Intercessors Training Introduction & Opening Worship Session One of Two.

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Intercessors Training Introduction

& Opening Worship

Session One of Two

Opening Prayer

Palms up

Father we adore you –lay our lives before you- how we love you

Jesus we adore you- lay our lives before you –how we love you

Spirit we adore you – lay our lives before you –how we love you

The course

• Two 90 minute sessions with a break for coffee

• What do we know already?• Why we want to know more?• This session- introduction, theology &

discussion.• Next session hints & tips, prayer language,

resources and practical work!


The Birds of Pray!

What does the story illustrate?

What do you know already?



• ‘Intercession’ comes from the same root word as to ‘Intercede’, to go on behalf of, to act as a ‘go-between’.

• The ‘Intercessory Prayer’ Leader is acting on behalf of the people before God, taking the concerns of the people before God.

‘True intercession … … is about solidarity, not wish lists. It grows out of our relationship with our heavenly Father and our love for one another. We pray because we love, not merely to acquire things.’ From Worship changes lives, Ed. Paul Bradshaw & Peter Moger, CHP, 2008, p.34

What Does Jesus Say?What do we think we are doing when praying the intercessions?

What Does Jesus Say?Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them. (Matthew 18:19-20)

Good quality intercessions provide a model for prayer for the gathered congregation and newcomers.

The Lord’s Prayer

Adoration• Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

Confession• Forgive us our sins ...

Thanksgiving• For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours

Supplication• Give us today our daily bread

What Does the Bible say?

Pray thankfully … 1 Timothy 2:1 Pray briefly … avoid long, drawn-out details Pray clearly … use words and ideas people will know Pray specifically … ask God to do definite things Pray expectantly … something is going to happen Pray humbly … you do not have all the answers (2 Chronicles 7:14) Pray boldly … that is our privilege (1 John 5:14)

From How to … Lead the Prayers by de Lange & L. Simpson (Grove no.W169)

What does the Church of England tell us about structure of intercessory prayer?

The Church

• think about the people of God• in this Parish• in this town• in the Diocese

• Any pressing issues at this time in the life of the Church, nationally and locally. Pray for an organisation within the life of our local Church: eg, Bellringers, Housegroups, Sunday School, Young Peoples’ Groups etc.

The World

• Think about the things that are troubling our nation and

• the nations of the world at this time.

Our Community/Town

• Think about local needs. Give thanks for the support of families, neighbours and friends.

• Name a particular institution and service e.g. The Council and Councilors, the Schools, the local Surgery the Fire Service

Our Community/Town


Trying to put too much in and pray for everyone.It is easy to fall into the trap of a long list.

Those Who Are Sick

There is often a list of folks to be prayed for but do get the right pronunciation of their names.

Consider all those who may need healing in body, mind and spirit – and I like to mention those who mourn!

DO: Be loving and caring. DO: Treat others as you would like to be treated. DO: Respect confidentiality.

Those Who Are Sick• Pitfalls• You don’t always have to read out all the names who have asked for

Prayer and if you do, it might be good to find out what is wrong with each person (if known)

• You may know of people who are sick, dying, or simply having ‘a hard time’. Some people will tell you all about their problems, BUT they do not expect the whole congregation to hear about them during the intercessions.

• Don’t add: “but especially we pray for my Granny who is suffering from ….” Keep your personal prayers for your personal prayer times!

• All the people on the list are especially important to someone, even if you don’t know them personally yourself. Remember, you are ‘interceding’ on behalf of everyone present before God.

• And please….Do not embarrass an individual or family.

Those Who Have Died

Often a list of recent deaths.Those people whose year’s mind is at this time.Those we think about often.etc

Those Who Have Died

Pitfalls: • Don’t presume that they all have ‘died in the

faith of Christ’. Many haven’t or don’t believe. However, it is our belief as Christians that God holds out the promise of eternity to all those who turn to him.

What Intercessory Prayer is NOT!

Suggestions Please!

What Intercessory Prayer is NOT!Individual prayer writ large. Confession. Meditation. Sermon. Critical or judgmental. Telling God what we think of the ‘hot’ issues or telling people what God think

Examples Please!

What Intercessory Prayer IS....The corporate prayer of the whole church A biblical invitation to bring our needs and the needs of others to God. A humble and earnest petition. Part of a long tradition, praying on behalf of congregation, community, and world. A way of loving people. Acknowledging our connection with and concern for the world.


Lord in your mercyHear our prayer

If it is a different response from the one above practice this at the beginning of the Prayer with words… Today in our Prayers we use the response And let our cry come to you’. To the phrase ‘Lord, listen to our prayers’

You could practice it, to help people will feel free to relax and be guided in prayer.

What others do we know?

ResponsesBidding : Lord, in your mercy Response hear our prayer.

Bidding: Lord, hear us. Response Lord, graciously hear us.

Bidding: Lord, meet us in the silence Response and hear our prayer.

Prayers might begin ‘Let us pray to the Father.’

Bidding: Father, Lord of creation, Response in your mercy, hear us.

HomeworkPrepare some intercessions for YOUR church

situation.Read the readings for the day so you know the

theme of the service.Listen and use the main news stories of the day if

appropriate.If you do not have any names- say something

general!If you want to do it with someone else and share-

that’s great!

Week Two

Introduction- and opening worship

Aims of the Session

Last Week’s Homework – volunteers please!

This exercise is recapping what we learned through our discussion of the homework intercessions we heard.

Practicalities of Delivery

• When do they come?• Where will you be?• How long?• Will you be heard?• What about microphones?• How will they know I have finished?

There follows two structures for intercession that are often used.

What do you notice?

In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ,let us pray to the Father.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith.

Strengthen N our bishop and all your Church in the service of Christ, that those who confess your name may be united in your truth, live together in your love, and reveal your glory in the world.

Bless and guide Elizabeth our Queen; give wisdom to all in authority; and direct this and every nation in the ways of justice and of peace; that we may honour one another, and seek the common good.

Give grace to us, our families and friends, and to all our neighbours, that we may serve Christ in one another, and love as he loves us.

Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit …; give them courage and hope in their troubles; and bring them the joy of your salvation.

Hear us as we remember those who have died in the faith of Christ …; according to your promises, grant us with them a share in your eternal kingdom.

Rejoicing in the fellowship of [N and of] all your saints,

Merciful Father – Hear Our Prayer

A form of IntercessionIn the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ, let us pray to the Father. For the peace of the whole world,for the welfare of the Holy Church of God,and for the unity of all,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy. For N our bishop, for the leaders of our sister Churches, and for all clergy and people,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy. For Elizabeth our Queen,for the leaders of the nations,and for all in authority,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy.

For this community,for every city, town and village,and for all the people who live within them,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy. For good weather,and for abundant harvests for all to share,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy. For those who travel by land, air, or water,for the sick and the suffering,[for … ,]for prisoners and captives,and for their safety, health and salvation,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy.

For our deliverance from all affliction, strife and need,and for the absolution of our sins and offences,let us pray to the Lord.Lord, have mercy. Remembering [ … and] all who have gone before us in faith,and in communion with [ … and] all the saints,we commit ourselves, one another,and our whole life to Christ our God;to you, O Lord.

Dos and Don’ts

• Be consistent with whom you are addressing in each intercession: either Heavenly Father or Lord or Lord God or Almighty God or Holy Spirit or Jesus (Don’t swop around who you name with each intercession).

• Decide who you are addressing. Intercessions are to God, not to people. Always ask God to help. We believe God is in charge of the world.

• Keep it open, we trust that God is in control of the world and he will guide and help us in the dilemmas we face. Don’t tell God what to do. He knows what he’s up to.

• Make sure you don’t betray confidences in prayer. • Remember in at least one of your Intercessions to thank and

praise God. Don’t come with a negative shopping list of all the things you think God should sort out or you need to nag him about because he seems to have overlooked them.

• Don’t write an alternative sermon to try to influence or address Church policy making. You are doing intercessions on behalf of the congregation to God. This is not a place to show the preacher what you think they should have said!

• Feel free to be creative within the structure. Sometimes people include other prayers from other sources. This is great. Equally do not feel you have to reinvent the wheel every time

• Each intercessory section does not have to be too long. Two or three sentences on each theme are plenty.

• Don’t read it but pray it. Have rehearsed your script so you know what you’re praying for and when. If your heart is right with God, your prayers will be too

• Use Silence and pausing between each Section.• Don’t speak too quietly (you are addressing God but

not in your front room).• Don’t rush

What’s Wrong With These?Here are some intercessions.

Based on what you have learned discuss with your group / partner what you think might be wrong and give a better alternative.

Or if time- the bad intercessions guide- let’s write or suggest some examples!


All our senses - hearing, sight, touch, taste, smell – can be used. All things can be ‘God’s holy gifts for God’s holy people.’ (Common Worship Holy Communion Service, p.180)

In less formal services, especially all age worship, family and children’s worship, meditative groups etc it is good to experiment using a variety of things to help focus the prayer.

Alternatives!Candles Seeds Pebbles Glass beads Water AcetateSand Soil

Post-it notes Patchwork Pictures Icons Images on data projector Globe Food items Balloons Incense Anointing oil Nails (on Good Friday) Flowers (on Easter Sunday)


Using Silence,



Works of Art

Useful ResourcesA. Ashwin, The Book of a Thousand Prayers, Zondervan, 1996 Archbishops’ Council, New Patterns for Worship, CHP, 2002 Ed. P. Bradshaw & P. Moger, Worship Changes Lives: How it works, why it matters, CHP, 2008 Hear our Prayer – Gospel based for Sundays, Holy Days and Festival Years A, B, C, Canterbury Press, 2003 R. Chapman , The Intercessor’s Guide: How to Lead and Write Intercessory Prayers, Canterbury Press, 2007 R. Chapman , Leading Intercessions, Canterbury Press, 1997 S. Dakin, Praying with Stuff, Grove no.S107, 2008 A. de Lange & L. Simpson, How to … Lead the Prayers, Grove no.W169, 2002 J. Pritchard, The Intercessions Handbook, SPCK, 1997 J. Pritchard, The Second Intercessions Handbook, SPCK, 2004 I. Tarrant & S. Dakin, Labyrinths and Prayer Stations, Grove no.W180, 2004 S. Wallace, Multi-sensory Prayer, Scripture Union, 2000