interesting fatcs

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8/7/2019 interesting fatcs 1/25

By :

Gautam chadha

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Every morning at 5:30 a.m., six days a week , Anil 

goes jogging/running for 18 k m.

For two years, Anil has been doing yoga toimprove his running. His kids want him to win


A stickler for time, he reaches work at 9:30 a.m.

sharp and leaves by 9:30 p.m. He rarely changesthis routine.

He is quite the car f reak . He drives himself and is

fond of his Mercedes and Range Rover.

Anil is a Shiv bhak tand has done the KailashMansarovar parikrama twice. Before any big launch,

he makes a trip to Tirupati.

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When hockey star Dhanraj Pillai asked for his

autograph, they made a deal and gave each other 

their respective autographs. He is proud of the factthat Pillai had heard about his interest in long 

distance running.

When in Delhi, he stops at India Gate for two

minutes and eats a choco-bar ice-cream f rom ahandcart.

A vegetarian, his favourite food is baigan k a

bharta and chole . And for 25 years, roadside pav 

bhaji f rom Soli·s, Haji Ali.At 8 a.m., he begins a round of phone calls with

key employees.

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The list of highest salary-earners is led by Anil 

Ambani , the head of Anil DhirubhaiAmbani Group,

who draws a salary of over Rs 30 crore per annum.AnilAmbai was elected as an independent member

Rajya Sabha MP in June 2004. But he resigned

voluntarily on March 25, 2006.

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Mukesh ambani likes very basic food dal chawal,

roti, sabzi , etc.

He is a vegetarian. His favourite places are MysoreCaf e in Matunga.

When guests are home, he enquires what they

want to eat and ask s for it to be prepared.

Must have his father·s photo or the family photowith his parents and siblings in every room of the


The richest Indian spends Sundays with his mother

and children and catches up on movies. Has never celebrated a birthday except his 50th

one at the Jamnagar plant with his employees.

Colleagues claim they have never known him to

shout or lose his temper.

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Never leaves home without praying.

He is a very late riser« gets up at 10:30 in the

morning! Favorite heroes are SRK, Hrithik and Aamir Khan.

The business honcho reaches off ice at noon and

work s till midnight.

Ambani senior is never seen wearing brown shoes. Mukesh·s best f riends f rom the industry areAnand

Mahindra, Adi Godrej and Anand Jain, who was his


Nickname is Muk u; sisters and brothers-in law call him Muk s!

Loves expensive British cars. Always owned

executive cars Mercedes, Bentley and Maybach.

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Wears clothes similar to his dad; white shirt and

dark -coloured trousers. Has no knowledge of 

brands. If asked, he shrugs, wear anything that f itsme. Buys Provogue shirts often, so the company

makes shirts in his size in various colours.Will 

wear a tie, whether Satya Paul or Zodiac, if he likes

the colour.

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The combined wealth of the Ambani brothers works

out to USD 78.6 billion, making them the richestIndian family and the second richest family in the

world. While Mukesh Ambani·s assets are worth USD

53.9 billion, Anil Ambani·s companies are worth USD

24.7 billion.

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He was born in India at Sadulpur village, in the

Churu district of Rajasthan.

Lak shmi Mittal's daughterVanisha's $50 million wedding bash is marked as the most expensive 

wedding of the 20th century.

At least 1000 guests were invited to that occasion 

where a number of richest people, pop stars,singers, world's celebrities, business tycoons,

industrialists were present.

To join theVanisha Mittal's wedding f rom India to

France, 12 Boeing jets were hired for the guests.More than 10,000 f lowers, 45 prof essional cook s

and a grand wedding cake were some other 

f eatures in that occasion.

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Mittal Steel is the only truly global steel producer in 

the world with operations on 14 countries, spanning

4 continents. His residence at 18-19 Kensington Palace Gardens

which was purchased f rom Formula One boss

Bernie Ecclestone in 2004 for £57 million (US$128

million), making it the world's most expensive house.As of July 2010, Mittal is the richest man in Europe

and the f ifth richest in the world with a personal 

wealth of US $ 28.7 billion or £19.3 billion.

In 2006, after six months of negotiations and majoroppositions Mittal steel took over European steel 

giant Arselor SA for 26 billion euros ($33 billion),

becoming the world's largest 100 million tonne steel


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Have you ever thought why Ratan tata's name is

not in the list of billionaire' s club?

The reason is that, TATA Group's 96 companies are held by its main Company "TATA Sons" and the main 

owner of this TATA Sons is not RatanTata but various

charitable organizations developed and run by TATA

Group. Out of which JRD TATA Trust & Sir RatanTataTrust are the main. 65% ownership of TATA Sons

which is the key holding company of theother 96

TATA Group Company is held by various charitable 

organizations. So this 65% ownership of Tata sonsLimited is not ref lected on RatanTata's personal 

Financial Statement but on the various charitable 

organizations, and this is the reason why RatanTata is

notin the list of Billionaire club.

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His net worth in reality is more than Bill Gates and

Warren Buff et. So the good thing about Tata Group

is that, They do Charity out of their Money, Andthat is the reasonTATA Group has generated so

much of Goodwill over last 5 generations.

The Tata Group has donated a 220 crore ($50

million) to the prestigious Harvard Business School(HBS) to build an academic and a residential 

building on the institute·s campus in Boston,

Massachusetts. The new building will be called the 

Tata Hall and used for the institute·s executive education programmes. The amount is the largest

f rom an international donor in Harvard·s 102-year-

old existence.

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RatanTata is now keen on initiating a car which

runs on water. To make cars running on water 

RatanTata invested $15 million for initiating researches, said a scientist involved in the venture.

TATA Group is running 96 businesses in 8 business

sectors and out of which 28 Companies are 

publically listed on the various stock  exchanges.The 2009 annual survey by the Reputation Institute

ranked Tata Group as the 11th most reputable 

company in the world. The survey included 600

global companies. In 1998, Tata Motors came up with Tata Indica, the 

f irst truly Indian car. The car was the brainchild of 


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Under his dynamic leadership the group (United

Beverages) has grown into a multi-national 

conglomerate of over sixty companies. He started working while in college for Rs.400 a

month in his fathers' company.

His fatherVittal Mallya died in 1983 and Vijay Mallya

became the chairman of UB Group at an age of 28.Due to his playboy image the media said:" a playboy

has taken over UB.µ

Vijay Mallya does not think twice before f launting 

his wealth and he is also called Richard Branson of India.

Vijay Mallya got his f irst Ferrari at age 4 f rom his

father. Of course, it was a child·s version.

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Mallya loves jewellery. He sports a huge, diamond

studded ¶VJM,· bracelet on his right hand.

The entire partying image, Mallya·s a very religiousman. He goes on the Sabarimala pilgrimage every

year and on the last stretch walk s barefoot like 

any other devotee.

In 2004, he placed the winning bid of £175,000 forthe sword of Tipu Sultan at an auction in London,

and brought it back to India.

Mallya has accumulated about Rs. 14,000 crore 

worth of debt spread across his liquor and airlinebusinesses through costly acquisitions of global 

liquor companies like Whyte and Mack ay and a

bleeding balance sheet courtesy Kingf isher 


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The King of Good Times makes sure that every

aircraft he buys, f irst goes to Tirupati.

Vijay Mallya is the Chairman of the UB Groupand according to Forbes 2008, his net worth is

US $ 1.2 billion.

Vijay Mallya holds an honorary Doctorate of 

Philosophy in Business Administration.

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Bill Gates earns US$250 every SECOND,that¶s about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8

Billion a YEAR! If he drops a thousand dollar, he won¶t evenbother to pick it up because the 4 seconds hepicks it, he would¶ve already earned it back.

He can donate US$15 to everyone on earthbut still be lef t with US $5 Million f or his pocketmoney.

If you change all of  Bill Gate¶s money to US$1

notes, you can make a road f rom earth tomoon, 14 times back and f orth. But you have tomake that road non-stop f or 1,400 years, anduse a total of  713 BOEING 747 planes to

transport all the money.

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If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the37th richest country on earth.

If Microsof t Windows¶ users can claim US$1f or every time their computers hang because of 

Microsof t Windows, Bill Gates will be bankruptin 3 days!

At age seventeen, Gates had already writtenand sold his f irst computer program to his highschool f or $4,200.

At age 31 he became a billionaire.

Bill Gates is 40 this year. If we assume that hewill live f or another 35 years, he has to spendUS$6.78 Million per day to f inish all his moneybef ore he can go to heaven.

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