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Intercepting System API Calls by Seung-Woo Kim May 13, 2004

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There are many cases where i t is necessary for software developers or testers to intercept system

function cal ls in order to instrument code or to extend operat ing-system funct ional i ty. There are a

few packages avai lable that provide this funct ional ity, such as the Detours* l ibrary from Microsoft or

Syr inge* from OK Thinking Software. On the other hand, developers may wish to implement this

funct ional i ty themselves, without implementing third-party software.

This art ic le describes var ious ways of funct ion interception and presents a generic method to

achieve this task without rely ing on commercial software packages or being bound to GNU l icensing.

Al l mater ials in this paper were either developed by Intel or modif ied from MSDN sample code.

Two Basic Techniques for Intercepting System Function Calls

Most methods of intercepting arbitrary funct ion cal ls work by preparing a DLL that replaces the

target funct ion to be intercepted and then in ject ing the DLL to the target process; upon attaching to

the target process, the DLL hooks i tsel f to the target funct ion. This technique is suitable, because

the source code for the target appl icat ion is not avai lable most of the t ime, and it is relat ively simple

to write a DLL that contains the replacement funct ion, separat ing i t from the rest of the software.

Two intercepting methods have been studied and analyzed. Syr inge works by modify ing the funct ion

import entr ies ( hunking table). On the other hand, the Detours l ibrary direct ly modif ies the target

funct ion ( in the target process space) to make an uncondit ional jump to the replacement funct ion.

Optional ly, i t provides a trampol ine funct ion that can cal l the or iginal funct ion.


The Detours technique fol lows this latter method because Syringe has trouble f inding the thunks in

many cases, and it does not provide trampol ine capabi l i ty to cal l the or iginal funct ion. In ject ing the

DLL works the same way in both cases.

The overal l workf low to intercept system funct ion cal ls is as fol lows:

DLL In jec t ion : First, the main software opens the target process and forces i t to load the DLL that

contains the replacement funct ions.

Target Funct ion Mod i f i ca t ion : When the DLL attaches to the process, i t modif ies the target funct ion

in the target process space so that i t direct ly jumps to the replacement funct ion in the DLL.

Optional ly, a trampol ine funct ion can cal l the or iginal funct ion.

Target Funct ion In te rcepted: When the target funct ion is cal led, i t direct ly jumps to the replacement

funct ion in the DLL. I f the developer wishes to invoke the or iginal funct ional i ty, he or she cal ls the

trampol ine funct ion.

DLL Injection

This sect ion is ent irely based on the MSDN art ic le, "Escape from DLL Hel l with Custom Debugging

and Instrumentat ion Tools and Uti l i t ies*," which includes downloadable source code. In jec t .cpp and

In jec t .h are avai lable as an appendix to this art ic le. They are customized for easy integrat ion – just

include them in a project and cal l In jec tL ib . The algorithm to force the target process to load the

DLL works as fol lows:

Open the target process by cal l ing OpenProcess.

Al locate memory in the target process by cal l ing V i r tua lA l locEx. Write to the al located memory the

name of the DLL to be injected using Wr i teProcessMemory .

Get the address of LoadLibrary by cal l ing GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("Kernel32") ) ,


Cal l CreateRemoteThread, specify ing the entry point of LoadL ibra ry and the name of the DLL ( in

step 2) as i ts argument. The target process wi l l load the DLL.

Free the al located memory using V i r tua lF reeEx. I t is not needed anymore.

In jec t .cpp incorporates a great deal more funct ional i ty, including substant ial security features, but

the preceding steps are suff ic ient to i l lustrate core concepts.

Target-Function Modification

Target-funct ion modif icat ion is sel f-modify ing code that is wel l documented on MSDN*, although

there are a few pit fal ls in in ject ing jmp into the process memory. This sect ion shows almost

complete sample code to avoid confusion. The two aspects of target-funct ion modif icat ion are

replacement and trampol ine funct ions.

The fol lowing code snippet is an example DLL to intercept the GetSystemPowerStatus API:

BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatusReplaced(LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus)


// Your replacement code goes here.

return TRUE;


BOOL InterceptAPI(HMODULE hLocalModule, const char* c_szDl lName,

const char* c_szApiName, DWORD dwReplaced)


DWORD dwOldProtect;

DWORD dwAddressToIntercept = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(

GetModuleHandle( (char*)c_szDl lName), (char*)c_szApiName);

BYTE *pbTargetCode = (BYTE *) dwAddressToIntercept;

BYTE *pbReplaced = (BYTE *) dwReplaced;

VirtualProtect( (void *) dwAddressToIntercept, 5, PAGE_WRITECOPY, &dwOldProtect);

*pbTargetCode++ = 0xE9; // jump rel32

* ( (s igned int * ) (pbTargetCode)) = pbReplaced - (pbTargetCode +4);

VirtualProtect( (void *) dwAddressToIntercept, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE, &dwOldProtect);

F lushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess() , NULL, NULL);

return TRUE;


BOOL WINAPI Dl lMain(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID reserved)


i f (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {

InterceptAPI(hInst, "kernel32.dl l", "GetSystemPowerStatus",

(DWORD) GetSystemPowerStatusReplaced);


e lse i f (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {

// Cleanup


return TRUE;


The f i rst th ing this code does upon attaching is to cal l In te rceptAPI . I t requires the name of the

module containing the target funct ion, the name of the target funct ion, and the address of the

replacement funct ion. GetSystemPowerStatus is in kerne l32.d l l . Other basic Win32* APIs, such as

MessageBox and PeekMessage, are avai lable in user32.d l l . MSDN specif ies the module to which

each API belongs; a future enhancement could automatical ly f ind the correct module for a given API.

In te rceptAPI overwrites the f i rst f ive bytes of the target function to an uncondit ional jump (opcode

0xE9) , fol lowed by the displacement to the replacement funct ion as a signed integer ( four bytes).

The displacement starts at the next instruct ion; hence, pbRep laced - (pbTargetCode +4) is

required. Two cautions are necessary to make this code work:

Change the protect ion mode of the region overwritten by V i r tua lProtect . Otherwise, an access-

violat ion error occurs.

F lush Ins t ruct ionCache is necessary to support those cases where the instruct ions are already in

cache. Otherwise, old code wi l l run from cache, even though the instruct ions have been changed in


Now, when the GetSystemPowerStatus funct ion is cal led, al l i t does is to jump to our replacement

funct ion, and it returns direct ly to the cal ler, successful ly intercepting the cal l .

Trampoline Function

In many cases, the replacement funct ion needs to cal l the or iginal target funct ion in addit ion to i ts

own code, in order to extend the capabi l i ty of the API, rather than replacing the whole thing. A

trampol ine function provides this functional i ty. The theory behind trampol ine funct ions is as fol lows:

Prepare a dummy funct ion that has the same declaration that wi l l be used as the trampol ine. Make

sure the dummy funct ion is more than 10 bytes long.

Before overwrit ing the f i rst f ive bytes of the target funct ion, copy them to the beginning of the

trampol ine funct ion.

Overwrite from the sixth byte of the trampol ine with an uncondit ional jump to the sixth byte of the

target function.

Overwrite the target funct ion as before.

When a trampol ine funct ion is cal led ( from the replacement funct ion or anywhere else), i t executes

the f i rst f ive bytes of the copied or iginal code, and then jumps to the sixth byte of the real or iginal

code. The control returns to the cal ler of the trampol ine. After optional ly complet ing addit ional tasks,

control returns to the cal ler of the API.

One addit ional compl icat ion exists, in that the sixth byte of the or iginal code may be part of the

previous instruct ion. In that case, the funct ion overwrites part of the previous instruct ion and then

crashes. In the case of GetSystemPowerStatus, the beginning of a new instruct ion after the f i rst

f ive bytes is the seventh byte. Thus, for this scheme to work, six bytes need to be copied to the

trampol ine, and the code must adjust this offset accordingly.

The number of bytes that the code needs to copy depends upon the API. I t is necessary to look at

the or iginal target code (using a debugger or a disassembler) and to count the number of bytes to

copy. A future enhancement could automatical ly detect the correct offset. Assuming that we know

the correct offset, the fol lowing code shows the extended In te rceptAPI function that sets up the

trampol ine funct ion as wel l :

BOOL InterceptAPI(HMODULE hLocalModule, const char* c_szDl lName, const char* c_szApiName,

DWORD dwReplaced, DWORD dwTrampol ine, int offset)


int i ;

DWORD dwOldProtect;

DWORD dwAddressToIntercept = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(

GetModuleHandle( (char*)c_szDl lName), (char*)c_szApiName);

BYTE *pbTargetCode = (BYTE *) dwAddressToIntercept;

BYTE *pbReplaced = (BYTE *) dwReplaced;

BYTE *pbTrampol ine = (BYTE *) dwTrampol ine;

// Change the protect ion of the trampol ine region

// so that we can overwrite the f i rst 5 + offset bytes.

VirtualProtect( (void *) dwTrampol ine, 5+offset, PAGE_WRITECOPY, &dwOldProtect);

for ( i=0; i<offset; i++)

*pbTrampol ine++ = *pbTargetCode++;

pbTargetCode = (BYTE *) dwAddressToIntercept;

// Insert uncondit ional jump in the trampol ine.

*pbTrampol ine++ = 0xE9; // jump rel32

* ( (s igned int * ) (pbTrampol ine)) = (pbTargetCode+offset) - (pbTrampol ine + 4);

VirtualProtect( (void *) dwTrampol ine, 5+offset, PAGE_EXECUTE, &dwOldProtect);

// Overwrite the f i rst 5 bytes of the target function

VirtualProtect( (void *) dwAddressToIntercept, 5, PAGE_WRITECOPY, &dwOldProtect);

*pbTargetCode++ = 0xE9; // jump rel32

* ( (s igned int * ) (pbTargetCode)) = pbReplaced - (pbTargetCode +4);

VirtualProtect( (void *) dwAddressToIntercept, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE, &dwOldProtect);

// Flush the instruct ion cache to make sure

// the modif ied code is executed.

F lushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess() , NULL, NULL);

return TRUE;



This art ic le describes a generic method to intercept system funct ion cal ls, as wel l as providing

trampol ine funct ions to retain the or iginal funct ional i ty. Because this paper is a summary of methods,

rather than a complete package, some detai ls are not implemented:

Automatic detect ion of the module containing the target API.

Automatic detect ion of the offset for the trampol ine funct ion.

Removing replacement funct ions and eject ing the DLL. (For now, the only way to clean up is to close

the appl icat ion.)

Nevertheless, the techniques, explanat ions, and source code in this art ic le should be suff ic ient for

developers to implement software that can intercept any system funct ion cal ls without rely ing on

third-party software packages.

About the Author

Seung-Woo Kim received his Ph.D in computer science at University of Minnestoa and is current ly

working as a senior appl icat ion engineer at Intel. He special izes in the performance optimizat ion for

technical and commercial software. He can be reached at

Additional Resources


Writ ing Portable, Adaptable Code Using CompLib

Introduction to Intr insics

Intel® Extreme Graphics 2: Developer's Guide

Branch and Loop Reorganizat ion to Prevent Mispredicts

Intel Software Forums


In ject.h

#i fndef _INJECT_H

#def ine _INJECT_H

#i fdef UNICODE

#def ine InjectLib InjectLibW


#def ine InjectLib InjectLibA

#endif // !UNICODE

BOOL WINAPI In jectLibW(DWORD dwProcessId, PCWSTR pszLibFi le);

BOOL WINAPI In jectLibA(DWORD dwProcessId, PCSTR pszLibFi le);


In ject.cpp

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Inject.h"

#include <tchar.h>

#include <mal loc.h> // For al loca

#include <aclapi.h>

#i fdef UNICODE

#def ine InjectLib InjectLibW


#def ine InjectLib InjectLibA

#endif // !UNICODE

BOOL AdjustDacl(HANDLE h, DWORD DesiredAccess)


// the WORLD Sid is tr iv ia l to form programmatical ly (S-1-1-0)













} ;

ACL* pdacl = 0;

DWORD err = SetEntr iesInAcl(1, &ea, 0, &pdacl) ;

i f (err == ERROR_SUCCESS)


err = SetSecurityInfo(h, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, 0, 0, pdacl,


LocalFree(pdacl) ;

return(err == ERROR_SUCCESS);


e lse



// Useful helper function for enabl ing a single pr iv i lege

BOOL EnableTokenPriv i lege(HANDLE htok, LPCTSTR szPriv i lege, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES& tpOld)



tp.Priv i legeCount = 1;

tp.Priv i leges[0].Attr ibutes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;

i f (LookupPriv i legeValue(0, szPriv i lege, &tp.Priv i leges[0].Luid))


// htok must have been opened with the fol lowing permissions:

// TOKEN_QUERY (to get the old pr iv sett ing)

// TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES (to adjust the priv)

DWORD cbOld = sizeof tpOld;

i f (AdjustTokenPriv i leges(htok, FALSE, &tp, cbOld, &tpOld, &cbOld))

// Note that AdjustTokenPriv i leges may succeed, and yet

// some privi leges weren't actual ly adjusted.

// You've got to check GetLastError( ) to be sure!

return(ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED != GetLastError( ) ) ;

e lse



e lse



// Corresponding restorat ion helper function

BOOL RestoreTokenPriv i lege(HANDLE htok, const TOKEN_PRIVILEGES& tpOld)


return(AdjustTokenPrivi leges(htok, FALSE, const_cast<TOKEN_PRIVILEGES*>(&tpOld), 0, 0, 0) ) ;


HANDLE GetProcessHandleWithEnoughRights(DWORD PID, DWORD AccessRights)


HANDLE hProcess = ::OpenProcess(AccessRights, FALSE, PID);

i f (hProcess == NULL)



i f (hpWriteDAC == NULL)


// hmm, we don't have permissions to modify the DACL...

// t ime to take ownership...

HANDLE htok;

i f ( !OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess() , TOKEN_QUERY |




i f (EnableTokenPrivi lege(htok, SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME, tpOld))


// SeTakeOwnershipPriv i lege al lows us to open objects with

// WRITE_OWNER, but that's about i t , so we'l l update the owner,

// and dup the handle so we can get WRITE_DAC permissions.

HANDLE hpWriteOwner = OpenProcess(WRITE_OWNER, FALSE, PID);

i f (hpWriteOwner != NULL)


BYTE buf[512]; // th is should always be big enough

DWORD cb = sizeof buf;

i f (GetTokenInformation(htok, TokenUser, buf, cb, &cb))


DWORD err =






0, 0, 0

) ;

i f (err == ERROR_SUCCESS)


// now that we're the owner, we've impl ic it ly got WRITE_DAC

// permissions, so ask the system to reevaluate our request,

// giv ing us a handle with WRITE_DAC permissions

i f (

!Dupl icateHandle(

GetCurrentProcess() ,


GetCurrentProcess() ,





hpWriteDAC = NULL;



// don't forget to close handle

: :CloseHandle(hpWriteOwner);


// not truly necessary in this app,

// but included for completeness

RestoreTokenPriv i lege(htok, tpOld);


// don't forget to close the token handle

: :CloseHandle(htok);


i f (hpWriteDAC)


// we've now got a handle that al lows us WRITE_DAC permission

AdjustDacl(hpWriteDAC, AccessRights);

// now that we've granted ourselves permission to access

// the process, ask the system to reevaluate our request,

// giv ing us a handle with r ight permissions

i f (

!Dupl icateHandle(

GetCurrentProcess() ,


GetCurrentProcess() ,







hProcess = NULL;






BOOL WINAPI In jectLibW(DWORD dwProcessId, PCWSTR pszLibFi le)


BOOL fOk = FALSE; // Assume that the funct ion fai ls

HANDLE hProcess = NULL, hThread = NULL;

PWSTR pszLibFi leRemote = NULL;

// Get a handle for the target process.

hProcess =




PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD | // For CreateRemoteThread

PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | // For VirtualAl locEx/VirtualFreeEx

PROCESS_VM_WRITE // For WriteProcessMemory

) ;

i f (hProcess == NULL)


// Calculate the number of bytes needed for the DLL's pathname

int cch = 1 + lstr lenW(pszLibFi le);

int cb = cch * s izeof(WCHAR);

// Al locate space in the remote process for the pathname

pszLibFi leRemote =

(PWSTR) VirtualAl locEx(hProcess, NULL, cb, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

i f (pszLibFi leRemote != NULL)


// Copy the DLL's pathname to the remote process's address space

i f (WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, pszLibFi leRemote,

(PVOID) pszLibFi le, cb, NULL))


// Get the real address of LoadLibraryW in Kernel32.dl l


GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("Kernel32")) , "LoadLibraryW");

i f (pfnThreadRtn != NULL)


// Create a remote thread that cal ls LoadLibraryW(DLLPathname)

hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, NULL, 0,

pfnThreadRtn, pszLibFi leRemote, 0, NULL);

i f (hThread != NULL)


// Wait for the remote thread to terminate

WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

fOk = TRUE; // Everything executed successful ly





// Free the remote memory that contained the DLL's pathname

VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, pszLibFi leRemote, 0, MEM_RELEASE);





BOOL WINAPI In jectLibA(DWORD dwProcessId, PCSTR pszLibFi le) {

// Al locate a (stack) buffer for the Unicode version of the pathname

PWSTR pszLibFi leW = (PWSTR)

_al loca(( lstr lenA(pszLibFi le) + 1) * s izeof(WCHAR));

// Convert the ANSI pathname to i ts Unicode equivalent

wsprintfW(pszLibFi leW, L"%S", pszLibFi le);

// Cal l the Unicode version of the function to actual ly do the work.

return( InjectLibW(dwProcessId, pszLibFi leW));


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