Intelligence Powerpoint-Emily May

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Emily MayFebruary 12,2012

Mrs. Mitchell

After taking the survey, my results were a little aligned with what I expected, but I was mostly surprised at what the end results showed. I scored the highest in interpersonal intelligence. Being people smart is kind of funny to me because I think I’m very shy until you can “crack me”, so to speak. I like to keep to myself and be quiet and reserved until I feel like should immerse myself with other people. I think I make friends and get along with people easily, but I’m shy at first and it takes time to earn my trust. So I wouldn’t have said that being people smart was my number 1 strength.

My next highest strength was being musical. This I think is actually pretty funny. I’ve been in chorus forever and I sing in the choir at church but in no way am I musically inclined! I took piano lessons a few times but I feel that I need the keys to be labeled! I do love music, a lot, I love singing in the shower and listening to my IPod. I couldn’t live without my IPod or my music. I just don’t think being musically inclined is my second highest strength unless it’s based off pure enjoyment of music.

I do agree that my lowest strength is logical intelligence. I am not the best in math. Yes, I am in honors math but I do not enjoy it and I think that reflects in my grades. I do not look forward to doing math homework everyday like some people, but I do get it, sometimes easily, other times with more effort. I don’t think I am very analytical and don’t do well on many exams because I psych myself out and second guess to the point of making incorrect choices

Overall, I think my results were kind of interesting but I don’t think I would have scored myself the same way.

One of my favorite topics in this class was probably developmental psychology. I would have liked to have incorporated developmental

psychology with intrapersonal intelligence by… Doing a week long study (interview and evaluation) on my

extended family to compare personality and socialization with their intrapersonal intelligence (to compare who I am most like)

In this study, I would create a grid or rubric for the qualities I possess (quiet, shy, reserved, “brainy”, studious, bookish, unsure, etc.) and interview my older relatives to find out if they were or are similar in terms of personality and socialization; I would use personal observation to also determine who I am most like

I would create a Venn diagram to see areas in which I am different from those same relatives

Also, it would be fun to trace the lineage of those relatives (am I blood related, related by marriage, etc.) to see if those attributes make a difference at all

My second favorite topic we studied was states of consciousness. I loved learning about dreams and our stages of sleep. In creating a lesson, I would survey friends and family

about their dreams and find out if music or instruments ever appear in their dreams

I would then investigate to what extent music plays a part in their dreams

Then, I would find out if they go to sleep listening to music on the radio, a sound machine, or through the TV and see if there is a relationship between the type of music they listen to and the dreams they have (i.e., calm peaceful music brings peaceful dreams; fast and energetic music brings aggression in dreams, etc.)

My third favorite topic we discussed was probably learning (operant conditioning) I would like to incorporate a lesson that

connects kinesthetic intelligence to operant conditioning I would find out what physical activities my friends

or family are good at individually and try to investigate what the conditioned stimuli is and how that affects the conditioned responseA good application of this could be sports with my

brother and his friends They could be observed or evaluated on their speed

with shooting a basketball or throwing a baseball and question them as to what the motivation is for their success at that sport