Interlanguage - • The systematic development of learner language lead...

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Abdulaziz Assanosi

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi


• The systematic development of learnerlanguage lead to interlanguage.

• Researchers view interlanguage from twopoints

• Behaviorists learning theory and mentalist(innatists or nativists) learning theory

• The systematic development of learnerlanguage lead to interlanguage.

• Researchers view interlanguage from twopoints

• Behaviorists learning theory and mentalist(innatists or nativists) learning theory

• The systematic development of learnerlanguage lead to interlanguage.

• Researchers view interlanguage from twopoints

• Behaviorists learning theory and mentalist(innatists or nativists) learning theory

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Behaviorist learning theory

• Based on classical and operant conditioning.

• Language learning is a set of habits, achievedby continuous practice.

• Learning happen when a learner respond tolinguistic stimuli and received reinforcement.

• The criticism directed to this theory as it isapplied only to L1.

• Based on classical and operant conditioning.

• Language learning is a set of habits, achievedby continuous practice.

• Learning happen when a learner respond tolinguistic stimuli and received reinforcement.

• The criticism directed to this theory as it isapplied only to L1.

• Based on classical and operant conditioning.

• Language learning is a set of habits, achievedby continuous practice.

• Learning happen when a learner respond tolinguistic stimuli and received reinforcement.

• The criticism directed to this theory as it isapplied only to L1.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Mentalists (Innatists) theory

• Only human being can acquire language.

• Human being are equipped with LAD or UG,that enables them to acquire language.

• LAD or UG has certain features that enablehuman to distinguish linguistic sounds and usethem.

• The role of the environment (input) is to alternot to teach.

• Only human being can acquire language.

• Human being are equipped with LAD or UG,that enables them to acquire language.

• LAD or UG has certain features that enablehuman to distinguish linguistic sounds and usethem.

• The role of the environment (input) is to alternot to teach.

• Only human being can acquire language.

• Human being are equipped with LAD or UG,that enables them to acquire language.

• LAD or UG has certain features that enablehuman to distinguish linguistic sounds and usethem.

• The role of the environment (input) is to alternot to teach.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi


• Interlanguage is:

• A unique linguistic system which is usedby L2 learners. It is different from bothlearners’ L1 and the target L2.

• Interlanguage involves the followingprinciples:

• Interlanguage is:

• A unique linguistic system which is usedby L2 learners. It is different from bothlearners’ L1 and the target L2.

• Interlanguage involves the followingprinciples:

• Interlanguage is:

• A unique linguistic system which is usedby L2 learners. It is different from bothlearners’ L1 and the target L2.

• Interlanguage involves the followingprinciples:

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Principles of Interlanguage

• Learners construct a system ofmental grammar that form L2usage.

• This learner grammar ispermeable i.e.overgeneralization and transfer.

• Learners construct a system ofmental grammar that form L2usage.

• This learner grammar ispermeable i.e.overgeneralization and transfer.

• Learners construct a system ofmental grammar that form L2usage.

• This learner grammar ispermeable i.e.overgeneralization and transfer.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi


Slide 6

d1 (able to be influenced from inside and outside )dells; 10/01/36

Principles of Interlanguage

• Learner grammar is transitional.Learners (add, delete, andrestructure rule) interlanguagecontinuum.

• Learner language contains variablerules. (disputed view) because it issign of performance not competence.

• Learner grammar is transitional.Learners (add, delete, andrestructure rule) interlanguagecontinuum.

• Learner language contains variablerules. (disputed view) because it issign of performance not competence.

• Learner grammar is transitional.Learners (add, delete, andrestructure rule) interlanguagecontinuum.

• Learner language contains variablerules. (disputed view) because it issign of performance not competence.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Principles of Interlanguage

• Learners use Learners strategy,omission and overgeneralizationare clues.

• Learner’s grammar is likely tofossilize.

• Learners use Learners strategy,omission and overgeneralizationare clues.

• Learner’s grammar is likely tofossilize.

• Learners use Learners strategy,omission and overgeneralizationare clues.

• Learner’s grammar is likely tofossilize.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

A Computational Model of L2Acquisition

• While human minds acquire L2, they act like acomputer.

• The computational model of L2 acquisitioninvolves:– Input

– (intake + knowledge)

– Output

• While human minds acquire L2, they act like acomputer.

• The computational model of L2 acquisitioninvolves:– Input

– (intake + knowledge)

– Output

• While human minds acquire L2, they act like acomputer.

• The computational model of L2 acquisitioninvolves:– Input

– (intake + knowledge)

– Output

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

• The learner is exposed to INPUT.

• Input is processed into two stages:– In short-term memory (INTAKE)

– In long-term memory (L2 KNOWLEDGE)

• L2 knowledge used by learner (OUTPUT)

• The learner is exposed to INPUT.

• Input is processed into two stages:– In short-term memory (INTAKE)

– In long-term memory (L2 KNOWLEDGE)

• L2 knowledge used by learner (OUTPUT)

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

• Different factors affect the input e.g. the socialcontext).

• The output of the learner can serve as input foranother. It could be illustrated as:

• Different factors affect the input e.g. the socialcontext).

• The output of the learner can serve as input foranother. It could be illustrated as:

• Different factors affect the input e.g. the socialcontext).

• The output of the learner can serve as input foranother. It could be illustrated as:

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi


• What is interlanguage?

• Name two principles of interlanguage?

• Why is learner language transitional?

• What is learner grammar likely to?

• What does computational model of L2acquisition involve?

• What is the stage caused on the level of short-term memory?

• What is interlanguage?

• Name two principles of interlanguage?

• Why is learner language transitional?

• What is learner grammar likely to?

• What does computational model of L2acquisition involve?

• What is the stage caused on the level of short-term memory?

• What is interlanguage?

• Name two principles of interlanguage?

• Why is learner language transitional?

• What is learner grammar likely to?

• What does computational model of L2acquisition involve?

• What is the stage caused on the level of short-term memory?

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Social Aspects of Interlanguage

• The important social aspects of interlanguageincorporate:– The different styles learners require.

– The social factors that determine the input.

– Social identity an their effects.

• The important social aspects of interlanguageincorporate:– The different styles learners require.

– The social factors that determine the input.

– Social identity an their effects.

• The important social aspects of interlanguageincorporate:– The different styles learners require.

– The social factors that determine the input.

– Social identity an their effects.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

• L2 Learners use different styles according tothe various factors.

Interlanguage as Stylistic Continuum

• L2 Learners use different styles according tothe various factors.





11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Interlanguage as Stylistic Continuum

• Careful Style appears when learners need tobe correct.

• Vernacular style appears when learners uselanguage spontaneously.

• For example:– L2 learners use careful speech when they read

isolated words.– They use vernacular in free speech or writing.

• Careful Style appears when learners need tobe correct.

• Vernacular style appears when learners uselanguage spontaneously.

• For example:– L2 learners use careful speech when they read

isolated words.– They use vernacular in free speech or writing.

• Careful Style appears when learners need tobe correct.

• Vernacular style appears when learners uselanguage spontaneously.

• For example:– L2 learners use careful speech when they read

isolated words.– They use vernacular in free speech or writing.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Interlanguage as Stylistic Continuum

• This feature of using different styles is also inL1 native speakers’ language.

• Native speakers use style according to therecipient.

• Social factors for L2 learners’ are not clear.

• Also, sometimes learners are not accurate incareful style.

• This feature of using different styles is also inL1 native speakers’ language.

• Native speakers use style according to therecipient.

• Social factors for L2 learners’ are not clear.

• Also, sometimes learners are not accurate incareful style.

• This feature of using different styles is also inL1 native speakers’ language.

• Native speakers use style according to therecipient.

• Social factors for L2 learners’ are not clear.

• Also, sometimes learners are not accurate incareful style.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi


• What are the social aspects of interlanguage?

• What are the two ends of the stylisticcontinuum?

• When do learners use careful style?

• When do learners use vernacular style?

• What is the difference between stylisticcontinuums of L1 and L2 speakers?

• What are the social aspects of interlanguage?

• What are the two ends of the stylisticcontinuum?

• When do learners use careful style?

• When do learners use vernacular style?

• What is the difference between stylisticcontinuums of L1 and L2 speakers?

• What are the social aspects of interlanguage?

• What are the two ends of the stylisticcontinuum?

• When do learners use careful style?

• When do learners use vernacular style?

• What is the difference between stylisticcontinuums of L1 and L2 speakers?

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

The Acculturation Model of L2Acquisition.

• Proposed by John Schumann. ( name otherresearchers in this course).

• This model is based in distance.• Alberto experiment.• (Pidgin) ???• Pidginization in L2 results when learners fail to

acculturate to the target language group.• Because they are unable or unwilling to adapt to

new culture.

• Proposed by John Schumann. ( name otherresearchers in this course).

• This model is based in distance.• Alberto experiment.• (Pidgin) ???• Pidginization in L2 results when learners fail to

acculturate to the target language group.• Because they are unable or unwilling to adapt to

new culture.

• Proposed by John Schumann. ( name otherresearchers in this course).

• This model is based in distance.• Alberto experiment.• (Pidgin) ???• Pidginization in L2 results when learners fail to

acculturate to the target language group.• Because they are unable or unwilling to adapt to

new culture.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

What is acculturation?

• It is the ability to adapt with different culture.

• Acculturation happens:– When there is little or no social distance.

– When both L1 and L2 group whish L2 learner toacquire L2 language.

– When there is contact between the groups.

– When L1 and L2 groups are small.

• If these 4 factors exist, good L2 acquisition willhappen.

• It is the ability to adapt with different culture.

• Acculturation happens:– When there is little or no social distance.

– When both L1 and L2 group whish L2 learner toacquire L2 language.

– When there is contact between the groups.

– When L1 and L2 groups are small.

• If these 4 factors exist, good L2 acquisition willhappen.

• It is the ability to adapt with different culture.

• Acculturation happens:– When there is little or no social distance.

– When both L1 and L2 group whish L2 learner toacquire L2 language.

– When there is contact between the groups.

– When L1 and L2 groups are small.

• If these 4 factors exist, good L2 acquisition willhappen.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Problems with Acculturation Model

• It views attitudes as changing anddynamic.

• It views learners only as subject tosocial conditions whereas They arealso subject of them.

• It views attitudes as changing anddynamic.

• It views learners only as subject tosocial conditions whereas They arealso subject of them.

• It views attitudes as changing anddynamic.

• It views learners only as subject tosocial conditions whereas They arealso subject of them.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Social identity and investment in L2learning

• The relationship between social context andL2 acquisition depends on the investment ofthe situation.

• If a learner makes himself a subject of thediscourse he will find himself engaged of theconversation.

• If he is only the subject to the conversation hewill find himself strange.

• The relationship between social context andL2 acquisition depends on the investment ofthe situation.

• If a learner makes himself a subject of thediscourse he will find himself engaged of theconversation.

• If he is only the subject to the conversation hewill find himself strange.

• The relationship between social context andL2 acquisition depends on the investment ofthe situation.

• If a learner makes himself a subject of thediscourse he will find himself engaged of theconversation.

• If he is only the subject to the conversation hewill find himself strange.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Example• A. Can you please mention me?

• B. Ok, I will. Where do you want me to do that.

• A. What? don’t you know how to mention? Imean on Twitter?

• B. Twitter!!? What is twitter?

• A. How come you don’t know Twitter? Where doyou live?

• B. Here the speaker (B) is subject to the dialogue.

• A. Can you please mention me?

• B. Ok, I will. Where do you want me to do that.

• A. What? don’t you know how to mention? Imean on Twitter?

• B. Twitter!!? What is twitter?

• A. How come you don’t know Twitter? Where doyou live?

• B. Here the speaker (B) is subject to the dialogue.

• A. Can you please mention me?

• B. Ok, I will. Where do you want me to do that.

• A. What? don’t you know how to mention? Imean on Twitter?

• B. Twitter!!? What is twitter?

• A. How come you don’t know Twitter? Where doyou live?

• B. Here the speaker (B) is subject to the dialogue.

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

• Learning will be successful when learners areable to invest the situation and becomesubject of it.

• Investment of social identity is to change partof the previous conversation as follows:

• Learning will be successful when learners areable to invest the situation and becomesubject of it.

• Investment of social identity is to change partof the previous conversation as follows:

• Learning will be successful when learners areable to invest the situation and becomesubject of it.

• Investment of social identity is to change partof the previous conversation as follows:

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi

Example• A. Can you please mention me?

• B. Ok, I will. Where do you want me to dothat.

• A. What? don’t you know how to mention? Imean on twitter?

• B. Twitter!!? I don’t use that kind of stuff

• A…………………..

• A. Can you please mention me?

• B. Ok, I will. Where do you want me to dothat.

• A. What? don’t you know how to mention? Imean on twitter?

• B. Twitter!!? I don’t use that kind of stuff

• A…………………..

• A. Can you please mention me?

• B. Ok, I will. Where do you want me to dothat.

• A. What? don’t you know how to mention? Imean on twitter?

• B. Twitter!!? I don’t use that kind of stuff

• A…………………..

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi


• Who proposed the acculturation model?

• What is the acculturation model?

• When does acculturation happen?

• What are the problems with AcculturationModel.

• How can learners invest the learning situationto be involved in the discourse?

• Who proposed the acculturation model?

• What is the acculturation model?

• When does acculturation happen?

• What are the problems with AcculturationModel.

• How can learners invest the learning situationto be involved in the discourse?

• Who proposed the acculturation model?

• What is the acculturation model?

• When does acculturation happen?

• What are the problems with AcculturationModel.

• How can learners invest the learning situationto be involved in the discourse?

11/4/2014 Abdulaziz Assanosi