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User Guide

Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

Step by Step Using “Webhooks”

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This edition published November 2014

1Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

User Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Step 1: Configure the Webhook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Step 2: Create the Smart Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Step 3: Create the Second Smart Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


IntroductionReturned mail and packages means wasted time and money, as well as unsatisfied customers. This is why it is essential that businesses verify their customers’ mailing addresses in real-time. Informatica’s Global Address Verification solution enabled within Marketo instantly decreases your undeliverable mail and wasted postage. This solution will allow you to improve sales and marketing efforts by ensuring shipping orders and direct mail are delivered to an accurate address.

Global Address Verification from Informatica reduces undeliverable mail and wasted postage by 90% or more. Determine in real-time if an address is valid before sending mail. Informatica constantly evolves the solution without requiring you to update your Marketo integration.

This integrated solution verifies addresses in real-time within Marketo, recording the results in custom fields. By using Marketo’s Webhooks and Informatica’s Global Address Verification REST API, you can verify addresses anywhere within your smart campaigns and programs inside Marketo.

This document outlines the use case of new leads being verified as scheduled batch jobs. As leads enter into the Marketo system via a web form, the address can be instantaneously verified to filter out invalid addresses. You can use the Global Address Verification Webhook demonstrated within this example to create other use cases that make sense within your organization - you are certainly not limited to this one.

There are three steps in this paper:

1. The Webhook must be configured to communicate with Informatica’s Global Address Verification API, including mapping the proper output data.

2. A Smart Campaign must be created that includes the data to verify.

3. A second Smart Campaign must be created to trigger the webhook to run, such as copying the data from one list to another for the ‘trigger’ to happen.

In addition, you must have credentials from Informatica (a license key) to successfully verify addresses. These can be obtained via subscription from Informatica at Free trials are available.

3Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

Step 1: Configure the WebhookThe Marketo Web application communicates with Informatica using a “Webhook,” which uses the REST protocol to communicate with Informatica’s Global Address Verification API. REST, or Representational State Transfer, is a Web-based architecture for enabling different hardware and software platforms to communicate via a common text-based XML format.

Here is an example of a REST call that verifies global postal addresses using Informatica’s API:<STrikeIron_License_key>&BasicVerify.StreetAddressLines=18 avenue du Quebec&BasicVerify.CountrySpecificLocalityLine=Courtaboeuf 91957 cedex&BasicVerify.Country=Fr

You can test the above REST call by copying and pasting the information above into the address URL of any web browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer. Be sure to edit the REST call information by supplying your Informatica license key obtained from Informatica and an email address. Do this by replacing the StrikeIron_License_Key field with your 18-22 digit license key, and replace the postal address with one that you would like to verify.

It is the various components of the above REST call that we will insert into the Marketo Webhook.

Note the question mark (?) in the middle of the actual REST call. This question mark separates the endpoint of the API (the URL where the API lives on the Internet, i.e. Informatica servers) from the parameters that are supplied along with the REST call.

Once logged into your Marketo account, go to “Admin.” Within Admin, you will see the ability to “Manage Webhooks.” Click on “New Webhook.”


The following form will appear and allow you to create your Global Address Verification Webhook:

5Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

Use the following configuration for the Global Address Verification Webhook:

• Webhook Name: Use a name that will make sense in your campaigns. Here we’ve used “Global Address Verification.”

• Description: Enter a description for your Webhook. This will help others who come in later to view your Webhook to know exactly its purpose.

• URL: This is the base URL for the Informatica REST call. Copy the following URL:

• Request Type: POST

• Template: Two parameters must be included here – License Key and Address to Verify.

Here is a sample of the template text:

- LicenseInfo.RegisteredUser.UserID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&BasicVerify.StreetAddressLines=18 avenue du Quebec&BasicVerify.CountrySpecificLocalityLine=Courtaboeuf 91957 cedex&BasicVerify.Country=Fr

- LicenseInfo.RegisteredUser.UserID – Informatica License Key. Replace the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in this example with your Informatica license key.

- BasicVerify.StreetAddressLines – Street Address of Address to be verified

- BasicVerify.CountrySpecificLocalityLine – Country Specific Locality of address to be verified

- BasicVerify.Country – country of address to be verified

- Keep in mind that Marketo Tokens can be used within these webhooks so that addresses can be verified in bulk. To include a token in any part of the template section, move your cursor to the correct insertion point and click on the ‘Insert Token’ button, then choose the field that you wish to insert. These tokens indicate to Marketo where to integrate actual lead data into the Webhook, as the field will be populated by the lead data for the record that triggers the invocation of the webhook.

• Request Token Encoding: None

• Response Type: XML


Once you save these options, it is time to add Response Mappings to your Webhook. This maps the return values that the Informatica Email Verification and Hygiene service returns to Marketo lead fields. Before you map the Response Mappings, you will need to create the new fields using the Field Management option under the Admin settings. You can name them whatever you would like, but here are some examples.

Here are the 13 most popular:

• Global Address Status Number

• Global Address Status Description

• Global Address Street Number

• Global Address Street Name

• Global Address Locality

• Global Address Postal Code

• Global Address Province

• Global Address Country

• Global Formatted Address

• Global Address Element Match Status

• Global Address Element Match Status Texts

• Global Address Element Results Status

• Global Address Element Results Status Texts

Here are the remaining 8 possible outputs:

• Global Address Organization

• Global Address Department

• Global Address Contact

• Global Address Building Name

• Global Address PO Box

• Global Address Residue

• Global Delivery Address Line

• Global Address Country Specific Locality Line

7Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

Once the fields are created, you will click “Edit” to edit the Response Mappings and then “Add” to include additional mappings.


9Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

Map the following Response Attributes to your newly created fields. Make sure that you copy the Response Attribute exactly as you see it here (only copy the Blue text to the left of the = sign) and make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of each line.

Here are the 13 most popular outputs:

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceStatus.StatusNbr = Global Address Status Number

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceStatus.StatusDescription = Global Address Status Description

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.StreetNumber = Global Address Street Number

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.StreetName = Global Address Street Name

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Locality = Global Address Locality

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.PostalCode = Global Address Postal Code

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Country = Global Address Country

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Province = Global Address Province

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.FormattedAddress = Global Formatted Address

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.ElementMatchStatus = Global Address Element Match Status

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.ElementMatchStatusTexts = Global Address Element Match Status Texts

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.ElementResultStatus = Global Address Element Result Status

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.ElementResultStatusTexts = Global Address Element Result Status Texts


Here are the 8 remaining outputs:

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Organization = Global Address Organization

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Department = Global Address Department

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Contact = Global Address Contact

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.BuildingName = Global Address Building Name

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.POBox = Global Address PO Box

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.Residue = Global Address Residue

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.DeliveryAddressLine = Global Delivery Address Line

WebServiceResponse.BasicVerifyResponse.BasicVerifyResult.ServiceResult.CountrySpecificLocalityLine = Global Country Specific Locality Line

Save your Response Mappings by clicking “Save” at the bottom of the screen. The Webhook is now ready to be used by the Marketo system.

Step 2: Create the Smart Campaign This also is a standard activity within Marketo. Additional information can be found within the Marketo help documentation if necessary details about creating Smart Campaigns are needed.

Keep in mind that when configuring a smart campaign that uses webhooks, you need to include a trigger. One effective way to do this is to create 2 campaigns, the first to initiate the trigger, the second for the webhook to run. The document covers the creation of the campaigns below. One thing that you will want to do is create a smart list that you will use to temporarily hold data while the webhook is run. You can call it something like “Global Temp List’ or something similar that makes sense for your use case.

There are several different ways that these webhooks can be run. This is just one example. If you have questions on additional methods or need to talk through your options, feel free to set up a call with a Sales Engineer through your sales rep. The first step will be to create the first Smart Campaign containing the data that you want to verify. Click on “Marketing Activities,” and then “New,” and “New Smart Campaign.” Give the campaign a name and decide which folder to store it in.

11Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo


Next, click the “Smart List” tab. Drag the “Member of List” Trigger from the right to the gray canvas, and then choose the list name that you would like to verify.

Move onto the next tab, “Flow.” Drag “Add to List” onto the grey canvas and choose the temporary list that you created earlier. That is all for the first campaign.

13Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

Step 3: Create the Second Smart CampaignTo set up the second campaign, you will want to follow the steps you followed for the first one to create and name it. Then you will want to set up the trigger in the Smart List by dragging the “Added to Smart List” trigger over to the gray canvas. Once you have the trigger there, you need to choose the temporary list that you created.

Now that you have the Smart List set up, it is time to create the Flow. To do this, you will want to drag the “Call Webhook” option into the gray area, followed by the “Remove from List” option after that. Once you have them as part of the Flow, you will need to choose the appropriate webhook. In this example it is the Global Address Verification webhook. The last part of the Flow will be to choose the temporary list under the “Remove from List” step. This will remove the data that you copied to it in the first Smart Campaign.


The last step of the second Smart Campaign is to activate it. Go to the Schedule tab and click the “Activate” button.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated Informatica’s Global Address Verification API into Marketo!

Once you run the webhook, you will see an output similar to the one on the next page, as long as you have your response mappings configured. At this point, you have successfully created and integrated the Marketo webhook.

15Integrating Global Address Verification into Marketo

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