

Apr Jul Oct Jan 2015

Apr 2015

WebLogic 12c Certified 1/1/2015

12c Database Certified 1/1/2014

IPS 11g Release 1/4/2013

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

1/4/2013 1/4/2015

IPS QlikView Reporting 1/4/2013

1/4/2013 1/4/2015


IPS Training / Refreshers 1/4/2013 1/4/2015

Next Generation Products

Next Generation Products

Reporting Options

1. Use QlikView as a complementary technology to

any existing BI strategy

2. Use current reporting views which remain supported

3. patech-SOURCE can license code in QlikView

model or assist build of a reporting solution in

preferred BI strategy


Upgrade Considerations

• Continued 10g support on best


• All new functionality from 11g upwards

• Customers are experiencing issues

with 10g

Reported Oracle 10g Issues

• Java 1.6

• Standard desktops being rolled out with 1.7

• Citrix incompatibilities/performance issues

• Newer web browser versions are not certified

• Newer operating systems are not certified

• Virtualised server farms may not include older versions of

operating systems, thus IPS confined to old physical kit.

• If your hardware failed, could you find hardware and rebuild

the server?

• Newer Microsoft Office products are not certified

Next Steps

• With your help, refine the roadmap

• Share your ideas this afternoon in breakout sessions

• Share your ideas at any time after today’s user group


• By phone to any of the IPS team

• Via

• Engage with Patech to start planning your upgrades!

• Continue working as a community to make market leading


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Integrated Product Suite Roadmap 2012-15

Ian Baird, Product Manager. 29th November 2013

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New Features and Functionality

Angela Morgan 10th October, 2013

Functionality Update

• Initiated wishlists at user group 2012

• Internal review

• User review and update during service visits

• Updated from calls logged with service desk

• Updated as industry changes

• Identification of updates across the product


• User group review this afternoon

New Features - ICMS

• Developed two wishlist requests

• Delivered CMA enhancements to allow more

information to be sent to the CMA via the

Integration table

• Rework of Billing Charges form (BIL_F007)

• Further changes planned

New Features - ICMS

New Features - ICMS

New Features - ICMS

New Features – Gemini2

• New Scheduling module available

• Bug fixes and minor tweaks to core forms


• Non biosolids support

• RB209 update

• New sales module

New Features – Gemini2

New Features – Connect2

• New view created to allow Dual Supply

Premises to be displayed in the GIS

• RPZ Valves / Tracked Fittings enhancement

• SIC Codes to be updated

• Rework Inspection Report to use standard

letters functionality

New Features – Fitting Tests

New Features – Fitting Tests

New Features – Fitting Tests

New Features – Fitting Tests

New Features – Fitting Tests

New Features – Qlikview

• New look and feel

• Updated mapping function

• Model entering beta test with first client later

this month

• Demo for C2 and G2 available

New Features – Qlikview

New Features – Qlikview

New Features – Qlikview

New Features – Qlikview

New Features – Qlikview

New Features – Qlikview

New Features – Beta Program

• Trialling early visibility of new product

functionality across the board

• Contact me to sign up

Support Reporting

• User group 2012 we announced a new way

of support reporting due for rollout in Spring

• eSD upgrade delayed planned rollout

• Pilot rollout to selected clients by end of Q4

• If successful, will trial 1 IPS client

• Rollout across customer base 2014

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New Features and Functionality

Angela Morgan 10th October, 2013

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patech-SOURCE Website

Thanks to Simon Palmer. 10th October, 2013

Support Reporting

• New site

• Will be evolving over coming months to

contain all information relevant to IPS

• New features announced

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patech-SOURCE Website

Thanks to Simon Palmer. 10th October, 2013

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IPSc Cloud Overview

Neil Cobley

What is IPSc

• Introduction

• Cloud computing overview

• What are Patech offering?


• What is Cloud Computing?

• Why is it relevant to IPS?

• What are it’s advantages?

• What are the pitfalls?

IPSc Architecture

Datacentre 2 Datacentre 1

Responsibilities -


Current Position IPSc

IPS Database Server Customer/ IT Provider Included

IPS Application Server Customer/ IT Provider Included

QlikView Server Not applicable Included

GIS Server Customer/ IT Provider Depends on


Connectivity Customer/ IT Provider

Patech responsible

from point traffic

passes through data

centre firewall/router.

Responsibilities -


Current Position IPSc

Applying IPS Updates Provided by Patech,

applied by 3rd Party

Provided by

Patech, applied by


Technology Upgrades

Customer responsible

– with additional cost

consultancy from 3rd

Party and Patech

Included. Applied

to agreed release


Service Continuity

3rd Party with customer

(and support from


Patech –

facilitates faster


Backups Customer & 3rd Party Included

In Summary...

•IPSc will provide a cloud based solution that will be:

•Billed Monthly

•Have no customer infrastructure requirements

•Give us a direct relationship with each other

•Be fault tolerant (available)

•Have a brand new reporting suite

•Have a ‘modern’ look and feel

•Will co-exist with onsite solutions


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Next Generation IPS Products

Ian Baird. 10th October, 2013.

Key Drivers

• Listening to users and prospects – UI looks tired

• Listening to IT depts – reliance on Java on client

machine can be problematic and certification matrix


• Mobile device support

• Cloud computing – run on Patech Cloud or in-house

• Attract new customers (from feedback)

• Enable new technologies – Google Maps, closer GIS



• Connect2 will be redeveloped and the new product will

be named Connect3

• Anticipated release date 1st September 2014.

• Gemini2 will be redeveloped and become Gemini3.

• ICMS2 will be redeveloped and become ICMS3.

• Gemini3 / ICMS3 work commences once Connect3 has

been successfully redeveloped.


• Zend Server / PHP Framework

• Zend runs on Linux and Windows

• Adopters include BBC, EDF,

Cisco (WEBEX), Volkswagen

• Oracle Database 11g / 12c

• HTML5, CSS, some Javascript

• Zero footprint – no Java!

• Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari

• iPhone, iPad, Android, Surface mobile devices

Design Considerations

• Seamless upgrade path regardless of whether

customer is on Connect2 at 10g or 11g.

• Ability to deploy a new environment in under a day on

Patech Cloud.

• Zero footprint client – easier for Citrix customers.

• More self-service features for users.

• Create a new user easily without IT department intervention.

• Reset your password without contacting helpdesk.

• Enhanced standard letters.

• No additional software license costs!

Wanted…Beta Testers!

• A chance to input into the new look and feel from the

start of the redevelopment

• Expected first glimpse at one module of Connect2 by

February 2014

• User feedback

• Appropriate changes made before development of

remainder of system continues

If you just can’t wait …

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Next Generation IPS Products

Ian Baird. 10th October, 2013.

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ICC Programme

Tony Rees / Ian Baird. 29th November, 2013.

ICC Programme

• Intelligent Control Centre

• “The ICC is a technology supported operational hub that

enables our assets and people to deliver fantastic customer


• The ICC will aim towards a planned environment, providing a

continuous cycle of improvement reducing service risk,

associated costs and increasing customer satisfaction

ICC Programme

• Intelligent Control Centre

• The ICC is focused on joining relevant information together

• Dashboards will be delivered with financial, health & safety,

water/waste water quality, productivity, plan attainment, customer

service performance, work management and process

compliance information

• It will enables fully informed decisions about interventions and

improvements, doing the right things at the right times

Project Overview

• New module of Gemini2 – Sludge Scheduling

• Design started January 2013

• Build completed end July 2013

• Currently completing acceptance testing

• On time and budget

• Provided new functionality and training

• Minimum change control – ethical.

• Good working relationship

• Another IPS developer skilled up

Sludge Scheduling

• Scottish Water commissioning a new scheduling system called


• Require information from Gemini2 to feed Paragon

• Development of 2 new interfaces

• Handheld devices returning job information via existing standard

interfaces which have ability to automatically update and close

off jobs

Emptyings & Uplift Requests

Where to go, what to do

And when to do it!

Scheduling Cycle

1 week before

Paragon Confirms

Where to go, when to do it, which

vehicle and who does it

Scheduling Cycle

Emptyings & Uplift Requests

Where to go, what to do

And when to do it!

Scheduling Cycle

1 day before

Paragon Confirms

Where to go, when to do it, which

vehicle and who does it

Scheduling Cycle

Tanker Driver Completes Job

Where picked up from, where took it,

amount, time taken

Scheduling Cycle

ICC Programme

Ongoing scenario

In Summary

• Custom extension to Gemini2

• Demonstrates the ability to deliver quality compliance


• Demonstrates the close working relationship with

Scottish Water

• Thanks to Scottish Water for their on-going support

and efforts in testing!

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Integrated Product Suite User Group 2013

Hampden Park, Scotland’s National Stadium.

10th October, 2013