INTERNATIONAL CONSULTATION 2016 - CMC Vellore · CMC in 1983 and after 33 years of service, retired...

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INTERNATIONAL CONSULTATION 2016"Striving for Excellence in all Spheres"

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Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ Galatians 6:2

he 5th International Consultation2016 was held from 2nd to 6th

October, 2016 at the ScudderAuditorium and Examination Hall. Thetheme for this Consultation was “Strivingfor Excellence in all Spheres” and was wellattended by national and internationalexperts and CMC faculty, staff and students.As a run up for this Consultation, over20 groups introspected and analysedCMC’s position in various spheresand planned trajectories, which werediscussed within the institution, with theadministration and at the Consultation Circleswith additional input from external experts.

On the first day, the Consultation beganwith the theme Theology-Vision-Mission-Ethics. The morning began with a time ofdevotion on “Advancing the Kingdomof God” by Mr. Paul Balasundaram,associated with the organisation Starfish,India, a powerful message which set thepace for the Consultation.

This was followed by meaningful keynoteaddresses on the “Theology of the Cross”by Dr. Arul Anketell from Srilanka,associated with Healthcare ChristianFellowship (HCF), “Revisiting the Visionand Mission” by Dr. Kuruvilla Varkey,“Witness” by Dr. Vinod Shah, and“Christian Ethics in Healing Process” byDr. Joshua Kalapati from MadrasChristian College (MCC). This wasfollowed by presentations, groupdiscussions and a plenary session chairedby Dr. Samuel Chittaranjan and Dr. JoycePonnaiya. The first day ended with a ChapelService where the message was deliveredby Dr. M.C. Mathew, Chairman, CMC VelloreAssociation, followed by a Sound and LightShow at the Sunken Garden, organised byDr. Sanjeeth Peter and team.Group discussions in session

On the 2nd day, the devotion was led byRev. Dr. T. Arul Dhas based on the themeEducation. Keynote addresses byDr. R.W. Alexander Jesudason, Principaland Secretary of MCC, on “IndianChristian Colleges – Their Mission andRole,” followed by “Challenges andOpportunities in Health ProfessionalEducation” by Dr. Abraham Joseph, formerDirector of Christian Institute of HealthSciences and Research, Dimapur, weredelivered. This was followed bypresentations and discussions onEducation at the Medical College.The plenary on this was chaired byDr. George Mathew.


Dr. V.I. Mathan

Dr. Anindya Dutta

Dr. Ardith Z. Doorenbos

Dr. John C. Oommen

Morning devotion

Dr. R.W. Alexander Jesudason

Dr. Fr. Thomas C. Mathew






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There were also keynote addresses byDr. Ardith Z. Doorenbos, from University ofWashington - School of Medicine, Seattle,on the “Future of Global Nursing” followedby discussions on nursing education atthe College of Nursing and a plenary chairedby Dr. Punitha Ezhilarasu and Mrs. RosalineJayakaran.

In the evening open house session, therewas a talk by Dr. V.I. Mathan, challengingthe staff and students on their role in CMCentitled “To the 7th Generation.” Dr. JohnnyOommen then addressed the gathering in apassionate and yet humorous talk on “Lifeafter CMC!” delivered in his own distinctstyle. The programme started with lead-insongs and ended with an entertainment bythe medical students.

On the 3rd day, devotion was led byRev. Dr. T. Aruldhas on the theme for theday - CMC as a Leader – Responding toChallenges – Governance – Research –Bioethics – Human Resource. Keynote ad-dresses followed, which weredelivered by Dr. Sunil T. Chandy on“CMC as a Leader,” Dr. M.C. Mathew on“Opportunities for CMC Vellore at itsHundredth Year of Medical Education,”and Dr. Fr. Thomas C. Mathew,Vice-Chancellor of Christ University,Bengaluru, on “Alternate Models in theAdministration of Education,” where hestressed the importance of autonomy ineducation. Dr. George M. Chandy thenspoke on “Understanding the Times”followed by group discussions and aplenary chaired by Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji.

The focus then shifted to Research, with akeynote address by Dr. Anindya Dutta, fromUniversity of Virginia, representing VelloreCMC Foundation Inc. New York, on “TheDirection CMC can Take” and the supportthe Foundation is willing to provide. Thiswas followed by group discussions and a

plenary chaired by Dr. V.I. Mathan.A session on Bioethics with groupdiscussions followed by a session onHuman Resource at CMC with halldiscussions and a presentation byDr. M.J. Paul on “Work Life Balance atCMC,” followed, both of which were chairedby Dr. Prathap Tharyan. The day ended witha Concert by Hill Song College, Australia,and Glorious, from Bengaluru.

On 4th day, the devotion was led byRev. Dr. Finney Alexander based onPatient Services – Quality – Legal –Community Outreach – MissionOutreach – Partnerships. The keynoteaddresses, began with Dr. Daleep S. Mukarjion “Community Outreach-My Perspective,”Dr. Abraham Mammen on Medico-legalissues pertaining to healthcare workers.This was followed by discussions on theabove themes including services at CMCwith presentations, at a plenary chaired byDr. S.R. Banerjee Jesudason and Dr. DaleepMukarji. One of the most important facetsof our being is Missions and Partnershipsfor which the rest of the afternoon wasdevoted. Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji initiateddiscussions based on a talk “Who is myneighbour?” followed by Dr. Nesa Josephfrom Visiting Nurse Association of GreaterSt. Louis who was introduced byDr. Honorine Ward, Chair, Vellore CMCFoundation Inc., New York, and he spokeon the topic “Is A Just Christian HealthSystem in India an Ideal or Reality?”

This was followed by group discussions anda plenary chaired by Dr. Kuruvilla Varkeyand Dr. Isaac Jebaraj. The eveningopen-hall session started, followinglead-in songs by nursing students.Dr. Leah Macaden spoke on “Nurses asAmbassadors” and Dr. Paul Balasundaramspoke on “Ideas have Consequences.”

The day ended with an entertainment by thenursing students.

On the final day of Consultation 2016,the focus was on Other Campuses –Information Technology – Infrastructure –Safety – Finance. Rev. D.P. Joseph Devarajled the devotion. The day’s keynote addresswas on “E-health in Digital India” viavideo-conferencing by Prof. Suptendra NathSarbadhikari, associated with Centre forHealth Informatics, National Health Portal.This was followed by hall discussions onIT at CMC chaired by Dr. SureshDevasahaym. Presentations on Safety,Infrastructure at CMC, Kannigapuram andChittoor, were followed by discussionschaired by Dr. Edwin Stephen,Mr. T.S. Ravikumar, Mr. P.W.C. Davidar, IASand Dr. M.C. Mathew for the varioussessions. The afternoon commenced with atalk on “Finance-Prudence and Logic” byMr. Collin Timms from Guardian Bank,Bengaluru, followed by a presentation onFinance at CMC, with hall discussions; theplenary was chaired by Dr. Ravi J. Korula.Consultation 2016 then came to an end with avaledictory function.

Each day’s meetings opened upopportunities to pay attention to thewisdom and suggestions of externalspeakers, in addition to faculty, staff andstudents from CMC. Some of CMC’soutstanding alumni, influential well-wishers, representatives from overseasFriends of Vellore groups, leaders from themission field and members of the Councilalso took part in this planning exercise.The discussions and trajectories will bepresented to the special Council in October2016, and thereafter made into strategic gridswith further input, before receiving finalapproval by the Council in January 2017.

CMC, as an institution has traditionally gonethrough this process of reflection,self-evaluation and strategic planning for thefuture. In the past, this process was held in1980, 1991, 2002, and 2010. Since the targetand action plans from the previousConsultation have mostly been met orsuperseded by other developments, CMCorganised Consultation 2016. CMC thanksDr. John C. Muthusami, Professor ofSurgery, who willingly shouldered the entireresponsibility of organising Consultation2016 and spearheaded its success.Performances by Nursing Students

Performances by Medical Students





3Continued on Page 4

Low Cost Effective Care Unit and the Department of Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation (LCECU & PMR) initiated a Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)Programme in 2002, for people with disabilities (PWD) living in urban slums ofVellore. A group of trained CBR volunteers have been identifying, intervening andreferring people with disabilities and enhancing their quality of life. An annualgathering of PWDs of urban Vellore, called CBR 'Thiruvizha' (fair) has beenconducted since 2004 to strengthen the network among them.

This year too, CBR volunteers organised Thiruvizha on 17th September, 2016, at the Roman Catholic ManagementUthiriyamatha Middle School, Old Town, Vellore. Along with them, the Community Health and RehabilitationVolunteers (CHARV), the alumni of Like Skills Training and Community Health workers of LCECU also shared variousresponsibilities in making the event a success.CBR Thiruvizha 2016 marked the 12th consecutive year of such a celebration. Dr. RajiThomas, Professor and Head, PMR, presided at the occasion, attended by staff from theDepartments of Ophthalmology, LCECU and PMR. Games and group discussions for thePWDs were the highlights of the day, followed by a cultural programme put up by them, alongwith children and the volunteers.A total of 150 people witnessed the programme and 71 PWDs participated in the talent show. The team hopes to reachout to more PWDs of Vellore through similar endeavours in the future.

Sports NewsAt the Staff Hockey Tournament 2015, held on 17th September, 2016, the following were awarded prizes by thechief guests, Dr. Boopalan P.R.J.U.C, Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Dr. Henry Prakash, Professor,Department of Physical Medcine & Rehabilitation: Winners: Hospital Team. Runners-up: College Team.

MemorandaDr. O.C. Abraham, Professor of Medicine is appointed Head of the Department of General Medicine, with effectfrom October 15, 2016 till his superannuation.Dr. Dincy Peter C.V., Professor of Dermatology is appointed Acting Head of the Department of Dermatology,Venerology & Leprosy, with effect from October 15, 2016 till the return of Dr. Susanne Alexander Pulimood fromsabbatical leave.

• Dr. Sreekanth. R, Associate Professor, Department of Hand Surgery, won the Bronze medal for the paperpresentation titled “Effectiveness of multiple stab incision in contrast extravasation of the hand and forearm”in the National Conference of Indian Society of the Hand, held in Ranchi in September 2016.

• Ms. Ansu Sara Mani, Medical Physics Inter, Department of Radiotherapy,. won the Best Paper Award - FirstPrize for an oral presentation titled "Micro-MOSFET and In-water Calibrtion of HDR Ir192 Brachytherapy Source"at the 21st Annual Conference of Assocation of Medical Physicists of India (TN & PY Chapter) - 2016, held on1st and 2nd October, 2016 at Madurai, organized by Madurai Medical College and Government Rajaji Hospital.

• The following candidates were successful in the Postgraduate Higher Specialty Examination held in August 2016:M.Ch. Neurosurgery (6 years) (Part-I):Dr. Swaminathan G.; Dr. Sauradeep Sarkar and Dr. Reman Ramesh Nair.

M.Ch. Neurosurgery (6 years) (Part-II):Dr. Irwin P.T.; Dr. Muralidharan V. and Dr. Sohet Gogia.



Mr. V. Herbert Jaiwanth Kumar, Sr. Gr. Artisan Gr. I (ALC), P & O Services, began his career inCMC in 1983 and after 33 years of service, retired on 26th September, 2016. He is blessed withtwo children: his elder son, Mr. Franklin Jebaraj Herbert is pursuing his PhD. in Stem Cells and hisyounger son, Mr. Samuel Jayaraj is a Marine Engineer.

14 years of Community-Based Rehabilitation Programme of CMC celebrated at special fair






Situations Vacant


1. Assistant Professor Gr.II with M.S. (Orthopaedics) for theDepartment of Orthopaedics Unit-IISalary scale: As per institutional rules. Accommodation provided(Partly furnished, depending on availability).

2. Tutor Gr.IV with BOT (Regular Course) for the Department ofPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Occupational Therapy)Salary scale: As per institutional rules. Accommodation not provided.Apply with bio-data, certificates and testimonial copies with contact phonenumber, email ID and address to the Principal, Christian Medical College,Bagayam, Vellore-632 002, email : on or before October 22, 2016 for Item 1 andOctober 31, 2016 for Item 2.

3. Clinical Occupational Therapist for the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation(Occupational Therapy)Qualification: BOT Graduate from IAP recognised College / University and should have completed six months ofcompulsory internship. Experience: Preferably less than 4 years after internship completion.Age limit: Less than 30 years. Term: One year (Posting: all clinical areas).Monthly stipend: Rs.8,990/- Accommodation not provided.Apply with bio-data, photocopies of qualifying certificates, email ID, postal address and mobile numbers to thePrincipal, Christian Medical College, Bagayam, Vellore-632 002, on or before October 31, 2016 for Item 3.4. Senior House Surgeon for CMC Vellore Chittoor CampusQualification: BDS with Tamil Nadu Dental Council Registration.Consolidated pay: Rs.19,250/-. Accommodation will be provided.5. Staff III Chairside Assistant (Project) for CMC Vellore Chittoor CampusQualifications: H.Sc. (+2) or equivalent + pass in Dental Hygienist Course + pass in Dental Assistance Course andregistered with State Dental Council.Salary scale: As per institutional rules. Age limit: 35 years. Job description: Chairside Assisting, Scaling etc.,Applications to be done only through online application system. Please log on to http://www.cmch-vellore.eduLink: “Vacancies”. Note : Only online applications will be accepted; Hard copies will not be accepted.Applications will close on October 31, 2016 for Items 4 and 5.

Retirements Continued from Page 3

Mrs. Shantha Kumari Henry, ANM, Schell Eye Hospital,entered into eternal rest on 12th October, 2016. She joined CMC asan Auxiliary Nurse Midwife on 15th March, 1983 and served in theIda Scudder Ward till 2009. From 2009 to 2016, she worked in theSchell Eye Hospital, for over 33 years. Her husband, Mr. Ezhil Henry,retired from the Medical Records Department. Their son, Mr. Paul

Inbaraj and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Divya Paul are alumni of Occupational Therapy,and their daughter, Mrs. Sangeetha Daniel is a Staff Nurse in the Nursery.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved members of the family atthis time of grief and loss.

Obituary: Mrs. Shantha Kumari Henry

Mrs. Jayalakshmi Sekar, Sr. Gr. Nursing Auxiliary, retired on 10th October, 2016, after 38 years ofservice to the institution. She joined CMC in 1977, was posted in various ORs, and was laterpermanently posted in Orthopaedic OR. She completed the AO Instrument Technician Course atAIIMS, New Delhi in 1995 and later, AO Fellowship for Operating Room personnel in UK. She wasdesignated to take care of orthopaedic instruments and implants, since 1995.

Her husband, Mr. Sekar, is a retired BSNL employee and they have two children and three grandchildren: their elder son,Mr. Arulselvan is a Radiographer and their younger son, Mr. Krishnamoorthy is a Physiotherapist at Abu Dhabi.

The CMC Community is thankful for their dedication to the institution and bids them a blissful retirement.

Special Prayers: October 16 - 22, 2016

RUHSA : Dr. Rita Isaac and Staff

Tamil Evangelical Lutheran ChurchCouncil Members :

Rt. Rev. S. Edwin JayakumarDr. C.A. Nelson Jesudasan

Hospital : St. Joseph Eye Hospital, Trichy and others

Sunday Services : October 23, 20166.00 pm : Scudder Auditorium

Mr. Graham Kendrick

6.30 pm : Hospital ChapelDr. Gladwin D Khanapur

We welcome:Mrs. Lallu Joseph, Asst. Manager,QMC - Directorate, on her return fromsabbatical leave.Days to remember:International Day for theEradication of Poverty - October 17World Iodine Day - October 21