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    International Bilingual School at Tainan-Science-Park

    IBST Parent/Student Handbook(Updated on Aug. 28, 2018)

    TEL: 06-5052916

    FAX: 06-5052917

    Address: No.6, Lane. 12, Dashun 6th Rd., Xinshi Dist., Tainan City74146, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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    To all students and parents of IBST family:

    The school administration would like to invite all students and parents to gothrough the parent/student handbook revised based on the updated schoolpolicies. By reading together, we hope the students can have a betterunderstanding of school rules and support with parents’ guidance. This handbookis also available on the IBST website. Please visit the Parents page at IBST for thehandbook. Thank you for being supportive to create a friendly and productivelearning environment.

    I, student’s name______________________ in class _______, have read andunderstand my rights and obligations described in the student handbook.

    Student’s signature: ________________________________

    Signature of parent(s): ________________________________

    Date: ________________________________

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    TABLE OF CONTENTSMISSION STATEMENT of IBST .........................................................................................................- 8 -

    ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION..................................................................................................- 9 -

    DAILY SCHEDULE..........................................................................................................................- 11 -

    ATTENDANCE...............................................................................................................................- 11 -

    Attendance Policy ...................................................................................................................... - 11 -

    Valid Causes of Absenteeism and Reporting an Absence .................................................... - 12 -

    Unexcused Absences (Truancy) .......................................................................................... - 12 -

    Responsibilities.......................................................................................................................... - 13 -

    Suspension of Students.............................................................................................................. - 13 -

    Tardy Policy ............................................................................................................................... - 14 -

    GENERAL SCHOOL INFORMATION ................................................................................................- 14 -

    ACADEMIC INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................- 15 -

    Homework Policy....................................................................................................................... - 19 -

    Repeating a Course.................................................................................................................... - 19 -

    MAP Growth Assessment .............................................................................................................- 20 -

    CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES .........................................................................................................- 21 -

    Activity Program ........................................................................................................................ - 21 -

    Activity Eligibility........................................................................................................................ - 21 -

    Academic Eligibility Policy for Activities...................................................................................... - 21 -

    CODE OF CONDUCT......................................................................................................................- 22 -

    General Procedure for Student Issues ........................................................................................ - 22 -

    Did You Ever Wonder What They Mean When They Say... ......................................................... - 23 -

    Academic Dishonesty................................................................................................................. - 24 -

    Administrative Review Committee............................................................................................. - 25 -

    Bullying...................................................................................................................................... - 26 -

    Closed Campus .......................................................................................................................... - 28 -

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    Dangerous Weapon ................................................................................................................... - 28 -

    Display of Affection by Students ................................................................................................ - 28 -

    Drugs and Alcohol...................................................................................................................... - 28 -

    Drug Paraphernalia.................................................................................................................... - 29 -

    Sale, Attempt to Sell and/or Distribution or Attempt to Distribute Drug Paraphernalia .............. - 29 -

    Electronic Devices...................................................................................................................... - 29 -

    Electronic Communication Devices (Cell Phones) ....................................................................... - 29 -

    Inappropriate Use of Telecommunications/Texting.................................................................... - 30 -

    Electronic Devices, including Personal Productivity Devices ....................................................... - 30 -

    Examination Regulations............................................................................................................ - 31 -

    Before Commencement of the Examination..................................................................................- 31 -

    During the Examination................................................................................................................- 31 -

    At the End of the Examination......................................................................................................- 32 -

    Consequences..............................................................................................................................- 32 -

    Failure To Report To The Disciplinarians..................................................................................... - 32 -

    Fighting/Student Harassment .................................................................................................... - 32 -

    Gambling ................................................................................................................................... - 32 -

    Insubordination, Battery and/or Physical Assault ....................................................................... - 32 -

    Intimidation............................................................................................................................... - 33 -

    Laser Pointers ............................................................................................................................ - 33 -

    Lockers or Cubbies..................................................................................................................... - 33 -

    Necessary Use of Force by Staff Member ................................................................................... - 33 -

    Possession of Tobacco Products................................................................................................. - 33 -

    Profanity/Verbal Abuse.............................................................................................................. - 34 -

    School Reputation and Safety .................................................................................................... - 34 -

    Search and Seizure..................................................................................................................... - 34 -

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    Sexual Harassment .................................................................................................................... - 34 -

    Student Hair/Dress/Clothing Standard ....................................................................................... - 35 -

    Student I.D. Card ....................................................................................................................... - 36 -

    Theft/Possession of Stolen Property .......................................................................................... - 36 -

    Vandalism.................................................................................................................................. - 36 -

    Washrooms ............................................................................................................................... - 36 -

    DAILY STUDENT LIFE.....................................................................................................................- 36 -

    CLASS CLEANLINESS & ORDER COMPETITION GUIDELINES.............................................................- 40 -

    MONTHLY STAR PROGARM ..........................................................................................................- 40 -

    TYPES OF AWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS FOR IBST Gr. 7-12 STUDENTS ...........................................- 41 -

    AWARDING REGULATIONS ...........................................................................................................- 47 -

    LEVELS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS................................................................................................- 49 -

    SUMMARY OF LEVELS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION.......................................................................- 50 -

    APPENDIX I: Absent Report Form…………….…………..……….……….……………………………………………… ..…….. - 53 -

    APPENDIX II: Official Leave Form……………………………………………….………………………………..……….. ……….. - 54 -

    APPENDIX III: Application Form for Clearing Punishment Record…………………………………………. ………… - 55-

    APPENDIX IV: Student Appeal Form………………………………….……….……………………….……..………… ......…... -58 -

    APPENDIX V: Community Mental Health Services.……………………….………………………..………….… ...….…... -59-

    APPENDIX VI: School Traffic Routes.……………….……….…………..………………….….………....……….......………… -68 -

    APPENDIX VII: Campus Map.……………….……….…………..…………………….………...…………..………........……..... -69-

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    The mission of the International Bilingual School at Tainan-Science-Park is to servethe bilingual needs of the international community found at the Southern TaiwanScience Park, and to motivate and prepare our multicultural students to becomecollaborative, creative individuals who think critically, communicate effectively,and become, as a result, lifelong learners and productive members of the globalcommunity.

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    ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION(Office Phone: 06-5052916)

    Director:(ext. 7101)1. Teachers Recruiting2. Teacher/Staff Evaluation3. Teaching Assignment4. Department Policy and Administration5. Faculty Meeting6. Department Budgeting Control

    WASC Coordinator:● WASC Meetings● WASC Self-study Report & Annual Report

    Academic Affairs Section Chief:(ext. 7105)1. Teaching Evaluation2. Supervision of Class Instruction3. Official Substitutes Arrangement4. AP Coordinator5. Subject Teacher Meetings6. Scheduling (Students, Teachers, Testing)7. Electives8. Teacher’s Edition Selection9. Budgeting/Selection/Arrangement/ Maintenance of Textbooks and Teaching Resources10. Subject Labs and Resource Room Management11. Curriculum Development

    Curriculum Coordinator:● Curriculum Meetings● Curriculum Development

    Registrar:(ext. 7107)1. Student Entrance & Transferring Policies and Procedures2. Registration / Tuition Fees3. Graduation Requirements/Certificate4. Standardized Test Arrangement and Data Analysis (CTP4 Test , MAP, PSAT, SAT )5. Grading Policies and Procedures6. Providing College Board/Scholarship Relevant Information7. Remedial Program8. Make-up Exams for Gr.9-Gr.12 Failed Courses9. Academic Transcript Processing10. College Fairs

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    MAP CoordinatorMAP Scheduling, Testing, and Data Analysis

    College Counselor: (ext. 7216)● Student/Parent Counseling on college Application● Providing College Board/Scholarship Relevant Information

    Student Affairs Section Chief:(ext. 7102)1. Homeroom Teacher Evaluation2. School Calendar3. Field Trips/Graduation Trip/Graduation Ceremonies4. School Activities/ PE Activities and Contests5. High School Clubs6. Budgeting/Selection/Arrangement/ Maintenance of Sports Equipment7. Budgeting/Selection/Arrangement/ Maintenance of Cleaning Tools and Supplies8. Department Sanitation Arrangement and Supervision9. Recycling Management and Supervision10. Student Inoculation and Physical Examination11. Class Order and Classroom Cleanliness Evaluation12. Student Council Meetings and Activities

    Disciplinary Section Chief:(ext. 7108)1. Student Discipline and Guidance2. Student/Parent Handbook3. Student Attendance4. New Student/Parent Orientation5. Parent-Teacher Meetings6. By-Weekly Department Assembly7. Conduct Grading System8. Dorm Students’ Application & Care9. Counseling Arrangement10. After School Clubs11. Interact Club Meetings & Activities12. Department Website Maintaining

    Behavior Counselor:● Behavior/Emotional Counseling

    Foreign Teachers’ Liaison:(ext. 7109)1. Foreign Teachers’ Orientation2. Arrangement of Foreign Teachers’ Settlement and Departure3. Housing Application and Repair Contact

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    4. Important/Emergent Message Translation5. Filing Foreign Teachers’ Documents.(Work Permit/ARC, VISA, etc.)6. Filing Foreign Teachers’ Income Tax in Taiwan7. Acting Bridge between Foreign Teachers and Administrators on School-based Issues.8. Foreign Teachers' Official and Emergent Assistance

    Office Assistant:(ext. 7106)1. Student’s ID Card & Schooling Certificate2. Student Attendance Records3. Major Test Papers Management4. Department Expenditure Verification and Clearance5. Official Documents Processing6. Purchase of Textbooks/Equipment7. Assistance of Registration8. Notification of School Fees9. Assisting field trip arrangement (such as accommodation, transportation, insurance…)10. Miscellaneous Administrative Support


    Class TimeMorning Study Hour 07:40 – 08:00 a.m.Period 1 08:10 – 09:00 a.m.Period 2 09:10 – 10:00 a.m.Period 3 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.Period 4 11:05 – 11:50 a.m.LunchCleaning

    11:50 – 12:20 p.m.12:20 – 12:40 p.m.

    Naptime 12:40 – 01:15 p.m.Period 5 01:20 – 02:10 p.m.Period 6 02:20 – 03:10 p.m.Period 7 03:15 – 04:05 p.m.

    *Wednesdays are partial days for all elementary school students. Students will be dismissed at 12:40p.m. every Wednesday. Grade 1 and 2 will additionally be dismissed at 12:40 on Mondays and Fridays,and 2:10 p.m. on Thursdays.

    ATTENDANCEAttendance PolicyThe administration and teaching staff at NNKIEH agree that punctual and regular attendance isessential to a student’s success in school. Regular attendance is also a mark of a mature senseof responsibility. Unfortunately, circumstances may arise that make it impossible for a student toattend school. When such an absence does occur, it is necessary for the student to seek out and

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    complete assignments. However, it is important for students to realize that completing make-upwork does not replace the actual experience of being in class. It is not possible to make up thelearning experiences that come through listening to a full explanation of the facts and concepts,participating in classroom discussions, and processing the ideas and questions of others.Therefore, regular daily attendance must be a priority of each and every student at NNKIEH.

    Valid Causes of Absenteeism and Reporting an AbsenceNNKIEH considers the following circumstances to be valid causes for a student’s absence:

    1. Official Leave:a. Performing a public service as a representative of the school.b. Participating in activities or competitions as a representative of school.c. If students have to take official leave, the instructors will have to fill out the official leave

    form. The official leave form must first be approved by homeroom teachers and thedisciplinary section chief and then sent to the principal.

    2. Sick or Personal Leave:a. For sick leaves, notify the disciplinary section chief (505-2916 ext. 7108) or the

    homeroom teacher (505-2916 + ext.) at least before class begins (8:10 am) on the day ofleave. For personal leaves, notify the disciplinary section chief (505-2916 ext. 7108) orthe homeroom teacher (505-2916 + ext.) at least one (1) day before the leave day.

    b. Sick leave form must be signed by parent or guardian and returned to the Disciplinarysection chief within 1 week of absence.

    c. Students that need to take more than 3 days sick leave are required to fill out a leaveform signed by a parent or guardian and submit written medical documentation.

    d. Students that need to leave school because of an illness will have a parent or guardiancontacted, by either the school nurse or the homeroom teacher, to come to school andpick up the student personally.Students living in the dormitory - The parent or guardian of a student living in thedormitory will be notified to pick up the student personally.

    e. Students will only be permitted to take leave during an important activity or midterm orfinal exam period in the case of bereavement leave or illness of the student. Studentswill only be allowed to take sick leave without penalty (see midterm and final exams)with medical documentation. Once the student has submitted the sick leave form andmedical documentation to academic affairs section, the student will be allowed to takethe make-up exam.

    3. Death in the Family (Bereavement Leave)a. Leave form signed by parent or guardianb. If you cannot come to school personally to fill out the leave form, you must phone

    school before the leave day.4. Maternity leave: According to the bureau of education, Maternity leave is considered excused


    ~ Notes: Poor attendance may result in a grade of zero or a suspension of schooling for Grade 7to Grade 12 students.~

    Unexcused Absences (Truancy)A student is considered unexcused or truant when absent without valid cause for a school day orany portion of a school day. If a student’s absence is unexcused he/she will not be allowedto make up work for credit and will receive no credit for any work or tests that weremissed. Examples of unexcused absences are failure to inform the Bilingual Department Office within

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    a week, oversleeping, missing the bus, car trouble, working or employment interviews.Truant students will be processed through a four-step disciplinary procedure.

    Contact 1 —Teacher/Student Conference (consequence)Parent/Guardian ContactedMarked on transcript

    Contact 2 —Disciplinarian /Student Conference (consequence)Parent/Guardian Contacted

    Contact 3 — Director /Disciplinarian/ Student Conference (consequence)Parent/Guardian Contacted

    ResponsibilitiesIt shall be the PARENT/GUARDIAN’S RESPONSIBILITY to:

    1. Decide whether the cause of absence is a sufficient reason to warrant the student missingvaluable instruction time.

    2. Inform the Bilingual Department Office of any valid absence within a week of the absence withnecessary documentation.

    It shall be the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to:1. Make arrangements for makeup work with the individual teachers to determine make up work

    and their deadline.It shall be NNKIEH’s RESPONSIBILITY to:

    1. Monitor the student’s attendance.2. Inform parents/guardians of any attendance problems.

    Suspension of StudentsThe following are out of school suspension procedures:

    1. Before suspension, the student shall be provided a conference during which the charges willbe explained and the student will be given an opportunity to respond to the charges.

    2. A pre-suspension conference is not required and the student can be immediately suspendedwhen the student’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoingthreat of disruption to the educational process. In such cases, the notice and conference shallfollow as soon as practicable.

    3. Any suspension shall be reported immediately to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Awritten notice of the suspension shall state the reasons for the suspension, including anyschool rule which was violated, and a notice to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of their right to areview of the suspension. A copy of a notice shall be given to the Principal and the SchoolDisciplinarian.

    4. Upon request of the parent(s)/guardian(s), a review of the suspension shall be conducted bythe Bilingual Administrators. At the review, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may appear anddiscuss the suspension with the Bilingual Department. After presentation of the evidence orreceipt of the Disciplinarians report, the Administrators shall take such action as it findsappropriate. Student will be suspended until decision is rendered, or his/her day(s) ofsuspension is completed prior to decision being reached.

    5. Students suspended from school may not appear on campus, or attend school-sponsoredactivities both home and away.

    6. During the period of an out-of-school suspension, the student will be responsible for the workmissed. Students who are suspended out of school may make up all missed work and areresponsible for acquiring the make-up work from the teacher.

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    Tardy PolicyOn time arrival for class is a value we want to instill in our students. Tardiness is not acceptablebecause it disrupts class, hurts the morale of the students who are on time, reflects a negativeattitude toward the class, creates disruptive problems in the halls, and develops a habit whichmay make future employment difficult. Students will be considered tardy if they are not in theclassroom, prepared for class, after the bell has stopped ringing.

    Teachers should inform their students of the tardy policy and their expectations on the first day ofclass and on subsequent days as necessary. Tardies will be handled as part of the teacher’sclassroom management in the following manner:

    1st Tardy - Teacher/student conference2nd Tardy - Teacher assigned discipline3rd Tardy - Teacher contacts parents by phone, e-mail or in person. Date and time of contact are

    recorded.4th Tardy - Teacher assigned discipline5th Tardy - A referral should be written to the disciplinarian. Student will be assigned detentions, ISS,

    or loss of other privileges. Parents will be notified.

    Additional tardies after the 6th should repeat the cycle of: teacher assigned discipline, teacher contactsparents, and referral to the disciplinarian.Additional Disciplinarian contacts for tardies can result in an out-of-school suspension and loss ofother privileges. Parents will be notified and no refund will be issued.

    A student is considered tardy if less than 10 minutes late to class. If a student is more than 10 minuteslate to class without an excused tardy pass, his/her absence will be regarded as unexcused.



    NNKIEH is committed to creating and maintaining a working and learning environment that is free of alltypes of fear and intimidation. Based upon our core belief that individuals are entitled to be treated withdignity and respect, it is the policy of NNKIEH to promote mutual respect, civility, and orderly conductamong school employees, students, parents, any person on school grounds or at school activities andthe public. Any individual entering NNKIEH property or attending school district sponsored activities,including but not limited to extracurricular activities, board meetings, athletic events, shall treat otherswith dignity and respect. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom ofexpression, but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-freeeducational atmosphere for the school community with minimal disruptions. The school encouragespositive communication and prohibits volatile, hostile or aggressive behaviors. NNKIEH expects publiccooperation with this endeavor.

    Emergency Procedures

    In cooperation with local authorities, all precautions are taken for the safety and protection of students.

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    Fire, and earthquake drills are held periodically. It is important for students to move quickly and orderly.Specific directions are posted in all classrooms and hallways.In the case of severe weather or other emergency, students will stay in the building in safe areas.They are not released from school, unless notified by the Tainan City Government.

    In the event of an emergency and school must be closed, information will be available at the followingsite:

    Hall Passes

    No student is permitted out of class without an authorized pass. Any request authorizing a student toleave a scheduled area must be signed by the teacher initiating the request.

    1. Teachers will not give students passes out of class unless it is an absolute emergency.2. Students in the hall must present their pass to staff upon request.3. Students in the hall without a pass will be referred to the Disciplinarian and are subject to

    disciplinary action.

    Procedure for Leaving School Grounds

    1. At least one day before leaving campus, the student’s parent/guardian must contact theBilingual Department Office to secure an off-campus pass.

    2. All off-campus passes must be approved by the administration and picked up in the BilingualDepartment Office before leaving.

    3. The student must sign out at the Bilingual Department Office. If the student returns before theend of his/her school day, they should sign in at the Bilingual Department Office.

    *Any student leaving school grounds during the school day without following these procedures will beconsidered truant and placed on truancy steps. Students who need to leave school because of an illnesswill have a parent or guardian contacted, by either the school nurse or the homeroom teacher, to cometo school and pick up the student personally (see Attendance).

    Sex Equity and Nondiscrimination

    It is the policy of NNKIEH not to discriminate on the basis of sex in any program, activity, service, orbenefit. No student shall on the basis of gender be denied equal access to programs, activities,services, or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage relating toeducational or extra-curricular programs and activities.

    Equal educational opportunities shall be available for all students without regard to race, color,national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language barrier, religious beliefs,disability, or economic and social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status.

    Any student may file a sex equity complaint or a discrimination grievance by consulting with theBilingual Discipline Section Chief.


    A course that meets 4-6 periods a week will provide 0.5 credits per semester; 1 credit per year. A coursethat meets less than four periods a week, will earn 0.5 credits a year. An individual subject grade will be

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    given on a semester basis and credit is given only for passing grades. Weekly meetings and integratedactivities such as cooking, counseling, and scouts will not receive credit hours. If a student fails a subjectfirst or second semester by up to 10 %, the student may still earn credit if the school year average isabove sixty percent.

    Students from grade 9-12 will need to repeat a grade if a student meets any of the following criteria:1. After taking any summer make-up examination(s), the total year-end credits earned do not

    exceed half the amount of credits required in school year.2. Have difficulty scheduling the failed subject(s).

    Grade Point Calculation

    A student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated by a simple weighted average; divide the totalnumber of grade points earned by the total number or courses taken. A student who obtains an A, B, orC in an honors course receives an additional .5 grade point, and a student who obtains an A, B, or C, inan A.P. course receives an additional 1.0 grade point. The following chard indicates the weighting ofhonors and A.P. courses:

    Grades and Reporting

    Student academic performance given as percents, where sixty percent is a passing grade. Percents willbe rounded to the nearest tenths. For first through eighth grades, the academic grade is given by thefollowing scale; for grade nine to grade twelve, the academic grade is given as percents.

    A+ 100-97.0 A 96.9-93.0 A- 92.9-90.0B+ 89.9-87.0 B 86.9-83.0 B- 82.9-80.0C+ 79.9-77.0 C 76.9-73.0 C- 72.9-70.0D+ 69.9-67.0 D 66.9-63.0 D- 62.9-60.0F 59.9-0

    The NNKIEH grading philosophy for all courses and students is as follows:A A superior grade for excellent work.B An excellent and commendable grade for an above-average degree of accuracy.C An average grade for satisfactory performance.D A passing grade for below-average work.

    Letter Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
















    4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0

    GPA (Honors) 4.8 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 0

    GPA(AP) 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 0

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    F A failing grade.+ Following a letter grade indicates a “plus.” A+ means a high “A” grade.- Following a letter grade means a “minus.” C– means a low “C” grade.

    • Student grades are reported on a ten-week basis and by semester. The semester grades arethe only grades recorded on each student’s high school transcript. Parents of students whohave difficulty or are doing unsatisfactory work are urged to meet with the teacher to resolvethe problem.

    • Students have a right to timely information, which will communicate their level of performanceduring a grading period. Grades for graded work or participation will not be held until the end ofthe grading period.

    • Grading practices will reflect consistency, regardless of teacher or course level as much aspossible.

    • Grades should communicate to students, parents, colleagues and colleges a student’sacademic performance.

    • Grading practices should encourage a student’s best efforts in each course.

    Subject classes are classified into one of the following categories:1. Language and Literature2. Mathematics3. Social Studies4. Science5. Electives

    Teachers must use the following breakdown when evaluating students’ academic performance everysemester:

    Grade 1 to grade 12

    Midterm exam Final exam

    Daily Term Daily Term

    30% 20% 30% 20%

    The academic school-year grade is the average of the first-semester academic grade and the second-semester academic grade.

    Midterms and Final ExaminationsMidterms and Final examinations are given to students throughout each semester. Theexaminations may count as much as 20% toward the final grade which a student receives in a course.A special daily class schedule and examination schedule will be announced for 7th – 12th gradeclasses during the week prior to exams. It is the student’s responsibility to meet the exam schedule.Students who find it necessary to be absent from school during semester exams must contact theirteacher(s) to make arrangements for making up exams (see below). No semester exams will begiven ahead of the scheduled time except for official leave. Semester exams must becompleted within one week upon the student’s return to school or within the first two weeks ofsummer vacation. Exams not completed during this period will be given a grade of F unlessarrangements have been made with the teacher prior to the scheduled exam date.

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    Make-up Midterm and Final ExamsA student is allowed to make-up a midterm or final examination when the student’s leave has beenapproved and considered valid (see Attendance). A student who misses the exam will not beallowed to take a make-up examination and will be given a zero if the absence is considered‘unexcused’ (see Attendance). The penalty imposed on the make-up examination will determined asfollows:

    1. No penalty should the leave be considered official, bereavement, sickness (with medicaldocumentation).

    2. If the student’s leave is classified as personal leave, a student’s exam score below 60% willbe kept as is. There will be a 70% penalty for any score in excess of 60% - e.g. a student thatscores a 70% would receive a 63% [60% + .3(10%)]; a student that received a 100% wouldreceive a 72%.

    Graduation Requirements

    Subjects Years ofStudy

    PeriodsPer week

    Credit earnedFor one year

    Credits required for graduation

    Chinese 4 5 1 4

    English 4 6 1 4

    Social Studies 4 4 1 3

    Math 4 5 1 3

    Science 3 5 1 3

    PE 4 2 0.5 2

    Electives 4 4-6 14

    2 0.5

    Total 23

    Remarks:1. Four years of secondary school attendance are required with 23 credits to be earned in grades 9-12.2. One credit is awarded for completion of each full-year course of 4-6 periods/week.3. Students earn 0.5 credit for completion of full-year course of less than 4 periods/ week or one

    semester of 4-6 periods/week.4. Elective courses may not be repeated when successfully completed.5. At least one performing arts elective credit is required for before graduation for grades 9-12.

    ** In addition to the academic requirements, students must also meet the attendance and conductrequirements from the Ministry of Education in order to obtain a high school diploma fromNNKIEH. Senior high school students (grades 10-12) must have more than half of theschooling attendance each semester whereas junior high school student (grades 7-9)must have more than two thirds of the schooling attendance in order to graduate from

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    school. Moreover, students who have accumulated to 3 major demerits will not be permitted tograduate.**Homework PolicyHomework is an essential part of the school program. Assignments will vary in accordance to the needsof the class and will relate to classroom instruction. Homework assignments are intended to reinforceand extend learning initiated in the classroom, and serve as a tool for teachers to assess studentunderstanding. Completion of routine homework can motivate students to develop good work habits,while increasing the opportunity for individual initiative and responsibility. Homework can alsostimulate creativity, critical thinking and awareness outside of the classroom. The guidelines belowindicate how students, parents, teachers and administrators responsibilities dealing with homework.

    Homework Policy Guidelines for Students• Always do your best.• Record instructions for homework in an assignment notebook or a communication book.• Understand assignments clearly before leaving class• Take the proper materials home to complete the assignments• Hand in completed assignments on time• Manage time accordingly for long-term assignments• Complete any work missed due to absence from class• Talk to your parents and teacher if you are having difficulty with homework• Homework samples and assignments of each student will be reviewed by administrators on a

    semester basis

    Late Work Policies• Students are expected to turn work in on time.• Students who miss school because of an excused absence, with the subject teacher’s permission,

    will be given the opportunity to complete comparable homework assignments and get full-credit if work is completed satisfactorily and within a reasonable amount of time.

    • If a student’s absence is unexcused, he/she will not be allowed to make up work for credit andwill receive no credit for any work or tests that were missed.

    Repeating a CourseA student below ninth grade who has poor academic achievement will not be required to repeat a grade.Ninth to twelfth graders must follow the regulations of the school-year and semester-credit gradingsystem. If a grade of “F” (< 60%) was earned, the course may be repeated to meet the graduate creditrequirements.

    Make-Up Exams & Repeating a CourseThis Regulation is based on “Regulations of Grading the Performance of Senior High School Students”issued on August 1, 2014 by Ministry of Education.

    Academic School-Year Grade calculation:1. A Student’s academic performance is marked from zero to one hundred percent, where 60% or

    higher is considered a passing grade.2. The academic school-year grade is the average of the first-semester subject grade and the

    second-semester subject grade.

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    3. A student is allowed to take a make-up examination after each semester ends if he/she obtainsbetween 40% and 60% semester grade. Application for the test should be submitted with 3 daysof the end of the semester.

    Make-up exam:1. If the student should score 60% or higher on the make-up examination, he/she will receive a

    60% as the semester grade.2. If a student does not pass the make-up examination, the subject grade will be recorded as the

    higher of the original failing subject semester grade and the make-up examination score.3. It is mandatory to repeat the course if the school-year scores are below a 60% .

    Repeating a course:1. When students fail mandatory subjects, no credits are earned for the subjects.2. There is no need to repeat the same elective courses if the school-year grades of students are

    below 60 . However, students need to have adequate elective course credits to meet thegraduation requirement.

    3. Students can choose to take accreditated online courses, and the credits can be countedtoward graduation requirement.

    Note: Students who attend less than one-third the duration of the course will not be allowed to take themake-up test or receive additional credit and will get zero point.

    MAP Growth Assessment

    Introduction Beginning 2015, IBST students in the grade 2-8 will be required to take the Measure ofAcademic Progress-Growth, henceforth known as MAP Growth. MAP Growth will be administered threetimes a year: Fall, Winter and Spring. These assessments are used to measure individual student’sprogress or growth in school. The questions are a reflection of the CA Common Core standards taughtat IBST. The MAP Growth assessment is not timed, however it usually takes students about one hour tocomplete each MAP test.

    Summary MAP Growth assessment is designed to target a student’s academic performance inMathematics, Reading and Language Usage. These test are tailored to an individual’s currentachievement level. This gives each student a fair opportunity to show what he or she knows or can do.When taking the MAP test, the difficulty of each question is based on how well a student answers all theprevious questions. As the student answer correctly, questions become more difficult. If the studentanswer incorrectly, the questions will become easier. In an optimal test, a student answersapproximately half the items correctly and half incorrectly. The final score is an estimate of the student’sachievement level.

    Results The MAP Growth assessment use a scoring scale called the RIT to measure student achievementand growth. RIT stands for Rasch Unit, which is a measurement scale developed to simplify theinterpretation of test scores. The RIT score relates directly to the curriculum scale in each subject area.RIT scores range from 100 to 300. Students typically start at 180 to 200 levels in the third grade andprogress to the 220-260 level by high school. RIT scores make it possible to follow a student’seducational growth from year to year.

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    Quick Facts:

    ASSESSMENT TYPE Adaptive Computerized Test


    SUBJECTS Reading, Language Usage and Mathematics

    ADMINISTRATION Fall, Winter, Spring

    TEST TIME Approximately 50 minutes per each of the three subjects.

    CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESActivity ProgramNNKIEH has a wide range of activities for student participation including: Soccer Club, MUN/Debate Club,Photography/ Film Club, Journalism Club, etc. After School Clubs consist of: Violin Club, Creative Readingand Writing Club, Badminton Club, Swimming Club, “Go” Game Club, Double Dutch Jump Rope Club,Creative Martial Arts Club, Resin Clay Hand Making Club, Drawing Club, Chinese Yo-Yo Club, Table TennisClub, Fine Arts Club, Calligraphy Club, Children Coordination Club, English Writing Club, BubblesDiagram(泡泡土) and Decoupage Art Club, Tee-ball Club, Rollerblading Club, Physical Fitness Club,Children Yoga Club, FUN English Story Time, Mini Tennis Club.

    Activity EligibilityNNKIEH recognizes its obligation to develop good citizenship in adolescents through academic andextra-curricular programs. Our extra-curricular program provides the practical setting to developthe characteristics of a good citizen including leadership, loyalty, good judgment, responsibility,and self discipline.

    Because it is in the “public eye” and contributes so much to the tone of the school, studentparticipation in an extra-curricular activity is considered a privilege.

    If a student’s grade point drops below the standard established by Bilingual Department policy, studentparticipation in co-curricular activities sponsored or supported by NNKIEH shall be suspended for adefinite period or until the student’s grade point average equals or exceeds the acceptable levelas provided by the Bilingual Department policy.

    Academic Eligibility Policy for ActivitiesParticipation in School-Sponsored, School-Supported Extra-Curricular ActivitiesNNKIEH believes school-sponsored, school-supported extra-curricular activities provide students withinvaluable educational, as well as instructional, skills and knowledge. The school further recognizes that

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    a student’s academic education must take precedence over participation in such activities. Therefore, inaccordance with applicable sections of the School Code, the school has determined as follows:

    1. Participation in school-sponsored, school-supported extra-curricular activities is a privilege,not a right.

    2. In order to be eligible for participation in a school-sponsored, school-supported extracurricularactivity, a student should not miss more than 10 periods in any subject per semester and bothacademic requirements and discipline requirements for eligibility by completing all the requiredassignments, passing all classes and have no more than one class between 60% to 69%, as well asno disciplinary issues in the past 30 calendar days leading up to the event. Any exception willneed to be approved by the administrators.

    3. Students who fail to meet the eligibility requirement will be notified by the Academic SectionChief and/or coach/sponsor and shall be suspended from participation until the academicrequirement is satisfactorily met.

    4. Activities within the scope of this policy are those organized and sponsored by the school. Anextra-curricular activity is defined as any non-curricular activity that has a sponsor whosupervises and manages students within an area of interest.

    5. This policy does not govern graded courses, activities, or groups that require an academiccomponent for participation, special school events, or other such activities as determined bythe administration.


    Student’s conduct performance will be reported every semester. Our department issues different typesof merits and demerits. We hope this will help our students better understand the rules and become awelcome and successful learner at school. As encouragement, students who maintain exceptionalcharacter and conduct will be awarded at the school assembly. High school level students’ exceptionalcharacter and conduct will also be mentioned in the conduct grade report card. Students who fail tocomply with school regulations, depending on the individual issue, will be issued a warning, a minordemerit, or a major demerit as punishment.

    Rules and regulations are necessary for the development and maintenance of an orderly and safe schoolenvironment that is conducive to teaching and learning. As a result, certain behaviors are recognized asbeing inappropriate and unacceptable at school, on school property, and within the jurisdiction of theschool district.

    General Procedure for Student IssuesGeneral Issues

    1. Teacher/Student Conference

    2. Teacher-Assigned Discipline (Parent Contacted)

    3. Teacher/Parent/(Student) Conference

    Moderate Issues

    1. Disciplinarian/Student Conference

    2. Disciplinarian/Counselor/Parent/(Student) Conference

    Severe Issues

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    1. Director/Parent/ (Student) Conference

    2. Principal/Director/ Parent/ (Student) Conference

    The following consequences will be utilized for students in violation of NNKIEH DisciplinePolicy: Behavior Contracts, Detention, In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, ParentConferences, Student-Disciplinarian Conferences, Removal of Privileges, Financial Restitution, andPolice Referral. The following services will be utilized: Counselors, and Outside Agency Referral.

    The Code of Conduct applies to any student of NNKIEH when the student is (1) on school grounds before,during, or after school hours and at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; (2)off school grounds at a school activity, function or event at home or away; (3) traveling to or from schoolor an activity, function or event; or (4) anywhere, if the conduct may reasonably be considered to be athreat or attempted intimidation of a staff member, or an interference with school purposes or aneducational function.

    Special Note


    Did You Ever Wonder What They Mean When They Say...

    • Detentions which are assigned by theDisciplinarian will be served during naptime, beforeor after school hours. Students will be given anadvance notice of 24 hours. Failure to attend anyassigned Dean’s detention will result in anassignment to In-School Suspension or SaturdayDetention.• Detentions which are assigned by a teacher willbe served during the assigned time. Students shouldbe given 24 hours notice. Failure to attend a teacher’sdetention will result in two Dean’s detentions andadvancement on Administrative Review.• Suspension of Social Privileges is the suspension

    of a student from school activities such as athleticcontests and school activities.• Weekday In-School Suspension. This form ofdiscipline coincides with the school day. Students areto report at the beginning of the school day to theclassroom assigned and will remain there working onassignments until the end of the school day. Studentswho are absent will report to the Dean on the day oftheir return. No Exceptions will be made for studentsenrolled in vocational or work co-op. Roughlyequivalent to a minor demerit.• Out-of-School Suspension is the exclusion of astudent from the school setting from one to ten days.

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    This action is taken only after other measures havebeen tried or in the case of serious offenses.Students who are suspended out of school may make

    up all missed work and are responsible for acquiringthe make-up work from the teacher. Roughlyequivalent to a major demerit.

    Academic Dishonesty1. Cheating, Plagiarism*, and/or use of technology that transmits digital images during testing

    will be considered academic dishonesty.

    *Plagiarism• Copying homework from another student or enabling someone else to do so.• Using someone else’s (classmate or published author) words without quotation marks.

    Whenever you use a key word or more than two words in a row from another source, youmust put these borrowed words in quotation marks and cite your source.

    • Using someone else’s (classmate or published author) ideas without giving that personcredit.

    Incident School ActionFirst Incident Zero on assignment

    Teacher Contacts ParentsReferral to Disciplinarian

    Second Incident Zero on assignment /and an additional consequence of up to anout-of- school suspension (1-3 days) /or a failing grade for theterm depending on the severity of the incident.

    Additional Incidents Zero on assignment /and an additional consequence of up to anout-of- school suspension (1-5 days) /or a failing grade for theterm depending on the severity of the incident. Possibly notallowed to graduate from any high school in Taiwan.

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    Administrative Review CommitteeFor the good of the vast majority of the student body, individual students who consistently violate therights of others, or who exhibit little or no interest in the basic purposes of the school, will be excludedfrom the school in a manner and for a period of time consistent with the Ministry of Education in Taiwan.Violation of NNKIEH Policy will be dealt with using the following point system (points are given to thestudent based on the consequence he/she receives for his/her violation of policy).

    Consequence Point / Type of Demerit Issued

    Detention 1 Point

    In-School Suspension /A Warning 2 Points

    1-2 Day Out-of-School Suspension /Two Warnings 3 Points

    3-4 Day Out-of-School Suspension/A Minor Demerit 4 Points

    5 Day Out-of-School Suspension /Two Minor Demerits 5 Points

    10 Day Out-of-School Suspension/A Major Demerit 6 Points

    Any student reaching 12 points during the academic school year will be required to meet, along withhis/her parent/guardian, for an ADMINISTRATIVE DISCIPLINE REVIEW with the Administrative ReviewCommittee. The Review Committee shall be appointed by the principal. During the Review Committee,the student will be placed on Disciplinary Probation. If after meeting with the Review Committee, thestudent continues to violate NNKIEH Discipline Policy and reaches 16 points, the student couldpossibly be suspended out-of-school for a period of 5 days or 10 days and recommended for expulsion.

    Procedures for Clearing the Punishment Record

    IBST students will have the ability to clear their disciplinary record by displaying appropriate behavior. 2points will be deducted for each month that passes “IBST Clearing the Punishment Record DailyObservation Form.” A month is defined as 30 calendar days and starts from the last Disciplinariancontact. If after 30 days, the expectations have been met, the student will have 2 points deducted fromhis/her point total.


    Disciplinary Actions Length of Observation Period

    A Warning 1 month (30 days)

    A Minor Demerit 2 months (60 days)

    A Major Demerit 3 months (90 days)

    Probation two semesters (200 days)

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    1. After a written punishment is issued, students may request the “IBST Clearing the Punishment RecordDaily Observation Form” from the office.

    2. During the punishment clearing period, students must have their homeroom and subject teacherssign and evaluate their class performance immediately after each period of class. Missing ANY signaturesand the punishment record will not be cleared.

    3. If a teacher needs to change an evaluation, the student must have the teacher sign next to thechanges.

    4. The observation time for a Warning is 1 month, for a Minor demerit is 2 months, for a Major demeritis 3 months, and for Probation is 2 semesters.

    5. In order for the record to be cleared, students must reach a sum total of 320 with no more than 5poor performance ratings or missing signatures.

    • Rating of 3 = Excellent Performance• Rating of 2 = OK Performance.• Rating of 1 = Poor Performance• Rating of 0 = Missing Signature

    BullyingNo student should be subjected in school to bullying, aggression and violence. Accordingly, aggressivestudent behavior, including student bullying in all forms, is prohibited.

    Aggressive behavior is defined as assertive words and/or actions intended to threaten, injure,harass, provoke or incite another person or as hostile words and/or actions toward the property ofanother. Bullying is defined as student behavior, which hurts, frightens, threatens, or tyrannizesstudents who are either physically or psychologically smaller or weaker than the person engagingin bullying. Examples of bullying may include, but are not limited to:

    • Physical Bullying – may include punching, shoving, poking, hair pulling, or other similarbehaviors, and this action is deemed to disrupt the school environment.

    • Verbal Bullying – may include name calling, teasing, gossip, humiliation, intimidation, or othersimilar behaviors, and this action is deemed to disrupt the school environment.

    • Cyber Bullying – when the Internet, cell phones or other electronic devices are used to send orpost text or images intended to hurt, intimidate, or embarrass another person, and this action isdeemed to disrupt the school environment.

    Students who engage in acts of bullying may be subject to discipline in accordance with the BilingualDepartment’s general student discipline policy. Such discipline may include verbal or written reprimand,detention, loss of privileges, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension or expulsion. Parentalnotification will be made in accordance with Bilingual Department discipline policy.

    Ministry of Education's Definition of Bullying Behavior1. Acts of threatening, or purposely embarrassing another person2. With intent to frighten, demean, or harm3. Resulting in physical or emotional harm4. An imbalance of power, size, or number5. Other acts that are confirmed as bullying by the anti-bullying committee

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    Legal Consequences of the Bullying Act

    Act Legal Consequences

    Physical injuries Criminal Law (criminal charges, under 18 prosecuted at Juvenile Court)

    Invasion of rights Civic Law ($$$ compensation enforced)

    Bystanders whocheer Criminal Law (criminal charges, under 18 prosecuted at Juvenile Court)

    Cyber-distributionof bullying facts Criminal Law item (criminal charges, under 18 prosecuted at Juvenile Court)

    Physical Injuries

    Criminal Law Item 277 & 278:minor injuries up to 3 years in prisonsevere injuries 5-12 yearsdeath 7 years to life

    Physical RestrainingCriminal Law Item 302:minor cases up to 5 years in prison severe cases 3-10 yearsdeath 7 years to life

    Offense againstFreedom

    Criminal Law Item 304:invasion of rights or forcing actions against free will up to 3 years in prison (even ifonly attempted)

    Invasion of RightsCivil Law items184,193,195:Invasion of body, health, reputation, freedom, credit, privacy, personal rights$$$ penalty enforced

    Extortion (threaten/blackmail)

    Criminal Law Item 304:Causing fear / insecure of life, safety, freedom, reputation and property up to 2years

    Insults Criminal Law Item 309:up to 1 year in prison

    Offense AgainstReputation andCredit

    Criminal Law Item 310:Distribute detrimental information up to 1 year.Distribute detrimental words/graphics up to 2 years.

    Encouraging andhelping of Crime Prosecuted by the same law and consequences of the crime committed

    Bystander whoCheers

    Criminal Law 283up to 3 years (under 18 prosecuted in Juvenile Court)

    Rights of theVictimized

    By Criminal Law Item 277,278,283,286 one may press charges, andBy Civic Law Item 184,193,195 one may demand compensation

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    Closed CampusStudents arriving on the school campus may not leave without written permission from the BilingualDepartment Office. Supervised student areas will be made available to students before school. Studentsare not allowed to leave the campus for lunch. Parents cannot request an off-campus pass for thepurpose of lunch. Offenders will be subject to disciplinary action.

    Dangerous WeaponThe administration and staff of NNKIEH strive to provide a safe learning environment. Studentswho possess or use weapons or look-alikes on campus or at school-sponsored activities willreceive severe disciplinary consequences, reflecting the belief that this is a serious violation.Consequences will include, but are not limited to, out-of-school suspension and referral to civiland criminal authorities for possible action.

    NNKIEH uses the term “weapon” to mean possession, use, control, or transfer of any object which maybe used to cause bodily harm including, but not limited to, knives, guns, firearms, rifles, shotguns, brassknuckles, billy clubs, or any look-alikes of these objects. Items such as baseball bats, bottles, box-cutters,locks, sticks, pencils and pens may also be considered weapons if they are used or attempted to be usedto cause bodily harm.

    We will take a “zero” tolerance stand related to weapons at school and will recommend expulsionfor any student in violation of the school code related to weapons. Do not bring “weapons” toschool! If you do see any weapons at school, please notify the nearest staff member.

    Display of Affection by StudentsPenalties may range from reprimand to suspension depending upon type of display andrepetition.


    Students who possess, use, sell, distribute or attempt to sell or distribute controlled substances,alcohol, drug paraphernalia, or look-alike drugs or alcohol are subject to disciplinary action byNNKIEH. Students who are under the influence or exhibit the odor of alcoholic beverages will alsobe subject to disciplinary action. This policy applies to all students enrolled in NNKIEH and is ineffect at school, in school buildings and on school grounds, and all school-related activities andevents both on and off school grounds.


    CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES:1. First Infraction - recommended out-of-school suspension and referral to

    local law enforcement agency, counseling, and follow the Ministry ofEducation’s National Policy on substance abuse.

    2. Additional Infraction - recommend expulsion from school and referral to local lawenforcement agency, counseling, and follow the Ministry ofEducation’s National Policy on substance abuse.


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    ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, MARIJUANA, AND/OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES WHILEUNDER SCHOOL AUTHORITY:1. First Infraction - recommend expulsion from school and referral to local law

    enforcement agency.

    Drug ParaphernaliaNo student shall possess or have under his control any drug paraphernalia. Drug paraphernaliashall include but not be limited to cigarette papers, pipes, holders of smoking materials of anytypes, cigarette rolling machines, and other items designed primarily for the smoking or ingestionof substances made illegal under any statute or of substances whose sale, gift, barter, orexchange is made unlawful.

    Consequence: Confiscation of materials for civil authorities.1. First Infraction - recommended out-of-school suspension and referral to

    local law enforcement agency, counseling, and follow the Ministry ofEducation’s National Policy on substance abuse.

    2. Additional Infraction - recommend expulsion from school and referral to local lawenforcement agency, counseling, and follow the Ministry ofEducation’s National Policy on substance abuse.

    Sale, Attempt to Sell and/or Distribution or Attempt to Distribute Drug ParaphernaliaNo student shall sell, attempt to sell or distribute or attempt to distribute any drug paraphernalia.

    Consequence: Confiscation of materials for civil authorities.1. First Infraction - recommend expulsion from school and referral to local law

    enforcement agency.

    Electronic DevicesNNKIEH assumes no responsibility for electronic equipment brought to school; therefore, studentsare discouraged from bringing audio or related equipment to school. However, if a student doesbring such equipment, we recommend it be placed in the student’s locker or cubby before the start ofthe school day and remain there until the student leaves the building at the end of the school day.Please note that NNKIEH does not provide insurance against theft or loss of personal property andcannot reimburse students for such losses.

    Electronic Communication Devices (Cell Phones)Students are extended the privilege of possessing cell phones on school grounds; however, theymust be turned off and out of sight. Students are not permitted to use the device during schoolhours. Whenever school is in session, whether or not you have class, cell phones may not be visible orbe used. This shall include in its definition all lunch hours and hallway passing periods. The rulegoverning the use of cell phone, (“out of sight” and “off mode”) is also in effect after school and on non-school days where a quiet atmosphere is necessary, such as detention, testing, library, resource centers,computer labs, performances, etc.

    Failure to follow these procedures will result in the following consequences:Incident School ActionFirst Offense STAFF MEMBER WILL CONFISCATE THE DEVICE TILL THE END OF THE DAY

    Teacher /Student ConferenceTeacher assigned discipline

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    Parent/Guardian Contact

    Second Offense STAFF MEMBER WILL CONFISCATE THE DEVICE AND TURN IT INTOTHE DISCIPLINARIAN.Disciplinarian/ Student ConferenceDisciplinarian assigned consequence (which may include losing the privilege ofcarrying a cell phone)Parent/Guardian ContactConfiscated item to be picked up by a parent

    Additional Offense STAFF MEMBER WILL CONFISCATE THE DEVICE AND TURN IT INTOTHE DISCIPLINARIAN.Director/Disciplinarian /Student ConferenceDisciplinarian assigned consequence (which may include losing the privilege ofcarrying a cell phone)Parent/Guardian ContactConfiscated item to be picked up by parent at the semester end

    Refusal to surrender the device to school personnel when requested will result in an additionalconsequence.-The school day is defined as times when student are required for attendance.-“Off Mode” – shall mean unable to transmit or receive communication including music. Modes ofoperations such as silent, vibrating, or text messaging are considered as unacceptable and willnot be considered as “off” mode.

    Inappropriate Use of Telecommunications/TextingThe inappropriate use of telecommunication devices capable of taking and/or transmitting digitalphotographic images can create a risk factor in locker rooms, restrooms, private areas, and otherlocations where students and/or staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

    Students who engage in inappropriate use of telecommunications/texting may be subject to discipline inaccordance with the Bilingual Department’s general student discipline policy. Such discipline mayinclude verbal or written reprimand, detention, loss of privileges, in-school suspension, out-of-schoolsuspension or expulsion. Parental notification will be made in accordance with Bilingual Departmentdiscipline policy.

    **Penalties for the inappropriate use of telecommunication devices capable of taking and/ortransmitting digital photographic images are cumulative over the full period you are enrolled atNNKIEH.

    Electronic Devices, including Personal Productivity Devices (Laptops/Personal DigitalAssistants/Calculators)

    The use of electronic devices is not allowed during official school activities unless sanctioned by the staffmember responsible for the activity, as per NNKIEH school policy and will be confiscated until the end ofthe school day. Calculators may be used with permission from their subject teachers. Laptopcomputers may be used with permission and active supervision of the subject teacher. These devicesare to be used for educational purposes, including but not limited to the following: creating electronicdocuments; communicating and collaborating on educational tasks with fellow students, teachers and

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    experts; connecting to appropriate online resources for research and learning; and processinginformation.Other electronic devices may be allowed with administrator consent. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

    Refusal to surrender the device to school personnel when requested will result in anadditional consequence.-The school day is defined as times when student are required for attendance.

    Examination RegulationsThe following rules must be studied carefully by all students taking all kinds of quizzes and examinationsof the National Nanke International Experimental High School. Students who fail to observe any of theserules may be disqualified from the examination, or deducted from their scores.

    The subject teachers need to set up make-up examination rules for all the daily examinations or popquizzes. As for term examinations, the Academic Section will arrange the dates for the termexaminations and make-up term examinations.

    For term examinations, students who are physically ill or undertaking crisis aren’t able to participate inthe term examinations please see the section entitled Make-up Midterm and Final Exams.

    Before Commencement of the Examination1. Students will clear all prescribed materials from inside their desks. Such materials can go into

    their lockers or into a designated area at the back of the classroom. Generally prescribedmaterials will include textbooks, notes, review materials, etc.

    2. Students must clear their desks of ALL prescribed materials. Generally, this will mean studentsbegin the examination with only the examination and writing materials. These can also go to theback of the classroom or to students’ lockers.

    3. Students are NOT allowed to have mobile phones or other electronic devices duringexaminations. Students are required to follow the Electronic Devices Policy.

    4. Students shall be seated at least 3 minutes before the commencement of an examination andkeep silent. They must sit according to a seating plan created by the administrator and/or theproctor. During the examination, the proctor may alter the seating arrangements.

    5. Students should bring their student ID cards to the examination and be prepared, if challenged,to present them to the proctor or an alternative form of ID with the name of the student and apicture.

    6. Electronic calculators may be used in an examination if specifically allowed by theadministrators or subject teachers. The calculators should be set up as the default before theexaminations (clear a-z and the screen).

    7. No candidate shall start the examination until instructed to do so by the proctor.8. Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed in the examination room.

    During the Examination1. If the Subject teacher is not the proctor, he/she may only be available for ten minutes to answer

    questions.2. No candidate shall normally be admitted to an examination room 20 minutes or more after the

    start of the examination.3. After the examination has been in progress for more than 40 minutes, students may be allowed

    to leave the examination room, with a hall pass at the discretion of the proctor. However,students may not be permitted to leave the examination room in the final 5 minutes of the

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    examination.4. During the examination, student cannot talk to each other or to the proctor unless following the

    proscribed procedure. Generally, this will entail the student raising his/her hand, the teachergoing to the student’s desk, and the student asking one question. Such questioning should bekept to an absolute minimum.

    5. If students are suspected of cheating, the front cover of the test paper envelope will be signedby the proctor noting the possible violation.

    6. Students must follow the required instructions and clearly write out name or other requiredinformation.

    At the End of the Examination1. An examination shall not be extended beyond the scheduled time of ending to accommodate

    late arrivals.2. At the end of the examination, students shall remain seated quietly until they are told to leave

    the examination room. They shall not take away any items issued by the proctor out of theexamination room.

    3. Students who pass the time limit and still continue to complete the examination without theproctor’s permission, will have their examination score lowered.

    4. Students finishing an examination will raise their hands, and the proctors will get theexamination. Students cannot simply get up and turn in the examination.

    5. Students can neither leave their seats nor the examination room with the proctor’s permission.

    ConsequencesAny failure to follow the examination procedures will result in deductions from the final score, asdetermined by the program director, Academic Section Chief, Disciplinarian, the proctor, and subjectteacher and may result in the student failing the examination.

    Failure To Report To The DisciplinariansStudents directed to report to the Disciplinarian for a disciplinary matter, but failing to do so, couldresult in a suspension of up to five days or other disciplinary action.

    Fighting/Student HarassmentSituations which endanger the health and safety of others in the school will not be tolerated.Physical confrontation is a dangerous and inappropriate method for solving problems. Studentsare expected to solve problems through proper channels (teacher, counselor, or Disciplinarian).Students who engage in fights should be prepared to receive the disciplinary consequences. Pushing,shoving, wrestling, etc. may be considered as fighting regardless of intent.

    Students involved in fighting, agitating to fight, verbal altercations, or harassing another student shallbe subject to disciplinary consequences including any or a combination of the following:Recommendation for Expulsion, Financial Restitution, Police Referral, Out-of- School Suspension, In-School Suspension, Detention, Parent Contact, Student/Dean Conference. ANY ORGANIZED GROUPOR GANG-RELATED FIGHT WILL RESULT IN A 5-DAY OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION, POLICE REFERRALAND A RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION.

    GamblingNo gambling will be permitted. The law prohibits gambling for money in public schools.Insubordination, Battery and/or Physical Assault

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    Refusal to comply with reasonable, established, and well-defined school rules and regulations, orrefusal to obey reasonable directions of school personnel. Offenders will be subject todisciplinary action.

    Assault or physical/verbal attack on school personnel on or off school grounds will be recommended fora 5-day out-of-school suspension. A parent will be contacted immediately to establish aconference. Local police authorities may be notified, and a recommendation for expulsion may bemade to the Principal.

    IntimidationEvery student is entitled to attend school free from harassment, threats or fear. Studentsharassing, threatening or making it difficult for others to attend school will be subject toconsequences by the Disciplinarian.

    Laser PointersLaser pointers are dangerous and disrupt the educational environment. Students found to be inpossession or use of a laser pointer on school grounds, on the bus, or any school-related activityat home or away will be subject to disciplinary action through the Deans’ office and the laserwill be confiscated.

    Lockers or CubbiesStudent lockers or cubbies may be assigned to students. STUDENTS MUST USE ONLY THEIR ASSIGNEDLOCKER OR CUBBIE. The ownership of the locker or cubbie is maintained by the school, and the studentis granted a limited use of the locker solely in accordance with these regulations. Students have noexpectations of privacy in school lockers.

    A. The only items that may be placed in the lockers are articles of clothing, school books orsupplies relating to school use, lunches and personal items which the student is legallyentitled to have in their possession.

    B. Lockers may be searched by the school personnel at any time. When possible, thestudent should be present for the opening of the locker or cubbie.

    C. Student locks must be authorized by the school. Unauthorized locks will be removed at thestudent’s expense.

    D. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property.

    Necessary Use of Force by Staff MemberStaff members may apply sufficient physical force necessary to maintain or restore order in theschool building (for example, restraining fighting students), on the school campus and at school-sponsored activities.

    Possession of Tobacco ProductsThe possession of tobacco, look-alike tobacco products or use of tobacco in any manner in thebuilding, parking lot or at school activities will constitute a violation of this policy, and the studentwill be subject to the following disciplinary action:

    First Infraction - a) Possible out of school suspensionb) Parent phone contactc) Referred to local authorities, school counselor

    Second Infraction - a) 5-day out-of-school suspensionb) Parent contacted

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    c) Referred to local authorities, school counselor

    Third Infraction - a) Recommended for expulsionb) Parent contactedc) Referred to local authorities, school counselor

    Profanity/Verbal AbuseThe use of profanities or obscenities will not be tolerated. The use of profanities or obscenitiesnot directed at a teacher will result in one or a combination of the following:

    Teacher/Student ConferenceParent ContactDisciplinarian/Student ConferenceBehavior ContractDetentionIn-School SuspensionOut-of-School Suspension

    The use of profanities or obscenities directed at a teacher or school personnel will result in parentcontact and suspension from school.

    School Reputation and SafetyAny action which endangers the safety and well being of others or the reputation of the school will notbe tolerated. Examples: sounding a false fire alarm, public vandalism, breaking the law etc., on or offcampus, whether or not school is in session. Consequences range from detention to expulsion.

    The person activating a false alarm victimizes the entire student body and staff through theirirresponsible actions. People are put in dangerous situations, and the entire school day isdisrupted.

    Search and SeizureStudents are hereby notified that school lockers, desks, storage facilities and other schoolproperty are subject to searches at any time for any reason.

    School property, including but not limited to desks and lockers, is owned and controlled by NNKIEH andthe School may make reasonable regulations regarding its use. School officials are authorized to conductarea-wide general administrative inspections of school property (e.g. searches of all student lockers orcubbies) as a means of protecting the health, safety or welfare of the School, its employees and students,without notice to or consent of the student and without a search warrant.

    If a search conducted in accordance with this policy produces evidence that the student has violated oris violating either the law or NNKIEH rules, such evidence may be seized and impounded by schoolauthorities, and disciplinary action may be taken. When appropriate, such evidence may be transferredto law enforcement authorities.Locker or Cubbie - Students are advised that the administration has the right to open and inspectstudent lockers or cubbies should there be reasonable suspicion of anything inappropriate, improper,illegal, or unsafe within.

    Sexual HarassmentSexual harassment of students is prohibited. Sexual harassment is defined as follows:

    1. An employee’s unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,

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    and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or sex-based nature, imposed on the basisof sex, that denies or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment;or that makes such conduct a condition of a student’s academic status.

    2. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physicalconduct of a sexual or sex-based nature by anyone, including students, imposed on thebasis of sex, that has the purpose or effect of (a) substantially interfering with a student’seducational environment; (b) creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educationalenvironment; (c) depriving a student of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or(d) making submission to or rejection of such unwelcome conduct the basis for academicdecisions affecting a student.

    Students who believe they are victims of sexual harassment are encouraged to discuss thematter with the counselor, disciplinarian, or Principal.

    Student Hair/Dress/Clothing StandardNNKIEH has determined the primary purpose of the school to be education, and that mattersof personal dress and grooming should be appropriate for the situation. Students should come toschool dressed in clothing appropriate for instruction. NNKIEH accepts and fully recognizes that thebasic responsibility for dress rests with the students and his/her parents, but experience hasdemonstrated the need for certain restrictions in this area.

    1. Students are expected to keep an appropriate hairstyle. The administration reserves the right tojudge the appropriateness of students’ hairdo.

    2. Articles of clothing considered offensive or inappropriate will not be allowed.a. Any clothing that is too revealing, provocative, disruptive in the classroom, endangers the

    health and welfare of students, or is not conducive to a positive student climate will not beallowed within our school.

    b. In addition, those articles of clothing include, but are not limited to, shorts that are toorevealing or shorter than fingertips, cut-offs, mini-skirts, tank-tops, spaghetti straps, midrifftops shall not be worn in school.

    c. Clothing, medallions, pins or jewelry with suggestive double meanings, vulgar or obscenelanguage, or prompting drugs, tobacco, or alcohol are not permissible.

    d. Jewelry/accessories must be appropriate for school and not present a safety hazard.Excessive jewelry is not allowed at school.

    e. Hats, headgear, etc. can not be worn on campus except during the yearly school Field Dayactivities (and other pre-approved activities in which such items are required) with teacherspermission.

    f. Other requirements that ensure the tidiness ad neatness of casual clothes- wearing are alsoenforced.

    g. Flip-flops, slippers are not to be worn in school. Sandals are allowed.

    Students who are dressed inappropriately will be required to obtain the proper clothing. This maynecessitate a parent/guardian to take the student off campus in order to acquire the needed effects.The student will be removed from class and will not be allowed to return while dressed in aninappropriate manner.

    The responsibility for implementing the rules and regulations which NNKIEH expects every student toobserve is delegated to the principal or designee who has the authority to make discretionaryjudgments regarding the appropriateness of student dress and to take corrective and/or disciplinaryaction as necessary. Infraction will result in:

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    First Offense Teacher/Student ConferenceOpportunity to remove/change inappropriate item

    Second Offense Teacher/Student ConferenceTeacher assigned disciplineParent/Guardian contacted

    Additional Offense Disciplinarian/ Student ConferenceParent/Guardian contactedA picture of inappropriate clothing/student may be taken forschool records.

    Student I.D. CardEach student will receive a picture I.D. card at registration. For the safety and security of thestudents of NNKIEH, it is required that each student have, in their possession, a bona fide I.D. cardat all times. Students must be prepared to present this I.D. card upon request by any schoolpersonnel. Students will not be allowed to check out books from the library without an I.D. card. If thecard is misplaced, lost or stolen, the student must purchase a new card in the Bilingual DepartmentOffice.

    Theft/Possession of Stolen PropertyStudents involved in the theft of property or goods or the possession of stolen property from otherstudents or school personnel will be dealt with in the best means of remediation determined bythe administration.

    Consequence includes one or a combination of the following: Recommendation for Expulsion,Financial Restitution, Police Referral, Out-of-School Suspension, In-School Suspension, Detention,Parent Contact, Student/Disciplinarian Conference.

    VandalismVandalism of any nature (writing on desks, walls, damaging school or personal property, and otherdestructive acts) may result in anything from detention to a recommendation for expulsion. Suchoffenders will also be required to make necessary restitution for all charges pertaining to their act ofvandalism.

    WashroomsPasses to washrooms will not be issued during class unless it is an emergency. Washrooms areto be used for the purpose intended. Loitering in any washroom will not be tolerated at any time.


    Health Services

    NNKIEH provides minimum services to students who become ill or injured while in school.Emergency treatment is available through the office of Health Services. Students who become illduring the school day are to report to the nurse’s office. If illness is such that the nurse requeststhat the student should be allowed to go home, such permission will be granted after the parentshave been notified.

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    NNKIEH carries accident insurance for the individual student. This policy covers student injuryduring school-sponsored and school-supervised events.


    All students may use the library during the regular class day. This includes during class with teachersupervision, or during their own time for independent research or study with the permission of theirteacher or librarian. Each student presenting a NNKIEH student I.D. may borrow three books for a two-week period. Students are responsible for any materials checked out in their names. Teacher may placetitles on a non-circulating reserve list for a specific period of time, thereby insuring all students haveequal access to certain library materials.

    Renewals- Books may be renewed as needed, unless they are on reserve for another student. Somelimits may be placed on high usage titles. When renewing a book, the borrower mush present the bookin person to the librarian in order to receive an extension. If a book is not renewed or returned by theend of the regular loan period, the borrower may not check out another item until the overdue book isreturned or payment is made for the lost book. Fines are not charged for overdue items, but a student’sborrowing privileges may be revoked if materials are consistently overdue.

    Behavior- While in the library, students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner.Food and drinks are not allowed in the library. Loud talking is not appropriate as it is not conducive tolibrary study. Students exhibiting any unacceptable behavior will be asked to leave the library andrepeated conduct could result in library privileges being revoked.

    Notices- In-school notices for overdue books are sent to students through their homeroom teachers.Report cards are held at the end of the grading period until overdue materials are returned or lost itemfees are paid.

    Book Damage or Loss- Students are expected to pay for damaged or lost books. The cost will bedetermined by the current replacement cost of the book, plus processing fees. Students who do notmeet these obligations lose further borrowing privileges.

    Lost And Found

    Many articles are lost or misplaced during the school year. A record and storage of lost and founditems is maintained in the Bilingual Department Office.

    Reporting a Theft

    Immediately report any theft to your teacher and/or Disciplinarian. Please note that NNKIEH does notprovide insurance against theft or loss of personal property and cannot reimburse students forsuch losses. You should be well advised not to bring valuables or large amounts of money toschool.

    School Counselor

    The School Counselor serves those students experiencing personal problems, whichmay interfere with their full use of the educational program of the school. They work together withstudents, parents and school personnel to help make school a successful and useful experience.

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    The School Counselor meets with students individually and in groups to help students resolve a varietyof problems such as: academic failure, truancy, family problems, alcohol/drug abuse, and crisissituations.

    School Lunches

    The NNKIEH Bilingual Department offers a hot lunch for each student with a vegetarian option. Lunchfees are paid every 2 months. School lunches are optional as some parents prefer to pack a lunch fortheir child. Lunch is eaten in the classroom and students must bring their own utensils.

    Fee Payment OptionsStudents can choose from a variety of payment options including bank counters, ATMs, Internet banking,Internet ATMs, Internet credit card payment (offered by 32 credi