Interim Report Main Text

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7/23/2019 Interim Report Main Text 1/33




Towards preparing

a Detailed Project Report

or t!e re"italisation o FTII# P$ne

%& 'an$ar(# %)**

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+!apter Page

1. Introduction to the Group of Experts 3

2. Why this Interim Report? 5

3. An overview of the present cdemic pro!rmme "

#. $endin! exercises nd wor%&od' the extent of (c%&o! )

5. An&ysis of the conditions &edin! to the ccumu&tion of wor% 12

". $riority corrective mesures 22

*. $&nnin! for the physic& environment of the three cmpuses 2*

). Appendices nd chrts 33

Appendix A' $ersons interviewed (y the GoE

Appendix +' ,oordinted exercises s stipu&ted

in the -i&m win! sy&&(us with resources reuired

Appendix ,' An&ysis of the num(er of students nd

their pendin! wor%&od

Appendix /' Recommended wor% schedu&es for 5 (tches

to c&er the (c%&o!

Appendix E' 0ist of euipment to (e purchsedrented

nd personne& to (e en!!ed to c&er the (c%&o!

Appendix -' Estimte for proposed chn!es deve&opments

to the physic& environment of the three -II cmpuses

Appendix G' +ud!et 4ummry


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Introd$ction to t!e Gro$p o E-perts

n 6ovem(er 178 29198 the -i&m nd e&evision Institute of Indi :-II; ppointed Group of

Experts :GoE; to prepre /eti&ed $ro<ect Report :/$R; for the revit&istion of the

Institute.he /$R wi&& (e deti&ed set of inter=connected mesures proposed with view to

he&pin! the -II to (ecome centre of exce&&ence in the fie&d of cinem nd te&evision.

he mem(ers of the GoE

P . Nair# +!airperson:-ormer /irector8 6tion& -i&m Archive of Indi;

S!a/a 0aidi

:Writer nd production desi!ner;

Saeed Mir1a

:-i&mm%er nd writer;

.$ndan S!a!

:-i&mm%er nd writer;

Nac!i2et Patward!an

:Architect nd fi&mm%er;

S!aji N3 .ar$n

:-i&mm%er nd cinemto!rpher;

+!andita M$2!erjee

:-i&mm%er nd techer;

'a4een Merc!ant

:-i&m editor nd techer;

Hansa T!apli(al

:-i&mm%er8 writer nd techer;

. 'agadeeswaran

:-II stff representtive;

Sa/art! Di-it

:-II student representtive;

he GoE hs &so (een uthorised to t%e the dvice of others in the course of its wor% nd to

co=opt mem(ers s the need rises.


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he /$R wi&& consist of'

renewed vision for the Institute

n cdemic pro!rmme emer!in! from the vision


necessry infrstructure8 spce p&nnin! nd euipment


finnci& p&n to support this pro!rmme

desi!n for mn!ement of these resources

he GoE (e!n its wor% (y c&&in! for set of documents from the -II. >pon receipt of some of

the documents8 wor% on the /$R commenced in /ecem(er 29198 with the settin! up of the GoEs

office on the cmpus. Invittions were sent out to the fcu&ty8 stff nd students to come nd

shre their experiences with the GoE nd to m%e their su!!estions for the revit&istion of the


As word went out8 peop&e strted !ettin! in touch nd fixin! ppointments nd remr%(&e

process of enuiry too% off. We (e!n to understnd the present stte of the -II8 inc&udin! its

sy&&(us8 infrstructure8 euipment@ students8 fcu&ty nd stff stren!th@ nd dministrtive

functionin!. Aprt from physic& surveys8 the !roups mem(ers conducted extensive interviews

with the students8 fcu&ty nd stff on the cmpus8 ex=students8 retired fcu&ty nd experts in

the fie&d of eduction nd cu&ture. A &ist of the persons met is !iven in ,ppendi- ,.

As we su(mit this Interim report8 we re continuin! to wor% on the /$R. We hope tht some of

the reuested documents8 sti&& wited8 wi&& (e received (efore Bnury end. Accordin! to the

terms of reference8 the GoE wi&& su(mit its fin& report three months fter the commencement of

its wor%8 or t the end of -e(rury 2911.


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5!( t!is Interi/ Report6

As the GoE proceeded with its enuiry8 we fe&t tht n ur!ent set of issues8 risin! from the

(c%&o! of incomp&ete ssi!nments8 reuires immedite ttention. We found tht &r!e num(erof semi=comp&ete nd incomp&ete student pro<ects tht hve pi&ed up. 4ome of the students who

 <oined the -II in 29958 299" nd 299* hve sti&& not8 t the (e!innin! of 29118 comp&eted their

cdemic schedu&es. In effect8 three yer course is t present stretchin! on unti& sixth yer.

he sitution is cusin! tremendous strin to the students8 stff8 fcu&ty nd dministrtion. It

ffects the mor&e nd the efficiency of every person on cmpus. Aprt from compromisin! the

creers of scores of youn! peop&e who hve put their trust in this Institute8 this sitution is

spoi&in! the !ood nme of the -II.

,ommon sense te&&s us tht if we do not (e!in (y repirin! the !round f&oor of house8 we

cnnot (ui&d ny f&oors (ove it. he current stte of ffirs hs &ed the -II to peri&ous

sitution8 c&ose to (re%down. herefore8 (efore movin! to the /$R8 the first ts% of this GoE hs

to (e to su!!est wys nd mens8 in the short term8 to reso&ve the immedite crisis on cmpus.

Accordin!&y8 we re preprin! this Interim Report8 primri&y with the intention of presentin!

possi(&e method of c&erin! the (c%&o! nd (rin!in! the cdemic pro!rmme to the norm&

three yer durtion. We stron!&y fee& tht this is mor&&y (indin! on us. It is pu(&ic promise

mde t the time of dmission to the students nd to their !urdins8 who (er the finnci&

(urden of their extended eduction.

he propos& which is deti&ed in the fo&&owin! p!es inc&udes (ud!et nd time frme for

c&erin! && the pendin! exercises8 pro<ects nd other cdemic wor%8 there(y settin! the -IIs

timet(&e (c% on trc%.

hus8 insted of witin! ti&& the entire report is written8 we wou&d &i%e to first present n Interim

Report8 continin! n immedite ction p&n for the -II s first step towrds revit&istion.


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,n o"er"iew o t!e present acade/ic progra//e

At present8 the -II is divided into -i&m win! nd C win!8 with seprte fcu&ty8 euipment8

infrstructure nd courses of study offered in (oth.

+o$rses cond$cted c$rrentl( 4( t!e FTII8s Fil/ wing

he -i&m win! hs (een conductin! 3 yer courses in the (sic discip&ines of fi&mm%in! :-i&m

/irection8 ,inemto!rphy8 4ound Recordin! 4ound En!ineerin! nd -i&m Editin!; since its

inception in 17"1. hese four courses re the minsty of the Institute nd it is upon these tht

its reputtion rests. 4ince 299#8 the -i&m win! hs (e!un some shorter se&f=re&int coursesmr%ed (e&ow with n steris%. Dowever8 we cou&d not find ny evidence of this finnci&




Fil/ Editing 7 9ears *:;*

Fil/ Direction 7 9ears *:;*

So$nd Recording < So$nd Engineering 7 9ears *:;*

Motion Pict$re P!otograp!( 7 9ears *:;*

Screenpla( 5riting = * 9ear %))>

,cting = % 9ears %))>

,rt Direction < Prod$ction Design = % 9ears %))&

here hve (een other courses in Actin!8 4creenp&y Writin! nd $roduction n!ement durin!

intervenin! yers8 (ut the deti&s re not re&evnt in this context.

,ppendi- ? provides deti&ed n&ysis of the exercises nd pro<ects for ech course of the

-i&m win! s stipu&ted in the existin! sy&&(us8 nd the resources reuired for their comp&etion.


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he -IIs C Win! ws strted in 17*#8 with the intention of providin! in=service trinin! to

/oordrshn personne&. With chn!es in /oordrshns po&icies8 these ori!in& C trinin!

courses hve (een more or &ess phsed out.

4ince 29938 the C Win! hs conducted num(er of short courses in te&evision for students8 not

in service8 (ut who pp&y on their own. hese courses re &so offered on se&f=re&int (sis8

simi&r to tht of the new -i&m win! courses.



Tele"ision Direction = * 9ear %))7

Electronic +ine/atograp!(= * 9ear %))7

Aideo Editing = * 9ear %))7

TA ,$diograp!( < TA Engineering = * 9ear %))7

,ni/ation < +o/p$ter Grap!ics = *3& 9ears %))&

S!ort training co$rses or o$tside agencies %B7 wee2s# depending on

reC$ire/ents o clients


Interctions with techers nd students connected with these courses8 indicted tht these

courses do not specific&&y tech (rodcst te&evision8 (ut re more in the nture of short di!it&

fi&m m%in! courses.


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Pending E-ercises and 5or2load t!e e-tent o 4ac2log

>3* +$rrent stat$s o eac! 4atc!here re five (tches on the -II cmpus t present8 insted of the usu& three. wo of these

(tches re simu&tneous&y doin! the second yer course nd two re in the third. A sttement

of the pendin! exercises of ech (tch8 s of Bnury 2911 fo&&ows.

>3*3* ?atc! ad/itted in %))&

6um(er of students reminin!' %%

6um(er of exercises pendin!' )>

he (tch tht entered in 2995 ws supposed to hve finished the course in 299). Dowever8

three dip&om fi&ms re st&&ed in the fin& st!es nd &i%e&y dte of comp&etion does not seem

to (e in si!ht. In ddition8 one of the fi&ms mde s showcse for the Actin! (tch tht yer is

&so not yet redy for screenin!. echnic&&y8 it cn (e sid tht && the students ssocited with

these fi&ms re yet to comp&ete the course8 &thou!h most hve &eft the cmpus.

>3*3% ?atc! ad/itted in %));

6um(er of students reminin!' >%

6um(er of exercises pendin!' *&

he (tch dmitted in cto(er 299" shou&d hve finished the course in cto(er 2997. Dowever8

they re sti&& resident on the cmpus. 4hootin! for their dip&om fi&ms strted on&y s &te s

/ecem(er 2919. Accordin! to the current schedu&e on pper8 they hope to finish shootin! (y the

end of Apri& 29118 nd to finish sound mixin! nd m%in! mrried print (y Bune 2911.

>3*37 ?atc! ad/itted in %))

6um(er of students reminin!' ;7

6um(er of exercises pendin!' >: F 3rd yer wor%shops with !uest fcu&ty

he (tch dmitted in /ecem(er 299*8 now c&&ed the 4enior second yer8H shou&d hve

finished their course in /ecem(er 2919. Dowever they re t present comp&etin! their second

yer pro<ects :/i&o!ue fi&m nd Cideo /ocumentry;. hey re schedu&ed to comp&ete these

pro<ects (y rch 29118 fo&&owed (y their ssessment. After tht8 they wi&& strt their third yer8

which wi&& inc&ude two pro<ects :$&y(c% Exercise nd /ip&om -i&m; s we&& s wor%shops with

!uest fcu&ty. ne of the Actin! students dip&om fi&ms of the 299* (tch is &so due to (e

comp&eted within this period.


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>3*3> ?atc! ad/itted in %))

6um(er of students reminin!' &

6um(er of exercises pendin!' & F 3rd yer wor%shops with !uest fcu&ty

he (tch tht ws dmitted in cto(er 299)8 now c&&ed the Bunior second yer8H shou&d ide&&y

finish their course in Au!ust 2912. Dowever8 in terms of wor%8 they re current&y in the midd&e of

the second yer. Even within this second yer course8 cdemic nd wor%shop inputs hve (een

incomp&ete. herefore the students re unprepred to strt their yer endin! pro<ects :/i&o!ue

fi&m nd /ocumentry;. Accordin! to the current schedu&e8 this (tch is expected to (e!in these

reminin! second yer pro<ects on&y in y 2911.

>3*3& ?atc! ad/itted in %)):

6um(er of students reminin!' >

6um(er of exercises pendin!' > :for the first yer;

he (tch tht ws dmitted in /ecem(er 2997 is current&y finishin! their first yer endin!

pro<ects :/i!it& Cideo -i&m;. hey re expected to finish the first yer (y end -e(rury 2911 nd

(e!in the second yer in rch 2911.

>3% , loss or st$dents and t!e Instit$te

It my (e seen from the (tch=wise reports (ove tht three yer course hs (een virtu&&y

extended to five8 or even six yers. 4chedu&es re mde on pper every yer8 (ut no(ody is

confident of when wor% wi&& ctu&&y (e!in or end for ny pro<ect. A student who <oins with the

expecttion of &evin! within three yers8 is forced to sty on for over five yers.

his resu&ts in &oss for the students in terms of creer time8 s we&& ddition& expenditure. It is

&so to (e noted tht ech student pys fees on&y for three yers8 thou!h she or he remins on

cmpus for more thn five. his resu&ts in ddition& expenditure for the -II nd strin on the


4uch sitution hs &so creted con!estion in the hoste&s. 6ew&y dmitted students re forced

to sty outside t consider(&e expense8 (ecuse of the in(i&ity of the Institute to enforce the

comp&etion of courses (y (tch fter (tch of students. ther shred fci&ities on the cmpus re

&so stretched (eyond their &imits8 cretin! stress t && &eve&s.

his sitution hs (een !oin! on since 299#. It is now so much prt of &ife on the cmpus tht

ny fresh cndidte pp&yin! for the -II dmission8 we were to&d8 is reconci&ed to the ide ofstyin! for 5 yers to comp&ete three yer pro!rmme. Dow &on! cn this deteriorted stte of

ffirs (e &&owed to continue?


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>37 New st$dents ad/itted in spite o 4ac2log

In spite of this &rmin! (c%&o!8 the -II dministrtion went hed with dmissions for fresh

(tch in /ecem(er 2919. I!norin! the protests from students nd certin mem(ers of fcu&ty8

the dministrtion went hed with the written tests nd se&ections8 even co&&ectin! fees for the

new (tch8 m%in! the new dmissions fait accomplis.

his new (tch contins the hi!hest num(er of students yet dmitted8 (ecuse of the +, nd

other uots which hve (een fu&&y imp&emented this time. hese new entrnts hve pid their

fees8 (ut they hve not yet (een !iven dte for the commencement of their first yer on


he Institute uthorities indicted tht they were compe&&ed to !o throu!h with these so=c&&ed

dmissions to secure the nnu& !rnt=in=id from the inistry. his resonin! seems entire&y

un<ustified. 4uch dmissions on&y esc&te the &redy overcrowded sitution in the cmpus.

>3> St$dents o Tele"ision wing gi"en certiicates o co/pletion regardless o

s(lla4$s stip$lations

It is found tht the students <oinin! the five certificte courses of the C win! :/irection8

,mer8 Editin!8 4ound Recordin! C En!ineerin! nd Animtion; re expected to &eve the

Institute t the end of their offici& course durtion8 irrespective of the inputs received or

ssessment of their comp&eted exercises.

Whi&e interctin! with the fcu&ty of the C win!8 the GoE hs (een !iven to understnd tht

there is no (c%&o! for the five C courses. -rom our interctions with the students however8 we

fer tht the comp&etion of schedu&es my (e chieved (y hurryin! the students throu!h their

exercises without proper theoretic& nd prctic& inputs.

In the Animtion deprtment8 for instnce8 1# students were dmitted for n ei!hteen month

course in 299). he fin& pro<ect for their course is short nimtion piece c&&ed the ,ertificte

-i&m. ut of 1#8 on&y # such fi&ms hve (een comp&eted (y this (tch. In spite of tht8 their

course hs (een dec&red to (e over nd the students hve &eft without comp&etin! their pro<ects.

he prctic& experience of conductin! the te&evision courses seems to indicte tht the time

t%en &wys exceeds the &&otted #9 wee% period. 4ome fcu&ty mem(ers of these courses hveexpressed the opinion tht the &&oted time is not sufficient. oreover8 the num(er of students

hve (een incresin! (ecuse of the +, uot.


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o de& with this sitution8 the uthorities %eep cuttin! down the exercises. -rom ) exercises in

29938 the C (tch did 5 exercises in 2919 nd this yer it is proposed tht they wi&& (e reduced

to 3. It ppers tht these chn!es re mde r(itrri&y without referrin! to the Acdemic


A&& fi!ures hve (een provided (y the -II dministrtion8 fcu&ty nd students.

,ppendi- + contins deti&ed chrt showin! the num(er of students nd pendin! pro<ects


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,nal(sis o t!e 4ac2gro$nd leading to t!e present acc$/$lation o projects

&3* +!anges /ade to t!e ,cade/ic pattern since *::

5.1.1 4ince the &te 1779s8 -II hs (een under pressure to revmp its cdemic

structure nd mr%et itse&f (y introducin! short term courses to (rin! in revenue. 4uccessive

/irectors hve repeted&y &unched hsty p&ns in response to this impertive8 without m%in!

the necessry preprtions nd i!norin! experiences of previous experiments. Whi&e mr%etin!

nd ernin! revenue re not o(<ection(&e !o&s8 the resu&tin! repercussions on the eduction&

pro!rmme hve extended fr (eyond the tenures of the dministrtors who initited them.

A p&n for expnsion of n eduction& pro!rmme cnnot (e reduced to showin! the potenti&

for revenue &one. It hs to t%e into ccount wht -II represents to the ntion8 its contri(ution

to the cu&tur& &ife of Indi cross the five decdes of its existence nd how this cn continue into

the future even s the Institute moves with the times.

5.1.2 In 177*8 it ws decided tht the durtion of && the courses (e chn!ed to two

yers insted of the existin! three. -i&m /irection ws converted into post=dip&om course

which wou&d on&y dmit students who hd &redy speci&ised in one of the technic& discip&ines

t -II8 or their euiv&ent8 in other institutions. 4ide (y side8 short courses were introduced in

$roduction8 Art /irection nd Actin!. Dowever8 this scheme ws (ndoned within yer. he

new short term courses hd neither the infrstructure nor the fcu&ty to support them. he post=

dip&om /irection course ttrcted on&y three dmissions m%in! it unvi(&e. herefore8 the

experiment ws discontinued.

5.1.3 /espite this set(c%8 in 29998 new experiment8 %nown s the 1F1F1 p&n ws

hurried&y introduced (y the dministrtion. his p&n envis!ed tht certin num(er of students

wou&d (e !iven comp&etion certifictes nd s%ed to &eve the Institute t the end of ech yer.

It ws decided to dmit twice the num(er of students to the first yer :)9 insted of #9;8 (ut

these students wou&d (e trined for on&y one yer. >pon comp&etin! the yer8 on&y #) students

wou&d (e re=dmitted for second yer of speci&istion8 t the Institutes discretion.

4u(seuent&y8 on&y 32 of them wou&d (e re=dmitted to the third yer.


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In order to fci&itte this process of weedin! out students8 certin chn!es were mde to the -II

sy&&(us t this time. ne of these sy&&(us chn!es hs now (ecome m<or fctor in the

present (c%&o!8 s deti&ed &ter in this chpter.

he 1F1F1 p&n ended in disster. he &&ottin! of speci&istion su(<ects nd termintion of

students t the end of the first nd second yers8 creted hu!e resentment. At the end of three

yers8 the -II ws fced with the prospect of m%in! 1" dip&om fi&ms insted of the p&nned ).

his &ed to the first serious (c%&o!. -or the first time in the Institutes history8 the entire (tch

hd to remin on cmpus for over four yers to comp&ete their courses of study.

he num(er of entrnts ws (rou!ht (c% to the previous pttern of (out #9 from the next

dmissions in 2991. Dowever8 in the decde since8 && su(seuent (tches hve hd to fce the

repercussions creted (y the pi&ed up wor% of their seniors. In spite of the discontinution of the

1F1F1 pttern8 the chn!es it (rou!ht8 :inc&udin! the up!rded /i&o!ue fi&m8 see 5.#.2 (e&ow;8

were retined nd the (c%&o! nd extended period of sty on cmpus (ecme perpetu&

feture of &ife on the cmpus.

&3% Introd$cing selBreliant co$rses wit!o$t adeC$ate preparation

5.2.1 4ever& new courses hve (een strted (y the -II since 2993. hese inc&ude -i&m Actin!8

Art /irection8 4creenp&y Writin!8 Animtion nd ,omputer Grphics nd four certificte courses

in te&evision. he nnu& fees for these new courses re si!nificnt&y hi!her thn those of the

trdition& fi&m courses. It ws shown on pper tht these fees wou&d cover the ddition& costs

the courses wou&d crry8 m%in! them se&f re&int8 hence they re %nown s the se&f re&int


he GoEs interviews with -II fcu&ty8 stff8 students nd ex=students mde it c&er tht the new

courses were strted with insufficient thou!ht nd p&nnin!. Whi&e sy&&(us my exist on the

fi&es8 it hs not (een vi&(&e to the students or !uest fcu&ty for reference. 6ecessry provisionws not mde in the nnu& (ud!et for fcu&ty nd stff8 euipment nd infrstructure to tech

these new pro!rmmes. In some cses8 the concerned Deds of /eprtment did not hve the

reuired expertise to desi!n the cdemic pro!rmmes of such courses. In fct8 prt from

4creenp&y Writin!8 these courses hve (een functionin! on improvised curricu&.

here ws &redy history of strtin! courses which cou&d not (e sustined. 4imi&r courses in

Art /irection nd Actin!8 for exmp&e8 hd (een strted in 177* nd discontinued nd these

experiences cou&d hve (een used to vert predict(&e pro(&ems in this new effort.


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ut of the se&f re&int courses runnin! t present8 4creenp&y Writin! is the on&y one functionin!

on schedu&e. his my (e prt&y (ecuse writin! reuires minim& infrstructure nd the students

do not hve common c&sses or coordinted prctic&s with the other deprtments.

5.3.2 he Accounts /eprtment hs confirmed tht the -II does not mintin ny seprte

ccounts for the se&f=re&int courses. n n&ysin! the ctu& conditions on cmpus8 it is c&er

tht the out!oin!s of these courses exceed the fees co&&ected from the students. A prt of the

expenditure to support these courses o(vious&y comes from the common (ud!et vi&(&e to the

Institute s who&e nd !ets ms%ed s these re not ccounted for seprte&y.

&37 Increase in t!e n$/4er o seats wit!o$t a corresponding increase in personnel#

inrastr$ct$re and eC$ip/ent

Accordin! to the Reservtion Act pssed in 299"8 eduction& institutions inc&udin! the -II were

reuired to reserve 59 per cent of sets for we%er sections of society inc&udin! 4chedu&ed

,stes8 4chedu&ed ri(es nd +,s. Dowever8 it ws mndted tht the num(er of !ener&

cte!ory sets &redy in existence shou&d not (e reduced. Insted8 the tot& num(er of sets

were to (e incresed in such wy tht 59 per cent cou&d (e reserved8 %eepin! the num(er of

!ener& cte!ory sets unchn!ed.

he -II imp&emented the order in phsed mnner8 !rdu&&y incresin! the student stren!th in

ech speci&istion from the ori!in& 19 to 128 then 1# nd eventu&&y to 1*. When this fu&& uot

is imp&emented8 it wi&& men tht in p&ce of #9 students per (tch8 which the system is !ered

to support8 ") students wou&d enter into the four (sic fi&m courses ech yer. enwhi&e8 the

Actin! nd Art /irection (tches8 which were dmittin! &r!er num(ers from their inception8 wi&&

increse their int%es even more.

We understnd tht eduction& institutions &i%e the IIs nd IIs which hd to fce simi&r

situtions re!rdin! the imp&ementtion of the reservtion uots8 were either !iven ddition&

fundin! or were permitted to de&y the imp&ementtion of the uot unti& such ddition&(ud!etry &&otments were snctioned.

In the -II8 correspondin! increse in (ud!etry &&octions &edin! to u!menttion of

fci&ities such s hoste&s8 studio spce8 euipment8 fcu&ty etc &!!ed (ehind. Accordin! to the

/en :-i&ms;8 the -II hd sou!ht n ddition& (ud!etry &&oction whi&e incresin! the num(er

of sets under this new uot8 (ut this ws not !rnted (y the inistry. $erhps if the -II hd

fo&&owed po&icy simi&r to the other institutions8 the incresed num(ers cou&d hve (een

ccomodted more smooth&y.


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&3> Fa$lt( i/ple/entation o s(lla4$s# ad !oc c!anges and lac2 o s(ste/atic

s(lla4$s re"iews

5.#.1 After the fi&ed experiment with new courses in 177* nd the su(seuent protests8

the -II ppointed 4y&&(us Review ,ommittee consistin! of ex=students prcticin! in the fi&m

industry8 Institute fcu&ty nd student representtives. his committee mde series of

recommendtions which wou&d hve reuired fresh euipment8 infrstructure nd techin! in

order to (e proper&y imp&emented. ht sy&&(us ws not imp&emented (y the Institute t the

time. Insted it em(r%ed on n intern& sy&&(us review tht dr!!ed on for the next two yers.

5.#.2 In 17778 new sy&&(us ws produced (y the fcu&ty nd the then /irector to

ccommodte the students of the experiment& 1F1F1 (tch. It ws decided tht there shou&d

(e one comp&ete fi&m mde (y students t the end of the second yer8 the /i&o!ue fi&m8 which

they cou&d show s their wor% outside. Accordin!&y8 the norms for this exercise were chn!ed

+efore this8 the /i&o!ue exercise hd served s the min instrument of ev&ution for the

second yer. Where er&ier8 the fin& edited wor% print with seprte soundtrc% ws su(mitted

for ev&ution8 the reuirement now ws tht of fu&&=f&ed!ed fi&m with mixed trc% nd

mrried print. An pprent&y sm&& nd (enefici& chn!e t the time8 the decision wou&d hve

tremendous repercussions in &ter yers.

5.#.3 In /ecem(er 29998 nother sy&&(us ws produced when the -II decided to revert

(c% to the 3=yer structure. After the discontinution of the 1F1F1 pttern8 the /i&o!ue fi&m

with mrried print ws never ro&&ed (c% to its ori!in& form. It (ecme permnent fixture of

the 3 yer course.

5.#.# In 29938 yet nother sy&&(us document ws produced intern&&y (y the fcu&ty nd


5.#.5 4ince then8 there hve (een sever& d hoc chn!es mde without referrin! to the

Acdemic ,ounci&. -or exmp&e8 from (ein! (&c%=nd=white fi&m8 the /i&o!ue fi&m wschn!ed into co&our fi&m with !rded print in 299". As the -II tried to dopt successive new

techno&o!ies8 more chn!es cme8 for exmp&e from 29198 the sound (tch :which <oined in

299*; were !iven the choice of mixin! the /i&o!ue fi&m on di!it& or n&o!ue systems. he

editin! students of the sme yer opted to edit their fi&ms on non=&iner systems s their fin&

ssessed pro<ects.

5.#." Er&ier8 students hd used the existin! studio sets which they dressed to suit their

scripts. At some point8 it ws decided tht the Art /irection students whose course ends in thesecond yer8 wou&d (e !iven the opportunity to construct sets for the /i&o!ue fi&ms. hey now


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perceive it s their showcse pro<ect8 nd m%in! &ofty8 expensive sets hs (ecome trend. his

hs &ed to further time extensions.

5.#.* In 299"8 the Actin! course ws (e!un without hvin! fixed sy&&(us nd norms in

p&ce8 despite sy&&(us hvin! (een prepred (y tem of ex=students. It ws &so decided (y

the then /irector tht speci& /ip&om -i&ms wou&d (e produced (y the -II8 with outside tems

(ut inside euipment8 s showcse for the Actin! (tches.

A&& this hs contri(uted immense&y to the pi&eup of wor% s such pro<ects strin the vi&(&e

resources nd infrstructure. he introduction of such d hoc chn!es &ed to drmtic increse

in the time consumed nd comp&ete deri&ment of schedu&es of && exercises usin! the sme


5.#.) As &te s 29978 4y&&(us Review ,ommittees were ppointed in different su(<ects8

nd they (e!n their wor%. Dowever8 (efore the mem(ers of these committees fu&&y endorsed

the fin& document8 new sy&&(us ws p&ced (efore the Acdemic ,ounci& in /ecem(er 2919

nd pssed. he GoE ws informed (y some of the 4y&&(us Review ,ommittee mem(ers tht

the process ws not stisfctori&y comp&eted. It ppers tht the Institute is preprin! to &unch

yet nother sy&&(us which hs not (een fu&&y formu&ted8 for the incomin! (tch.

oreover8 the dministrtion shou&d im to (ui&d process of community consensus with the

fcu&ty nd students t the time of such chn!es. >n&ess process where && prticipnts cn

discuss the deti&s open&y is initited8 possi(&e contention is invited once !in.

&3& Proceeding wit! res! ad/issions 4eore clearing pre"io$s 4atc!es

5.5.1 -or the pst three yers8 incomin! students hve (een dmitted nd then hve

hd to wit for vryin! periods so tht hoste&s8 studios8 cmers nd other fci&ities cou&d

(ecome vi&(&e for them fter their seniors hd comp&eted their wor%. After comp&etin! their

first yer8 these students hve (een mde to wit yet !in to commence their second yer.

ime t(&es were creted (y the fcu&ty8 tryin! to fit && the wor% into the &&otted time frme.

hey my hve ppered to wor% on pper8 (ut in re&ity they cou&d not (e imp&emented due to

rn!e of resons inc&udin! unre&istic schedu&in!8 c&shin! demnds on infrstructure nd

euipment8 compounded (y &c% of prepredness of students nd &c% of !uidnce (y fcu&ty.

5.5.2 he /en :-i&ms; exp&ined the prctice of proceedin! with fresh dmissions (efore

c&erin! the previous (tches s pr!mtic mesure. >n&ess the -II dmits new students tothe fi&m courses every yer8 it stnds to &ose its primry source of fundin!8 the nnu& p&n !rnt.


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he precedent for this prctice is pprent&y court order pssed round 1777. It directed the

Institute to dmit new students fter the -II hd dec&red two Jero yers in succession8 nd hd

on&y one (tch in its fin& yer on the cmpus. Dowever8 the text of tht order8 which ws !iven

to prevent mismn!ement of pu(&ic funds nd infrstructure8 hs possi(&y (een misinterpreted

nd &e!& opinion needs to (e t%en on its pp&ic(i&ity to the present sitution where so mny

(tches co=exist on the cmpus.

&3; Pro/oting st$dents8 e-ercises as inis!ed il/s

5.".1 he -IIs /ip&om fi&ms8 which represent the cu&mintion of every students

trinin!8 hve consistent&y won wrds t fi&m festiv&s in Indi nd (rod. With the exp&osion of

video nd di!it& medi8 there hve (een !rowin! num(er of short fi&m festiv&s round the

wor&d. With the Internet8 it hs &so (ecome esy to ccess nd enter ones wor% in these

festiv&s. As resu&t8 not on&y /ip&om fi&ms (ut even first nd second yer student exercises

hve (een prticiptin! in such events.

5.".2 hus8 there is tendency mon! some students to convert exercises into fu&&y

finished fi&ms for festiv& entry. his resu&ts in distortion of the specific &ernin! o(<ectives of the

exercise nd extr time is t%en on vi&(&e fci&ities. In the (sence of monitorin!8 students

see%in! perfection crry on with post=production wor% on their pro<ects fr (eyond the &&oted

time. 0imits re not enforced (y fcu&ty8 there is unhe&thy competition for extr fci&ities8 nd

exercises further down the &ine re %ept witin!8 ddin! to the (c%&o!.

5.".3 With re!rd to invittions to the Institute for wor%s to (e sent for festiv&s8 the

/irector to&d the GE tht tht there is se&ection pne& in p&ce nd tht the process of

se&ectin! fi&ms for festiv& prticiption is trnsprent. he students8 however8 ssert tht

se&ection is r(itrry nd they perceive these opportunities s fvours !rnted to few.

&3 @ac2 o /ec!anis/s to /onitor /aintenance o ti/e sc!ed$les and prod$ction4$dgets

5.*.1 n pper8 every student pro<ect hs fixed timet(&e in terms of the num(er of

shifts nd dys for pre=production8 shootin!8 editin!8 sound mixin! nd !rdin! of print.

Dowever8 the uthorities do not pper to monitor these schedu&es to ensure tht the timet(&es

re dhered to. In cse of &pses8 there re very few inititives to pen&ise the ones whose

ctions ffect the timet(&e of the entire (tch8 nor effort (y the dministrtion to ensure tht

the pro(&em does not occur !in.


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5.*.2 /e&ys &so t%e p&ce from the Institutes side. Euipment hs (een %nown to fi&

due to fu&ty mintennce8 power cuts hve disrupted schedu&es8 &(ortories hve cused

de&ys nd the office (ureucrcy my t%e dys to o(tin one si!nture for the re&ese of

reuired fci&ities. here is no ccount(i&ity for such &pses8 s resu&t of which they hppen


5.*.3 Every student pro<ect hs (ud!et &&octed to meet production expenses8 t

present it is Rs 1.25 &%hs for the /ip&om fi&m. Dowever8 there is no mechnism to prevent the

more ff&uent students from spendin! their own money to u!ment the fci&ities provided (y the

Institute. he /irector exp&ined tht it ws &most impossi(&e to monitor production expenses

which re often not direct&y visi(&e.

he trend of se&f=fundin! cretes disprities nd &eds to excessive time (ein! spent on pro<ects.

ost pro(&emtic is the fct tht the dded production v&ues emer!in! from the m&prctice re

not discounted t the time of ssessment. he &ernin! seems to (e tht f&outin! the norms on

expenditure my ctu&&y (rin! one credit in the end.

5.*.# he GoE ws surprised to find tht it ws &most s if the Institute hd (ecome

production fci&ity which provides (sic pc%!e8 nd ech c&ient dds items of his or her

preference to it8 (y pyin! extr for it person&&y.

A prticu&r&y shoc%in! exmp&e ws tht of student hirin! nd (rin!in! in outside &i!hts nd

crne into the cmpus for /i&o!ue fi&m shootin!8 nd su(seuent&y sendin! the ne!tive to

Dyder(d for processin! nd di!it& intermedite wor% t her own expense. 6o ction ws t%en

either !inst the student or the fcu&ty mem(er responsi(&e for monitorin! tht pro<ect. his is

dn!erous trend which needs to (e cur(ed.

5.*.5 As there is no ccount(i&ity8 ech deprtment interviewed (&med the others for

the de&ys nd excesses. hose hi!her in the chin of commnd (&med their <uniors insted of

cceptin! responsi(i&ity for the &pses of those who report to them.

&3 F$nctioning o ac$lt( and need or /ore ac$lt( posts

5.).1 he Institute is desperte&y short of techers nd mny of the pro(&ems &&uded to

here re due to the &c% of trined fcu&ty to !uide the num(ers of students (ein! dmitted. It is

we&& %nown tht num(er of fcu&ty posts t the -II were &&owed to f&& vcnt over the yers.

As no prompt ction ws t%en to fi&& them up8 the posts &psed nd were deemed to (e

(o&ished. he /irector informed the GoE tht over 39 re=creted fcu&ty posts re now witin!pprov& (efore the inistry nd it is hoped tht these wi&& come throu!h (y rch 2911. It

wou&d he&p the sitution tremendous&y if this hppens.


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5.).2 In recent yers8 sever& vetern heds of deprtments who hd !uided the

techin! t the Institute for decdes hve retired. Even thou!h their dtes of retirement were

%nown we&& in dvnce8 no systemtic efforts were mde to find rep&cements for them in time.

An exmp&e is tht of the deprtment of -i&m /irection8 &eft without hed or even sin!&e

permnent techer (etween 299* nd 2997.

5.).3 he o&der techers who do remin in their posts re overwor%ed. ny re

unfmi&ir with new techno&o!ies. If they hve to tech students to wor% with new euipment

(ein! purchsed8 they need to t%e refresher courses. Dowever it seems there is no scope to

!ive them time off for such studies8 due to short!e of personne& for dy=to=dy techin!.

5.).# When the &c% of fcu&ty reched crisis proportions8 d hoc funds were snctioned

to hire techers on short term contrcts8 usu&&y rn!in! from one month to six months. ody8

&& the deprtments hve hi!her num(er of extern& contrct techers thn re!u&r fcu&ty.

hese techers hve no sy in decision m%in! within their deprtments8 nd the unst(&e terms

of their emp&oyment m%e it difficu&t for them to intervene in ny menin!fu& wy. he s&ries

of these techers re fixed in n d hoc nd non=trnsprent mnner8 ccordin! sever& of them

who met the GE. 4ome expressed resentment re!rdin! ineuities on pyments8 housin! nd

other service conditions.

A(rupt termintions or non=renew& of contrcts re common. his c&imte discour!es those

who hve n interest in techin! nd %eeps them from cceptin! ssi!nments t the -II.

&3: Maintenance o old eC$ip/ent and p$rc!ase o new eC$ip/ent

5.7.1 ne of the continued pro(&ems t the Institute hs (een tht of euipment

(ecomin! worn out nd unservice(&e due to wer nd ter. -or instnce8 the 4teen(ec%

mchines in the editin! deprtment re over twenty yers o&d nd it is difficu&t to !et spre prts

for them. Euipment in the sound nd cmer deprtments nd the fi&m &(ortory is simi&r&yo&d. hou!h wor%in! with such euipment my s&ow down wor%8 some of the fcu&ty re of the

opinion tht the o&d euipment hs n importnt eduction& ro&e nd they wi&& %eep them !oin!

s &on! s is possi(&e.

5.7.2 he -II hs purchsed new euipment in recent yers8 (ut these hve sometimes

(een cuired with insufficient (c%!round %now&ed!e. 4ometimes this resu&ts in the purchse of

unsuit(&e or incomp&ete sets of items8 such s demo versions of softwre8 cmers without

&enses8 te&ecine mchine without timecode reder or di!it& cmer without crd reder.


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A !&rin! exmp&e is the /o&(y 5.1 sound studio. his is fu&&y euipped8 stte of the rt sound

mixin! fci&ity. Dowever8 due to the -II (ein! un(&e to meet the fu&& &ist of technic&

reuirements8 the studio hs (een un(&e to o(tin &icense from /o&(y. As resu&t8 the studio

cnnot (e used for the mixin! of dip&om fi&ms nd the Institute hires studios in um(i for the

purpose in spite of hvin! this fci&ity on cmpus.

4ometimes8 new&y rrived euipment is not commissioned for months nd even yers due to &c%

of trinin! of the fcu&ty nd stff who re to run it. 4ometimes8 there is no one pproprite

ppointed for the <o(. he 4mo%e mchine in the Animtion deprtment is cse in point.

4uch com(intions of poor mintennce8 &c% of trined personne&8 fu&ty purchse po&icies nd

commissionin! of inpproprite euipment hs p&yed m<or ro&e in perpetutin! the (c%&o!.

&3*) ,cade/ic inacti"it( and lengt!( periods o st$dent a4sence

5.19.1 With the yer=round routine disrupted nd &c% of or!nised cdemic

ctivities durin! the periods of de&y8 students re &eft to their own devices for wee%s t time.

As n outcome8 n nom&ous sitution hs deve&oped over the yers on the cmpus.

5.19.2 4ome !o home for extended periods. ny see% profession& ssi!nments

outside s ssistnts for monetry (enefits. When they !et such <o(s8 they tend !ive these

priority over their -II schedu&e. hou!h there hd (een n em(r!o on doin! profession& wor%

nd students in the pst hd (een pen&ised for it8 students ttendnce is no &on!er monitored.

n the contrry8 wor% schedu&es re often revised or pro<ects put on ho&d to wit for crew

mem(ers to return from their outside <o(s.

5.19.3 It pper tht consensus hs deve&oped mon! students tht the on&y

menin!fu& &ernin! ctivity t -II is em(edded in the coordinted student exercises. -i&m

screenin!s8 redin!8 prticiption in discussions nd other ctivities is re&e!ted to second p&ce.

Even when visitin! fi&mm%ers ddress the students nd speci& wor%shops nd seminrs rehe&d8 the ttendnce is sprse. his indifference indictes serious under&yin! pro(&ems in the

techin!=&ernin! process t the Institute.

&3** Una"aila4ilit( and inaccessi4ilit( o ac$lt( at cr$cial j$nct$res

5.11.1 ,urrent&y8 it is found tht the re!u&r fcu&ty mem(ers8 inc&udin! heds of

deprtments8 re (sent from their deprtments nd offices for &on! periods. hey rrive &te8t%e h&f dys off nd remin (sent for mny dys t time. Administrtive decisions

sometimes remin pendin! due to the (sence of these fcu&ty mem(ers. $rticu&r mention


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must (e mde of the -i&m Actin! course8 whose Ded :ppointed on contrct; remins

unvi&(&e to students for more thn h&f the dys of every month8 with no other fcu&ty

ppointed s second in commnd to see to the dy to dy runnin! of the deprtment.

5.11.2 4tudents8 who re sti&& &ernin!8 wor% unsupervised nd experiment &one with

euipment8 &ernin! on the <o(. -unctionin! without !uidnce8 they %eep m%in! errors nd

(ecome used to t%in! more nd more time to comp&ete their wor%.

5.11.3 Whi&e those with fu&& time permnent <o(s remin (sent without pen&istion8 the

extern& fcu&ty on contrct cnnot t%e even dys &eve without hvin! their s&ry cut.


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Priorit( +orrecti"e Meas$res

he GoE hs (een entrusted with the ts% of cretin! mster p&n to revit&ise nd up!rde the

-II. ht p&n wi&& &oo% t the &r!er picture nd the &on! term !rowth of the Institute.

In the menwhi&e8 we propose certin corrective mesures to (e undert%en on priority (sis8

to tc%&e the crisis cused (y the (c%&o! nd (rin! the -II (c% to its norm& stte of three

(tches t ny !iven time8 (y rch 2913.

;3* Proposed sc!ed$les or co/pletion o pending e-ercises

hrou!h series of consu&ttions with the heds of the four deprtments' /irection8 ,mer8

4ound nd Editin! nd meetin!s with students of (tches dmitted in 299*8 299) nd 29978 the

GoE hs ttempted to devise set of deti&ed wor% schedu&es which wou&d (rin! the (c%&o! to

n end. Where there is short!e of euipment due to c&shin! demnds8 we hve indicted the

reuirements for finnci& support. o reduce costs8 we hve &so ttempted to ne!otite with

&umni for discounts on euipment nd fci&ities owned (y them.

his hs invo&ved !oin! (c% nd forth (etween the concerned !roups in order to rrive t

common consensus. In sitution where peop&e re on ed!e nd mistrustfu&8 this !reement is

t%in! time to t%e shpe8 (ut reson(&e time &ine hs (een chrted. Wht is tenttive&y

rrived t is represented (y the schedu&es tht fo&&ow.

;3% ?atc!Bwise re"iew till co/pletion

S no3 ?atc! 4( ad/n (r Sc!ed$le detail

1 299" /ip&om schedu&e

+tch psses out (y '$ne# %)**

2 299* $&y(c% son! schedu&e

299* /ip&om schedu&e

+tch psses out (y Marc!# %)*%

3 299) 2nd yer /i&o!ue schedu&e

299) 2nd yer /ocumentry schedu&e

299) 3rd yer $&y(c% son! schedu&e

299) 3rd yer /ip&om schedu&e

+tch psses out (y Sept# %)*%


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# 2997 2nd yer Action exercise schedu&e

2997 2nd yer /rmtic exercise schedu&e

2997 2nd yer /i&o!ue exercise schedu&e

2997 2nd yer /ocumentry schedu&e

2997 3rd yer $&y(c% son! schedu&e

2997 3rd yer /ip&om schedu&e

+tch psses out (y Marc!# %)*7

hese schedu&es re deti&ed in ,ppendi- D' step=wise8 from su(mission of script unti& re&ese


A&so ttched in ,ppendi- D re the cdemic yer c&endr nd comprehensive time&ine

chrt for the 299*8 299) nd 2997 (tches for n overview of the entire (c%&o!8 inc&udin!

vrious prctic&s nd wor%shops of && courses. he students of && the (tches hve &so (een

consu&ted nd hve (een !iven these schedu&es for their review.

o re!in the smooth functionin! of this p&ce8 it is prmount tht these schedu&es re stuc% to

nd executed proper&y. 4&ipp!es re (ound to occur8 so s%i&&fu& d<ustments hve to (e mde s

pro(&ems rise.

he stress nd short!e is m%in! peop&e despirin! nd cynic&. -u&t=findin! nd (&min!

mr%ed our converstions with fcu&ty8 students nd stff8 vititin! the m(ience of p&ce

devoted to &ernin! nd cretivity. he stte of the community ws pt&y summed up (y fcu&ty

mem(er' 6o one is hppy on this cmpusH. he next crisis tht rises my we&& &ed to c&osure.

his my (e the &st chnce we hve to re=or!nise the Institute8 nd it shou&d not (e missed.

;37 E/ergenc( inrastr$ct$re reC$ire/ents wit! 4$dget o$tla(

As exp&ined in the previous chpters8 the resources nd infrstructure of the Institute re

stretched to their &imits. he num(ers of students hve incresed8 the (c%&o! is continuous&ypi&in! up. It is c&er tht the existin! infrstructure8 euipment8 techers nd support stff re

indeute to cope with the wor%&od t present. Resources must (e o(tined from outside on n

emer!ency (sis. his must (e done (y hirin! extr euipment8 mnpower8 studios8 mentors nd

ny other infrstructure tht my (e reuired. -unds must (e snctioned for this purpose.

he fo&&owin! resources re ur!ent&y needed'

".3.1 ,mers' he schedu&e demnds 2=5 simu&tneous shootin!s durin! period of 1"months from 1# -e(rury 2911 to 13 Bune 2912.


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As such8 two Arrif&ex #35 cmers need to (e hired or purchsed ur!ent&y8 to u!ment the

vi&(&e euipment. If the Institute decides to purchse cmers8 provision shou&d (e mde

for rent& of two Arri #35s for t &est 199 shootin! dys over " months8 unti& the new cmers

rrive. here re &so options vi&(&e on&ine to (uy these cmers second hnd8 t one fifth the

cost. he comprtive costs of hire nd purchse re mentioned in ,ppendi- E3


".3.2 0i!hts' 4imi&r&y8 two extr units of &i!hts8 over nd (ove those vi&(&e with the

Institute8 re reuired for period of 1" months. he comprtive costs of hire nd purchse of

&i!hts re mentioned in ,ppendi- E3

".3.3 0i!htmen' o operte the extr &i!hts8 two units of five &i!htmen nd one

e&ectricin ech8 re reuired for period of 1" months.

".3.# o(i&e !enertors' With simu&tneous shootin!8 nd to overcome existin!

short!es8 more power is needed on &oction. womo(i&e !enertors of )9129 %w re reuired

to (e either hired or purchsed. he re&tive costs re mentioned in Appendix E.

".3.5 -ixed !enertor' 4ince power (re%downs nd &od sheddin! re freuent in $une

nd schedu&es re often interrupted on their ccount8 purchse of 259 %w fixed !enertor is

recommended to tide over power out!es for shootin!s nd post=production on the cmpus.

".3." Cehic&es' he Institute is sufferin! short!e of vehic&es t present. With more

simu&tneous ctivity8 there wi&& (e n even !reter need for trnsporttion. $urchse ndor hire

of ddition& vehic&es is recommended8 s out&ined in ,ppendi- E3

Gr-II8 the -II A&umni Assocition8 hs mde propos& to provide &o!istic& support for the

c&erin! of the (c%&o!. he ex=students hve vo&unteered to m%e vi&(&e euipment8 studios

nd other resources from mon! their networ% t hi!h&y discounted rtes8 nd these offers

shou&d (e exmined (y the Institute.

;3> Monitoring /ec!anis/s or eecti"e i/ple/entation

".#.1 4ince so mny productions re t%in! p&ce simu&tneous&y8 it is essenti& to t%e

the services of two &ine producers to ensure tht the schedu&es run on trc%. hey re needed for

minimum period of 1" months8 where the !retest crowdin! nd possi(i&ities for s&ipp!e

occur. hey hve to (e !iven the uthority to t%e cruci& decisions on the spot nd m%e

d<ustments s reuired.

".#.2 here is n extrordinry (ott&enec% in post=production sound. 4tudents report

difficu&ty with sync sound recordin!8 du((in!8 trc% &yin! nd mixin!. wo sound mentors re


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recommended for minimum period of 1" months to !uide sync shootin! nd post production


".#.3 ne of the cruci& resons for pro<ects !ettin! de&yed is unprepredness with

scripts. wo script mentors re recommended for the 299*8 299) 2997 (tches. hey wou&d

come to the cmpus for 19 dys every month8 for period of 1" months nd (e vi&(&e

throu!h e=mi& for consu&ttions s reuired.

/eti&s of personne& to (e hired8 their estimted s&ries nd other costs re mentioned in

,ppendi- E3

;3& Enorce discipline and acco$nta4ilit(

he present !rve crisis tht the institute fces is the outcome of tot& &c% of discip&ine nd

ccount(i&ity. Everyone invo&ved in the exercise of preprin! nd imp&ementin! the revised

schedu&e :students8 fcu&ty8 stff nd dministrtion; shou&d fee& eu&&y responsi(&e nd

mintin se&f discip&ine to ensure tht the schedu&es re %ept up.

-u&& ccount(i&ity must (e enforced for the stff nd && those supervisin! the students wor% s

we&& the students. In cse discip&ine is (reched (y nyone8 uic% nd firm ction must (e t%en

in trnsprent mnner.

;3; Strictl( c$r4 a4senteeis/ o st$dents and ac$lt(

".".1 4tudents who cnnot (e present t the ppointed time for wor%shops8 prctic&s

nd especi&&y for the comp&etion of pro<ects :for shootin!8 editin! nd sound mixin!;8 must

o(tin written permission in dvnce from the Deds of their /eprtments. If &eve is !rnted8

the Do/ must ensure tht the wor% crries on uninterrupted in the students (sence. If

necessry8 pendin! wor% shou&d (e comp&eted without the concerned student8 with herhis wor%

ssi!ned to fcu&ty mem(er.

In cses of (sence &edin! to re=schedu&in! or de&ys8 the concerned students (sence shou&d

ref&ect in the ev&ution done for tht pro<ect.

".".2 -cu&ty mem(ers who remin (sent from their posts must inform the

dministrtion (out the resons in writin!. Even if their pid &eve is due8 service ru&es shou&d

(e dhered to@ nd &eve !rnted to techers on&y if their (sence does not ffect the time&y

comp&etion of students wor%. 0eve shou&d not (e !rnted if students wou&d (e &eft unsupervised

in their (sence.-cu&ty mem(ers must show tem spirit nd co=operte with this system8 s prt of their responsi(i&ity towrds c&erin! the (c%&o!. It is on&y when they &ed (y exmp&e8

cn they enforce ny discip&ine mon! their students.


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;3 Set clear nor/s or t!e Fil/ ,cting st$dents diplo/a il/s and /a2e s$re t!at

t!e( are co/pleted on ti/e

>r!ent ttention must (e pid to the yer endin! pro<ects of the -i&m Actin! students. At

present8 it is unc&er from their sy&&(us when nd how their /ip&om fi&ms re to (e mde8 nd

they re commissioned in n r(itrry wy without ny fixed norms. hese fi&ms &so !et

inordinte&y de&yed in the m%in!8 nd dd to the (c%&o! crisis.

,&er norms must (e set nd dhered to for the Actin! courses fi&ms. hese must (e

communicted proper&y to && concerned8 nd comp&eted in time (ound mnner.

;3 .eep res! ad/issions on !old $ntil t!e 4ac2log is cleared

Keepin! in mind the revised schedu&e nd to void crowdin! nd new (c%&o!s8 fresh dmissions

must (e put on ho&d unti& the pendin! 2995 299" (tches hve &eft the cmpus. -resh

dmissions must &so (e restricted to Bu&y or Bnury of ech yer8 nd no (tches must (e

dmitted in (etween8 so tht the cdemic yer nd semesters cn (e fixed.

;3: Recon"ene t!e S(lla4$s Re"iew +o//ittees and co/plete t!e re"iew process

".7.1 he process of 4y&&(us Review must (e comp&eted. he 4y&&(us Review ,ommittees

must (e reconvened nd s%ed to comp&ete their wor% (efore ny new sy&&(i re introduced nd

the recommendtions endorsed (y the mem(ers of the ,ommittees.

".7.2 he sy&&(us for the Actin!8 Art /irection nd 4creenp&y Writin! courses8 s we&& s the

C Win!s courses must (e reviewed proper&y nd pproved (y the Acdemic ,ounci&.

hesecourses were not inc&uded in the 2997 sy&&(us review exercise.

".7.2 he dministrtion must ensure tht && infrstructure is proper&y in p&ce for the correctimp&ementtion of the new sy&&(us8 (efore (rin!in! it into effect.

;3*) Ens$re t!at FTII contin$es to li"e $p to its worldwide rep$tation

he Governin! ,ounci& shou&d (e conscious tht the Institute no &on!er en<oys the reputtion

tht it did in the pst. If the present sitution is &&owed to dr! on nd no immedite corrective

mesures re t%en8 the -II cou&d &ose its position s the premiere Indin institute of ntion&nd interntion& repute for &ernin! the rt nd techniue of cinem.


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Planning or t!e p!(sical en"iron/ent o t!e t!ree ca/p$ses

3* Introd$ction

ster $&ns for the three -II cmpuses :ori!in& $r(ht 4tudio premises on (oth sides of 0w

,o&&e!e Rod nd the new cmpus cross the hi&& cuired in the er&y )9s; were fin&ised (y

the end of 299" nd were pproved (y the Governin! ,ounci&. Dowever8 since then they hve

mere&y remined on pper.

4uch n institution& cmpus cnnot (e seen s series of iso&ted (ui&din!s8 (ut these shou&d (e

&octed hrmonious&y within (i! picture of the over&& environment. 4uch p&n8 in fct shou&d

(e the physic& mnifesttion of the vision of the Institute for the present nd the future8

representin! the spirtions of those who study nd tech here8 s we&& s the fi&m m%in!

community of the ntion.

>nfortunte&y8 the existin! structures on the -..I.I. cmpuses hve come up in pieceme&

fshion8 without ny systemtic thin%in! nd tody we find &most no options &eft for further

(ui&din! on the two cmpuses on either side of 0w ,o&&e!e Rod.

In this report we wi&& refer to the three cmpuses s $r(ht :with the ori!in& studios;8 4hrn

:with residences cross the rod; nd /rshn :for the new cmpus cross the hi&&;.

3% T!e c$rrent stat$s

*.2.1 ver the pst four decdes8 fter the -II cme into (ein!8 sever& (ui&din!s' the

+oys Doste&8 the /irectors residence8 the Gir&s Doste&8 C +ui&din!8 Editin! nd 4ound +ui&din!s

cme up on the $r(ht cmpus. At the 4hrn cmpus C hoste& ws nd two constructions

re on!oin! t present. n the /rshn cmpus re the stff urters nd (ui&din!s owned (y

/oordrshn nd 6-AI.

hey re && (ui&t in n d hoc mnner with no future expnsion in mind. It ppers they were

(ui&t hsti&y8 &most ccident&&y when funds were re&esed nd hd to (e spent in &imited time.

heir construction seems to i!nore site=specific dt &i%e contours nd ntur& fetures8 (ui&t s

they re in response to immedite nd desperte needs.

-or exmp&e8 in the /irectors residence8 there is no thou!ht for privcy of (ed rooms8 desi!ned

s it is with the %itchen nd service entry t the fr end of the pproch rod. he !r!e ws so

(ui&t tht vehic&es hve to !o && round the residence on tr rod tht hd to (e constructed s


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n fterthou!ht. he hoste&s were desi!ned nd (ui&t without ny concept of community spce

nd without reco!nisin! the timin! of it us!e for 2# hours :!inst &imited wor%in! hours of

cdemic nd menity spces;.

We were to&d tht previ&in! norms hve compe&&ed the Institute to function throu!h the ,ivi&

,onstruction Win! :,,W; of A&& Indi Rdio nd rchitectur& decisions hve (een most often

r(itrri&y t%en (y peop&e without the reuired trinin! or sensi(i&ity.

*.2.2 ur enuiries reve&ed tht there hs never (een ny ssessment of existin! spce

us!e8 intern& circu&tion8 movement to nd from (ui&din!s nd interction with other (ui&din!s

nd ctivities on the cmpus. 4uch spce udit is tody mndtory prt of ny mn!ement

p&n. In the Institute8 &r!e prt of such dt is or&8 (sed on ctu& us!e8 nd not

documented in ny mnner.

-or exmp&e8 the /rft > with /oordrshn provides for su(stnti& use of the studio (y C

students. his ddition& fci&ity cou&d re&ieve the reuirements of the $r(ht cmpus.

0i%ewise8 the 6-AI hs (ui&t vu&ts with 25L of the spce reserved for -II use. Existin! spce

on the $r(ht cmpus shou&d (e vcted nd && fi&m stoc%8 ne!tives etc stored in the vu&ts t

/rshn. his wou&d free up spce on the $r(ht cmpus for cdemic use.

*.2.3 4ometime in 29938 ster $&n ws initited in response to this sitution of

con!estion nd hphJrd !rowth. his consisted of set of specific drwin!s nd prticu&r

!uide&ines for the future. he effort continued for few yers :inc&udin! meetin!s with the then

4ecretry of the I + inistry; endin! in &te 299" with propos& for new in hetre :;

nd ,&ss Room hetre :,R;. his p&n ws pproved (y the G, nd si!ned (y the /irector for

presenttion to the $une unicip& ,orportion for its snction.

In the course of m%in! this propos&8 it ws discovered tht the -II hd &redy !iven n

undert%in! to the $une unicip& ,orportion to demo&ish the in hetre (efore the

comp&etion of the sound (ui&din! s the construction vio&ted minimum re!u&tions for firefi!htin! nd emer!ency movement round the (ui&din!. 6on comp&ince with this undert%in!

hs prevented the certifiction of the sound (ui&din! which in turn o(structs the necessry

insurnce cover8 prt from continuin! to (e sfety hJrd.

In the menwhi&e8 the ,,W scrutinised the propos& for new in hetre for &most yer.

he finnci& snction ws fin&&y received sometime in &te 299*8 (ut in er&y 299) this ws

summri&y set side t the (ehest of the inistry with the resonin! tht the Archives hetre

:setin! on&y 175; ws redy nd therefore the -II did not reuire nother thetre. 6o furthercomment is needed here re!rdin! the process of construction on the cmpus.


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37 Proposals

*.3.1 ody8 the $r(ht cmpus is in stte of sturtion with on&y the p&y!round t

the entrnce &eft s true open spce. he condition cn (e somewht re&ieved (y inititin!

process of reconstruction tht wi&& consist of structur& nd finnci& ssessments8 demo&ition of

the most redundnt structures nd deti&ed desi!n pro<ections of &terntive deve&opments.

It is recommended tht the p&n for new in hetre :; nd ,&ss Room hetre :,R;

&redy pproved (y the G, is revived nd snctioned8 nd necessry technic& processes (e

initited for imp&ementtion. If this is done efficient&y8 demo&ition &in%ed with construction of

proposed (ui&din!s cou&d (e undert%en for comp&etion of the new structures within 2# months8

tht is (y /ecem(er 2912.

*.3.2 he fo&&owin! four structures hve out&ived their ori!in& purpose' existin! in

hetre8 /irectors (un!&ow8 the Gir&s hoste& nd the ori!in& $r(ht ,hw& on the 4hrn

cmpus. Addition& d hoc structures &i%e toi&et (&oc%s nd sheds tht re unesthetic s we&& s

i&&e!& shou&d &so (e removed t this time.

he first three of the (ove &ist re neither ori!in& $r(ht period (ui&din!s nor do they hve ny

herit!e8 rtistic or uti&itrin v&ue. hey && hve &od (erin! w&&s8 without potenti& for m<or

&tertions or ddin! of f&oors (ove. he $r(ht ,hw& is &redy in di&pidted condition nd

shou&d (e vcted.

*.3.3 A c&erer po&icy for (ui&din! residenti& res is reuired@ hoste&s8 stff8 director

nd !uest rooms shou&d form n inte!rted residenti& community nd shou&d not (e iso&ted s

individu& units in different prts of the cmpus. his wi&& (e possi(&e on&y on the new 3" cre

/rshn cmpus cross the hi&&.

3> ,ction plan

3>3* Pra4!at +a/p$s

*.#.1.1 As with most cmpuses of ny stture8 we need to contro& vehicu&r trffic8 which

current&y reches every doorstep8 cretin! po&&ution8 distur(nce nd o(structs efficient wor%in!

on the cmpus. A &r!er pedestrin foot=print wi&& &ed to !reter (&nce with the

environment. An eco&o!ic&&y sound p&n hs to (e creted in consu&ttion with the who&e

community for it to (e tru&y effective. his wi&& inc&ude mintinin! service &in% to every

structure8 system for recyc&in! !r(!e nd (iode!rd(&e ntur& de(ris8 disposin! of p&stic

nd other eco&o!ic& concerns.


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*.#.1.2 /emo&ition of the in hetre :in %eepin! with the undert%in! !iven to

the $une unicip& ,orportion; wi&& crete centr& pedestrin p&J in the midd&e of the

cmpus. his wi&& provide much needed focus nd community !therin! spce round the

Wisdom ree re tht cou&d (e used for open ir meetin!s nd outdoor screenin!s nd concerts

on speci& occsions.

his existin! nd pproved p&n &so indictes or!nised pr%in! on the outer periphery of the

p&y!round8 n open ir mphithetre nd iso&tion of vehicu&r trffic from the centr& core of

the cmpus. his spce cou&d (e deve&oped into n eco=friend&y pedestrin Jone.

*.#.1.3 /emo&ition of the &dies hoste& nd directors residence nd construction of

four storied hoste& with centr& %itchen nd dinin! h&& :insted of the three existin! %itchens8

nd fourth one under construction; nd penthouse &eve& residence for the director.

*.#.1.# he re fcin! the 0w ,o&&e!e Rod :now the /irectors residence8;

shou&d (e seen s $hse II structure with rt !&&ery8 mu&tip&ex thetre :tht 6-/, nd the

,-4I cou&d (e invited to operte8; (oo% shop8 conference room nd other reuirements of future

-II outrech pro!rmmes.

*.#.1.5 he top f&oors of the C (ui&din! hve (een desi!ned for ddition&

construction. he ,o&&e!e of En!ineerin! hs &so certified tht s&opin! roofs nd &i!ht wei!ht

(&oc%s cn (e used for such dditions. ne such f&oor on the west win! of the C (ui&din! wi&&

provide 198999 s ft nd cn (e redy within six months.

here is n existin! snction of Rs. 2 crores for resource centre tht cn (e provided within this

C (ui&din! insted of (re%in! fresh !round e&sewhere. ur recommendtion is tht fter n

pproprite desi!n review8 the resource centre (e &octed on the !round f&oor nd other spces

(e redistri(uted within the (ui&din!.

*.#.1." he 4ound (ui&din! reuires some intern& modifictions nd coustic

tretments with the im of puttin! && sound students into one (ui&din!. his wi&& reuire re&oction of the Rdio -II.

*.#.1.* he ,&ssroom hetre :,R; (ui&din! reuires some up!rdin! nd

modifictions tht wi&& provide the /irection deprtment with n inte!rted spce nd their own



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3>3% S!aran +a/p$s

*.#.2.1 he top f&oor of the C hoste& cn ccommodte n ddition& f&oor. 4uch n

ddition wi&& ccommodte *2 (eds in sin!&e8 dou(&e nd trip&e seters8 nd cn (e redy within

six months.

*.#.2.2 We understnd tht CI$ urters nd fourth common %itchen is (ein!

constructed on the 4hrn cmpus thou!h we hve not hd the (enefit of studyin! the p&ns.

his seems n d hoc nd i&&=considered step. Douse=%eepin! in such !uest=houses reuires fu&&=

time profession& wor% nd is not vi(&e on sm&& sc&e. Given the previ&in! prctices8 CI$s re

&i%e&y to (e &od!ed in hote&s ner(y for their comfort. We recommend tht this construction (e

suspended immedite&y nd this (ui&din! (e re=desi!ned to meet one of the more immedite

housin! needs of the Institute.

*.#.2.3 here is &so new hoste& under construction with #9 trip&e seter rooms

for 129 students8 for which p&ns hve not (een mde vi&(&e to the GoE. It hs history. A

!rden nd p&y!round ws proposed on vcnt de(ris ridden p&ot (y some stff mem(ers8

towrds the end of 2997. he /irector responded to the ide nd inspected the open spces in

the 4hrn cmpus nd responded positive&y s%in! for propos& nd n estimte. he p&n

inc&uded pr%in! &on! the min rod w&& tht wou&d hve &eft the reminin! re free of


After some initi& wor% on &eve&in! the &nd nd c&erin! stones nd other de(ris (e!n8 it ws

nnounced tht hoste& ws now !oin! to (e (ui&t on the re (ein! prepred. he residents

too% up the issue with the /irector8 m%in! &terntive su!!estions8 however they were

overru&ed without ny discussion. he stff &so withdrew from the issue for fer of victimistion

nd construction (e!n in rch 2919.

he p&ntin! of 129 students in the midst of n &redy crowded stff residenti& re without

ny ho&din! or spi&& over re is most unfortunte. We were to&d tht two f&oors re (ein!

comp&eted on n emer!ency (sis to ccommodte "9 new&y dmitted students of 29198 whi&ewor% wi&& continue on two f&oors (ove. his is technic&&y n unvi(&e8 unsfe nd wstefu&

method of (ui&din!. 4ince the (ui&din! &redy stnds8 we recommend tht construction ctivity

(e h&ted t the current hei!ht m%in! it f&oor &ess thn p&nned nd the terrce (e mde into

roof top !rden for the residents of the 4hrn cmpus.

3>37 Dars!an +a/p$s

*.#.3.1 At present to rech the /rshn cmpus person exits the -II cmpus on0w ,o&&e!e Rod8 trve&s to 6& 4top vi Krve Rod nd the f&yover to $ud Rod8 t%es >

turn8 crosses throu!h sever& nrrow &nes8 to rech the new cmpus8 t distnce of # %m.


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Inte!rtion of the $r(ht cmpus with the 3" cre new cmpus /rshn cross the hi&&8 is

reuirement for convenient use. he cost of su(wy nd underpss to provide privte &in% of

399 metres (etween the two cmpuses my (e compred to the fue& nd trnsport expenses of

!oin! the # %m distnce (y existin! rods nd the former seems (etter investment in the &on!

term. he proposed su(wy nd underpss wi&& (e 159 meters &on! nd the rest of the route wi&&

(e under the open s%y.

0in%in! the two cmpuses &i%e this hs mu&tip&e (enefits. A permnent connection wi&&8 in effect8

m%e the two cmpuses into one conti!uous spce nd the connection cou&d (e for pedestrin

nd (icyc&es with motor vehic&es used on&y for emer!encies nd trnsport of hevy euipment.

his &in% cou&d (e used s n intri!uin! &oction for shootin!' s tunne&8 underpss nd other

under!round structures.

*.#.3.2 he new cmpus hs undu&tin! ntur& contours nd su(stnti& tree

cover. +oth these fetures wi&& en(&e wter hrvestin! nd deve&opment of &%e inside dense

(ut compct forest re. his wi&& (e (oon for shootin!8 (ein! noise=free8 iso&ted outdoor

&oc&e convenient&y &octed within city8 yet suit(&e for sync sound wor%.

*.#.3.3 In view of the di&pidted condition of the $r(ht ,hw&s nd the stff

urters on the 4hrn cmpus8 we recommend deve&opment of residenti& nd community

spces tht wi&& inc&ude the existin! stff (ui&din!. he estimted (ud!et provides for 298999

sure feet.

*.#.3.# 0st&y8 we recommend (ui&din! two modern8 mu&ti purpose studios with

service nd infrstructure fci&ities. here hve (een su!!estions for more e&(orte shootin!

fci&ities with structures for permnent rur& nd ur(n street settin!s8 mr%et8 ri&wy

sttion etc (ut these need not (e t%en up immedite&y. he deve&opment of the ntur& ssets

of the property re in themse&ves n inv&u(&e sset for use (y the Institute s we&& s for

!enertin! su(stnti& income t minimum expense throu!h outside productions nd events.

A pre&iminry estimte for proposed chn!es deve&opments to the physic& environment of the three

-II cmpuses is !iven in ,ppendi- F3


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,ppendices and +!arts