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Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013 Pushkar Singh et al., 2013


Pushkar Singh1*, Shambhu Sharma1 and Shanu Kumar1

*Corresponding Author: Pushkar Singh,

Now a day’s power control is a big problem. Because some time we just forget to switch off allthe electrical home appliances which leads to power loss. So here we are presenting a paperthrough which we can control all the electrical home appliances. This electrical control systemis based on LPC2129 ARM microcontroller, a operating system which is based on Linux andZigbee, which will transmit the data wirelessly. In order to control the devices we have a touchscreen connected with ARM. Zigbee is a new technology, which is used to transmit data with adata rate of 240 kbps and it has, low cost, safe, short range, low power consumption. Here weare giving more focus on LPC2129 because it is the main core of our system. So the overallsystem can be divided into two part and they are control section and devise section. Here wehave a touch screen module through which user can control the home appliance and it isconnected with the LPC2129 microcontroller and this microcontroller is also connected withsome other devises. In the device section the Zigbee will receive the data and it will pass it to8051 µc.

Keywords: ARM7, Zigbee, Linux, 8051 µc

INTRODUCTIONIntelligent information appliance is the maindirection of development in the appliancecontrol field. So this overall system can bedivided into three parts namely control section,Zigbee transceiver and devise section. Nowcontrol section also called as hand heldterminal uses touch screen display, Which isinterfaced with LPC2129 microcontroller andhave a different on-off button for controlling

ISSN 2319 – 2518 www.ijeetc.comVol. 2, No. 3, July 2013

© 2013 IJEETC. All Rights Reserved

Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013

1 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Bharath University Chennai 73, India.

different electrical appliances. Zigbee, whichacts as a wireless link between the devise andcontrol section and establish a communicationpath between them. Each section consists ofdifferent terminal, and each terminal isindependent of other. So in the case of failureof one terminal will not affect the other one.Control section uses 32 bit RISC based ARM7processor, since it is interfaced with touchscreen, and apart from that it is also

Research Paper


Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013 Pushkar Singh et al., 2013

connected with a 5v DC power supply, and ithas a LCD which will display the current statusof the devise, that is either it is in off or oncondition. Now UART will serially transmit thedata to Zigbee and from there it will transfer todevise section, Then in the devise section itwill get converted into TTL voltage levelbecause Zigbee transfer the data in the formof RS232 voltage level and since allmicrocontrollers will accepts only TTL voltagelevel. And the microcontroller in the devisesection is also connected with power supply,Relays, and for each devise we have a relayconnected with them, since the 8051microcontroller will get the data from LPC2129and based upon that it will generate the controlsignal and sends it to the relays. Since relaysact as a remote switch and basically will switchoff on the devices which is connected to it. Sothrough this system we can control almost allthe electrical devices.


• Microcontroller Unit


• MAX232

• Zigbee

• Driver Circuit.

Power Supply Unit

Since we need a DC power supply of +5 v forthe operation of our microcontroller. But herewe are giving the input as 220 v AC powersupply. So we need to convert this voltage to+5 v dc. So at first we need to step down this220 v ac supply, and in order to do that weare using a 12 v/1A step down we are giving this 220 v ac supply to theprimary of this transformer and from thesecondary we will get 12 v ac current. But weneed a dc power supply for the operation wefor converting that 12 v ac into dc we are usingprecision rectifier, which will convert 12 v accurrent into 12 v dc current. Since we areusing precision rectifier instead of bridgerectifier because it will provide twice outputas that of bridge rectifier. Then it will getfiltered by the capacitor. Now we have 12 vdc supply which has got some ripples but aswe mentioned above that we need +5 v dcsupply. So in order to convert this 12 v into 5v dc, we need a voltage regulator IC, And forour project we are using IC LM7805 whichwill convert that 12 v dc into 5 v dc and alsoremoves the ripples. LM7805 is a threeterminal voltage regulator IC in which pin firstis used for input, second is grounded andfrom third pin we will get the required output.

Figure 1: Block Diagram


Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013 Pushkar Singh et al., 2013

Microcontroller Unit

AT89C51 Microcontroller

The AT89c51 is a 8 bit microcontroller. Here‘C’ represent the way it manufactured, i.e., itstands for CMOS technology, And AT standsfor its manufacturer company, i.e., Atmel. It hasa 4 kb of reprogrammable memory, which canbe reprogrammed by means of non volatilememory programmer. It has 128 byte RAM,four input output port, and each port consistsof 8 pin and each pin can acts as input-outputport. So it has got totally 32 I/O pins. It has gotsix interrupt sources through which any externaldevise can request for the service. It canoperate in any one of the two mode, i.e., idlemode and power down mode for the efficientuse of the controller. It will receive the data fromthe Zigbee module and based on the datareceived from it, and will generate the differentcontrol signal and send it to the driver circuitfor controlling of the electrical home appliance.

LPC2129 Microcontroller

Since the controller which is interfaced with thetouch screen has to be performed verycomplex task, that’s why we are using ARMLPC2129 on that place. It is a 32 bit ARMcontroller which is made by ARM limited. It is

a 16/32 bit processor with real time emulationand also has the capability of trace support. Ithas a 128 kb of reprogrammable memory. Andit can be done in three ways and they are, bymeans of built in JTAG, AND by means of insystem programming and in systemapplication programming. Since it uses RISCinstead of CISC, Therefore it can executefaster than CISC based machines. It is a 64pin IC and has different bit timers, differentnumbers of ADC, some CAN channel toconnect it with outside world for data transfer,some fact GPIO line for connecting different I/O devices at a time. And also has nine interruptpin through which external devices can request.It has three different buses which is used to,interfacing on chip memory controllers, tointerface interrupt controllers, and forconnection to on chip peripheral function. Herein our project when we will press any icon onthe touch screen then that will produce a signalon the LPC2129. And it will pass that signal tothe devise section through Zigbee transceiver.

LCDHere we are using a LCD which is interfacedwith LPC2129 and is character based LCD.And it need a controller for the working of thisLCD, here in our project we are using ICHD44780, which will drive our LCD.

Here in this project the LCD will display thestatus of all electrical home appliances that iseither it is in off or on condition. In the marketone line, two line or four line LCD are there,Which can support 80 character in one line.But for our project we are using one linecharacter based LCD. Generally LCD comeswith 14 pins but sometimes it can also contain16 pins also if the LCD does not have the backlights. It consists of three control line, 8 I/O lines.

Figure 2: Power Supply Unit


Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013 Pushkar Singh et al., 2013

And 8 data pin which will first convert the datain the ASCII format then only it will send it tothe controller. Now the 8 data pin is connectedwith the 8 pin of port one of the controllerAT89c51. And three more pins, i.e., RS, RWand en is also connected with the pin 5, 6, 7 ofthe third port of the controller AT89c51.

it is connected after the UART because afterthat only it need to be convert it into RS232voltage level. Since after the UART only theZigbee module is connected. But it is not aseparate circuitry; it is just a wire in ourproject.

Figure 3: Connection Diagram of LCD


We know that our microcontroller uses TTLvoltage level, that is it represent ‘1’ as ‘+5 v’and ‘0’ as a ‘–5 v’. But in our project we areusing Zigbee for the transmission of the databetween the devise and control section. SoZigbee generally serially transmit the data inthe form of RS232 voltage level. Since it willserially transmit the data to the devise sectionbut the data is there in the form of RS232voltage level and our microcontroller is notcompatible with that RS232. So for convertingthat RS232 into TTL voltage level we are usingMAX232. So we can say that it act as aconverter which convert RS232 voltage levelinto TTL voltage level. The p3.0 and p3.1 pinof 8051 controller is connects with driver ofMAX232. And T1OUT and R1OUT pin ofMAX232 is connected with the next level. So

Figure 4: Connection Diagram of MAX232

ZigbeeIt is a protocol which is used for wirelesstransmission in the different frequency bandwith a different data rate in each frequencyband. It serially transmits the data in the formof RS232 voltage level. Since Zigbee is atransceiver so it can used as transmitter aswell as receiver. It is used worldwide in thefrequency band of 2.4 GHz and in this band itprovide data rate of 240 kbps, and in USA andAustralia it used in the band of 915 MHz andprovide data rate of 40 kbps. And in Europe itis used in the band of 868 MHz and offers thedata rate of 20 kbps. And each band offers 16numbers of f ixed channels for thecommunication.

It need 3.3 v to 5 v and consumes very lesspower compare to Bluetooth. The pin number0 and 1 of the third port of the microcontroller


Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013 Pushkar Singh et al., 2013

is connected with the TX and RX pin of Zigbeemodule. And when it need to send any data tothe devise section then it will send through theDout pin of it. And the Zigbee module which ispresent on the other side receives it from theDin pin of it.

Driver Circuit

In our project we need a driver circuit or relaysfor controlling of the all electrical homeappliances. Basically relays acts as a remoteswitch. Which uses low voltage to control thehigh voltage load. So for our project we areusing ULN2003 IC as a driver circuit or as arelay.

This IC consists of seven Darlingtontransistor array with common cathode, whichis used to control the inductive loads. Thesetransistors can also be arranged in parallelin order to get high current capability. It hasa 2.7 kW of series base resistor so that itcan be used as TTL compatible CMOSmicrocontro l lers. In our project i t isconnected with the AT89c51 microcontroller.In order to control the electrical deviceswhich are connected to it, and it can bepresent in any one of the following mode and

they are always off condition, Or in alwayson condition. So based upon the signalgenerated from the AT89c51 it will eitherswitch off or switch on the electrical deviceswhich is connected to it.

APPLICATIONThis project has a lot of application in the fieldof appliance control. By means of this we cansave the power, which is being loosed nowdays. Since we are using a touch screen forcontrolling the electrical devices so it is quiteeasier for the user to carry this with them, andby means of wireless communicationtechnology we can control our appliance fromanywhere and at any time. So it is useful in allthe places where we are using electricalappliances.

FUTURE ENHANCEMENTSince this project is based on LPC2129microcontroller which is interfaced with touchscreen. So in future it can be that is hand heldterminal can be made more compact. And

Figure 5: Connection Diagram of Zigbee Figure 6: Driver IC ULN2003


Int. J. Elec&Electr.Eng&Telecoms. 2013 Pushkar Singh et al., 2013

instead of Zigbee if we would work than wecan use GSM module after which it wouldbecome so easy to control it from anywhere.And we can also implement this project in realtime.

CONCLUSIONSince we are using ARM LPC2129 as themain controller of our project so in future if wewould work than we can made it so compact.And since we are using touch screen so it isvery easy to control all the electrical devise witha single touch. And due to the Zigbeetechnology it becomes very easy to transferdata between them.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTI would like to thank esteemed BharathUniversity Department of Research andDevelopment and also to thank Departmentof Electronics and Telecommunication,Chennai 73.

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